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Today was the day, the Chunnin Exams were beginning at Noon Suutei was more than prepared. Days before his departure to the Village Hidden in a Waterfall, Keigo wished him good luck and promised to be there when he won. Suutei also promised Keigo he would win the whole thing, and when he did they would have a real fight with no limits. Suutei gathered all his necessary materials placing them in his back pouch. Forty Senbon, his Kunai, and three Shuriken. Tying his headband around his bicep he stopped in his tracks. Taking a deep breath before he stepped outside the village a man wearing Standard issue Jounin attire approached him. "I am here to lead you to the location of your first test. The Exams will begin shortly we do not have much time to spare." Suutei nodded as the two began their walk to the testimg ground. Following after the man out of the village, this was it his moment to shine. Konohas Blue Flame was ready to show the world who he was.

Reaching a clearing not far from the village, the two stood atop a small hill. Suutei gazed in amazement as he saw a structure stretching out for miles before the participants who showed on time. An enormous labyrinth had been constructed outside the main village of course with the combined efforts of many. "I'm pretty sure you can handle the walk from here, I must return to my post. Good luck." The man vanished in a cloud of white smoke, Suutei ran ahead down the hill falling in line with participants that had already been gathered in front of the main entrance for an introduction, all of them surrounded by proctors. Maybe for security measures, regardless there was nothing wrong with extra security. Suutei looked to a woman who had appeared out of thin air. She was almost his height, with long white hair and also wearing jounin attire except hers were all white with a blue trim. Apparently she was the Head Proctor and she was about to begin the introduction.

"Greetings! Welcome to Takigakure and the Tri-Annual Chunnin Exams. I am the Head Proctor, Migara, Today for your test as you all may wonder is this Labyrinth. The objective is simple: arrive at the center of the labyrinth, where a crystal clear fountain awaits, rumoured to contain the mystical hero water that the village treasures. Whether this is true or not is known only to those responsible for creating and managing the labyrinth. The center of the labyrinth is not difficult to locate, marked by a great tree reaching up towards the heavens. However, the journey will not be an easy one. Creatures of disproportionate sizes lay in wait, creatures from myths and nightmares, natural - or not so natural - obstacles, and challenges galore. Master the secrets to surviving through them all to reach the final destination within the allotted timeframe to move up to qualify in the second event. You have by Sunset tomorrow to reach the center, all those who do not reach the center by Sundown will be disqualified. I wish you all good luck, and may your pride as a shinobi flourish."

Suutei was caught off guard by the man who escorted him earlier appeared out of a cloud of smoke. Holding a bag in his hand he held it out to Suutei. "This is for you. It contains everything you will need to survive within the Labryinth. I placed one kunai, a match, thirty meters of string, a bottle of water half-full, and a large bandage. Follow me to your entrance." The man threw the bag at Suutei who caught it and put it on his back, and followed after the Proctor he seemed like a gloomy fellow but that was how some people were. The two came to a stop as they both stood before a large golden gate, leading into the Labyrinth. Suutei nodded to the proctor who again, vanished into a cloud of white smoke. Soon there was a large explosion and a ravaging array of lights in the sky, signaling the start of the Exams. Suutei ventured into the Labyrinth as the large door closed slowly behind him, he was ready for any obstacle that may lay ahead. The Blue Flame of Konoha is ready to ignite! Determination filling his thoughts as he began jogging farther into the Labyrinth.

[Rolling for first Scenario]
Suutei carried out 1 launched of one Exam Scenario Dice :
Igniting the Blue Flame!  Suutei and the Great Labyrinth!  [CE-1] FOW63fh



Uhmm just noticed i did the dice roll incorrectly i think if not then I will just keep this for my second if that is okay

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Suutei' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
Igniting the Blue Flame!  Suutei and the Great Labyrinth!  [CE-1] JRw2xWu



Suutei began the search for center of the labyrinth more difficult than he foreseen.  He thought mazes were easy to complete, and it seemed pointless.  Suutei looked up to the sky searching for the time from the sun, his guess it would be four hours till Night.  Even with the situation at hand he would need to get farther than what he was within the next hour.  Suutei walked along swerving, curled, and obstruct paths.  Suutei noticed a pattern in one particular wall, it was also when he came to his senses that he'd been walking in circles.  Suutei stopped and threw his hands over his head, calming himself after frustration fell upon him.  Suutei saw a straightaway and ran the whole way before he was stopped in his tracks, implanting face first into a weird wall.  "Ow what the hell?!"  Flopping down on his rear rubbing his nose, soothing the pain caused by the collision.  Suutei looked up at the wall and it was a bit peculiar.  It looked rugged almost like tree bark, Suutei got up and attempted to touch the wall, suddenly he became surrounded by three more huge walls similar to the first.  The first walk fell backwards revealing some type of barrier ninjutsu.  "What the hell is going on?"  The other three tree walls blocked all his paths, aside from the one in front of him.   passage seemed to have opened. The barrier that had just formed began to form letters, Suutei watched slowly as each letter formed one word after another.

The letters eventually formed a sentence not the normal everyday phrase, a riddle that wasn't to common and actually a high level of wordplay.  The riddle said: "I am great and powerful, my roar knows no equal, yet a simple stone thrown at me can bend my path.  What am I?"  Suutei gripped his hair pulling on it as he screamed with clenched teeth.  "Why did I skip my Literature classes!?!"  Suutei released his hair looking over the riddle, going over it in his mind after all he wasn't an idiot.  Okay keywords...Great and Powerful, Unequaled Roar, but has a path that bends easily.  Suutei closed his eyes focusing on the riddle, and came to a conclusion that it was a form of water.  What kind of water roars was the only problem that he faced at this moment.  Suutei remembered along his travel to Takigakure he saw the waterfall of legend.  The legend told that every century the waterfall that hid the village, and the large trees energy would fuse with one another to create the legendary Hero Water said to give the drinker triple their normal chakra, so long as they could handle it.  Suutei imagined having the kind of endless chakra to use, it certainly would benefit him.  None could stop him with that kind of power, he would be as strong as a waterfall itslef.  "Thats it!  The answer is waterfall!"  Looked up with high hopes at the barrier, with the promising answer he gave.

Scenario Complete:



Rolling for Second Scenario...

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Suutei' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
Igniting the Blue Flame!  Suutei and the Great Labyrinth!  [CE-1] 2FLjz0b



Suutei watched as the letters on the barrier shimmered a blinding light, then faded away along with the barrier.  Suutei smiled with pleasure at his success of the riddle, though it did seem just a bit too easy.  Suutei turned to see the tree walls still intact, Suutei shrugged and continued forward down the straightway.  Looking up to the giant tree ahead a smile of relief covered his face, he had done it and still had hours to spare.  Suutei looked back to see the tree walls were gone, it seemed odd that they would disappear.  Suutei continued to press onward, and once he turned the corner he would have completed the first test.  Suutei now filled with excitement began running for the corner, ready to finish this test.  Suutei fell forward after a powerful trimmer filled the labyrinth, he looked back to find the path he once travelled crumble before him.  The walls had began to fall down into the endless chasms created by the falling earth.  The destruction got closer and closer, before Suutei realized it was time to run.  Running on all fours before getting up on his legs, he looked back to see the trailing disaster.  Suutei tried to run faster before he was crushed, or trapped under the earth.  Suutei ran pulling his backpack off searching for the string and kunai he received from the proctor.  Alright I'll use this as wire to create a grappling hook...

Dropping the bag as it fell down into the pit behind Suutei, he took the kunai from the backpack and looped the string through the ring on the hilt.  Swinging the string in a circular motion above his head, while his heart raced faster than his legs moved.  Suutei let the string be carried forward around thirty meters ahead of him, he ran at a slower pace gripping the string tightly.  Suutei took the kunai from his back pouch and placed the hilt into his mouth sideways.  Looking forward he realized the kunai hadn't gotten closer and the string seemed endless as well.  Suutei now confused and fatigue catching up to him, he thought about how he had failed Keigo.  Suutei realized that somehow, somebody had casted a genjutsu or some kind of technique to waste his time.  Shaking his head he then recalled the day he skipped school, to attend his Genjutsu class at the academy.  Suutei tried his hardest to remember the lesson given to him by his Teacher.

"In the event event you are caught in a jutsu, this technique will allow you to break free of the genjutsu by stopping the flow of your chakra.  Now Suutei since you were late your going to show the class the proper way to create the technique.  Suutei groaned as he walked to the center of class, Do I have to?  With a frustrated look on his face, he watched the other kids snicker because he was forced to perform the technique.  "Okay Suutei.  Show us the technqie"  Suutei formed the half tiger seal, but before activating it his teacher repeated that he demonstrate the technique.  "Okay don't rush me!  Suutei began focusing before his teacher repeated again that he demonstrate.  Suutei performed the technique, before he realized that his teacher casted a genjutsu on him.

Running his hardest he took almost tripped over his own feet as he staggered slightly, realizing thst in fact it was a repetition genjutsu.  Raising his free hand to his chest he formed the half tiger sign.  "Here goes nothing...KAI!"  Suutei left his feet diving forward hoping to hit solid ground, praying that he broke the genjutsu if it was a genjutsu.  Suutei fell forward looking behind him as he rolled on his back that the path he just ran was still intact, even the tree walls and his backpack was on the ground with its contents empty all over the ground.  He stood up brushing himself off removing the kunai from his mouth and ran over to pick up the bag.  Suutei ran forward as he saw the sun begin to set as he rounded the corner.  Watching the fountain of the legendary hero water, shimmer radiantly from the suns rays.  In just a few meters his efforts would be all the worth while, and he would be a qualifier for the second portion of the exams.  "Nothing can stop Konohas Blue Flame!  Here I come!"  Suutei was grinning as he ran for the fountain, maybe he could use the bottle he got to fill it up with the hero water.

Scenario Two Complete
Chakra: 110/150



Suutei started to walk slower night had falling now it was no longer a rush, he was victorious and now the second test lay ahead.  As he entered the center of the labyrinth, he saw that he was not the first person to reach the center.  He looked and observed the three he could see around him, two he hadn't seen during the announcements earlier that day.  Looking over to his right was a girl that he found rather attractive, maybe because of her long blue hair similar in color to his.  She seemed to be obsessed with the color blue, as she was sitting rather serenely in a flower patch.  Her clothing centered around the color blue it appeared, she wore long black pants blue trim and a black vest with blue on the top and bottom and a pair of blue stripes running down the sides of her vest and a zipper in between them.  What caught his eye was a blue crescent moon on the upper left.  Okay we have a girl obsessed with the color blue, even if she is a girl I can't let my guard down if she got this far she has to be someone with skills.

Looking farther past her Suutei could see another figure, though he could only make out a body and grey clothing.  Though body language was key in finding many things about peoples attitudes.  The figure sat on the edge of the fountain cross-legged, usually that means a sign of patience.  The person must be very attentive and able to easily focus, the second was their clothing.  It was dull almost lacking imagination, usually depicting lack of excitement or no creativity.  With only these two facts this person seemed almost empty like a hollow shell, but it seemed they may have been the first to complete the test.  Suutei took account that they finished first, but still may not be much trouble to handle.

Looking to his left an exit of the labyrinth still hadn't been conquered, by a contestant was it possible they failed.  Suutei ignored the empty place and looked past to see a familiar sight a boy he'd met prior to the exams.  Kaneda Sarutobi.  Though it was no surprise that he was here, he said himself he would be a contestant.  Though he didn't think of Kaneda as a threat he pondered the skills he may have attained since their first fight.  Suutei approached the fountain and removed the water bottle from his bag, and drank the water from the bottle that purposely was filled half-way.  He then took the bottle and dipped it into the fountain filling it half-way, he drank from the bottle again testing the legend itself.  Though he didn't feel a change in anything he hunched his shoulders, and left the bottle on the edge of the fountain.  Flopping onto the ground he laid on his back the kunai he held in his mouth earlier he now twirled it around his index finger, waiting for the next announcement to be made.

Exam Event 1 Complete
Chakra: 110/150

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