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1Loki, Inuzuka  Companion Pet Empty Loki, Inuzuka Companion Pet Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:41 am



Name: Loki

Species: Canine  

Rank: D-rank, Combat pet

Specializations: Ninjutsu

Elements: Raiton

Personality: Being the closest species to the wolf, he is very loayal, and can obey to only one person thoughout his whole life. Thus, his bond with his Inuzuka partner is unbreakable. He is also overly protective. Because of his loyalty and attachment to his partner, Loki gets very jealous easily and might get into fights and situations that he shouldn't. So, sometimes he is more of a trouble to his partner than a help.

Techniques: As a canine, he can bite and scratch, jump onto enemy. Jutsus will be applied later separately.

Appearance: Loki is white, has long and thick fur, is about one metre tall, has electric blue eyes.

Loki, Inuzuka  Companion Pet Howl_i12

2Loki, Inuzuka  Companion Pet Empty Re: Loki, Inuzuka Companion Pet Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:53 pm



Loki, Inuzuka  Companion Pet GCTCSPU

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