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1First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:07 pm

Yokochima Senju

Slowly Yokochima led his gaze up the enormous golden gate standing in front of him. Altough he had been told what to expect the sheer size of the gate, and especially the labyrinth that stretched out behind it, shocked him. In his hand he had the small survival kit and in his head the instructions that he had been given before arriving here. So all in all it is very easy, eh? Get in there, beat up all the opponents, reach the center...? He took a look at the gigantic tree that filled up most of the sky before him. The whole thing didnt sound that hard, especially as he was not going to fight any of the other participants. ...or so we were told... Yokochima raised an eyebrow upon that thought. think they might lie to us?..nothing is impossible... Again the young genin looked at the big tree ahead of him. Something about it size and the pressure it exhibited fascinated him and also made him feel secure. Suddenly he heared the sound of a loud explosion and a gorgeous array of light appeared around the center of the labyrinth. In the same moment the gate swung open and the attending Shinobi that was supervising him nodded, signaling the start of the first trial. ...lets do this like a real ninja!... The young genin smiled, attatched the survival kit to his back and entered the first passage.

The walls around him seemed to be of solid stone and were several meters high. Just for the sake of it he knocked on the wall next to him. Yup, solid. I honestly doubt i can smash that in... Then he looked up and saw the sky above him. ...they couldnt have made a mistake of these proportions now, could they? That would be ridiculous... He quickly filled his feet with chakra and placed his right foot on the wall. It held. He then continued to take a few insecure steps on the wall, when he started feeling a certain dissonance withhin his chakra. Something inside of those walls was preventing his chakra from staying were it was resulting in him slowly sliding downward again. ...obviously they did not...yeah thanks, i noticed... He sighed and continued to walk down the obvious path.
The first fork came after roughly two to three minutes of silent walking. In this time only the echo of his footsteps had accompanied him. Ugh, i know why i hate labyrinths... The Senju sat down in front of the front tunnel with the other two choices to his sides. For a few seconds he tried to think of a way to decide which direction to go before he eventuelly decided that thinking was going to get him anywhere. Instead he pulled out the Kunai that he was given at the entrance, ...luckily, since i have again forgotten my own... and tried to carve a crude arrow into the right wall of the front entrance. The kunai couldnt even scratch the enforced stone. ...might wanna try the ground... The voice had a mocking tone to it. Yokochima grimaced and followed the advice only to find the ground more susceptible to his tool of choice than the walls. ...pure luck...if you like to say so... After leaving a small mark on the ground behind him, he sprinted down his first choice. Everytime he would reach a fork, he left the symbol of an arrow on the ground indicating the direction he took.

Battle Report:

Last edited by Yokochima Senju on Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

2First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:07 pm

Yokochima Senju

[Rolling for First Scenario]

3First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:07 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Yokochima Senju' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
First Steps into the future [CE-1] ScEu4sY

4First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:41 pm

Yokochima Senju

After a while Yokochima noticed a small difference taking place in the surrounding environment. Instead of constant arid ground and stony walls he started seeing random roots and vines around the place. There werent many, just a few covering a few pieces of the area here and there, but it was enough to make him smile. Seems like i am getting some help here, eh? Atleast now i dont have to care about getting wood from anywhere, i practically have been given a weapon... He laughed out loud. Luck surely was on his side for once. He continued running across the labyrinth without caring for mother nature taking control over the area until at some point he noticed that he was more jumping from root to root than actually touching any of the ground. ...okay now this is slowly getting really awkward...i mean i am happy for all the wood around here but isnt that a bit to much?...i suppose this is one of the socalled "traps" if you know what i is this supposed to be a trap, jerk? Am i supposed to trip over a root on my way to the center or what?... Yokochima sneered at his inner voice and then laughed again. This time though, it sounded very insecure and he slowed down a lot trying to peek into every dark corner below the thick vines and roots.
It was only thanks to that that he noticed the small vine that was just about to coil itself around his left food. ...damn what?... Without thinking he jumped into the air and rolled over one of the bigger roots, just before the root snapped shut around the place where his ankle had been just a second ago. The following sound echoed like a signal through the hallway and suddenly a lot more vines and roots started moving as if they had just been waiting for a command. Yokochima found himself surrounded by a ring of vines and roots that seemed to move similar to snakes and more and more appendages were coming to life every second. ...well yeah, a trap, huh? thats not really good...yeah, you shouldve noticed that for yourself in the beginning...couldve dodged it... The boy grinned. The first moments of surprise had passed and thankfully the plants didnt attack all together but instead had waited for that one first root to do its move. Otherwise he mightve been done for. ...what now? I dont really have any jutsus to deal with that sorta stuff... Before he could think of anything great or atleast usefull the plants attacked. From the limit of his peripheral sight he saw a vine coming from the wall that apparently tried to reach his neck, while the root to his feet started quickly turning itself to make him loose his balance. It worked, atleast in some way. While he moved his head in a forward motion to avoid being strangled his need for a solid stance also caused him to drop forward to the ground and crouch. ...Yikes, almost got me there, lil fella...Isnt that what your father used to tell you too?..oh shut up for a second, will ya, im kinda busy right now...

5First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:16 pm

Yokochima Senju

While he was down on the ground, crouching and trying not to fall over as the root slowly started to move and contort he saw more of the roots and vines approach him. Most of them were started to get really fast, as if they needed some time to warm up. Hnnng... When one rather thick vine dashed at him, moving across the surface of the big root he was standing like a fish through water, he lifted his kunai and rammed it into the tip of the plant before heaving all of his body up and using the kunai as a lever to propel himself forward and into the air. The move created a lot of pressure on his ribs and caused him to violently exhale. Also the root proved to be sturdier than it had seemed at first and instead of cutting through it the kunai only pierced the skin so when the root tried to cope with the movements of the ninja Yokochima's trajectory was distorted and caused him to travel uncontrolled through the air and against the wall on the opposite side. Oughh!! A sharp pain shot through his left foot and he had lost his kunai which was still stuck in the root. ...goddamnit, this is not going how i expected did you expect it then? Did you think you would just trip over a root and thatd be it?... Yokochima wanted to give his inner voice a witty remark but instead inhaled as another wave of pain shot through his foot when he stood up. As he glanced at the plants and wondered why he was still standing he noticed how most of the plants took a few seconds to focus on him, seemingly tasting the air first before honing in on him. ...ugh, this hurts but i do have an idea on what to do... While his right hand was stretched out in front of him in an attempt to catch any vine or root that could try to attack him upfront his other hand quickly plucked one of his longer hairstrands. Reflection Clone Technique... He silently mumbled to himself before releasing the hair into the air. A small cloud of smoke appeared almost immediately in front of him and he sighed with relief. He had rarely used this jutsu that was taught to him by Chisaki but now it might just prove usefull for the first time. And indeed, every plant appendage that was just now moving in his direction suddenly faltered for a second. Yokochima's double slowly started moving into the direction where he came from, while he himself slowly dragged his feet into the opposite direction. The plants were obviously confused by the sudden appearance of another Chakra Signature that was identical to that of their original prey. The tips of the vines were swinging left to right, trying to decide for a target. When one of the roots, the one that earlier tried to strangle the original Senju, came into closer proximity to the Doppelganger the fake Yokochima made a quick sidestep with his healthy foot and chopped the tip of the plant of with his hand. All of the plants "heads" immediately darted into its direction. The impulse to defend themselfes seemed to be greater then to find out which target to pursue. While it started to thrash around, the injured wound showed its other ability to heal itself. ...not only to heal itself... Yokochima noted when the wound regenerated into two seperate vine tips. He made a grimace and tryed ignoring the pain in his foot while silently sneaking away from the battleground and further down the complicated paths of the labyrinth.

Battle Report:

Last edited by Yokochima Senju on Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total

6First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:18 pm

Yokochima Senju

[Rolling for Second Scenario]

7First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:18 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Yokochima Senju' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
First Steps into the future [CE-1] 2FLjz0b

8First Steps into the future [CE-1] Empty Re: First Steps into the future [CE-1] Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:35 pm

Yokochima Senju

Ouch... Yokochima grimaced. His head still hurt from the impact earlier and his foot also wasnt feeling all to well. ...tripped, eh?... It was pure luck that it wasnt sprained or even worse, broken. He had taken a look at his ankle after dragging himself around a few corners and it seemed fine, except for the regular pain of being thrown against a wall that is. What was worse than the pain was his Kunai, that he had lost earlier in the fight. He had come far by now and now he had no way of marking his path, which ment that he had to hope that there was no blocked pathway lying in front of him somewhere. Yokochima sat down with his back against the wall, thought not after checking it for possible plants or other nasties. ...ugh...i feel like this is going worse than it could have... He looked up at the big tree that filled out the sky and sighed. It seemed like the gigantic plant had not come closer and yet here he was, already without his Kunai, exhausted and somewhat injured. The sound of water running down his throat filled the silence when he emptied the bottle with water in a few thirsty gulps. ...ah damnit, i have to continue, dont i? Cant just sit here and take a nap...altough i would really like to... Slowly he raised himself up and shook off the dust. He didnt even bother to put the bottle bag in the survival bag and instead just dropped it to the ground. Constantly wary of possible traps or moving plants he continued his way through the depths of the labyrinth. ...i wonder if everybody else has the same problems as me...i dont think so, most of them seemed very capable...ha ha, very funny...jerk...same... Altough none of them moved, he constantly noticed smaller roots coming to the surface of the dusty road and some vines creeping across the big sturdy walls. ...i must be close to the center then?...why else would there be more roots and vines again...if not for another trap you mean... Every few steps he kept looking up at the centertree but without noticing any difference in distance. Instead, he noticed something else.

When he looked back to see how far he had gotten a shock shot through his body. The ground behind him was not...well, on the ground anymore. Instead, parts of the earth were getting ripped of by an invisible force and flung into the air where they met with pieces of the walls and gravel and united in some sort of twister. ...what...wait what? What is that now again? Some sort of jutsu?... He tried to peek through the rubble and looked for a possible opponent but there was nobody. Before he could find out who was behind that weird attack the weird apparition had sped up and was coming closer at an increasing speed. ...well whatever it is, its not looking like i could take it head on...i would also rather reject that idea... For once having the same opinion, Yokochima turned around and started running as fast as he could. Now his speed had decreased slightly since he got banged against the wall and hurt his ankle but still, it was high enough for him to not get too close to the weird trap behind him. Atleast not immediately. And he wasnt the only one to notice. ...i honestly doubt you will be able to hold that speed for any longer mhm?...instead of annoying me with comments like that, wont you rather share one of your splendid ideas with me?... The young Senju grimaced. His foot started to hurt again, slowly but steadily and his endurance was dropping low too. He wouldnt be able to hold this tempo any longer. In his desperation he kicked one of the plants that were coming out of the ground. And then another one. And then suddenly he was jumping over several roots and vines that seemed to target him without ever actually touching him. ...what in the...another trap involving plants!?... Without slowing down he started avoiding the plants while also checking the vortex behind him. ...they seem somewhat halfassed though, dont they?...i had them somewhat more...aggressive in mind... When he jumped over the last moving root he coughed. His stamina was slowly being drained and still he could not see the end of the pathway. But, what he could see was equally interesting. ...isnt that my... He raised an eyebrow in surprisement when he passed the empty bottle that he had dropped on the ground just a while ago, before that unusual trap appeared. is that possible? We arent running around in circles here, are we? Please tell me we arent!... When he started looking around, trying to figure out his direction he also noticed something else that was highly peculiar. The ground in front of him had weird markings on it, just like the ones he used to mark his way in the beginning. Slowly he began to realize what was going on here. YOU think they might have caught us in a genjutsu?...i did not notice any sort of trigger or person... Knowing where that mysterious tornado behind him was coming from and breaking the genjutsu where two different things though. did they explain it again in the academy? Disrupting your own chakra flow, whasnt that it?... Yokochima slowed down for a second, and gathered his chakra. His Genjutsu Dissipation Technique was flawed and badly executed and just as he expected it, it didnt work. But, thanks to him slowing down, the twister behind him had gained some valuable distance, closing in on him. He sighed, made another grimace and forced his body forward, trying to figure out a way to escape this trap.
...damnit...was there anything else i have forgotten? I wish i would have paid more attention to the genjutsu class in the academy... While he was thinking, the vortex slowly was starting to come closer, not only did the genin's speed started to drop since he used the genjutsu dissipation technique, but also the genjutsu itself started to speed up even more. It was when merely a few steps were keeping Yokochima away from the malstrom that he remembered something from the classes. He remembered one of his teachers telling them about how pain was able to disrupt their chakra forcefully and how he laughed at that idea because it seemed so stupid seeing as almost every shinobi knew how to dissipate a genjutsu. ...every shinobi but you it seems... It was the first time in a long while that Yokochima smiled again. ...well, i suppose sometimes sacrifices are necessary for the greater good, eh?... With this thought he put the last bit of energy that he had saved up into his legs and bolted forward.

A sharp pain shot through his body, when he woke up again. In his attempt to break the genjutsu he had thrown himself at full speed into the intersection of the walls at the fork, and afterwards hed lost his consciousness for several minutes. are crazy...yes i know, but it did work, didnt it?... Carefully he tried to stand up, but the pain in his shoulder, which was swelling up quite fast, and his ribcage was preventing him from moving most of his right side. Damn... i can barely move... His voice was almost a whisper. ...i really have to learn some more medical jutsu from Chisaki i think... After almost half an hour of sighing and unsightly moaning he managed to raise himself up in a sitting position, leaning against the wall he had crashed into. ...come on, thats not how a chunnin would behave, right?... Despite saying so he was still unable to stand up, the pain in his ribs was just to strong. But he had decided to win the exams and to become a chunnin, so there was no way he would fail here. As slow and carefully as he could he formed the necessary fingersigns and placed his hands on the earth. After a few seconds a pair of wooden dogs sprouted from the ground, giving off silent growls as they approached Yokochima. Thatsa good boy... He whispered as he raised one arm and put it around the neck of the closest dog. The thorns were ripping small scratches in his skin but that was a minor pain that could be ignored. With his newfound help he managed to drag himself through the last pieces of the maze, and altough he had a lot of pain and wounds in the end and apparently some other participants had already reached them, he was very happy and proud of himself when he finally saw the gates to the center. Reaching the end of the labyrinth would only mark his first steps into the future.

Battle Report:

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