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The Kimura girl stepped into Shushaya pub, adorned with her red collared lavender short sleeve dress shirt and dull purple skirt, which matched the color of her short, tomboyish hair. The girl approached an empty booth, sitting down and looking at the menu nonchalantly. She ordered an assortment of foods that, despite being expensive, she could manage to afford. After doing such, the burgundy eye'd beauty looked at the environment around her, which consisted of people that were most likely twice her age.

That didn't matter to Aruhara though, because this place bought her to peace. She was comfortable here, and nothing would change that.

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

A raven-haired man was sitting at a wooden table that was build within the bar, peacefully sipping a few drinks from a glass of wine that the ordered a couple of minutes ago. Those ebony eyes were scouring the room while those sharp ears were raised towards the ceiling, resembling those of a wolf. "Heard any kind of rumours lately, old man?” the Uchiha inquired the barkeeper, forcing the man to lower those green eyes upon him as he continued cleaning up the wooden surface which stood beneath his eyes with a white piece of clothing.

“No... nothing really is going on lately. Oh wait, I heard that one of the weapon shops located in the east side of the village are now importing... some kind of new weapons. You should probably visit it and see what’s the whole fuss about.” the old man answered on a rather fluctuating tone. Nothing really went on these passing days. Since the revival of Konohagakure’s Military Police Force the thieves began to act more cautiously, and everyone kept their heads rather low.

Peaceful times were bestowed upon the village; however, nothing lasts forever.

The village seemed too quiet to be true.

~ 201/201 of Total Words ~

Itazura Sarutobi

Itazura Sarutobi

"You dyed her cat blue Itazura! This isn't just a prank!" My mom's ever nagging voice pierced the air with discontent and anger and frustration and all the ike that parents usually have toward their child that did something very wrong.

"Come on Mom, the cat looks way better now. And totally matched with Fashino's sense of fashion!" I replied my hands with my hands up in mock surrender. "Besides who doesn't like the color blue for a cat? i would totally want a blue cat, wouldn't you want a blue cat?" I tried smiling my way through it, but my mother wasn't amused.

Yes, it was true that I happened to take our unfriendly neighbor's cat and dye it an wonderful shade of indigo blue. But Fashino had always been one of those nosy middle aged ladies who seemed to have nothing better to do in her life but poke her nose in other people's business or basically lecture me on how terrible a ninja I was. I already got enough of the latter from my mom, plus Fashino's cat was way nicer to me than that lady ever was. Though considering the first time I ever met it, I ended up with cat scratches all over my face.

At this point, I knew retreat was my only option. "But I guess you're right and I'm totally going to go apologize to Fashino-san right now, Mom. Right now!" I took a step outside of our current location, dad's bakery. "Kay, Mom! Bye!" I shouted as I ran down the street, my mom screaming after me.

"Sarutobi Itazura, you come back here right now!!" Yep, she was pretty angry. Maybe a little more than just a little ticked off.  I smiled at my own predicament and rushed down the street, taking a few turns and twists, and eventually coming up to a pub. Ah, a perfect hiding spot! I stopped and made a single hand sign, three clones of me popped up in smoke. “Okay guys, you know what to do!” I barely had time to hide behind the door of my chosen hiding place before I heard running footsteps behind me.

Yep, it was my mom. Ah, seemed like her retirement of taking a teaching position had already worn her out for the day. She immediately saw my three clones and yelled out my name once more. Itazura!!” The three of me smiled and ran off, my mother too angry to notice that they were only doppelgangers. I knew it would only be a short while before each of them got too far away and dissipated or when my mom would catch one and it would go off in smoke, but I still felt grateful to get away from my angry mother. At least for the moment I was safe. I gave a sigh of relief and slumped my shoulders against the door. It usually took a lot more to shake me, but mom was always someone I tended to feel edgy around and when she was pissed (which actually tended to happen a lot… and usually at me), I was more than happy to find any chance to escape.

Jutsu used

Doppelganger Technique:

Chakra 135/150

WC 544



Aruhara smiled genuinely as the food approached the table. She spoke in a low-pitched, yet still noticeably feminine tone, seeming to brighten herself with an aura of zest. "Thank you very much." She said, shifting her eyes to the left to discern those throughout the restaurant. Shortly after doing so, the Kimura clanswoman indulged upon a piece of well-cooked beef drenched in a sauce composed of mixed together seasonings, and other sauces themselves.

The girl chewed with etiquette, touched with a hint of sloppiness expected of those that knew her well. After consuming three pieces of the sauce-drenched beef and a handful of rice, the female took three generous gulps of apple juice from the glass of it beside her platter which could be mistook for a mini-buffet.

"Delicious as always.." Aruhara murmured with subtle happiness that accentuated her facial features.

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Even though the daily patrol has ended and the man was now off duty, that jet-black and long sleeved shirt  which hoisted the Police Force emblem on both biceps was still present upon his body. “Hmm... I’ll probably pass by there tomorrow. Now, I just want to enjoy my drink. Thank you for the information, old man.” were the words which came out between the Uchiha’s lips, right after they became busy once more with that glass of wine. Nothing really seemed to be out of the ordinary in this particular day, everyone was quite caught up within their own menial tasks. Those eyes kept scouring the room only for a couple of more seconds, since they’ve now stopped at this young girl who seemed to have a grandiose appetite.

“That’s quite an appetite that you have there. However, you seem a bit too young for a place such as this, am I wrong?” Tenzō asked on a curious tone right after he turned in order to face the girl. The bar was actually quite close to her table, and the gap between them was no larger than two meters. As such, the man made sure to speak loud enough for those words to collide against that pair of ears which stood next to that tomboyish haircut. Curiosity was always a weakness which he could not hold at bay; although, things were starting to get a little better regarding this particular side of him. Perhaps, joining the force will probably leave a larger print on that personality of his, things were still uncertain and only time was capable of answering that question.

~ 277/478 of Total Words ~



Aruhara wasn't one to familiarize voices with people around her, let alone notice people around her, so when he questioned whether or not she was authorized to be within the pub she was taken out of the loop. The girl lifted her head to stare toward Tenzou, with a look mixed between guilt and confusion. A strip of marinated beef hung from her mouth, her chopsticks clenching it tightly. She slurped up the strip of beef, then chewed it, before replying to him with her burgundy eyes having him in her sights spot-on.

"Yeah..I guess so.."

Aruhara spoke with a brute-like, slightly feminine voice with a dominating masculinity to it's vocals. The purple haired female ate some more of the rice, taking another sip of the Apple Juice. She then looked to Tenzou once more, quite intrigued by his appearance as she absorbed a large majority of his facial features and his current attire. In her opinion, he had the look of someone high in authority.

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

On a first impression, this young girl did not seem to care much about what the world thought about her; hence the careless attitude which could been seen easily by her sluggish way of eating. The way she looked at him when those burgundy eyes of hers were lifted from the table, left behind the impression that she already was conscious regarding the fact that she was probably the youngest person in this pub. Without a doubt, manners where present on this young girl since she did take her time to finish up chewing before speaking, while most of the people around here will answer a question like that with their mouthful. As soon as those words of hers had finished, the Uchiha raised himself from that seated position before moving with a few heavy footsteps closer to her table, stopping just a few inches away from the empty chair which stood at the other end.

Both of Tenzō’s palms were now resting on the chair’s back while those fingers were now clenching around it; slowly, the man leaned a bit forward looking within those burgundy eyes with his own dull and ebony pair. “Hmm... so why are you sitting here alone, don’t you have any friends to hang out with?” the raven-haired man asked while raising up that left and thing eyebrow, gazing deeply within the girl’s eyes. Even though that hair of hers was short and similar to a haircut that was worn by boys, those womanly features were still visible on her and those clothes pointed out that as well. Maybe she was trying to hide something, or wished to not drag any kind of unwanted attention; however, it was too late for that, since the Uchiha was a bit curious right now.

~ 301/779 of Total Words ~



Aruhara's facial expression changed when she heard the word 'friends'. She looked down at her gathering of food with a hint of sadness, then looked at him with a bright, half-hearted smile. She curled a gathering of dull purple hair around her index finger, occupying her other index finger with the duty of anxiously and passively tapping the wooden table. The girl sort of struggled to make her words clear, as it was sort of hard to exploit why she was feeling this way. "Well...most of my friends did not know..that..well..~" She smiled, before blurting it out at the same volume as her previous speech:

"I'm bisexual."

She went ahead and ate some more food while waiting for his response. Usually people responded in awe.

Last edited by Hatred on Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to format)

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

The raven-haired man furrowed once the young girl had changed that face expression, perhaps this subject was a bit inconvenient to discuss with her. Almost every gesture that she made afterwards was starting to hint at that; however, the answer which she gave was not something that the Uchiha had thought about. There was practically nothing wrong with the first line of words that she spewed between those lips, although, the declaration which came after that smile managed to surprise the man ever further. The actual surprise came from the fact that she admitted her own sexual orientation, when in reality the young man inquired the girl if she had any kind of friends to hang out, he wasn’t referring to lovers and bisexuality wasn’t really something that would keep the boys away either.

Without adding anymore words, the man hoisted that right arm of his in order gently rub that pair of eyes once they were closed. “Hmm...” was the sound which came from Tenzō before lowering that paw back on the chair. “I was... doesn’t matter anymore. However, isn’t it a bit too early to be concerned about your orientation? Actually... how old are you?” where the two questions which came from the man on a curious tone, and once both were spoken, those ebony eyes have made their presence once more. The raven-haired man was rather open-minded and there were little things which could actually surprise him, and before she could have a chance of answering that question, the man quickly slithered the chair forward, underneath the table.

Right after the young girl would decide to give him or not her answer, the Uchiha would let out a few words “I did enjoyed our talk, but please excuse me, since I have to go for now.” on a calm tone before bending that upper body of his from the waist, performing a quick and formal bow. Time wasn’t really n his side since he joined Konohagakure’s Military Police Force, and the young man had to finish a few reports that were needed to be completed before tomorrow at a certain hour, and it was just better if the man went straight home to complete them in this particular day. Tomorrow was after all a day which the raven-haired man decided to allocate towards his training, right after the man was going to leave work at the station he would head out for the training area that was located within the Hidden Leaf Village.

Little by little, that weak vessel of his was getting stronger due to the whole time invested in his both physical and mental training; however, things were getting sloppy these particular days since the man was visiting these bars a bit too frequently. Maybe, this was finally the time to stand up and lessen those visits by quite a substantial amount in order to allocate more of his time towards training, since there was still a lot of room left for improvement. Not only that, but there were also a few goals which he needed completed and most of them required nothing more than raw strength; words, were not capable of solving all the issues after all, and the Uchiha was quite aware of that fact. The man wasn’t ignorant at all, and he was aware that there were a lot of shinobi that were capable of taking him down without displaying any kind of effort in the process.

Right after the bow was finished, Tenzō relocated himself against the bar with a few heavy footsteps which rattled around the room, and once he arrived there, a few ryo were taken out of his own pocket. A bag of coins was dropped against the counter, and the man left more than though to cover up for his own drink which he purchased earlier, more specifically that sweet red wine. “Thank you old man, and I’ve a few more for the earlier information that you provided me with. Have a good day.” were the words which left between the raven-haired man’s lips on a benevolent tone before the young lad began making his way outside this so called pub. Once those footsteps relocated him against the door, with a swift motion the Uchiha opened it up, letting that squeaky sound echo throughout the room; apparently, the hinges were not oiled for a long amount of time.

Outside the day light slowly began fading, leaving room for the night to show its majestic presence with its well-known pitch black sky; however, there were a few clouds present on that blue horizon which were giving hints that it might start raining quite soon. A booming sound echoed in just a couple of seconds, it belonged to a lightning that further backed up the idea which indicated that it was going to rain, the clouds were indeed rather grey and not a single one of them was pure white. Without wasting anymore thoughts on this matter, the Uchiha began waltzing his way between the alleys, heading for home instead of the Ouroboros compound; after all, a substantial amount of time passed since he last visited those parents of his, and with this occasion the man could also spent the night there while working on those reports for the police force.

In just a couple of minutes, between ten and twenty, Tenzō managed to finally arrive within the Uchiha district where in a short notice the man managed to relocate himself against the door where both of his parents were living. Three quick knocks were given to the door, and once the third one had collided with the wood, a female voice could be heard answering at the gesture. “Just a minute!” the voice of a woman answered while footsteps could be heard heading towards the man’s direction, with each step taken the sound echoed louder and louder. After a couple of steps, the woman clenched her right hand against the door’s handle before unlocking it with the key and eventually opening up the door for her son. “Greetings, mother. How have you been?” the Uchiha asked on a gentle tone, while those lips of his slowly began curling upwards, taking the shape of a smile as those eyes closed for a second or two.

“Come in Tenzō, come. It’s been over a month since you last came here, where have you been?” his mother spoke on a cheerful tone while beckoning the raven-haired man inside the house, closing the door after before locking it back. “Not much going on, I’ve been fine mother. Been rather busy with my missions, and you know... since I joined the police force, time began to flow even more quickly than it did before.” the man said while taking off both of his grey sandals, leaving them at the entrance before making his way towards the kitchen. His mother followed him while nodding and smiling on the way; however, when both of them entered the kitchen, the woman asked the young lad if he wished to eat something, although, the man wasn’t really hungry and kindly refused her invitation. The man ate at a local restaurant before lurking inside the pub; some sushi was enough to clench the man’s hunger for a couple of hours, since he was not the type who ate much to begin with.

“Father is really proud of you, Tenzō. I haven’t seen him that happy in a while, you know that, right?” the mother spoke while pulling two chairs back, leaving one for her son while taking one for herself as well. Tenzō father was a busy man, and he was most likely not home at that hour, hence the reason he did not came to greet his own son, the man was probably sent with some political affairs or diplomatic assignments since that was the field in which the man excelled. His expectations were really high due to those reasons, and the man was rarely if anytime at all proud of this raven-haired man; however, Shiro, the sister managed to steal away the attention most of the time, since she was quite good at studying and the time she dedicated towards her professional career was outstanding, unlike Tenzō who wasn’t really interested in building up a strong and renown title for himself.

“How’s Shiro been doing, since it’s been even a longer time when we last had the chance of seeing her, is she alright?” the Uchiha’s mother asked on a worrying tone while rubbing both of those hands against each other, obviously she was concerned with the safety of her own two children. The raven-haired man took a few steps closer towards his mother, before placing both of those hands on her shoulder in order to comfort the woman. “She’s fine mother, don’t worry about her. I’ve seen Shiro just a week ago, since she helped me with my last training.” the man spoke on a calming tone, retracting those arms back after he finished speaking. “For now, I need to head over at my room and finish up a few paperwork that I need for the police force, we can continue on with this discussion tomorrow in the morning.” Tenzō uttered lowly while moving towards the stairs which lead at the man’s bedroom.

That mother of his nodded a few times while watching the raven-haired man make his way up the stairs, feeling finally relived due to the so called news which her son has brought her. Without wasting any more time on this, the young Uchiha quickly stormed up the hallway in order to save up time since the papers were indeed enough to keep the many busy the whole night; hopefully, the man will finish them up quickly enough to catch a few hour of sleep. Since tomorrow in the morning the Uchiha had to catch up a few things with his mother, and hopefully his father will arrive until then, if not then the man would just head out for the training which he proposed to fulfill. “Alright, time to finish this up.” the raven-haired man said while lowering those ebony eyes against the reports which were needed to be completed.

~ 1734/2513 of Total Words ~

~ Exit Thread ~

~ Training Reaction Time from A1 to A2 | 2513 - 1150 = 1363 WC Remaining  ~

~ Training Reaction time from A2 to A3 | 1363 - 1300 = 63 WC Remaining ~

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