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1Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:47 pm



Kaekio stood infront of her assigned gate The gate made of gold looked so pure and shiny, but yet it could lead to the death of her. Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach, she felt uneasy. she knew she would not be meeting any other Genin in there, but what else would they me meeting? it could be anything under the Sun, and Kaekio had no clue as to what it to expect. Her blue eyes glued to the massive tree in the Center of the maze. both of her blades were on her back on the inside of her cloak, which was also hiding eleven kunai and 3 shuriken. she also had the survival kit that she was given on her. it still unopened. she should have probably checked the contents before she stood before the gate, but that was irrelevant now, now she would have to check it at some point during the first event. She rolled her eyes. Great now in that Chaos on the inside she would have to find time to check the contents of her kit. she got a tad bit Antsy as she waited for the Sound to come, but it wasn't coming. then that's when she began to hear it. all of the creepy sounds coming from inside of the Labyrinth. they were so strange and bizarre and with so many different ones that Kaekio could pick out a single one and make out what it was. that thought terrified her. BANG! kaekio almost jumped out of her skin at the sound. after the creepy noises she simply wasn't expecting it. she looked up towards the Grand tree in the Center of the Maze. Their that's when she saw it. the bright lights telling her that the event had started. The gates before her swung open violently. Kaekio was once again Startled by this, but she ran in head first. She had been told by the Proctors before she came to the Gate that it would close if she was too slow. and as she entered the shiny golden gates did just that. they closed behind her with another fast motion. although she had expected that one and it didn't scare her as bad. she walked forward slowly, as if testing out the darkness until her eyes adjusted. once her eyes had Adjusted she moved forward with her swords drawn of course, just in case anything out of the ordinary, or anything ordinary decided to attack her. she knew not what to expect of this maze, but she also knew that this Labyrinth expected her, as it's green leaves swallowed her whole. The young Ryuzoji proceeded with caution, her heart pounding, all of her senses, including her sixth one, on high alert, however nothing seemed to be headed her way, so as of right now she just had to navigate the Labyrinth, which was a task all on it's own. then she heard it, the first scream of the event, it was loud and High pitched. probably coming from a girl, it sent shivers down her spine. What could be in here that was so dangerous that people were screaming already. Kaekio sure hoped she didn't find out.

1/4 posts done
0/2 Scenarios done

2Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Re: Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:51 pm



Rolling for Scenario 1

3Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Re: Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:51 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Kaekio' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
Into the Labyrith [CE-1] FOW63fh

4Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Re: Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:17 am



Kaekio had been walking through the labyrinth for almost an hour now until she Came a crossed a Guard tower. there were two guards that she could visibly see. she pressed both of her palms together to check for any more and there wasn't so she was good. Now she simply had to figure out how she was going to get past both of these guards. she figured she would wait it out a bit and study the Guards and their location before attempting to make a go at guards. she began to take note of her surrounds as well as the gate its self.

The gate was iron, and looked to be worn down a bit, with rust stopping it. No sunlight leaked through the massive Canopy of the grand tree that sat in the center of the maze it self, this tree was visible through the solid iron gate, that stood open before her. the gate was set on hinges that looked to like it could be moved electrically, so the chance of her Sprinting through before the guards had time to close the gate was almost non existent. The two guards were on the top of two different towers that each door of the gate was attached two. This tower, like the rest of the wall that connect to either end of the labyrinth it seemed like. The tower and the Walls the stretched out the sides of them were made of Think cobblestone and was done what most people would think a castle wall should look like. in fact this whole thing looked like a castle to her. two torches hung at the base of each tower to light the entrance, roughly 8 meters apart from each other. another unseen light source light up the top of the watch tower which allowed Kaekio to see the two guards standing at the top of each one, peering out into the distance to check for intruders. Kaekio still stood at the Entrance to the massive clearing roughly 80 meters away from the opening to the gate.there was a nice clean cut path up to the gate and then a circle of clear around the gate. about 6 meters radius from where the gate would Seal together if closed, leaving about a 1 meter radius from the edge of the clearing to the torch. around the clearing was several large rocks and bushes that could be used for effective cover.

Kaekio slid behind one of the rocks for cover concluding that she should hide before a guard spotted her and closed the gate before she even had a chance to get in. she peered around the Corner. her black robe effectively blending her in with her environment. she sat there for a few hours or so only moving to get into a more comfortable position as she watched the guards to see if they would move or had a pattern or something, but they were as solid as a rock, which lead Kaekio to believe that they were not even human at all maybe something else? but then she saw one itch their ear, and she figured only something alive would have that response and so she believed once more that they were humans. after about another 30 minutes one shouted to the other something and they both laughed. just then Kaekio felt alone. they had each other, but who did she have? no one. as of right now no one was with her, no one to guide her, to sooth her. Panic begin to well inside of her as her biggest fear consumed her. she grabbed the necklace that hung around her neck. it was a small blue crystal it didn't match any of the blue on her it was more of a sky blue. she clutched tightly in her hands as tears began to stream down her face. She couldn't handle feeling alone, but that is why she had this necklace. it was a reminder of a white haired 12 year old boy who had convinced her that the world didn't revolve around her parents and that they weren't the only thing that mattered. it reminded her of a 12 year old boy who helped her off of her feet in a time of need and taught her a thing or two about being a ryuzoji, and being a proud one at that. her heart started to warm and she began to feel a little bit better as she remembered the boy who had helped her regain her confidence in herself and push past her insecurities. while the panic attack had been short lived it totally through Kaekio out of Focus and it took her about another hour before she was ready to continue forward with her assault, but she had a plan. she slowly moved closer and closer towards the right Torch until she was in a straight line with it and the left torch. Putting her at 9 meters away from the left torch still unseen. then she made a few hand signs and released an invisible Gas from her mouth shooting out at rocket speed, making contact with the second torch by the time the first torch ignited the gas, The sudden Fire exploded into massive light as Kaekio hide behind a rock once more so she wouldn't be spotted with that much light. The torches also erupted into flames, massive flames. but when the gas was gone their wasn't nearly enough fuel to sustain that fire, and both of the torches went out in an Instant leaving the ground dark. The guards lights up top however still remained on causing their eyes to not be adjusted to the darkness on the ground at all, and so with Kaekio's black cloak on she slipped through the gates and ran out the other side, quickly reaching the narrow labyrinth passage ways one more and was consumed by them before the Guards even had a chance to see her. she beamed with pride as her plan was a success.

WC:1022 Scenario #1 DONE!
Posts 2/4
Scenarios 1/2

Rolling for Scenario #2 now

5Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Re: Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:17 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Kaekio' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Exam Scenario Dice' :
Into the Labyrith [CE-1] JRw2xWu

6Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Re: Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:45 am



Kaekio took a short little break after her whole Guard tower incident, she had had to alot of plotting and scheming to pull off that plan to work. not to mention the mental break down she had gone through during the middle of her Attempt to cross. had she not been wearing the necklace that Bokuden gave to her when she was just a young little girl around the age of seven then she might still have been stuck behind the rock, and oh so far from her destination. she continued walking through the maze with a tremendous amount of luck, only taking a wrong turn every know again, and she noticed that those only happened when she second guessed herself about which direction to go, but she was definitely making progress towards the center of the labyrinth. she had no clue how long she had been in there. it could have been simply minutes, to hours, to even days. her sense of time was completely lost without the sun rise and sun fall. Although she didn't even feel drowsy yet which was a sign to her that it couldn't have been too long since they entered the maze. given that they entered the maze in the morning right after kaekio had eaten a big breakfast, and she was just now starting to think she was a little bit hungry she figured it must have been around lunch time. although she had no food on her, she hadn't seen any other animals around to signify that she was supposed to be hunting. Kaekio could only assume that she just wasn't unlucky and that other genin weren't finding much to eat either. so given that that would mean that they weren't supposed to be in this place for too long... plus kaekio seemed to be advancing on the tree with a quite noticeable improvement since she first entered through those golden gates. however the unfortunate thing was that ever since she had entered into those gates, she had heard several screams that seemed to be quite the distance from her, but still loud enough that she could tell that they were call of distress. She couldn't worry about them now however, she was here to improve herself and allow herself to become a chunin... she must see the other competitors as rivals and not as friends in order for her to win...

Kaekio snapped out of her thoughts and back into reality when she realized that she had been walking in a straight line for far too long, but it was too late to turn back. as she became fully aware once more trees surrounded her in all directions. "Shit" were the only words to excape her mouth as she drew both of her blades and instantly sent Raiton into both of them, making them glow a bright blue. Whatever was coming she was ready for it. but nothing did. no monster. no animal. nothing. instead one tree merged into another heading into the Direction that she wished to go. there was jsut one little problem. a barrier blocked her from going anywhere. kaekio nearly cursed again but she figured that she better not just in case all of her speakings in the exams were somehow relayed to Sano... her head dropped in shame at the thought of that, and she felt sick to her stomach thniking of the kind of "Training" (more like torture) he would put her through if he found out that she was using fowl language in the exams. Kaekio actually couldn't help but smile at the thought of her sensei, she loved him like a father and even though his ways of showing affection were a bit weird by normal standers... she could tell that he cared for her, if only in the slightest bit, too. Kaekio then Noticed the words written on the Barrier in front of her. "I am great and powerful, my roar knows no equal, yet a simple stone thrown at me can bend my path. What am I?" KAekio's mind instantly went into a whole different mindset. her brain began to piece things together. What would a Stones throw disrupt? A shadow? no doesn't roar. a River? that would bend, but River's don't roar, they more hum.. rapids roar, but a stones throw wouldn't really Effect that, and they don't even really follow a path. so what could it be? what follows a course that is seen as strong and powerful? but is so Fragile that is can be disrupted by something as simple as a rock? the answer seemed like it would be a water of some kind. because water could be very deadly and Dangerous by yet very Fragile and weak at the same time. water seemed like the way to go but what? Kaekio's mind trailed back to the beautiful girl she had seen the other day. her beautiful smile, her blonde hair. the Wate-... WATERFALL! THAT'S IT! kaekio jumped up and down with joy as she blew a kiss too the sky hoping it would reach Nozomi wherever she may be. that Adorable girl had actually helped Kaekio complete this challenge, however distracting she may be. Kaekio blushed and Giggled as she said her Answer aloud to the Barrier, and it burst open. Cool! she thought guess that had been the write answer after all. As kaekio walked past the barrier and replaced her swords in their sheathes on her back she face palmed. the answer was so obvious, the chunin exams were being held in the village hidden in the waterfall. the awnser had literally been everywhere around her just yesterday, and yet when put on the spot all of that seemed to vanish. So kaekio was grateful for the Beautiful Distraction that was constantly consuming some of her thoughts. as Kaekio walked on blush was evident in her face as her thoughts continued to remain on Nozomi.

WC: 1011/1000
Posts 3/4
Scenario's 2/2 DONE!

7Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Empty Re: Into the Labyrith [CE-1] Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:49 am



Kaekio continued to walk along that path towards the grand tree for what seemed like forever! her mind began to drift with the boringness of just simply walking, it of course drifted back to the girl who had been consuming her thoughts. Nozomi. the beautiful blonde girl, kaekio had taken a liking to her almost instantly, and sometime during their first meeting kaekio began to develop something a little bit more... a crush perhaps? yes... that's what it was. Kaekio was definitely crushing on her. "is she thinking about me?" kaekio wondered to herself as she kept on walking forwards. it seemed like she was getting closer and closer but she couldn't honestly be sure. her stomach was growling at her by now, and her Survival kit went untouched. hell she hadn't even gotten in a real fight yet. she didn't even get to Showcase her skill and abilities to anyone or anything. she was bummed as a slight frown appeared on her face. well unless some weird reason came up and she didn't manage to pass this part of the exams, she should be able to display her abilities to everyone when the next part of the exams came up. the 1 vs 1 duels. that would be her time to shine. that would be the time that others could see she was truly ready to become a Chunin. a new motivation took over Kaekio as she started to run. left right. left left. she didn't have time to second guess her choices when the path split at this speed. she would just go with what felt right at the time. the Tree grew closer and closer with each passing second. she was almost there! she was so close! so close to making her sensei and everyone in Kumo who was rooting for her proud! she would make someone proud! she let out a small squeal of excitement as the Middle of the Maze came into view. a massive smile and a quicken pace were the reaction to the sight of that clearing, the clearing of a Massive Tree and a fountain. a fountain filled with what was apparently some kind of hero water. as kaekio approached she was  completely unscathed in the slightest bit. all of her weapons were well hidden underneath her cloak. she looked around as she entered the clearing to see how many others she could find. but she only found one. a boy who was simply looking at her. trying to decide what she was about, who she was, what she did, what her specialties were perhaps? he wouldn't get anything. nothing. not even the swords on her back were visible through her cloak. she smiled as she sat down in a flower patch near the fountain and awaited to be told what she was going to do next. she was ready for whatever it was. although there was one she was looking forward to see come through their entrance to the center. their name? Nozomi.


Total Wc: 3083
-1875 for str c to c-3
-1175 for Endurance c to C-2

33 useless words

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