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1Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:03 pm

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

Relaxation is highly sought after, but seldom found in the shinobi life. Or at least that’s how Masaaki had been feeling lately. Neci had been in the leaf village for some time, and the two brothers finally found time between missions to spend some to get to know each other. And what better way than the hot springs? He ignored the female divided area and went straight to the males, since he is a boy. And boys supposed to have manners…

He slipped into the water with ease, an enjoyed sigh slipped out of his mouth as he sank further into the bath. The longer he sat in there with his back at the edge, the more he felt his muscles relaxing and the feel that his guard is dropping. He opened his eyes to notice a floating tab of free sake (alcohol) and a floating rubber duck. Likely left there by a child, in annoyance he sank further into the water until only his white hair, nose and brown eyes can be seen.

Briefly his mind travelled to his first meeting with Neci, while the two have been interacting since then their first meeting stands out simply because of Neci’s blood eye genjutsu, or at least he thinks it’s genjutsu. He isn’t well accustomed to genjutsu yet. What he saw still stays with him, the sight of a dead woman with white hair lying on the floor and two pairs of sharingan eyes in the dark. It irks him, how it still meddles with him but he can’t say anything about it. Not to mention he already annoyed his father earlier and earned a unwarranted burn to his hand, which is now bandaged up.

Irritated Masaaki took a huge breath of air and ducked into the water and tried to force himself to stay at the bottom but nature made him float instead. Even though he’s deaf, he can somehow hear the rumbling of water rushing into his ears, the sound of it right before you submerge yourself in water. There’s something comforting about it, so comforting he contemplated if there’s a way to stay like this forever.

2Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:37 pm



Neci was walking to the place that his brother and him had planned to meet at...the hot springs, it had been forever since he had went to one to soak his stiff muscles, and he was pretty stiff from his daily training regimen, it was very rigorous and taxing on his body, due to it being based around training his new sharingan,  which cost him much chakra, so he was ready for a good soak and chat with his little brother, of whom he had been spending a lot of time with of late, since it was his village that he was visiting after all it made sense.

As he walked down the road he kept his eyes peeled for the place that he was looking for, since he didnt know his way around this place he had to get told directions but was barely listening to his father when he told him where the hot baths, so he was trying his hardest to find the place, when he came across a place that looked like it he guessed that it was and went in, thankfully he was right. As he walked in he felt the heat of the room assault him warmly, it was a good feeling, as he walked in he heard from the female side the sound of talking, oh how much fun it would be to run in that side, they would kill him, though he resisited the temptation and went to his half, after he stripped off his clothes and his weapon, he looked into a mirror and saw himself, he was very muscular,his pecs were large and his abs chisled, his biceps were good size and he had large shoulders, his only scar was the one on his neck, it marred his flawless body, though that didnt affect him that much in all honesty.

he placed a towel on and walked into the bath, where he saw his brother bobbing in and out of the water, he laughed and slid into the water quickly and smiled as he flicked his brother in the nose as he himself leaned back saying,
Hello Brother, having fun? aha, so how goes it on this fine day? he made sure to be looking at his brother while talking so he could read his lips, he smiled lovingly at him as he awaited a response...

3Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:38 pm

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

He thought he heard the females being rowdy; it’s just obvious Neci has arrived. A little bit late though but Masaaki doesn’t care about that. It’s practically his fault for not giving the older male directions. Although he isn’t exactly great with directions, he wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up lost on his first mission out of the Fire nation.

He was so immersed in the baths he barely noticed Neci’s presence, not even when the waters turned into ripples. He was brought back down to earth by a sudden but gentle flick to his nose, prompting him to return to reality. “Huh?” was his half dazed reply, the heat of the water made him light headed but he concentrated enough to understand what Neci is saying. He raised up a little bit so only his chin was touching the water, he swept back his wet hair so it didn’t hinder his eyeview as it would normally do after a bath. “Pretty good.” Replied the boy, his oak brown eyes shifted to the floating rubber duck, the memory of the Pelican and the Parrot came back and he couldn’t help but grin. “Exhausted though, I trained two summoning jutsus today.” Said Masaaki with a yawn, he really outdid himself. “Now I’m exhausted, can’t even lipread properly.” giggled the boy, bit by bit he was beginning to open up to Neci. “What about you? What happened on your last mission?”

4Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:22 am



It seemed his brother was training just as hard as he was, he had even trained two whole summoning jutsus by himself apparently, Neci didnt even use summonings, thus had no idea how they worked, though he imagined they worked like other jutsu, he may ask his brother how one day. His brother asked him how his day was as well which prompted him to answer him, Two summonsings eh? i cant even do one aha, im quite tired as well though i was training and only finished my mission 4 hours ago,we were taking down a small group of bandits off the left of the village, they were inexperianced but put a hell of a resistance....Oh! wait, i forogt almost, brother i have another mission coming up, i wanted to know if you would like to come along, itll probably be a B ranked i think but you can handle it, so how about it? He smiled as he leaned further back, enjoying the lovely water, he really wanted his brother on the mission, but he didnt want to sound desperate, so he asked as if it mattered not to him...even though it really did...

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

Masaaki felt his chest swell with pride; it made him feel like he’s walking on air. “The art of summoning jutsu is fantastic! I have no pride why there isn’t a lot of summoning users…” said Masaaki as he laid back and allowed himself to float, totally relaxed for probably the first in forever. He could feel the tension from the training leaving his body bit by bit. “Their names are Wagasa and Terah.” Said Masaaki, he wanted to tell Neci more of how his training went, what happened, how he won and more about the two individual he came to know.

After all, summoned entities have their own personalities and histories.

He fully focused on his big brother when the other told him of his last mission. He didn’t need to ask if they died, and to be honest he rather know about them dying. He is a necrophilia after all. He soon snapped to attention as the older man suggested he assists him in a B-rank mission of all things. “Are you serious?” replied Masaaki, a big smile on his lips before he realized what he was doing and then soon straightened. “S-sure. Err, what’s the details?” true be told, he was honestly touched. Touched that someone believes he can handle a B-rank mission. He made him feel elated but he didn’t want to come across as being over excited. 



How Excited his brother looked the moment that he proposed the mission, his eyes lit with a flame of excitement so bright it would rival fire itself, that was good he was happy that he was going to go on the mission with him, he really wanted to see his brother in action, to see these summonings that he was so proud see the worth his clan still had but didnt seem to show anymore. His brother calmed quickly to act more professional and ninja like, though the act didnt go to his eyes he was still just as excited as ever, he asked the details of the mission, he was excited and smart; making sure that he knew the mission before he went on it and didnt just follow on blindly like a child,
Ahh theres a good question...There is a Sector of bandits off the village, just a couple miles out, they have been raiding the north east trade routes and killing some good men, there is about 8 of them i think, they are pretty strong and fast and what not...the normal stuff, but we got to take them down to keep these roads keep the civilians safe...and I Need Your Help! I need you Masaaki He smiled happily at his brother...what his brother wouldnt know is that he would be slightly putting himself in danger making sure that his little brother didnt come to harm...

7Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:25 pm

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

A B-rank mission! A B-RANK MISSION! To say he was excited would be an understatement. He can just imagine his father’s face now, his surprise at a genin-rank shinobi embarking on a B-rank mission. Hehe, he can just picture him right now. In the living room reading his paper and spitting out herbal tea once he finds out.  

And Rinshi sensei! Masaaki is sure his squad will be interested in his progress on the mission; he can just imagine himself walking back into the village happy and filled with the pride. He can’t say no to this opportunity!

He scratched his cheek, the grin still visible on his face and stretching out to both sides of his cheeks. His cheeks were red, mostly from modest embarrassment. “You think you need me.” Answered Masaaki  “I’m sure you can handle them yourself, but I’ll join you anyway!” honestly he was finding the C-rank missions’ quite tiresome now, a mission like this is a good chance for him to see how things work on the other side. Plus it’ll show the admin building that even though he’s genin – a deaf one – he can certainly be a chuunin. It’ll give him an advantage.

But the smile was gone as it dawned on him that he and Neci will have to take down bandits. The key words being ‘take down’. Immediately he ducked low enough into the water so Neci wouldn’t be able to see his faded smile, bubbles broke the surface as air escaped his mouth. Take down? As in kill? He doesn’t know if he could do that. “Could we err, take them alive? I mean we’ll probably get more ryo for bringing them in alive right?” he was trying to appeal to his brother’s money side, if it exists. He wasn’t even considering how they’re going to keep 8 or possibly more criminals restrained.

WC: 330

8Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:44 pm



His other theorie was verified, Masaaki was scared of one of two things, either he was scared of killing someone or the fact that their would be a dead body, he would find out just which one, he wasnt going to let his brother go soft on him, that wasnt in the Uchiha name, as well his brother mentioned how the village may want the bandits to keep or something, it was an absurd notion that Neci would take money over the fact that these people were killing his village folk and sometimes even his family.
No aha, i dont think the village needs masaaki look here, would you want these people alive? they have killed and killed, and giving them to the village means torture and killing but much slower and much more painful then what i would bring them, a quick honorable death. I understand that you are young and i wont ask anything of you that you are unable to do, but are you able to at least knock them senseless or beat them within an inch of their life? Ill umm ''Do'' the rest This was a test to see if he was a pacifist or if he was just scared of killing someone. He didnt want to rush his brother into this mission, he wanted to make sure he was ready, he really wanted their father to respect this young boy...this deaf ninja would show their father the power of their clan...and their Determination...if only one step at a time. Neci Smiled as he leaned back into the water and awaited his next response...

9Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:21 pm

Uchiha Masaaki

Uchiha Masaaki

Masaaki eyed his elder brother with wary, how would he react to find Masaaki is actually of the two things that are basically the compulsory requirements to be a shinobi? It isn’t like he fooled himself into thinking he will never have to kill someone or see a dead body; he just didn’t think it’ll be this soon. Although to be fair everything is too soon to Masaaki when it comes to confronting his worst fears.

“…I don’t understand that reasoning.” Began Masaaki as he fiddled with his thumbs “Why show honour to thieves and murderers?” it was a good question, and one he’ll need an answer to. But regardless of what he said, it seemed like Neci is set on giving these criminals a quick death. He felt his pride get picked when Neci clearly asked him if he is capable of knocking a man senseless, and to make him even more irritated he offered to take care of the rest. He can’t have that! He can’t have Neci doubting him. “It’s fine.” Said the boy as he remained still in the water “I-I just wondered you know? I mean it isn’t like I’m afraid or anything…I just thought we could benefit more from bringing them in alive for more ryo.” Of course it was all lies. He accepted that killing people is part of being shinobi and sometimes you have to do it for the sake of the mission but…just the thought of killing someone makes his stomach turn.

He forced himself to smile in bravado “I can do it. It isn’t like it would be my first time!” again another lie, oh boy. He averted his gaze and bit his lower lips, he digging his hole even more now. “So emm, I guess after this we’ll get ready and set off?” said Masaaki, looking for something to change the topic.

10Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Empty Re: Sweet Serenity [invite only, no kill] Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:45 pm



He looked deep into his brothers eyes as he leaned back, seeing the inner turmoil in his eyes, seeing that he was fighting just saying that it was no problem, this boy was trying his best to prove that he wasnt a coward and that he was equal to his brother, he smiled warmly and leaned forward and put a hand on his shoulder after his brother finished talking,Talking in a low warm comforting voice Okay...but if it comes to it, dont risk your life to try and do something that you cant, i am there for you...i am your big brother, lying to others is fine, but not to me, ill let this slide and take your word, but im here for you he smiled warmly and flicked the kid directly in the nose with the hand that was on his shoulder, laughing out loud and agreeing that they would need to get ready soon, the mission was today afterall, he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around himself as he got out of the pool...he then got a good idea, he walked over to the wall separating the girl and guy half and peaked through a hole, he giggled as he started walking to the changing room, the view was wonderful, he was always so happy before and during mission, in the back of his mind he noted to keep an eye on his little brother...

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