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1The testing grounds(private, Striker) Empty The testing grounds(private, Striker) Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:33 am



all stats are D-ranked
A maximum of 3-C rank justu and 3-D Rank justu
All standard combat rules apply
Chakra = 175
Clan KKG and Academy justu do not count for max
Items = 5 Kunai

Kaekio's Justu:

Kaekio stepped out onto the tiled floor that covered the base of the arena she was standing in. standing in the center of the arena walls surrounded her about 30 meters in each direction. these were made of unbreakable glass and reach 50 meters up. a large obedience had gather behind the glass in order to watch the fight about to unfold. kaekio stood there awaiting her opponents arrival. she knew that this was gonna be a fun fight. she looked around the arena to find nothing else but the small 1/4 of a meter tiles on the ground, and that was it. the rest was cleared for battle.

OOC: ooc comment typically go here, the post was short to just get us started, and i described the environment, but left most of it up for interruption. make sure that if you plan on using the environment to your advantage you call things out in your first post, and it cannot go against what i said. other than that let the fight begin!

Item's 5 kunai plus 2 rusty katana's (in inventory)
Chakra 175/175
Justu used:
None (but it would go here as well as the cost of it)

Last edited by Kaekio on Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:53 am; edited 1 time in total

2The testing grounds(private, Striker) Empty Arrival Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:47 am

Striker Tashigi

Striker Tashigi

Striker's Jutsu:
~Striker arrived at the center of the arena about fourteen meter's away from his opponent.Striker took a three-hundred an sixty degree turn around to look a the audience that had gathered just outside the glass.He took his right hand and ruffled the hair in the back of his head releasing a weak yawn,he was tired of waiting and he was ready to get into some action after his time away from the battlefield.Striker laughed a bit looking his opponent in excitement.She was his first opponent in a while and she looked promising.Striker wouldn't be surprised if she swept the floor with him.He looked to the tile floor and tapped his right foot repeatedly.~

"This is a hard landing for who take's an impact.."

~He looked back up to his opponent drawing one of his five kunai out of the pouch that was wrapped to the right pants leg of his shorts.Holding it in a reverse grip and yet to grasp hold of his red steeled nine inch katana that was latched onto his white backpack horizontally,safely concealed of course.Striker smiled to his opponent and spoke one last time.~

"Let's keep it interesting for the crowd."

OOC: Alright I'm sorry for the wait

Chakra 175/175
Jutsu used: None



"Let's keep it interesting for the crowd." Kaekio scuffed at this. "i would be less worried about the crowd, and more concerned for your own safety at this moment." kaekio said in a tone of voice that gave off the impression that she was not messing around. that this fight was for real. no one was going to underestimate her. not again. she was going to prove that she was worthy of anything, and that she could raise above expectations. Kaekio felt the two swords on her back begging to be released and unleashed on her opponent, however she had been limited before she had entered the arena and so she wasn't at her peak strength, or have her usual justu at her disposal. this may or may not pose a problem for the young blue haired girl, however it was of no concern to her, she would fight this fight with all that she had. kaekio watched as her opponent grabbed a kunai and held it in his hands, most likely for protection. kaekio smiled. did he really think that that protection was gonna be enough to face her? well there was only one way she could find out. she reached in her pocket and grabbed all five of her kunai, and held 3 in one hand and three in the other, then she threw them all at her opponent at once. one aimed slightly to the right of him, one aimed to the left, 1 aimed at his head, 1 aimed at his crouch, and finnally the last headed for his chest. he would have a fun time trying to figure this one out. as she threw the kunai she also sprinted forwards planning to met her opponent in closer combat, but she stopped at 8 meters, crossing the gap for her previous space and her current location within about a second, as she ran she had made the handsigns for her tiles shuriken justu. she sent her chakra out and collect 10 tiles around her on the ground, these tiles floated upwards and were compressed into shuriken, leaving a brown spot of dirt in place of where the tiles were. then the shuirken where launched at where ever her opponent may be, in the same format that the Kunai were thrown except it was 2 shuriken per side this time, and they were moving much faster, bridging the gap in less than a second. as the shuriken were launched kaekio inhaled deeply. she had one final trick up her sleeve. then she exhaled releasing a gas invisible to the human eye. however this gas did produce a fowl smell if you were in it. this gas filled up the 10 meters in front of her (facing toward her opponent) in an instance. then she simply waited.

Chakra: 155/175
Justu used
Shuriken tile justu - 10 for activation
Misty flames dance - 10 for activation

4The testing grounds(private, Striker) Empty ~{"Counter"}~ Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:56 am

Striker Tashigi

Striker Tashigi

"Tch..your cute but you might seem troublesome..I'll have to handle this before you become a real issue."

~{Striker heard her word's looking to her as she drew her kunai an launched them at him with a lethal intent.Striker allowed a smirk to crack upon his face just before the first unit of kunai arrived to him.He swiftly conjured multiple hand signs in which would have went by in what would have looked to be a split second.He clapped his hands together allowing his finger's to lap between each other.A wave of lightning would flow from his body in that of a split moment repelling the kunai back at kaekio.Striker noticed that she had a short fuse as a kunoichi.She was also adorable in Striker's eye's but, he chose to handle this matter after the match was complete.Striker noticed the tiles on the floor rising to become her weapons and coming from the same angles the kunai were earlier.The kunai that he repelled took out one of the tiles from each angle.The other tiles made their course and Striker simply re-used the jutsu that he had done earlier repelling them and giving them a slight jolt,seeing she wasn't so far behind her tile's she could be his by them seeing now that they were only a neck hair away from tearing at her flesh.Striker noticed her last inhale which looked as if she was preparing a new jutsu. just a few moment's before she could exhale striker jumped back a few times making the distance between them about 12 meters wide.Striker then came up with a solution after he saw her exhale and it was clear as if she had just exhaled her everyday oxygen but, taking a keen eye to it he thought to himself this technique could be a problem and if it was truly a gas that she exhaled he could try and finish the fight here,if the gas was any sort of explosive.}~

"So that's how you wanna play it.."

~{ striker took a deep inhale looking directly in front of himself aiming for kaekio.He conjured another group of handsigns which were completely different from the other's,but then again when he used his last jutsu the hand signs were barely seen just as they were only a few moments ago.Striker's chest expanded and and his eye's grew wide just after his cheeks began to flush crimson and a weak smoke peaked his lips.Striker gave a smirk once again unleashing a massive flame of devastation pouring from his cheeks like a flame thrower.This was Striker's Dragon flame justu and with its 15 meter range only being 11 meter's away from kaekio Striker looker to her with confidence that it's possible that he could win here.The look in striker's eye's grew fierce as the flames grew massive terrorizing the land before him leaving ashes in its wake an leaving the land scared as if the tiles and ground beneath them were never there.Just a few split seconds before reaching the gases the flame's took the shape of a dragons fave roaring into kaekio's face,although that would only be the treacherous wind currents that picked up along with the  jutsu and built up only making the jutsu stronger,wider,and more powerful in its use.Striker took grasp of his blades handle after switching his kunai into the opposite hand only prepareing for another strike that kaekio would be cooking up.}~

OOC:Let me know if i did something out of order and sorry it took so long I'm fighting to stay up right now.

Chakra 160/175

Jutsu used :
Lightning Release: Shock Bullets (10)
Lightning Release: Shock Bullets (10)
Fire Style: Dragon Fire Jutsu (15)

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