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Nozomi walked on, simply out for a stroll on the main road in the town. After meeting that boy, Yasu, she was quite happy. Sure, he'd been a little bit of a perv and all, but he was nice enough. Anyhow, she'd made a friend, and that was all she really cared about. It had been a long time since she'd really talked to anyone, and most of her interaction was with the Chuunin tutor of hers.

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi was out for a small stroll as well. Strangely enough, even though she was surrounded by nature, a thing she appreciates and likes to admire, she was bored out of her mind. She knew that there was more information regarding a supposedly haunted mansion down the road though, and so she fought against the said boredom in order to gain the information for her true aim at entertainment. Not really paying attention, but instead having her mind wander off into the distance, the raven haired Genin didn't notice another stranger being on this lonely path, another such stranger that she was about to bump into, shoulder upon shoulder, by accident.



Nozomi had accidently bumped into a girl while she was walking, as it seemed both of them were rather preoccupied with their thoughts. Nozomi's face turned scarlet red as she was embarassed for doing so, and she quickly bowed. "My apologies. I didn't mean to do that. I'm usually more attentive." she said, quickly apologizing.

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Soon enough though Kasumi would gain a hint of reality as she suddenly bumped into another girl, alerting Kasumi to the now blushing stranger. 'Wow... Usually these days someone is ready to fight if you bump into them by accident... This girl looks as if she just did something embarrassing..' The Genin would think as she watched this stranger his to her while speaking, apologizing for the physical contact the two made, going on as to say that she is usually more attentive. This made Kasumi smile at her while closing her eyes, revealing her shark-like teeth to the girl as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

"It's my fault really. If anything I could have paid more attention as well. Really with how far out of it I was I could have ran into the Mizukage herself by accident heh heh.."

She would respond in a friendly manner before giving her a minorly curious glance.

"I'm Kasumi Osada, by the way. What's your name?"



Nozomi couldn't help it. She stared at the teeth, surprised by the look of razor sharpness they held. Giggling nervously, she listened to the girl speak, saying that she could have run into the Mizukage with how preoccupied she was. "Oh, a lot on your mind then?" she asked curiously. Then she realized how rude she'd been. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Nozomi Himitsu, terribly rude of me."

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi heard the girl giggle nervously before inquiring a it if she had a lot on her mind, going on to apologize again as she stated her name. Nozomi Himitsu.. What a nice name. Mentally shaking that small thought out if her head Kasumi brought a hand outwards, gesturing for a handshake.

"It's nice to meet you, Nozomi."

She would continue to speak in a kind and friendly manner as she waited for this newly met peer of hers to either shake her hand or ignore it, either way mattered little to someone like Kasumi, whom of which was curious if there was a more casual side to what seemed at first to be a very polite Kunoichi.

"So where are you heading off to?"



Nozomi smiled as the girl extended her hand, also extending pleasantries. She accepted the hand shake and shrugged a little informally, relaxing a tad bit. "Oh, um, I don't know. I was just out for a walk. Trying to rest up a bit, I've been over exerting myself training for the Chuunin exams." she said. "And its nice to meet you too."

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Yes! A smile was achieved finally as Nozomi accepted the handshake, revealing her beginning to relax a bit through the handshake itself and through the informal shrugging of her shoulders. She would speak about how she was just out for a walk, more specifically making an attempt to rest a bit since she has been over exerting herself from training for the Chuunin Exams. This specifically made Kasumi perk up with interest.

"The Chuunin Exams? So you're going to show the other villages that the Mist is the best, huh?"

She said in a slightly joking manner as she gave it some thought. Yeah, perhaps this person could be a potential friend for Kasumi. It didn't exactly seem like she would be some traitorous scum in disguise, so why not give it a shot? The raven haired Genin would think as she decided to make a friendly offer.

"Trying to rest? Well we should be a few minutes away from the dango shop in town that my father runs. Want to get a quick snack the. As part of your resting?"

She kindly offered, she knew that her and this newly met friend of hers would have to pay for the food, regardless of her father running the place, though she can handle the expenses.



As Nozomi mentioned the Chuunin exams, it seemed that she'd caught the interest of the other girl. Obviously she cared about the Village Hidden in the Mist pretty patriotically. Well, perhaps just a pride thing anyhow.

Nozomi nodded. "Yeah, sort of. I'm mainly trying to test myself to be honest. Not sure how good I am." she said, honestly.

"And a dango shop? Sounds great, I could go for some dumplings right now." she said. "I think I can pay well enough if I have to."

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi listened as Nozomi spoke about how she's mainly trying to test herself, to be honest, and that she is not sure how good she is. She continued on to speak about how a dango shop sounds great right now, and that she can as well pay of she has to.

"All right~ Right this way, Nozomi."

Kasumi would reply as she would turn around and beginning walking back into town, her direction being the Dango Shop itself with absolutely no detours. It made her think though about why exactly this fellow shinobi wished to take the exams just to see how good she is. Some of the few she came across heading off to take such a test were either patriotic or just wished to rise up in the ranks. This is honestly the first person she met that had neither motivations for taking this test, and it made her curious. As they were walking, Kasumi would speak up.

"Sorry for intruding but do you mind telling me why you wish to test yourself or more specifically, why you wish to gain strength? Only if you don't mind to of course, it just interests me, to hear the many different reasons why."



Nozomi didn't really hesitate as she went to answer Kasumi's question. She thought that she might be interested in her reasons for just wanting to test herself, and it wasn't that big of a deal for her to answer. So as they walked, Nozomi answered her "Well, my clan, the Himitsu clan, is heavily Taijutsu based. And... well, I'm the daughter of the clan head. As well as the absolute worst of our clan. So I've been training up, to get better, so that I'll be appreciated by my clan mates, and my father. And since I've been training so hard, I need to use the Chuunin exams to see how much I've improved. I just want to show everyone that I'm not useless." she said.

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi would walk beside Nozomi as she listened to her fellow Genin speak, telling her about how the Himitsu Clan is heavily Taijutsu-based, and that she herself was the daughter of the Clan head, though she was also the worst of her Clan as well. She has been training to get better so that she'll be appreciated by her Clan mates and her father and that since she has been training so hard she needed to use the Chuunin exams to see how much she improved. She would then finish her statement by decreeing that she just wants to show everyone that she's not useless.

Now standing right in front of the empty shop in the midst of what seemed to be an overall empty street, which wasn't surprising, since it seemed to not be one of those times of the day where everyone was out and about, performing their chores and whatnot, Kasumi would stop moving and instead would look Nozomi in the eyes, revealing how serious she would be in this statement.

"I may not be one of those people that you're trying to prove yourself to, though I do know one thing for sure, and that is no one is useless. My parents passed before I even knew them, so I really don't know what having a biological parent is like, though one thing that I can indeed say for sure is that I'm sure your father does indeed appreciate you, though perhaps he just wishes for you to reach your full potential. Either way we arrived, so how about we talk some more after we sit down?"

She would say as she moved towards a nearby seat at one of the tables. Taking her seat, she would wait for Nozomi to do the same.



Nozomi listened to Kasumi as she spoke, saying how she was sure that Nozomi's father appreciated her and wanted her to live up to her full potential. She didn't really feel like explaining why that was wrong, so she just nodded. "Yeah, maybe." she said. She wasn't convinced, but she didn't feel like explaining. She took her seat, and smiled at the girl again. "And you? You participating, or are you just going about your usual activities?"

Kasumi Osada

Kasumi Osada

After she watched Nozomi take her seat after saying a short "Yeah, maybe", Kasumi noticed a smile appear upon her face as she asked if she was either participating or just going about her usual activities.

"Nah, sadly i can't go. I have too much to do and people to take care of. Maybe next time, though.."

She spoke with a small hint of sadness in her voice, though it was merely a hint and nothing more. It was stressful for her, to have to miss such an occasion, though she knew the decision she made was the right one. Family should come first unless it's a mission, and in this situation, it definitely came first. As she was about to continue speaking her adoptive father; a dark-skinned, slightly out of shape man with pale hair, would reach the table, looking slightly worried. Looking directly towards Nozomi, he would speak.

"I apologize but the shop had to be closed early, also i'm sorry but Kasumi can spend no more time right now being with friends, her mother is getting worse by the moment."

"But fath-"

"No buts, Kasumi, your mother needs you more than ever right now."

He would speak sternly, though his face showed something else, something that would be described as distress and worry. Nodding silently upon looking at him, Kasumi stood up and began to walk out, losing whatever expression of happiness she had before. Stopping at the entryway, Kkasumi would look back towards Nozomi.

"Erm.. Sorry for wasting your time. I.. um.. have to go..."

With that, the girl would leave the entryway, disappearing towards her home.


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