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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

National Security A-Rank:

He was finally being given a true challenge, his mission was to assist Konoha by patrolling so they would have more time to train, while in the end none of this mattered as the young boy just wanted to become stronger as fast and as easily as possible. The boy began his day by first stretching his arms out before turning a bit to stretch each arm individually to each side, before then stretching down to touch his toes then he made his back arc as he smiled. He was excited to get a chance to test out his strength against any potential enemies he may encounter, however as he took this mission some people in Konoha who disliked outsiders gave this information out to a group of people who had the same dislike.

He put on his new clothes he got from a girl he met named Risu, with the exception of the skirt which he put away in the new forest tree house he was staying in. He took time to build it himself since he did not want to waste money staying at an inn, although he wanted to visit Risu some time to talk with her some more as well as to learn from her since she was the perfect guide. While he was thinking of this he finally grabbed his swords attaching them all to his back before heading out.

As he travelled through the forest patrolling he was looking around at the trees as he tried to keep track of his location. Then something became strange as he felt a presence as he looked around very carefully, he focused his eyes and his senses as he felt the presence closing in on him. He could hear foot steps that were extremely light as he grabbed hold of his main sword on his back as he glared around.
"Show yourself now or i will kill all of you"

Words = 323/2500
Chakra = 340/340

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

As he stands there in the forest surrounded by trees all over he feels someone or something heading towards him, as he hears something moving quickly from his right side he moves his head to dodge an arrow. He then draws out his sword raising it up with one hand as he holds his left palm out in the direction of the attack. Before he could even start he heard something again as he spun around knocking two arrows away with his sword before drawing forth his second sword with his left hand to hit the third arrow then the last three arrows were right above him as he jumped back to dodge it, only to find a large man dive towards his back with a spear. Not one to let himself get taken out so easily he stepped on the ground to propel him into the air with a rotating corkscrew flip as he looked down at his attacker who grinned pulling back the spear then giving a signal as he saw three shinobi come out from the trees attempting to stab slash and cut him. He blocked two of them with his two swords and kicked the third ones sword back before using his first jutsu as he cut a tree and infused his chakra into the log. The tree was now falling to where the man with the spear was, he just bashed it broken with his fist while the young boy noticed there were about two more enemies who appeared. They all had swords which were poor quality but the numbers would be a serious issue and he could not afford to let these guys have their way with him.

He deduced they were soldiers and not shinobi as he first thought since they did not use jutsu to trap him when he was cornered. The bigger question was, did they corner him or did he have them right where he wanted them. He formed random handseals as they spread out to surround him. There was one, two, three, four, five of them and the guy with the spear. Someone was missing from this fight he could sense someone watching him. He could not shake this feeling he had as then mumbled something that could not be heard that clearly except by the one man who backed away as soon as he could. As the young boy said those words that would not have meaning to some, but had meaning to the man.

Words = 323 + 417 = 740
Chakra = 335/340

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

"A world of peace will never understand the heart of war"
"The moment blood is shed a demon asks for more"
"A world of war can never reach an understanding of peace"
"So i will become a weapon and put everyone to ease"

The man began to back away extremely staying about thirty meters away from the boy whose expression had changed as the other five were not understanding what was wrong. They were waiting for the signal to attack as the boy then lowered his blades to each side then continued his mumbling.

"Call me what you will, there is no twist"
"I am the strongest, of the Bloody Mist"
"Hyaku Daigyakusatsu"

The man nearly wet himself in fear, his confidence was completely broken since the man understood the bloody mist and knew about this child. A demon who killed over one hundred other genin in order to prove his the strongest. The truth to this was not understood and not everyone even knew whether it was a myth or legend that has long since passed. As he then took a deep breath as he dropped his swords the five began to charge towards him as he performed his technique. Purazuma Boru was a lightning barrier technique as all five of them were shocked flinching for just that moment as he disappeared from their view in a mist that had them all concealed in it while they were still hurt.

The sixth person who seemed to be the final person just screamed as the five in the mist became panicked. "Where the hell is he?", "Shut up and pay attention", "Sensei where is he, help us".
The man with the spear was carefully making his way to escape, he wanted no part of this as they have no idea what they had signed up for. The other soldier was stabbed deep in the throat his scream the only thing he could get out before dying as he then proceded to hack repeatedly at the man's neck then sighed as he blinked. "This is boring", as he took from his back his twin blades. "Kūkan and Sōzō, time to feed"

Words = 740 + 363 = 1103/2500
Chakra = 300/340
Hidden Mist C-Rank and Purazuma Boru A-Rank used

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

While the five soldiers were panicking the man with the spear stopped running as right before him stood the young boy, with his hair blowing in the wind and the smell of blood filling the air. He looked to the man who then held his spear out to his side then realized the only chance for escape, was for them to fight their way out. He shouted out to his soldiers as he began his tactic which was to have all five of them swarm to their location and sacrifice themselves for him. “Get over here!!!” as he panicked four out of the five jumped in the leader’s direction while the fifth one was panicking too much to move and also was unarmed as he had dropped his sword when he had jumped into the lightning barrier earlier. The lightning was still around the young boy so they could not take this lightly as they were all four hurt still. The man signaled a variety of signals behind his back as the young boy waited for them to finally attack while the one remained inside of the mist. It was time for these soldiers to decide their own destiny.

Two of them flanked his left the other two flanked his right while the man with the spear charged towards him. He did not flinch or take his eyes off his main target for a moment as the four soldiers flanked in up close one ducking low to slash his left foot another from the other side slashing towards his knee. The other two simultaneously slashing from the right and left as the man stop and tossed his spear at an elevated arc that went up and down in order to prevent an escape. Even with the electricity shocking the soldiers, they committed to their attack as he rotated knocking back the low strikes as he ducked under in his rotation as the two blades were deflected and stabbed into the ground while the ones who slashed above him clashed with each others blades. The spear was then knocked into the air with an upward slash as the movements of the group may have been timed well, but the leader’s fear made his attacks somewhat sloppy as he noticed the man was gone. As the two man with their blades rooted had a look of fear, the other two were still a bit shocked and stunned from their clash as the boy kicked them all away from him hitting them in the shoulders hard.

“sorry”, as he said that he vanished from their sight before he cut the first ones head cleanly off with his first blade Kukan and followed up by dashing towards the second soldier and decapitating him. The others did not even have a chance to be in shock as they made a firm stance facing their blades towards him, as he dashed the third one slashed as he ducked under then slashed along the chest, the wound was not fatal, but the followed up slash to the side of his neck nearly did. The soldier using all the skill he had to avoid critical hits, as the female cough came out as the soldier was a woman. Struggling to stand before Ren could finish her off his attack was blocked by the second soldier who used both hands and the force of a jumping slash in order to knock the boy back. This was impressive as the man was nearly home free, with the mist still entrapping the other soldier. He took his chance as he jumped into the air and then dashed full speed for the spear user. He slashed for the man’s back as the man defended the blow with his spear which he had picked up again. The man then finally understood he had to fight to survive.
“Sorry for being so shameful before, but you already know I can not beat you kid. If this will be the end could you listen to my story”. The young boy nodded to the request as he was curious to hear what the man had to say.

Meanwhile the other soldier was shouting into the woman’s ear. “Hey, hang in there, damn him he said this would be a great way to make lots of money. He said it would just be robbing one weak little kid, that bastard how could he do this to us.” As tears began flowing from the soldiers eyes the woman looked up to him and placed her hand on his face as she struggled to breathe. “We were just tools, but I am glad you actually still cared about me, Jirachi…” As her hand fell down from his face as she died he screamed out while the other shinobi in the mist was still frozen in fear.

“ Long ago I used to be a farmer, I used to sell apples and oranges doing my daily chores when I was told my village would have to join Konoha. When we refused they sent out a team of shinobi to kill everyone in our village. I survived by killing the last two who were alive, but I had nowhere to call home, and nowhere else to go. I had searched for a place to stay and found a group of wanderers who were like me, but different. They each had their own purpose and dreams which all needed money and status. We were planning to kill you and retire, as we would have traded in your swords for a new life. Do you really think it is okay to take the lives of people you barely know, who have done nothing to you even though to be honest no one here likes you. The people who did not hire me, but gave us information on when and where you would be. It is for this reason that I have to tell you that I will not apologise for all the people I have killed, or poor people I robbed. I followed my own ambitions and when I knew we stood no chance I chose to save myself. They all would have done the same and that is why I have to say that this will be the end of you since it is finally ready.”

As he looked to his back the shinobi who lost his love stood their with two blades in his hands, then there was another shinobi shaking as he stood unarmed. When the boy looked around he noticed the other four swords were each rooted around him while he was focused on the man’s conversation. In the end even he had to admit it was a brilliant trap. As the ground gave way he whispered one word…

Words = 1103 + 1135 = 2238/2500
Chakra = 300/340

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The trap was brilliant, it was absolutely perfect, except for the fact that he used the replacement jutsu as he exchanged places with the log he used much earlier in the fight. He was now behind the two as he elbowed and kicked both the coward and the guy who lost his woman into their giant trap hole which resulted in their untimely demise. The man with the spear just stared and was surprised that he did not pay attention to that escape as he laughed then shouted. “Ha!!! See you next year you will never be able to get across this hole.”

The young boy just sighed as he performed a few hand seals to create a water dragon then performed supernatural walking practice to ride his dragon towards the man who just stared and said, “This was so not worth it” as the guy through his spear directly to the boy who was only half way and needed to jump with momentum. This last attempt was skillful but the boy used his technique Tenkan Dan to make him go over the spears course. As the man just laughed he landed behind then holding his swords on both sides of him the young boy said. “It was fun”, as the man just heard a sizzle on his back before the boy ran off and the man was like.

“Hey!!! You were suppose to use your swords to kill me you little brat!!”, as the explosion took out the man’s heart and blew off some of his limbs his dead body fell into his own trap as all the enemy soldiers were now dead. As he smiled and then gave a sad look, he was hoping for a challenge from them but they were just a bunch of weak soldiers. He needed a real challenge and he needed someone he could trust to help him. He needed to get stronger because it was clear he would not find any challenge walking blindly through the forest.

Words = 2238 + 336 = 2574/2500

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