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1KONOHA'S GRREN LEAF Empty KONOHA'S GRREN LEAF Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:19 am



Night drew near and Draygglez was stucked in the house thinking about his family. He was thinking about the precious moments he spent training with his father, the adorable moments he spent eating his mother's food, being cuddled by her and the unbearable moments with his loving little sister. He stopped thinking and went to bed. WAKE UP!! Now is no time for sleep. You have to live up to our family's legacy and fufill my will...Draygglez suddenly woke up and sat up on his soft bed of straw and hay that looked as solid as leather. He recognized the unknown voice from his sleep as the voice of his dear and brave father that died protecting the family. For once in Dray's life, he felt like a man and he realized that he couldn't be an actual man by sitting home all day waiting for the sun to set. The first thought that came to his mind was the forest. He got up from his bed, he put on his boots and a jacket. He sheathed his swords and filled his ninja pouch with his kunais and shuriken.. He put on his fore head protector as a proud ninja of the leaf. He stepped out of the house and zoomed into the forest at a speed greater than his actual speed leaving all the papers and nylons on the street flying as he zoomed past them. He got into the forest and found about three or more trees that had lost their shape with over-grown flowers and no one to trim them..Draygglez brought out his black scarf and tied it onto his face. He brought out his swords as remember his training of bukijutsu with his father. He jumped into the air with a
whoosh and came down with leaves falling all around him.he untied the scarfed and was amazed at himself. He couldn't believe that he alone trimmed about four trees depending solely on his senses. By the time he was through with that, the moon was directly hovering above the forest. He thought of his next line of training. he remembered that his father usually told him that strength was a great part of a man's life. Remembering this, he jumped and stood on his hand. He began walking on a path through the forest counting his hand stands as he walked.....three ninety eight three ninety nine, four hundred. He fell and landed on his back. His body couldn't take it anymore but each time he tried to give up, images of his family flashed right through his face like they were real. He had to endure for his father,his mother and sister. He had to live up for them. He stood firm and held his ground. Once again, he ran into the forest at high speed looking for an area abudant in thin trees. He closed his eyes, and thought of his family. He felt refreshed and began to cut down the trees. After cutting them downn, he shaped their edges into sharp pointed spears and used the rest to create dummys. He set them in specific locations and tied them up with a thin vine from a tree. He finally settled for the last part of the night's training which was training his reflexes. He took out two shurikens from his ninja pouch at his back pocket and threw it at two diffrent points of the vine. All hell broke lose in the forest. The traps and the dummys were coming towards him. He brought out his swords and waited for his opponents to come. He adjusted his stance and held his ground. Two spears shot out of the forest in adjacent directions. He bent very low allowing the first spear to pass above him and fliped to the side to escape the second spear. Right behind him was a dummy. He swept it from the floor and decapitated the head. More dummys came and more spears also. He used his swords on the dummys, slashing and decapitating them while dodging and fliping away from the spears. At last, he was done. All threats eliminated. He was too weak to go home after enduring for long. Remembering that the forest was also his home, he hopped into a tree branch and passed the night there. Even if the bugs and tiny flying of the forest were nagging at him,he had a nice time being in the forest.

2KONOHA'S GRREN LEAF Empty Re: KONOHA'S GRREN LEAF Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:50 am



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3KONOHA'S GRREN LEAF Empty XXXX Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:53 am



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