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1Naruto Mirage Empty Naruto Mirage Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:56 pm



Naruto Mirage 1xIRS

When it comes down to roleplaying, whether it be Naruto or any other series or genre, the most important thing is having fun. And at Naruto Mirage, we can guarantee fun; a whole lot of fun. What is crucial that makes our roleplay stand out from the rest is the fact that everyone is apart of a tightly-knit, family-esque community. Although friendly competitions, battles, and events do exist, at the end of the day everyone is willing to lend a hand to anyone in need and the entire staff team along with the member base is accommodating to everyone; no matter their roleplaying capabilities.

> SIXTEEN regions to explore
> SIX unique villages to choose from
> over FIFTY sub-regions
> ACTIVE members ready to RP with you
> FRIENDLY staff ready to help
> UNIQUE world
> and CUSTOM bijuus

With a new spin on the hidden villages and multiple new clans, Naruto Mirage is unique in its approach to the naruto roleplay world. Along with that, a fortune wheel system exists to reward active players by allowing them a chance to win good prizes - ranging from ryo (the main currency), chakra (essential to battle), and even rare items if you're lucky enough. Take a chance and try out the roleplay; you won't regret it.

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