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The day of the exams had arrived. Others had been gathering with the cheers of the crowd and heading to the event location they had been notified of. But Sero had arrived on his own. No allies to cheer him on or reasons to want them. He was simply filled with purpose. He had entered the exams as a means to an end in order to get promoted and to bring honor to Kirigakure. But he suspected the other fools were not taking the exams seriously enough. He didn't see these exams as a test between nations but as a proving grounds. A way to show the other nations which nation was superior. He felt that this was nothing short of a war between the nations. As if some how behind the scenes the genin battling out for the crowds amusement was nothing short of a blood soaked battle field. And he fit right in. He was prepared to confront his enemies and end them. The rules said no killing allowed but if they forced him to actually push himself he was not capable of holding back. Anyone who challenged him challenged his blades edge. And he would see them bleed.

Still he was in need to hurry to the event. He quickly made sure his grappling hook was sealed into a scroll still before placing that scroll into a pocket on the back of his pants along with the scroll containing the headsets. The last three scrolls he pushed into those pockets before closing the velcro flaps each contained a sword. His bastard sword, His Odachi, and his Flamberge. Each very large weapons. On his back he strapped on his katana so the hilt poked out over his right shoulder. On the small of his back he strapped on his folded windmill shuriken. On right hip he strapped on his rapier and his cutlass. On his left hip he slipped his Kunai gun into a holster. Two of the C rank kunai already loaded into it. The other 8 were strapped straight across his chest. Around each thigh he had five regular Kunai strapped into place and one kunai hidden inside of his hoody behind his neck. He placed five shuriken sheathed onto each shoulder. And then three senbon up each sleeve. On his wrists he had on bracelets of five metsubishi per wrist. on each ankle he had ankle bracelets of five Makibishi per ankle with the spikes pointed away from his ankle. The smoke and flash bombs were placed into his front sweater pocket with one on each side. He also wrapped fifty feet of wire around his right arm. And lastly he slipped on his whip sword disguised as a belt. His Kirigakure forehead protector he let hand around his neck with the symbol pointed forward as if guarding neck. Then he was off to the exam grounds. His full arsenal strapped to his person. His grey hoody and grey pants along with grey shinobi padded sandals were his only attire.

506 words

[rolling for first scenario]



[rolling for first scenario]

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
[CE-1] Death descends into the labyrinth  SSPd0Za



Sero arrived at the event location on time but he remained apart from the other contestants. He didn't care to talk to any one he might soon be pressed to fight against. In fact he felt he would avoid them entirely in case they begin planning on how to counter him. He watched them with cold grey eyes from a distance, At least the ones who readily revealed themselves. He wondered what the first event would be. Would they undergo fighting within the labyrinth stretched out before them?if so then he was the best suited for dealing with it he thought. It would force the enemy into close quarters combat with him. And he was a very confident individual when that came about. Anything within his reach was nothing more then fodder for his blades. And blood would run along the grounds between them. He felt the urgency rising within him to begin the killing games. But not yet. Eliminating any of them before the exams even started would bring dishonor on him and his country. Instead he moved to get closer as someone was about to make an announcement of some sort. He needed to hear the rules at least. Remaining away from the other contestants his cold gaze and pale form approached the announcer just as they began to speak. They began to explain how it was a perilous maze and they would need to navigate it to the center. And to top it off not only were they to navigate to the center. But they were to do so without the possibility of coming across one another. This was a challenge without any genin on genin combat. He frowned in a slight amount of disappointment at that. He wanted to eliminate some of them right off the bat. But it appeared that would not be so.

Still his hand moved to his weapon rapidly as he suddenly noticed he was no longer alone. His eyes widened in surprise as suddenly one of the proctors was right next to him. But before he could draw his blade the proctors finger pushed on the hilt forcing it to stay in the sheath no matter how hard Sero pulled. Sero felt like he did with Gin and Ayakashi. Like he was completely outclassed. But still just as he had done with them he kept his composure and slowly released his hand from the hilt while his cold gaze looked up to the masked proctor. The individual before him was bigger then Sero by some degree but still it wasn't the persons size that bothered Sero. It was being unable to tell anything about the person. Cloaked in dark robes and masked the person couldn't even be identified as male or female. But Sero could smell blood on them. They had chosen his proctor well. The very concept of the individual was very much like Sero. But even as the tension grew the other individual didn't move for a time. When they did finally remove the finger from the hilt they lifted it to point at a nearby golden gate. Only then did Sero realize no one else was near them. At some point the others had all just vanished as he watched and tried to analyze the proctor. He had become too interested. Still the proctor held out a package and handed it to Sero. A bandage, a match, a half empty bottle and some string with one kunai. It was then the proctor spoke up with a dull voice that seemed to also be void of Gender.

"Make it to the fountain in the center. And let nothing in between stop you. Go at the sound of the explosion."

And with that the proctor was suddenly gone again. Not running or moving just no longer there. Sero narrowed his eyes before he moved over to the gate. Pushing the objects into his free pants pockets. The kunai kept in hand for the moment. Soon enough though the explosion rang forth. But he cared nothing for the pretty colors that followed. The gate opened and he stepped forward. Walking into the labyrinth and not even bothering to look back as the gate closed. He moved forward at the sound of the gate clanging shut and shifted through the maze. His mind memorizing each turn and dead end. But after a while he had become incredibly immersed into the maze itself. The marker of the giant tree in the center his only way point. He looked up to it for a moment. Contemplating if there was an easier route when he heard it. A low growling noise approaching. His first challenge had arrived it seemed. He let his grey eyes lower with a cold gaze. Dead grey eyes met yellow eyes filled with hunger and madness. He could see the wolf now. It's haunches rising and falling as it snarled. Dirty yellow fangs dripping with saliva. he could tell it intended to come at him. But he waited. Letting it circle him. Getting a feel for it as his hand gripped his kunai. He didn't feel fear though. He felt prepared to slaughter this thing in his path. It was just an obstacle and the best kind of obstacle. The kind that bleeds.

Then it lunged at him but Sero was already prepared. The wolf was so predictable in it's movements that the task was simple. Even if the wolf was ever so slightly faster it was covering the distance between them and Sero was hardly moving. At the last moment he sidestepped and with a rapid movement sliced across the beasts neck. Severing it's jugulars and windpipe. The Kunai ripped from his hand and lodged deep into the wolves throat. Still it was a death wound. And the only blood on Sero was the blood on his hand from the strike. The Wolves blood. He watched as it fell over bleeding out and drowning in it's own blood. The threat was dealt with and he continued on.




[Rolling for Second Scenario]

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Sero' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
[CE-1] Death descends into the labyrinth  JRw2xWu



For a time Sero wandered. He had left the Kunai with the dying wolf at first with no interest in chancing an injury from a dying animal. He had no need of it when compared to his arsenal. But something was bugging him. The people seemed crafty and capable. What if they wanted the survival kit back at the end? He sighed and turned back losing valuable time. Before he returned to the wolf and watched it from safe distance. A pool of blood soaked its fur as it had fallen there. And it's body no longer was rising or falling. So it wasn't breathing. He had never read of any wolves playing dead before so he simply decided it was indeed dead. He moved over to it and located the Kunai buried into it's throat and yanked it out. If returning with all the items was some sort of test then he was not going to fail out of carelessness. He sighed as he wiped the blade on the fur before tucking it into one of his pockets. Who knew? He might just need that one extra Kunai eventually. And with the item reclaimed he walked away. Leaving the wolf for the other predators to feed upon. It mattered very little to him after all. He was never one for keeping trophies. Still he progressed closer to the center. Increasing his pace to make up for lost time. After all he needed to get to the center in time to see how other genin managed. So far Sero hadn't even had to put forth any effort. The killing of the wild wolf was too simple. He wondered if it would just be another walk through the park from here on out. But he wasn't ready to drop his guard just yet.

Suddenly he realized his path ahead was blocked. As he turned to backtrack he found that the way he had come was blocked off too. Tree's surrounded him on all sides. It was odd how they had just managed to pop up. He had been paying far to much attention to have left the maze into a trap. This was yet another challenge by the look of it. But of what kind? was he to figure out the illusion? He reached out and placed a hand on one of the many tree's. He tried to push but couldn't. It was solid. He tried with a few more tree's before he took a step back and looked around contemplating. However even as he began to come up with a purely destructive idea the passage in front of him seemed to give way. The tree's themselves shifting apart. But he was not in the clear yet. Blue letters began to shine as an obvious barrier in his path. Blocking his way. But he was not too alarmed. For the letters were of a common language and not some sort of seal. But instead a riddle. Of all things they intended to stop him with a riddle? He read it and raised a brow. Reading it out loud.

"I am great and powerful, my roar knows no equal, yet a simple stone thrown at me can bend my path. What am I? What Roars with no equal and follows a path that can be altered by a stones throw. Certainly not a river for it is great and powerful but its roar is too dull. But water is close isn't it?"

Sero had spent a lot of his time growing up alone in a library. Books and education were his only friends. But he had also grown up in the hidden mist. Water was everywhere. But usually so calm and quiet. A flow that he had grown used to with an eerie stillness. But he had heard a roar once before. As he had watched waters crashing down from above. And with that he knew the answer. And so he spoke it out loud.

" A waterfall. A waterfall is the answer. It is great and powerful and it's roar knows no equal yet its path can be bent by a stones throw. Now let me pass."




Sero watched as the letters seemed to glow for a minute longer. Unsure if he was supposed to write it or not. Just incase he used the blood soaked onto his hand to write waterfall on the barrier. Or at least the symbol for it anyway. The red crimson on his hand from the wolf the perfect tool for it. And as soon as the symbol was finished the blue glow of the letters began to fade away. Losing form as letters and gathering the blue color at the top before the letters took on the appearance of a waterfall. The water draining suddenly like a waterfall which seemed to melt the barrier itself. The challenges were easier then he had suspected. But still the path before him was opened up once more. He had lost time on the riddle though. Others were likely already racing for the finish line. So he needed to make up lost time. As soon as the barrier was fully gone he burst forth through the open path. Racing at full sprint through the last of it. Regulating his breath as he came through the forest at high speeds with his silver hair fluttering about his face. He could see the tree marker ahead now. And he was close. He quickened his pace and regulated his step until he was close and slowed down. Not wanting to wear himself out just in case there was more yet to come. He stood before an open gate leading in now.

Quietly Sero walked into the open gate without looking over his shoulder. His small form approaching the fountain with the hero's water in the center. To anyone else it must appear to look so beautiful but to Sero it was just an end goal. A place he was intended to reach. He moved to the fountain and sat there. Waiting and watching for the other genin to arrive. He appeared to be completely unphased by any of it as he figured he had completed the first task. Now it was just to see if the other contestants or otherwise known as opponents would be in the same state as him. It was important to survey the enemy and learn what one could Even Sero was giving away something as he thought about it. He took out the bottled water and washed what was left of the wolves blood off of his hand. In case the opponents decided that was his main hand for holding weapons. He didn't want to even give that much away. Still he pocketed the bottle and dried his hand off on his pants before crossed his legs. His grey eyes watching for others with a cold a calculating gaze. He figured he was one of the first to arrive. But he wanted to know of the others. And he wondered how this would affect the next challenge. Or if the next one would be more exciting then these simple tests. A maze, a wolf and a riddle were nothing in the shinobi life.

1217/1000 second task complete. First challenge complete

total of 2740

Strength C -> C-3
Endurance C -> C-1
290 remaining

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