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1Kai - Ninneko Partner Empty Kai - Ninneko Partner Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:22 pm



Name: Kai
Species: Feline
Rank: D-Rank/ Support Ninneko
Specializations: Genjutsu
Elements: Futon
Appearance: Kai is a small completely white cat. Her height is just under average at 8 and a half inches.
Personality: Kai is a very sarcastic cat. We will mock others she deems as lower than herself (which is most people). She however is loyal to Ryuu though she is not afraid to put him in his place. She occasionally helps him when he goes collecting treasures.
Techniques: (to be added)

2Kai - Ninneko Partner Empty Re: Kai - Ninneko Partner Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:34 pm



Kai - Ninneko Partner 7khkzIW

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