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1Arawn Weyr Empty Arawn Weyr Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:45 pm



[align=center]Arawn Weyr 2mmj38
    Site Name : Arawn Weyr
    Website :
    Server : Invisionfree
    Owner : Broken Song
    Staff : Spiffy (Sr. Mod), Ricci, and Theorie
    Status : 4 months old
    Member Count as of This Post : 31

    Current Events :
    *Topaz Aralaix has ended her maiden Run! Congratulations to Dajaran and Dajaraix, our new Houndlords! Expect a Hound litter soon!
    *Weyrling Lessons are going strong with the Mystique/Emotions class; there are still adoptables available!
    *An exciting plot is coming up, and we will need player characters!
    *An activity check will be held soon.

    Wanted Characters :
    *Candidate Master (would be Dragonless)
    *Adoptees for available Weyrlings
    *Wherhound Bondeds -- Wherhounds are similar to whers, as they are actual genetic deviants from the night-creatures.

It was the beginning of Pern, and already, everything was falling apart.

The Southern Continent had proven too difficult to habitate with Thread falling. Most emigrated quickly to the Northern Continent, but a contingent of Riders found themselves drawn to the mysterious and snowy Western Continent. Holds sprang up quickly, and the Weyr gained its name, Arawn. The first turns passed quickly, . The Candidates became harder and harder to find, with Konta Hold beginning to hide their youth away. It seemed to just be the growing pains of a newly established Weyr. But then the firelizards began to die. Quickly, the population of firelizards was decimated, and soon the illness jumped to wher-kind. They were gone even more quickly than the firelizards. And then, what everyone had been expecting and dreading came to pass. The virus made the jump from wher, to dragon, where the virus earned its name: Dragon's Bane. The smaller the dragon, the quicker she died. Within months, every single Green and Blue had died. Thread fell, and without the agility of their smaller brethren, the Holds were practically left to defend themselves. Holdless renegades became raiders in the chaos.

In the madness, the last of the scientists did the best he could to create a new beast, using vials of wher blood and several canines to act as carriers. The first few experiments were deemed complete failure, killing them outright. After nearly a turn of Dragon's Bane's sweep of the world, nearly all of the dragons were gone from the skies. A new hope was born when the scientist's first successful litter was born. Four went wild, proving that like their wher cousins they did not need to bond, but would still come in contact with and occasionally protect humans. His success was marred by tragedy.

Zujath and Havareth, the sister Golds who had first provided the lifeblood of Arawn, Rose together, trigging eachother's flight until they spiraled upwards in a screaming rush. Several males were injured, but the Queens survived the Flight, with Brown Tuth forcing a Catch upon Havareth and Bronze Letherenth finding Zujath. They endured their pregnancies, until all but they were dead. Haverath Clutched first, and that night died, too weary to leap Between. Zujath took to the Sands. She laid her eggs, looked to her rider once more, and left. She removed herself from the equation, and the disease stopped with her. The eggs were watched by the wraithlike rider of Zujath until finally they Hatched, with strange colors emerging from their midst. Both Queen eggs held what initially seemed to be Golds, but the second soon was noticed to be different enough to garner a new name. Even some eggs presumed dead managed to Hatch, though they also were of odd colors. These young dragons are all that are left on Pern; Faranth pray that they survive through Weyrlinghood.[/align]

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