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1A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Mon May 19, 2014 5:05 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Through the haze of war and love, Kenji was struggling to find his footing at home. It had been so long, and so much had changed the only thing he could truly rely on was his power. Years upon years searching for such strength had paid off. Now, as a result, he was being asked to exercise his ability once more. Many times, even with his absurd confidence, he had wondered whether or not he was ready for the challenge at hand... did they hail his abilities to hight. At this given time though, there were no such creeping doubts, only a task at hand and the eagerness to accomplish it. My Hane is looking too clean these days, this is unfortunate for the foes that await me. A passion of his was battle, a simple truth that many knew about Kenji. For quite some time though, his actions have been restrained, not being able to carry out tasks to his liking, but now he had the automony to do as he pleased to an extent. The mission at hand called for stealth and offense... Im perfect. A delicate balance of the two was required for the optimum result.

Having served many years in the ANBU and still technically still enlisted, he was able to advance his skills of stealth and assassination to new heights. Combine those abilities with the deadly deceptive arsenal that he held so close, he found himself often drowing in his killing options. After thinking on the mission for a short time, having been debriefed over the course of weeks, he stepped outside, fully equipped. His long bow and quiver of 10 arrows lied on his person. Atop that was his lethal Hane and many other projectiles that were scattered on his frame. An ominous sign hovered overhead... clouds spelling gore and deceit seemed to manifest every time he embarked on tasks like these. I know the destination. My strategy well thought out. The time has come. The wait was over. The Sannin would appear to vanish to any eyes that fell on him... his speed leaving eyes sprawling to obtain an idea of what was seen. He had left the village already, he peered out into the wilderness. I'm sorry I'm going house shopping without you Katy. By the time you get off tour, we might be enjoying an opulent mansion.

Sniper to some, butcher to others, and to the most unfortunate an illusionist. This man of many monikers walked through the wilderness with confidence. An icy wind began to occupy the region, a feeling Kenji was all too fond of. His destination was still about a dozen kilometers away, and Kenji was in no particular rush, he would get there in good time regardless of his lack of urgency. The trail he was on would end, leading into a mountain range, a land mark Kenji was aware of before hand. A high pitched whistle swept through the area, emitting from Kenji's lips. Seconds later, Kasfara appeared behind him. "My strength has been waning, I need to conserve as much as possible" Kasfara looked at Kenji with contempt. He knew what the Sannin was saying. The giant blue lion reluctanty allowed Kenji to mount him. In a fierce gallop, the blue mane duo rocketed up and along the moutain. With heralded precision and speed, the two whizzed and dodged obstacles with. Gracefully advancing towards their destination. Kenji's eyes were still alert as the moved at a feverish pace. Neither of them could resist ending the trip in style. With an emphatic push, Kasfara launched the two off the side of the weathered structure. Soaring through the air for what seemed like an eternity. Rocks crumbled underneath the power and size of Kasfara. The lion stepped out of the minature crater he created. "Your little voyage ends here." Kenji couldn't believe his ears. It seemed that their intel lacked a few details, which was to be expected. The chancellor's protection reaches far past the grounds of his mansion

"I count 20" "Me too. I only counted for fun though because the amount doesn't matter." The enemies snarled in reaction.

Five charged forward wielding spears. As the distance between them was reduced to 10 meters a smoke bomb was released. Kenji's eyes squinted and then drifted over to Kasfara, whose sense of hearing and smell would render the diversionary tactic futile. "How about I let you handle all of them big guy, you know you want to." Kasfara scoffed, but within seconds bolted off, thrashing through everything. With sheer speed, strength, perception, and experience... the "threat" was silenced permanently. "Our voyage has only begun."

They continued forward, only slightly more alert after the slaughter fest administered by Kasfara.  The trail onward looked much clearer after they disposed of the 20 trash bags. Kasfara could sense no one of suspicion so far, but Kenji hoped he was wrong. He had already had his fun, it was Kenji's turn. Kasfara never took time to enjoy a fight, he couldn't repress his animal insticts... Kenji on the other hand, was much more cerebral, and at times, possibly sadistic. The human ginsu was dying to slice a piece of life. He only needed a piece to scale back this rising urge for violence. I can control it... my entrees deserve it anyway. The duo was now trekking through a series of small towns that acted as the secret servants of the Chancellor. Pitty, they are subject to such a crude leader. Little did they know, his reign would come to an end sooner than--- A tremble could be seen going through Kasfara's fur... The perennial smirk slowly withered off Kenji's face... "Mother of God"

Mission wordcount: 965/3000

2A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Wed May 21, 2014 12:30 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

"These folks aren't just subjects are they..." Kenji asked Kasfara as he looked at the nature and the flow of the city. They were armed, they were alert... they were soldiers. A whole army... not to mention this was just one of three town/cities they had to pass through. "We're just going to have to switch to stealth mode is all. You're not back at full strenth yet, even you going up against these many foes would prove bothersome. Especially since you still have to worry about the main target. On top of all that, we have no idea what they're capable of... we're assuming they're equivalent to Chuunin and Gennin in strength, but we can't be sure." Kenji pondered, and Kasfara was absolutely right. "If this is a stealth mission now, your journey really does end here. I'll use the transformation to go forward. You've fought well as always Kasfara, you can go rest now... but stay close by, just in case." Kasfara nodded and turned around, trotting off in the other direction. It was now just Kenji "facing" off against multiple cities of soldiers, and he was going to walk right past them.

His eyes absorbed the intel he needed to impersonate the soldiers on a superficial level, he would have to walk among them in order to obtain their mannerisms and other helpful information that would make his infiltration more effective. With a single puff of smoke masking the transformation. Now draped in militatry gear that was identical to the soldiers roaming the city grounds. It was actually quite casual and was the reason why Kenji didn't recognize initially, but with Kenji's extensive espionage experience... he figured it out. Now, he intended to use the foresight to his upmost advantage... not only was he going to skate through these cities under the guise of a soldier... but he would use the opportunity to mimic them to a fine measurement, gaining their trust and gaining more information towards his ultimate goal... killing Chancellor Kiwiyama.

Mission word count: 1322/3000

3A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:57 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji's weapons were on his person as he appeared in front of the five guards protecting the gates. He flashed in front, flaunting blurring speed. Before they could react properly their throats were slit in a line. Rolling all of the bodies over, he examined their faces and uniforms. After 15 seconds, he used the transformation. The Sannin would dispose of only the body he was impersonating. His plan was to use the other bodies as a ploy to cause a riot. The scene would evoke fear that someone had marched onto their territory and had the skill to slay a guard, meaning they were likely within the gates now. Once Kenji got rid of the body, he still had the task of making it inside the fortified town... which he didn't foresee to be a difficult task with the help of the transformation jutsu. A considerable stretch of narrow land that flirted with a toxic surrounding body of water. Kenji snatched a mask from one of the guards that would protect his respiratory system. Years of working as a spy and an ANBU agent had conditioned for this task and any task vaguely similar. It was his wealth of knowledge from sheer experience, poise, and attention to details that made him perfect for espionage. The toxic gas from the lake that slowly ate away at the land caused a stinging mist to linger, greatly reducing visibility. As he reached the mouth of the village, he could see a few eyes fall on him. With the new attention, he expression read despair. Through his transformation, he made his clothes bloody and tattered. After emerging from the mist he fell to his knees.

Kenji shrieked, his voice cracking with pain. "I know Im not supposed to travel through the toxic stretch, but we are in trouble!! I've never seen anything like it!" Kenji was corralled, the soldiers trying to calm him, so they could hear exactly what the issue was. "I'm sorry. A shinobi, he had to be... he killed the other four guards. He slit their throats within seconds. I didn't even have time to blink before he stood in front of me. With a flash bomb I was able to sneak into the toxic stretch where he decided he would be wiser not to enter. He'll be back, we have to brace ourselves. He only showed a glimpse of his power, if we don't prepare, he'll destroy us!"

Kenji wanted them to panic, he wanted to see how they would react. Also, if they believe they were under attack, he could see what kind of weapons they were using, and that could give him a little insight into their skill level. It would be a last resort, but just in case he had to engage in combat, he wanted to make sure he had a little intel on their abilities. This commotion would also allow Kenji to move in deeper while the ranks were in chaos. Kenji was hoping he could snake through this town as quickly and as cleanly as possible. After all, he had three more to go, and a tactic for each of them.

Mission Word count: 1853/3000

4A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:54 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

So far his plan was working quite well. Nearly a hundred men were dressed in gas mask and carrying clubs. The Sannin was taken aback by their weapon of choice. They're so blunt.

Kenji quietly stepped out of the spotlight and moved deeper into the city, attempting to get behind the forces, and as they marched into the toxic land Kenji would be moving in the opposite direction. As he turned completely, a name was shouted. Thinking quickly on his feet, he presumed it was his. He turned slowly and was faced with a harsh inquisition. "Where do you think you're going!? You're coming with us!"

Kenji sighed, and began to slowly walk back to the army. It won't take me too long to shake this infantry, especially with this many people. We're going to keep our eyes on you at all times. You saw this threat first hand, so we'll be following your lead." If Kenji was a lesser man his jaw would have literally dropped to the ground he stood on. Well then, perhaps losing them will be more difficult than expected. He was handed a mask, he accepted it and slipped it on. Kenji waved his hand, gesturing them to follow his lead.

They now walked with a purpose into the toxic land. He was surprised how eager they were to meet this phantom opponent. There were only two reasons... 1) They were strong 2) They were more afraid of the chancellor than death itself. Also, they had a significant numbers advantage. To them, it didn't matter if the attacker had allies, they were sure their numbers would lead them to triumph. Kenji smiled to himself as they would be right. The Sennin Sannin couldn't take all of these some hundred men on by himself in his current state.

Despite the sharp turn of events that resulted in the derailment of Kenji's original goal, he had already formulated a plan that would allow him to get back on track. The master of illusion had the idea to deceive but a few of the men that had Kenji in their sights with Genjutsu.

While the army marched in a single file, that stretched all the way back to the front gates. Kenji then subtly used his phantom zone Genjutsu to distract the infantry, as their eyes left him he jumped into the bubbling body of water. Kenji was able to use supernatural walking as well as transforming into a small dog, so he would not be easily seen, even though it was about a 30 meters drop below them. He could hear the murmuring above at the disappearance. Before he knew it, they all began screaming that the enemy had attacked again, killing the only witness. "HE DID SAY HE WAS INCREDIBLY FAST!!!" "WE CANT STOP, IF WE LET HIM WRECK HAVOC, CHANCELLOR IS GOING TO KILL US!!"

Mission word count: 2342/3000

5A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:05 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Still under the animal transformation, Kenji skirted across the toxic water while focusing chakra in the soles of his feet. The Sannin couldn't help but smile to himself as he was already back at the village, using his eye peeling speed. He had lost enough time as it is. He now transformed into a soldier that he saw marching with him, and walked around the empy town. I need to find their headquarters. Where they keep information regarding the Chancellor's plans. Kenji knew that the soldiers would want to protect such a location, so it would likely be deep in the town and fortified even more than the rest. With that inkling, Kenji's assessment was that it wouldn't be difficult to find. He advanced, moving deeper into the town. The place structured and highly organized, many of the areas being labeled. This spoke to the corruption and influence of Chancellor Kiwiyama. His influence had stretched so far he was this blatant, knowing no one would probe his affairs. Well, not until now. Kenji couldn't blame him, he ran a tight ship and had lasted a very long time up until now, and seeing how Kenji had not yet completed his task, his reign could very well continue.

However, with the Cloud's Sennin Sannin on the loose, failure was unlikely, but impossible. Kenji cancelled his transformation, revealing all of his weapons that he brought on his person. As he continued he saw a building surrounded by stone monuments with glowing nets draped around them. As his eyes scanned the sight, he finally reached for a shruiken and threw it about 1 meter above the highest monument that was a meter below the peak of the building. The shuriken was repeled. The net emits a barrier with an emission range of... Kenji threw another shuriken to guage the exact range. 1 meter. Kenji collected the one shuriken that was deflected. He then pondered how he would get through the fortress and into the headquarters.

The barrier is formiddable, no doubt, but it has to falter at some point. Let's see if this barrier can withstand a blow from my Scythe. Kenji's Supeketuro was listed as an S rank weapon, among the deadliest and strongest weapons around. His ring began to glow a sickening blue, and then the blue light extruded out forming the scythe. Now comprised of the finest steel. Kenji wielded the instrument and jetted forward, delivering a skillful and powerful swing. As the barrier pushed against his efforts, Kenji growled and maintained his intensity, digging that much harder. The energy of impact began to increase and as a result an orb of energy manifested at the point of impact and exploded. The explosion launched Kenji back about 10 feet. He barely had the wherewithall after the explosion to land on his feet. On the other end, the stone monument was shattered, leaving on the HQ. Shrieks of pain began to ring from his body. In his rib area was where most of the pain was being felt. The only thing that saved Kenji was the range of his weapon. His scythe being 9 feet long, allowed him to avoid the deadliest portion of the impact. That 9 feet (3 meter) of seperation allowed just enough of the energy to be lost so that it didnt do to his body what it did to the monument.

Mission Word count: 2915/3000

6A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Thu Jun 19, 2014 8:11 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

With the HQ vulnerable, Kenji was ready to gather the cherished information that would spoil the Chancellor's scheme. It was just that, the feeling of triumph that overshadowed the nagging agony. Kenji moved quietly towards the towering structure that had been abandoned due to the threat of an assassin. A glint in his eyes marked his target, which lied behind the walls, he wouldn't be stopped now. As the door creaked, a sharp pain flare up in his jaw. It took but a few fleeting moments for Kenji to realize what had happened. As the realization set in he was sliding across the ground. Anger grew slowly, but not as rapidly as wit. His hand reached for his bow, but the assailant was nowhere to be found. "I was sent to clean up." The words settled in his ear, but didn't quite give way to the speaker's location.

Sliding feet came to a halt behind the hunched Kenji. The Sannin feinted a strong side kick to the midsection only to dip stab the attacker's thigh with a kunai. Now Kenji would issue the side kick to the stomach against the stunned opponent. Flying through the air was a man dressed in black with a bowtie with a cane in hand. A dapper fellow... this must be the butler, but why is he so far from the mansion. He wouldn't, this must be a cheap clone that is used to guard HQ.  Kenji wasted no time, the butler clone wouldn't have a chance to have his eyes grace Kenji. Well, not before Kenji's Hane hacked down upon his skull, finally dispersing the imitation. What a high level shadow clone, that kick would've done most in.

Back on track, into HQ. It was spacious. Kenji was looking for layouts of the other fortified and conquered cities so he would know how to avoid them on his way to the mansion where he would encounter the real butler and the Chancellor.

Mission Complete: 3000/3000

Training Perception: 253

7A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:15 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

With plenty of experience traveling across Kumogakure, the maps gave him just enough information as to avoid the other fortified cities. Also in HQ, were plans that gave hints as to Chancellor Kiwiyama's grand plan... a part of Kenji told him it didn't matter, he was going to capture the sleazy politician regardless. On the other hand, being an intel operative, there was the slim chance that there was more to the Chancellor's scheme other than just power. There was the possibility that others are involved that could still pose a threat if they aren't dealt with after the Chancellor... far fetched indeed, but definitely not something to totally disregard. He compiled the most important of papers into a sack. After surveying outside the abadoned city, Kenji began his exit and the beginning of his evasion of the other soldier towns and his invasion of the mansion.

Walking deliberately through the streets, despite his deminished perception, he could hear moving that was highly resemblant to a person creeping. It was a pair, one on each side, behind the buildings that fenced the streets. Then there was the creaking sound of a door. Someone just entered one of the buildings. Through his peripheral, Kenji spotted which building it was. He's on the second floor, he going to try and snipe me. Kenji released a kunai right for the window, but it was intercepted. A slight growled was whispered, as the lion sage showed a glimpse of frustration. The person who thwarted his attack stood in front of him, while Kenji was still vulnerable to the men that roamed in the shadows looking to make the most out of their attack.

"The soldiers were sent, not the shinobi" Those words settled in. The Sannin didn't feel had time to be playing around anymore. "Do not do this. My issue is not with you, but if you get in my way I will kill you." Kenji usually liked to make a big deal of his killing intent, being dramatic and stuff, but he was really in a hurry to advance. The "shinobi" didn't respond. Kenji exhaled, and as he did an arrow dug into his neck, causing blood to spurt, but on his face was a mere wince. After Kenji's body stopped moving due to the impact, a cloud of smoke appeared masking the optical illusion set forth by Kenji. With his speed, the smallest distraction spelled death for his enemies. Using the replacement technique and his speed to their fullest extent. Kenji burst into the home within seconds and jumped through the celing appearing behind the sniper. His draw was all the foe saw. From the archer's same post, Kenji loaded his bow and shot the bewildered shinobi below. Kenji then moved to the back of the building where he had heard the other footsteps and saw spinning nunchucks on fire. Kenji smiled and spun his katana and dashed forward bring down blinding strikes that the enemy couldn't keep up with, he fell in a bloody masterpiece.

Kenji had only sensed one other, but of course that didn't mean much, there could very well be many more slithering about.

Training Perception: 791

8A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:13 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The presence of anyone else had waned... likely retreating, knowing that attacking would guarantee their demise. Kenji was now back to advancing through the forsaken city, and on to maneuver about the three other towns. And Kenji reached the edge of the city it was clear that they had decided to let the other fortresses deal with the Sannin, and worst case scenario they hoped the fortified mansion would be too much for one man...

Sneaking through city after city proved to be easy. There were a few wrinkles, but they were straightened out quickly, with a swift swing of his blade of course. It took a total of 4 days for Kenji to surpass the obstacles, but he made it. Kenji now stood a few miles away from the front gates of the mansion that housed the infamous and corrupt Chancellor, Amoni Kiwiyama. The Sun had dropped long ago. Layer upon layer of darkness now covered the Sannin. His eyes picked the guards that he was warned about. Only one remained stationary in front the gate, the other two roamed, not to far from the gate though. They all wielded katanas.

The clear choice for getting rid of the guards were long range attacks. He also spotted the archers atop the mansion about 20 meters from the gate. Their eyes were peeled. A smile beamed in the night, as he realized he needed to remove them first. Kenji loaded his long bow and fire arrow after arrow. By the time the archers realized one of their guys were hit, another arrow was already closing in on them. Peaking around now were the guards, the whizzing sound of the arrows created suspicion. Unfortunately for them, their time was greatly limited, as they were as vulnerable as they could be now without the archers backing them up.

Wasting time was not a flattering idea, the mission had already taken up 5 days, and he was just now knocking on the door of the person of interest. He couldn't be anymore eager to finish these guards so he can get to the Chancellor, and deal with him sharply. Time was ticking, the guards were growing more and more alert, the time was ripe for Kenji to attack. He drew and dashed.

Training Perception: 1171

9A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:50 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

With his blitz, two fell in tandem and before they could react sufficiently. Kenji's Hane dug into their flesh with comendable skill, skewing multiple vitals in one slash. They were expired before hitting the ground. The third shinobi was much quicker and by time his katana had speared the others, he was bracing himself, an impressive feat giving Kenji's speed. The Sannin actually paused. "You are fast enough to actually brace yourself for my offense... but are you fast enough to put up any meaningful defense?" It was a rhetorical question of course, but he watied as if expecting a response. A shuriken slipped through Kenji's fingertips and it dug into the shinobi's neck. Kenji was shocked. If he is fast enough to brace for my attack, he is fast enough to dodge a projectile... that throw was only meant to distract and set up my strike, not to land... something's wrong. It was becoming apparent that Kenji had underestimated his opponenets as a string light explosions went, leaving broken up logs in replacement. Three substitutions, and now I'm on the defensive. A whistle chriped through the air. With his current reflexes and perception, he had no chance at pinpointing the direction and position of the ranged attack. Therefore, Kenji resorted to his most versatile defense and began spinning and wrapping wind chakra around him by pouring it out of his katana. The Cocoon of chakra repelled lightning arrows. His three opponents now surrounded him, and they were smart, as they were already priming their next attack not giving Kenji a moment to flex his showcased speed. All three emitted a bright light, Kenji was forced to close his eyes before it could afflict his eyes. The Sannin waited a few moments, giving his foes time to charge forward, as they assumed he was blinded, but Kenji would instinctively jump into the air. After reaching his peak, he opened his eyes, and saw that one was right behind him. Only two charged, the other stayed back... these guys are tactically sound. The man that followed Kenji though was a little slow, and Kenji was able to spot him getting into position behind him, and soon as he was in range, Kenji targeted the shinobi that was directly behind him, plunging his Hane into him.

As the Hane twisted, snuffing out the last breath, he could hear a crackling sound, a sound he knew too well. Lightning. Then a release of lightning chakra ran through Kenji's body and propelled him to the ground with resounding force. Wincing, lightning shadow clone. Kenji could only assume that the other two he saw were shadow clones too. With that knowledge he knew he needed to get rid of the clones as soon as possible so he could get to the real threat. He quickly raised his Hane and released two disks of lightning that impacted the clones, and dispersing them into arcs of lightning. For the second time now, the battlefield outside the gates of the mansion were clear. Kenji let another lightning disk go that destroyed the mansion gate. He slowly walked into, knowing that the three clever guards could attack again at any point as he walked the long path towards the Mansion steps.

The night air cooled his damp skin, giving him a calmness in the tumult of battle. By no means was Kenji new to a tough fight. He welcomed it, but this was now turning into a cerebral fight... his opponents had used an assortment of deception, and Kenji had managed to endure, so now it was up to his opponents to match their previous efforts. A deliberate pace was kept as he strolled on, prepared for his enemies to strike again. Their strike came sooner than expected as his foot stepped on something that made a sound that did not bode well for him. The explosion that followed left Kenji sprawled on the floor... so this was it, it seemed as his three attackers walked up to his body.

Kenji's eyes pierced into theirs... and left them with that image as the figure they saw was no more. Kenji replaced himself with the mansion gate he had destroyed earlier. And with Kenji's speed, that decoy was all he needed. The coast was now clear as the three guards lied lifeless. Now that he had made it through the exteriror protection he was ready to employ his invasion plan.

Training Perception: 1920

10A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:08 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji used the supernatural technique to walk along the mansion, all the way to the top. As his feet reach the roof, his eyes fell on the bodies of the three archers, he couldn't restrain smiling at his handiwork. Upon tapping his Hane on the roof, the clanging sound of metal against metal caused Kenji to raise an eyebrow. Metal roof... nothing my Hane can't slice through. Kenji sketched out a circle, just big enough for him to fall through. A round picture of the floor came into Kenji's view. Sparkling beams rose to the hole carved out by Kenji. Looking down on the ornate floor Kenji grew jealous of the gaudiness. This is where I should have held my wedding... god forbid I get married again, this is where it'll be, besides I already got dibs on this place after I kill the Chancellor. Kenji had to forcibly derail his train of thought as it was veering further and further from the task at hand, a common thing at times for the shinobi. This was becoming prevalent more so lately, as the lack of activity and being a married man had reduced his fervor for combat, but he was slowly climbing back to his peak.
Kenji couldn't afford to be caught off guard. There was no doubt in his mind that the protection within the mansion would be leaps and bounds greater than the protection outside. With the skill and tactical ability of the exterior guards he expected much more. Going up against that caliber, any minor slip up would result in him not getting recovering from said slip. With my current level, I have no choice but to go ahead and use my trump card. It was painful for him admitting he had to resort to his strongest level before he even encountered the enemy, but that was the reality of the situation. A man as powerful as the Chancellor... Kenji had to assume he was employing at least two shinobi of Jounin rank and a few specialists... and at Kenji's level, that would be enough to argue the real possibility of him losing. Long story short, he couldn't risk that.

Training Perception: 2290

11A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:08 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The view of the floor cam into view. It made Kenji jealous, how gaudy just the floor was, he couldn't imagine the rest of the place. Kenji would have to force those thoughts away as needed to start gathering natural energy so he could enter his perfect sage mode. His senses began to augment beyond belief, he could sense everything around him, including things inside. Kenji's senses in his perfect sage mode were especially keen to living things. As he became one with nature, he could feel 4 strong life sources. It belonged to either a people or an animals or a combination. Physically, little had changed with Kenji, only his eyes took on a green hue. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from his normal self. Now that he was completely aware of everything going on in his environment, he jumped through the hole he carved carefree. Within the range of his sensory abilities were the four life fources mentioned earlier. He was now actively monitoring their positions.

Slipping into view was a corridor, it seemed to be the entrance of the mansion. In the 20 ft squared opening was a rich light fixture that almost made Kenji sick. The floors were slick as if they had recently been finished with fine oil. It wouldn't be a movement issue for the agile Sannin though. Turning away from the corridor he chose to move further into the mansion. The hallway he approached grew wider the further in he got. It eventually branched into a large room that bore exquisite pieces of art, including paintings and sculptures. Narrowing eyes bore the telling sign that he was no longer as alone as before, he could sense 2 life sources in particular drawing nearer, and at an alarming rate. Kenji's speed was currently at Kage levels and his senses were on another plateau. He didn't enter perfect sage mode for nothing, he was equipped to take on any foe at this point, and that was exactly what he intended to do. Offense was the game plan this time.

Scrathing and scraping across the balcony were two black and brown hound dogs. Kenji smiled at the two opponents he now faced. I can't waste any chakra on these things. While drawing his Hane, increasing his speed to a rate that the pesky dogs couldn't keep up with, this would be quick work indeed. Before the hound dogs even made it half way to the surface of the voluminous room, they were transformed from 2 to 4 thanks to Kenji and his bukijutsu wizardry. There was now only one life source getting closer to the Sannin. This source was much more deliberate, he was positive this was not a beast, but a tactician perhaps. Railings along the balcony, the pipes opened up, displaying several small pockets. A stream of gas spewed from the pockets and filled the entire room. Unsure of the gaseous substance, Kenji put on one of the gas masks he received from the first fortified city. Smirking, I am really glad those fidgets made me accompany them to find me. He smirked behind his mask. The gas also obscured Kenji's vision, but while he was in sage mode, he wouldn't need his eyes as much.

Kenji... I have heard many things about you. As to be expected, you do not gain the power Amoni has without accruing certain information. Your stock has not gone unevaluated. It never truly occured to us that YOU, would track us, to be honest, we weren't aware that any of the five major hidden military villages were keen to us until yesterday. But YOU, the slacker, the wilt, the... coward. Your abilities won't grant you victory here.

My reputation as a self absorbed, ego maniac and brash person has traveled. That profile is outdated though. He is attempting to attack my tender ego in hopes infuriating me... long ago that would have worked and I would be dead. It seems I have some showing and proving to do. There will be no negotiating, no imprisonment... I will kill you and the chancellor in less than 5 minutes. To prevent this I would suggest that you warn him so he can begin executing a prompt escape, but even that won't likely save him.

He could sense the source growing tenser, as this was not the words or tone of the man that the butler thought Kenji was. Yes, he was still ridiculously confident, but it had calm undertones, one of a man that had a plan. And a plan Kenji had. Every word he said was true, he had no intention of getting into a drawn out dispute. His sword would snuff out any life left in the mansion.

Training Perception: 3093

12A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Empty Re: A Sannin's Duty [Private/S-Mission] Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:01 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji's taunts and prediction had fell on annoyed ears. The butler's preemptive strike proved he was a tactical fighter, proned to gain any advantage he could in battle and fully exploit it. What was soon to come to light was just how much of Kenji's abilities have traveled. The gas attack would lead Kenji to believe that his speed and reflexes were reveled. As under normal circumstances, speed does no good if you cannot see your target. You know of my speed, but do you know of my eyes. Hinting that he had other means of sight which he did. The faintest noise sounded off, it was clearly the sound of the butler landing on the hardwood floor, looking to attack under cover. The sound alone was too faint to pinpoint his exact location, but he didn't need his eyes or ears. His alignment with natural energy allowed him sense life and all interactions within the environment. Within a certain range of course. With his Hane now drawn he blitzed the butler. He was not sure how the butler was managing to see or sense, but whatever the means, it would do him no good against Kenji's unrivaled speed. Thanks to his natural agile frame, his sage mode and the special ability of his Hane, his speed was far beyond eye straining levels (SS-2).

The butler had just enough time to spin his staff to defend agaisnt wherever Kenji would attack, as he couldn't anticipate accurately due to how fast the Kenji is. Always thinking on the fly, Kenji jumped wide and sheathing his Hane, promptly letting go 2 arrows aimed at the butler's blind spot, both on track to pierce the back of his neck. In combination with the speed of the arrows, the distance was also too short for the butler to adjust. Not to mention the aim was flawless. Kenji could sense the arrows dig in, but there was a quick aberration in the environment and the life source was relocated. Tugging at his mask, realizing, the gas was clearing. Glowing an emerald green through the last traces of gas were his eyes scanning. While in perfect sage mode his sensory range was greatly amplified and it because of it the butler was still on the outskirts of his range. By releasing a massive amount of senjutsu infused fuuton chakra, Kenji arrived in front of a startled Butler. There was even a wall that had separated the two at first but Kenji barreled through it.

There are many things about you that have gone unknown I see. Your speed was well documented, so was your affinity for weapons and Genjutsu. But your senses are beyond my comprehension. I do not know how you are keeping track of my movements, even with the untraceable speeds of the replacement technique...

It sounded like the butler was admitting defeat. That didn't matter, Kenji was going to go for the kill. An illusion manifested around Kenji, causing the butler to see multiple arms wielding the Hane, and slashing them relentlessly. This would greatly impede the butler's ability to react to the real one. And with Kenji's speed and skill, only the briefest of openings was needed. Within seconds the butler was speared with Kenji's Hane, cutting deep into him, and severing major arteries. The butler was no longer an obstaclew. If I were a lesser adversary, you would have proven a worthy challenger.

Those were his words for his opponent. It was now time to located and execute the Chancellor, Amoni Kiwiyama. With Kenji still utilizing his perfect sage mode, it would not take long to find him, and for the same reason, it would not take long to defeat his enemy either.

You don't have to search for me. The sound came from a speaker overhead. The speaker hung from the ceiling that nearly 40 feet high. Explosions began to ring off over the mansion. The grand residence that Kenji planned on taking over was now being destroyed. He was filled with contempt. The detonation was not threatening. In a flash Kenji was outiside the mansion and nearly 10 meters away from the the front door. A surging sensation peaked behind Kenji, and he knew it was the life source of the Chancellor. For some odd reason, upon turning aroundf and seeing the Chancellor charging, his physical senses felt unlike his normal functioning level. However, it was moot, as he was mostly relying on his sense of natural engery anyway. A wave of chakra infused wind was released from his Hane as Amoni entered close range greatly lowering his chances of reacting at such close range. Amoni was knocked back more than 5 meters. Kenji just did not feel like toying with him, while he was soaring through the air, Kenji interecpted his body with his Hane, lodging it in his heart. Amoni collapsed to his knees. Looking up at Kenji and with labored breath. You... I wish I had coerced you on my side... with your history, you would have accepted. Kenji smiled, I likely would have, for the mansion that is.

Lighting up the darkness with his blue coat was Kasfara. The lion shook his head in disbelief. Looks like I underestimated you, even in your current weakened state. You know better to say things like Kas, you're going to make my head explode. Now come over here and swallow our target, we'll need his body for proof as well as for the ANBU to search his mind. Kasfara nodded and followed orders. Once he had consumed the Chancellor, Kenji would hop onto Kasfara, and they would head back to the village. A much less tense journey was facing them this time around.

Trained perception from D-1 to B-0: 4063/3950

Training Leftover: 113


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