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1Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:21 pm



A few people glanced at him as he passed, yet nobody glanced twice. That he was lost in thought was plain enough, with clothing not suited for desert most people would think he was crazy for wearing his hakama in this heat. Heero bit off another pocky stick as was his habit when thinking. The thoughts of the training earlier and his new found confidence was still fresh in his mind. For the first time since he had been forced into slavery all those years ago he felt at peace. The memory's where like a dream, as if he had been in a daze his whole life and finally had woken up. "I think it's time for a few changes, a haircut maybe?" His thoughts where how to remake himself, maybe for some deeper meaning or maybe on a whim, Heero did not bother to care. That eternal question would never fade. "What did I lose my way for?" "Its a damn shame...." He said taking another bite of pocky. As he made his way to the center of the Bazaar he took a seat on one of the many benches lining the walkway. The Suna sun beat down on him but he did not care. He leaned back and looked at the deep blue sky.

2Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Re: Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:54 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Nick glanced, not once- but twice upon the fellow that passed by him on the streets of Sunagakure. Considering himself unique in this aspect. Nick was walking towards the central part of Sunagakure, in a slowed down manner because rushing something that is supposed to be chill and quiet wasn't his thing. Upon arriving to where the chairs were where the hobo's of Sunagakure frequently slept on he saw a male with a hakama that had his crotch exposed in public. Nick, being the saint that he was would blush slightly and look away from the shameful sight that basically was two grapes a bush and a tree.

'How doltish.'

A gruff followed, he turned his back towards the hakama- crotch exposed man and quickly rushed away as he was too innocent to be a part of the strangers sexual assault on people. Nick didn't want to be apart of the skit of a man/ child that enjoys a glass of paint thinner.

3Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Re: Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:33 am

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden rested in the midst of the Bazaar behind one of the benches along the walkway. Laying there, his mind pondered among different things as he laid there, trying to get a quick nap amongst one or two others there. He wondered where Zaiaku was, primarily, as he could've sworn he followed the giant everywhere but then he suddenly disappeared before his eyes, leaving not a trace behind, and honestly things seemed a little bit more boring without him around as someone Aiden could speak to. Upon thinking about the whereabouts of the only person he really cared about at the moment the navy-haired boy's pointed ears would twitch slightly as a stranger sat on the bench that he was basically using to help block out the sun, he himself looking up at the sky after leaning back and appearing to relax.

It would also be at this moment that he would notice a few strangers shying away from this particular one, all either turning their backs away from him or looking the other way or a few even covering the eyes of children as they walked past. Obviously by this alone the guy that appeared far shorter than the 5'3" boy is doing something that is bothering them, but what though exactly, he had to know. He'd get up to his feet in a way that he would only be on them for a few seconds as he fell over the bench and slid downwards, his head resting on the bottom portion along with his jacket-covered upper body, his stomach slightly exposed from his jacket, dark blue hoodie, and pink short sleeved shirt all falling down to his chest. His black jeans-covered legs hung over the top portion of the bench itself, and his tail would be wrapped around his stomach, covering it as a way for others to not have to see unnecessary skin.

Due to letting his head off of the bench and actually taking a look at the stranger, he would take notice of something; the stranger's junk was exposed to the public with the hakama not helping with covering it up at all. Aiden had to say something, or perhaps even do something if he had to, in order to help this guy out a little and the public out a lot.

"Hey buddy, your junk can be seen by every man,woman, and child walking around here. You might want to cover that up so that way you won't get in trouble."

He said in a slightly concerned tone of voice while the tip of his tail seemingly poked the shorter boy, trying to get his attention.

4Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Re: Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:49 pm



Heero was almost asleep when he felt a little poke, as he opened his eyes and sat up a blue haired kid was speaking to him; "Hey buddy, your junk can be seen by every man,woman, and child walking around here. You might want to cover that up so that way you won't get in trouble." Heero blinked a couple of times before fully understanding what he was just told, just as quickly though he turned beet red and looked down. Heero let out a sigh and smoothed his hakama out. It was not as though he really was showing it was more the hakama was to big on him and it tended to crumble when he sat down. The embarrassment even though it was clearly not his junk still took a minute for his face to come back to normal color. "Thanks, that was....imbarracing for people to think, I guess I need new clothes anyways...." While it was true his clothes where to big, it was also true he was looking for a change. Heero took out a pack of pocky and pulled one out. After putting the pack away he took a bite off of it. Normally eating pocky was a average thing for him, but to others it made many see him as a child even more.

Heero looked at the person who woke him and cocked his head to the side. "Im Kuroka Heero, and you are?" He scratched his head and smiled looking at the newcomer. The people walking past had stopped trying to avoid him once word got out it was a misunderstanding, still, it nearly had gave him a heart attack from embarrassment. It was enough he had a hard time buying weapons because people thought he was a kid, he did not need any other reasons to make it his life harder. "Yea its gonna get hard enough as it is..."

5Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Re: Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:59 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Nick observed the odd crowd that seemed to amass around the male with the previous exposed penis. Upon the first syllable of the word of his speech, the crowd suddenly erupted in clapping. This- certainly odd and mysterious was somewhat unbelievable.

'Fuck parrots.'

Nick ran away, shit was getting too creepy for him. There was no reason for him to be there anymore other then making fun of people he didn't feel like doing at the moment.

6Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Re: Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:12 am

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Aiden would simply yawn while the other kid blinked a few times before turning bright red and letting out a sigh. He'd chuckle as the stranger straightened out his hakama and waited for the red color to leave his face before thanking Aiden, stating that he needed new clothes anyways and that it was embarrassing for people to think. After silently watching the person pull out something and take a bite out of the pack of the strange substance before putting is back away, chewing on the part which he had bitten. It made the navy-haired boy wonder what exactly it was, and whether it tasted good or not, but that is something for him to worry about for a later time, and so he ignored said thought, and merely listened.

He'd introduce himself as "Kuorka Heero", asking who he himself was as well shortly afterwards while he merely scratched his head. Aiden looked around while he still remained upside down, staring at the seemingly hanging people as they walked by, no longer trying to avoid the two now that Heero's exposure has ended.

"Hunter, Aiden. It's nice to meet you, Heero."

He replied in a casual manner, readjusting his position so he would sit up like a regular person. He'd offer a friendly smile to the other boy while extending a hand, both gestures of good will that he had learned about during the last week or so of his staying in Sunagakure. He meant no harm, nor any ill will towards this new acquaintance of his. Really all he wished to do was to see if the other boy could prove interesting or not and go from there.

7Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Empty Re: Idea's of importance [Open/ Nokill] Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:21 pm



"Hunter, Aiden huh? Well nice ta meet you too." Said taking the other boys hand and smiling back. Reaching into is pocket he brought out the box of pocky again and got one out, however before he put the pack away he held it to his blue haired new acquaintance. "Want one? Its really good!" He said offering some to his new friend. Heero smiled again waiting to see if the other boy would take a pocky.


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