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1Ryuzoji, Bokuden  Empty Ryuzoji, Bokuden Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:35 pm



[Perception: C-2 > B-1 | 1680/1680] 500 ryo
[Speed: E-0 > E-3 | 360/360]
[Strength: E-0 > E-2 | 180/180]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: B-1 > S-0 | 6160/6160] 1825 ryo
[Speed: E-3 > D-1 | 500/500] 25 ryo
[Endurance: E-0 > E-1 | 60/60]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: S-0 > S-1 | 1400/1400] 350 ryo
[Strength: E-2 > E-3 | 180/180]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: S-1 > S-2 | 1600/1600] 375 ryo
[Speed: D-1 > D-2 | 320/320] 50 ryo
[Strength: E-3 > D-0 | 240/240]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: S-2 > S-3 | 1800/1800] 400 ryo
[Speed: D-2 > D-3 | 360/360] 75 ryo

Trained ~here~

[Speed: D-3 > A-0 | 5200/5200] 1400 ryo
[Strength: D-0 > D-3 | 1175/1175] 150 ryo
[Endurance: E-1 > E-2 | 120/120]

Trained ~here~

5150 ryo in total.

2Ryuzoji, Bokuden  Empty Re: Ryuzoji, Bokuden Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:44 pm



Bokuden wrote:[Perception: C-2 > B-1 | 1680/1680] 500 ryo
[Speed: E-0 > E-3 | 360/360]
[Strength: E-0 > E-2 | 180/180]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: B-1 > S-0 | 6160/6160] 1825 ryo
[Speed: E-3 > D-1 | 500/500] 25 ryo
[Endurance: E-0 > E-1 | 60/60]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: S-0 > S-1 | 1400/1400] 350 ryo
[Strength: E-2 > E-3 | 180/180]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: S-1 > S-2 | 1600/1600] 375 ryo
[Speed: D-1 > D-2 | 320/320] 50 ryo
[Strength: E-3 > D-0 | 240/240]

Trained ~here~

[Perception: S-2 > S-3 | 1800/1800] 400 ryo
[Speed: D-2 > D-3 | 360/360] 75 ryo

Trained ~here~

[Speed: D-3 > A-0 | 5200/5200] 1400 ryo
[Strength: D-0 > D-3 | 1175/1175] 150 ryo
[Endurance: E-1 > E-2 | 120/120]

Trained ~here~

5150 ryo in total.

Approved, Deducted, and Updated.

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