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1They see me patroling, they hating.  Empty They see me patroling, they hating. Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:00 pm

Kyōfu Hōzuki

Kyōfu Hōzuki


Yet another magnificent day in the great village known as Kirigakure, the land of water. These were some very peaceful times for this well known village. Their hasn't been any bad blood with any other village so far and reports of deaths and injuries have been very low. The current leader must be doing something good for it to be so peaceful right now. Still their are things that normal shinobi's and citizens do not know that the higher ups do. Kirigakure could be fighting a village behind the scenes and the people wouldn't even know it. People like Kyofu Hozuki, a man who is currently searching for something that he doesn't know of yet. Even knowing that finding it will be a challenge and a challenge worth taking.

They see me patroling, they hating.  Hakuou10

The 6'2 framed boy was found walking deep within Kirikakure streets, the wind started to pick up a bit providing a little gust of cool air. Kyofu's long lushes hair was tied in a pony tail, like a female would do, Kyofu didn't want his hair going all over his face and annoying him. He showcased a warm smile as he walked by each Villager and was greeted by many. "Hey Kyofu." said a villager. "Oh Kyofu you are looking lovely today. Tell your mother I said hi." An old women would tell him. The warm smiling boy wore his normal attire as he walked the streets. His piercing amber eyes scanned around every now and then as he walked around the village. Checking back alleys and such. It was such a nice day anyone would go for a walk but Kyofu wasn't just taking a normal walk around Kirigakure for sight seeing. He was on patrol to be exact. This was his mission given to him a couple hours ago. His orders were to scout around the village to make sure everything was secure and to report anything suspicious to the higher ups. Kyofu had both his hands dug deep into his pockets as he continued his patrol. Doing such a job like this Kyofu couldn't help but ponder about multiple things. For instance that thief from his last mission a few days ago. "Man was that guy a serious case." He said to himself. Kyofu ended dressing up as a girl in order to catch the thief, it proved to be very effective but awkward in the end.

Surely Kyofu never wants to see or wear another dress again. Minutes passed by and Kyofu was just about done scouting the entire village. His feet began to hurt from all the walking. A small price to pay for a growing shinobi. "Looks like everything seems to be fine here as well. That marks the end of my mission." Kyofu managed to catch a new shop that opened up before heading back to the mission boards. "Hmm this is new, its a meat shop.I gotta try this." Kyofu ripped his hands out of his pocket as he took out his wallet. "Thanks to that last mission I got some money to spend." He closed the wallet and entered the meat shop. "Good afternoon son. Welcome to Kizenkawa's Meat Shop!" Kyofu slowly sat down at the nearest seat available to him. "Thanks My name is Kyofu, I look forward to eating your food and hopefully coming here more often." He said to the manager with a warm smile. "I hope so too son! Now what would you like? We have a variety of meat here so go ahead and choose what you want from the menu there." Kyofu grabbed the menu and quickly scanned it. "I'll have the 12 oz steak, pork chops on the side with some Teriyaki chicken. Oh and some corn as a side dish as well." Kyofu closed the menu and smiled once more. Some people like to say men eat a lot of food, Kyofu was backing that statement here today with the amount of food he had ordered. "Sure no problem. You sure do have a big apatite my boy. And to drink?" He said as he grabbed the menu from Kyofu. "Let's see I'll just have some apple juice." He nodded to the manager he sent one right back before leaving to get his order ready. "Can't wait. If this turns out great I'll tell mom and dad about this place." He said to himself. Time passed and the young Hozuki clan member received his fine order and had finished it. The look of utter satisfaction was pasted all over his face. He sat at the table stretching both of his arms in the air as he was done eating. "Wow that was amazing. You guys are for sure going to have a great business here. I'll make sure to tell some of my friends about here." Kyofu scratched the back of his head as he showcased a small grin. "Ah thank you my boy, that is good to here. You know what that was on the house. You are my first customer after all." Kyofu was so happy, he actually didn't have to pay for the wonderful meal. Still the young Hozuki wanted to pay Kizenkawa anyway. Taking out his wallet, Kyofu grabbed and placed 45 ryo on the table. "It's alright sir. I'll gladly pay that meal deserves it. Thanks though." He slowly got up and took out his right hand in front of the manager. He grabbed it as they shook hands. "Such a young boy with respect I see. Thank you. I hope to see you again soon my boy." Kyofu gave him a classic head nod before leaving the shop and back into the busy streets of Kirigakure. The glowing amber eyes, long blue haired boy walk the streets with content. He headed towards the mission boards to report in for his scouting mission. Another mission completed and without any issues.

WC: 1001

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