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1Marvel Unlimited Empty Marvel Unlimited Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:08 pm

The Blaine

Marvel Unlimited 6tjxhz

Marvel Unlimited 2rzdn3r

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Ever wanted to create your own super hero or super villain? Wanted to be a rich playboy with the world in his hands, or a psychotic monster bent on pure destruction? On Marvel Unlimited you get the whole package, and a bag of chips. You can choose from various character types and create your own super powers. You could even choose to be a human and go the goddamn Batman route or Iron Man route. Whatever your mind can imagine, this site will help you express it to its fullest potential. Marvel Unlimited utilizes missions to help you gain experience to rank up your character, and allows a character driven plot ran by the members of the site. If you're a fan of the Marvel/DC comics, super powers, or even anime/manga, then this site is a place for you! Create rivalries with your fellow rpers and shape the world to your will. On Marvel Unlimited, you'll have unlimited options to choose how you want your character to grow, and what allies or enemies they will make along the way. Feel free to join an organization, create your own, or remain freelance. In a modern setting, there is a broad list of what you can do: feel free to take advantage of its benefits and become a part of our ever growing family.

Additional Information

  • Can Create your very own Hero and or Villain
  • Join factions such as S.H.I.E.L.D or even make your own!
  • Original Rank up system allows for character development and growth
  • Various plots to keep you interested at all times.

Marvel Unlimited In60x5

Just tell em Blaine sent ya

Post your advert on there im sure I can get some peeps over

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