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Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

Mission name: Drill Instructor.


The thirteen year old Uchiha stretched and stirred in his sleep, what little sleep he would get tonight would be nothing compare to the over 12 hours sleep he’ll manage tomorrow after a long day of demanding training. He woke up to a brand new day with the sunlight peeking through his open window to gently push him to wake up. He wasn’t himself when he woke up, tired and agitated. Not to mention annoyed with how bizarre it is for a genin – a thirteen  year old one – to teach a group of untrained recruits far older than him.  But he’s getting extra ryo for it, so he will not complain.

He made himself breakfast, whole grain porridge. He rubbed his exhausted eyes. Dressed in nothing but his shorts he pondered on the mission, as stated earlier he will be training recruits for the army yet it made him feel anxious. He is after all, deaf by all accounts. Thankfully his speech skills is good enough to get by. He sat himself down, said his routine thanks before indulging himself, as he ate he reminisced on his last priority mission. It was the mission where he met Yoko and that alone brought a timid smile to his face.

They had remained friends after the mission to Masa’s surprise. He thought about his team as well, suddenly ever since he became Shinobi he is steadily making a good solid group of friends. He scraped the last of his porridge with his meal before dumping the cheap bowl in the sink, then he had a drink of green tea and one last read of his mission brief and what is to be expected from him.

He rushed off to get ready, he isn’t too fussed about what he wears so he just threw on his usual casual attire that consists of a black netted top with a red and white hooded t-shirt complete with his signature crimson scarf. He placed on his arm warmers and his generic black shinobi trousers. To complete his get up he picked up his rings to wear for today, a silver ornate ring that used to belong to his mother. The ring itself bears two wolves with black emerald eyes and crowns of laurel on their heads, the wolves meet each other through a ring of silver plum blossoms. He almost forgot about the most important piece of all, his forehead protector. He swept back his ashen-white hair and put on his forehead protector.

Content with his get up for today he gave one last lingering glare towards the hallway where his siblings room are, he embarked towards the training compound. 

WC: 444/1000

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

The uchiha genin reached the compound shortly after he left his home, as soon as he reached the designated location a young man by the name Miso approached him, he appeared to be army officer. And a green one from the looks of him, although what would Masaaki know? The officer looked at Masaaki once before shaking his head “Kid, you’re out of bound. Please move.” Oh…well that’s rude. “I’m uchiha Masaaki, I’m here to teach.” Replied the boy as he handed the piece of paper over to the officer to prove he is truly the one and only Uchiha Masaaki.

That didn’t seem to impress the officer. As evidenced by his words afterwards “They sent a kid? Tsk, whatever. The recruits are in the southern area of the compound. They are waiting for you in the courtyard.” Masaaki nodded as politely as he could before walking over the courtyard, rolling his eyes back into his head. God he can’t wait to be eighteen.

A crowd of recruits stood waiting for him, and in the middle was a lonely table with several items to choose from. Scrolls, kunais, shurkens and whatnot. Most of them academy and genin level. Before he gave exampels he addressed the troops to demonstrate their skills. Just watching them fail to throw kunais and shurikens made him cringe. Geez, it reminded him of his first time throwing a kunai, he was really painstakingly bad at it. With a sigh he asked the troops to return to their position, Masaaki walked to the table and picked up a kunai. He isn’t exactly a jonin or someone with a lot of expertise in this sort of thing, but compare his skilsl and theirs he is master at it.

He explained the use of kunais and shurikens, their pros and cons. He explained these are essential tools for all shinobi and that they can be combined with other use such as thin wire with big shurikens, or a jutsu. He showed them the appropriate how to control and wield them and what pouches is best suited for these tools. As the session continues, he answered whatever questions they had for him, making sure to sound confident as he did. Throughout the class he found himself to be feeling quite proud, his small ego was getting stroked as well but he refrained from bragging or showing off, he isn’t here to act like a big shot.

They were approaching the last part of their class when Masaaki asked for a volunteer to be actor for him. He explained that the typical shinobi cell squad consists of four able men, a jonin and three genin or chunin, and amongst them there ought to be at least one individual with the required skills in healing skills in order to prevent fatalities on the battlefield. And of course a healer is needed to get rid of any ailments that might slow down a individual, like a non-fatal wounded leg.

Other lessons he went and told them about was the typical chakra natures and that on the battlefields they may encounter foes with such aptitude, so he made sure to address which chakra nature is strong and weak against what.

Finally at the end of the day, he finished. The recruits gave him a thank you cake even though Masaaki doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth but he didn’t say anything, the army officer thanks him as well and told the boy that he is welcome back anytime.

FINAL WC: 1029

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