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1Black Skys Ad Empty Black Skys Ad Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:59 pm


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Black Skys

Current Plot

The lack of an heir for The Kuro Empire has broken an old covenant—the barrier to the realm of Hikari: a dangerous realm that is in another dimension. Multiple gates to Hikari open, and an invasion of Kuro begins by magical creatures known as the Yoma. they march....towards the place you call home. The world we all know slowly falling at the hands of these "Beast" or whatever they call themselves we may not know it but with each day they grow closer taking the one thing we thought we had....Time is it over or will the Species rise up to defend themselves as a team or will the strong see this as a sign of weakness and attack with the coming dead. Everything has a choice. but no one is Good nor Evil we all have a thing that is right in our mind feeding our movements and daily lives. but in your hopes to survive will you stand by your neighbors or push them aside. kill your kingdom or rise to become the greatest power to ever hit The realm. it is your choice but is it your fight?

The Story
Set in a futuristic world that has just witnessed the end of a massive war, The main kingdoms have all fell due to the massive world war, the Species are still intact but have no leaders no one to guide them. With hungry Warlords rising from the shadows and new Species cleaning the ashes of old. Who will take over the world and reclaim glory for this world, or who will bring down a swift strong hand of injustice and cripple the world bending it's people to there will to gain power. it is all up to you, fight to unite the world or fight to destroy it or even fight for the riches and fame either way the world of Kuro rest in the hands of the new Generation.

What choice's will you make

Black Skys

What we offer

  • We allow user's to make their own custom races

  • Fun and original type off role play

  • Plots for each custom race along with a main plot on top off that

  • We allow you the choice to make any species from any anime or show.....within reason of course.

  • Fun and active

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