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The Mission:

The academy wasn’t a place that he had spent a spectacular amount of time at as a child. Most children started the academy at eight and graduated a few years later as soon as they passed the exams. For Nousagi it had been a little bit more complicated than that because of some events in his life. He’d started the academy at nine, but only remained there for one year before being whisked away by his brother who had decided it was time for him to abandon the village and brought his two like-named siblings with him because he couldn’t stand parting from them.

That had taken two years of the time he would have been at the academy away, but that wasn’t to say that he didn’t learn anything during that time. He learned quite a few things during his time away from the village with his brother. His brother had taught him a lot during his time, after all, he himself had been a graduate of the academy at one point and was a Jounin prospective for the ANBU corps, that was only what Nousagi knew. He didn’t quite know the circumstances. After all, his brother, although he was loving towards he and their sister, Rini, had also been quite secretive.

So, that had been two years away from the academy, when he had already started at the academy a year later than most because of his parents arguing over whether or not he should follow in his father and brother’s footsteps. His father, had been the one who had one, but by then it had already been to late for him to start and he’d had to wait another year until he was nine years old. When he returned to Kirigakure at twelve, he did return to the academy, but it was difficult.

The freedom that he had lived with for two years was now gone and he was living in a structured world again.  He only managed this for one year before he fell too ill to continue from pushing his body too hard, the illness that plagued the Kaguya line knocking him down. This took another year of the academy away from him, and when he returned at the age of fourteen, it wasn’t really something that he wanted. His perspective of the world was already jilted because of what had happened with his brother, and yet, he still decided to go back, because it was an art, and he knew that if his brother could see him, this would be… sort of what he would want. He had wanted Rini and Nousagi to become powerful shinobi not restricted by boundaries. Shinobi true to their own beliefs and abilities and not to the ones who would want to restrict them from other things.

When it finally came time for Nousagi to graduate, he was older than most of his peers, at the ripe old age of fifteen, but that didn’t deter him. He was powerful and he knew it. After all, his delayed graduation was just because he hadn’t been able to graduate on time because of requirements that he had missed because of three years away from the rigorous classes. But he’d proved himself and passed with probably a little more than flying colors and much praise likening him to his once loyal brother marked with words of, don’t turn out like him and to stay loyal. But that was still when people talked about Usagi. No one really talked about him anymore except for Nousagi and Rini, and only between themselves.

Which, now at sixteen, was why it was a little odd for him to be back at the academy to train those who were supposed to be future members of the shinobi ranks that protected the village from and harm that came toward it. He had no doubt that some of the students that he would see in the hall would recognize him as having been a fellow student not so long ago, and he knew that they would probably be reluctant to see him as a teacher rather than a fellow peer. Though, there was one thing that saved him. He was going to teach a fresh new group of eight year olds, not some of the other students who would have recognized him if they were still around.  

WC: 742/600 [Complete]
Perception: E-0 -> E-1
Left over WC: 67

To be continued for training....



Taking a deep breath Nousagi managed a small smile as he walked towards the front of the building among students, mostly shorter than him because of his height, mixed with some teachers, marked by their hitai-ate like he was, that were milling around waiting for the bell to toll announcing that it was time for their classes to begin. It was something that he remembered well, milling around, talking with his sister and friends in the early hours of the morning as they waited for class, sometimes wanting to talk for longer and purposely be late for roll in the classrooms, though that was never really something that was his idea.

Nousagi personally had hated the idea of being late for class or slacking, putting hard work and people that put work towards their talents was something that he prized more than anything, and if you didn’t well, that was detestable to him. Though, somehow, his sister had sometimes managed to goad him into staying with them so that he would be a little late to class. And, as much as he disliked it, he did manage to smile at the memories that he had of those times.

He stepped through the front doors of the school with that smile and wandered towards the door of the room that he was to be teaching in, hoping that the class would be well behaved and wouldn’t have any class-clowns that would try to prank their new teacher. Though, that had to honestly be wishful thinking on his classes, most classes had at least one no matter how well behaved they were, and this was a class of eight year olds who had probably heard stories from their parents and siblings, or simply older students or peers. No matter what the case was he was probably going to be pranked in some sort of way, not that he’d allow it to get out of hand.

And here it was, the room that he’d be spending the day in teaching children a practical technique that they would have to learn for their final exam in order to pass, or fail if that were to be the case. He’d push them to work hard, for him, slacking and laziness wasn’t something that he would easily accept from his students though he knew that it would show in some of them. It always showed in some people, and if it did, he wasn’t going to save them by telling them a gentle lie. No, he was going to speak the truth to them, just like he did to his peers. He didn’t like lies in any form. Truth was always the best, though secrets could understandably be kept. He wasn’t one to tell secrets to others.

With a hum his fingers traced over the numbers on the wall next to the door and he slid the door open entering the classroom and walked towards the desk in front of the chalk board, only glancing once at the few students that were already there. It was still a little early and the bell hadn’t rang. They wouldn’t be the trouble makers he had to deal with. Troublemakers were never the early birds who sat at their desks students. Early birds were normally students who were devoted, whether they actually got good grades or not no matter how much they studied.

Turning towards the chalk board, Nousagi reached for the piece of chalk that was there and scrawled his name in the fine white dust, some of it crumbling onto his fingers much to his disgust, giving them a fine white dusting. Then, just as he finished the first warning bell rang and he set the chalk down on the chalk bar with a slight clacking sound. He moved to sit at the desk and waited patiently as the students trickled in, laughing and talking loudly, some classing about having to be in class this early in the morning. Another five minutes later, and the final bell rang, and the last few students ran through the door at full sprint, slipping into their seats at the last second and Nousagi found himself looking at a sea of first year students.  

WC: 716 ( + 67 from previous post )
Perception: E-1 -> D
Left over WC: 108

To be continued for training....



As the bell finally finished ringing and the last student took his seat, Nousagi stood and looked at the students who were still murmuring about themselves with mixed feelings for the day. It was kind of funny that he had been one of them only a little while ago. “Alright, settle down, settle down.” He started, projecting his voice towards them to make sure that they all heard it over the din of their own voices. Once they finally settled and turned their attention to him, he finally introduced himself. “I’m going to be teaching you today. My name is Kaguya, Nousagi.” He said clearly motioning to the chalk board behind him.

It wasn’t surprising that his name started a few more murmurs; after all, his clan name was still one of the more infamous. Still he pursed his lips, letting them talk for a moment before hushing them again. “In the stead of your teacher, I will be teaching you a technique that you will need to know for your final exam, and you will need to be able to complete it well yourself in order to pass. I suggest training a lot once you have the basics of this technique down to insure you pass.” He paused for a moment, channeling chakra to his feet and walked towards the wall that had the chalkboard before walking up it without any hesitation and moved to stand over his name, tilting his head to look at the class, arms crossed across his chest.

Gasps of delight and murmurs of excitement escaped the students, any thoughts of pranks escaping their minds at the thought of being able to walk on walls; lucky for Nousagi. They immediately went quiet this time when Nousagi began to speak again. “This technique that I am demonstrating, and will help you learn is called Shūgyō'shikachō, aka the Supernatural Walking Practice. It’s a basic technique that every shinobi that manages to graduate from these halls and take their place in the ranks of the shinobi protecting this village should know.” He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing. “Should you not learn this technique, it is not very likely that being a shinobi is for you. Find another profession.” He paused again and took a breath.

“Now, this technique is something that is incredibly useful in a shinobi’s life. It’s not something that is a defensive or offensive technique, but it is something that can be used with other techniques to make a shinobi more powerful. This technique is technically classified as a Taijutsu technique, but you need to have a good grasp of your chakra to understand how to do it.” He smiled. “I’m assuming since you’re here at the academy that you have at least some grasp on the chakra within yourself, but I’ll five a brief overview.” And, with that, Nousagi launched into a review of how chakra worked and the different natures. Some students took notes while most of the others simply just listened, wide eyed to their white haired teacher.

Once finished with the chakra review, Nousagi then moved further up, walking straight up and to the roof. He kept walking until he was standing over the sea of students his hair dangling down towards them as he tilted his head so that he could keep his eyes on them, his students looking straight up towards him. “Now, back to explaining this technique. The Supernatural Walking practice involves channeling your chakra into your hands or feet, more commonly your feet, so that you can walk on and cling to surfaces that normally you would not be able to cling to. It’s not simply limited to walls either. When practiced, the Supernatural Walking practice can enable you to even walk on water. “

Walking on water excited the students and once more the twitter of murmurs escaped the eight year old students’ lips and Nousagi smiled, glad that he had gotten them excited for to learn the ability, it would be a fun day, hopefully teaching them. With that smile, Nousagi suddenly dropped down from the roof, landing elegantly in the walkway between the students desks and walked back to his desk. "You now have the basics of what you need to learn, essentially listed to you out of whatever textbooks they’ve given you for this year. But words aren’t what you need to learn. What you need, is practical experience and training. Follow me.” He said, turning to exit the room then paused as he realized the students were gathering their things. “Leave your things here. You won’t need them.” He said, and then continued out the door, followed by the children.

WC: 793 ( +108 from previous post )
Total WC: 901
Training: Raiton C-> B 901/2000
To be continued for training....

Jutsu used:



Before long, Nousagi had led the students in his charge to the small lake that was in the grounds of the academy. It was something of a tradition now, to take the students learning the Supernatural Walking Practice too it for supervised practice to make sure none of them hurt themselves on accident because of their inexperience. At least, it was what the teacher that Nousagi had had done in order to teach his class the skill when he had first learned it. It actually helped some to learn in a more practical setting, and sometimes, depending on the weather it was often punishing to be drenched in the weather that was fickle in Kirigakure so students pushed themselves to learn faster.

Standing just before the water’s edge, Nousagi turned to look at the sea of students before him with a grim smile wondering how many would get the technique with flying colors and which ones would struggle. He could certainly see the determined ones, but that didn’t mean that they were going to be able to do the technique well right off the bat. “Alright, take off any valuables that you don’t want to get wet.” The white-haired Kaguya finally spoke after the students had all formed around him. “Because, I assure you, it’s very likely that most of you here will be getting wet in some shape or form.” He paused for a moment in contemplation. “Also, take off your shoes. I want you to be able to feel the difference between your feet and the ground as you use the technique.  Chakra is not something that you can see, but you can most certainly feel the flow of it if you have an affinity for it, and you’ll be able to feel if your chakra is not strong enough to hold you.”  

Pausing again, the students nodded to their teacher and began to shift around taking off various valuables and their shoes and setting them in neat piles or simply just tossing them to the side depending on how much they cared for the items. Once they were finished. Nousagi turned his back to them can called over his shoulder to them. “Now, watch me.” And, with that, Nousagi walked to the lake and kept going, gathering chakra to his feet and walked out about ten feet into the lake in front of the students.

Once he had created the distance between them, he turned back to look at the students who were staring at him in a mixture of awe and desire to be able to do the same thing. “Now, see? You can even walk on water. Now, I want you to try this technique, you can stay in the shallows at first, because I doubt any of you will get it at the very first time. Once you get the hang of it, I want you to come out to where I am. Once you are here, I will pair you off and we will do little races to see that you can maintain it. We’ll be out here all day to practice this. See the tree over there? Once we’re done with the races I will send you to that tree to see if you can handle walking straight up.”  

The students once again nodded and a few brave souls rushed over to the waters edge, some hovering on the surface for a moment before splashing down into the water while others simply ran splashing into the water without any appearance of success. A low chuckle escaped Nousagi when he saw the rush and he shook his head as he watched the more contemplative students take a slower approach.  After watching for a few moments he began to coach his students through the ability once more. “Now, take your time! This isn’t a technique that you’ll get right off the bat! It will take practice to get this. Slow down, think, control your chakra. Use what knowledge you have of mediation, keep calm rather than being excited. Focus! If you have questions, call me over and I will come to help you.”  He assured his students with a smile and soon he was moving helping the individuals who needed it.  

Training: Raiton C-> B 1618/2000
To be continued for training....

Jutsu used:



Even at sixteen years of age, teaching the  eight year old first year students of the academy like this was definitely gratifying, because most of them, save for an unfortunate few made it to Nousagi’s position within only a few hours. Once they arrived, like he had said he paired them off and sent them on races to see how far their stamina could carry them. It was a good way of measuring what they could and couldn’t do yet. It was interesting to watch them all progress. Some showed immediate talent, while others struggled, but all managed to get to him, be paired off in a race and then be sent to the tree to climb up it with nothing but chakra in their feet. All of them did splendidly, and when it was getting late in the afternoon, Nousagi called them back over to himself as he walked to the shore of the lake.

“Alright, everyone.” He smiled, once the sea of students had gathered in front of him on the soft ground at the edge of the lake. “Well done. You all did very well today, and I’ll be sure to tell your regular teacher that. I’m glad that all of you managed at least some modicum of proficiantsy with the technique. If you hadn’t I would have told you to consider going to a different school for a different career. But you all managed at least some form of the technique, which means all of you will develop and become shinobi. Varying strengths, yes, but still shinobi to defend this village.” He gave them all a smile that showed that he was proud of them before nodding. “Well, it’s getting late. I believe the bell will ring soon, and your families will want you home. Gather your things and go back to the class room. We’ll rest until the bell.”

By the time the school day was over and the bell finally did ring, all of the students were showing varying levels of exhaustion, dragging a little to collect their things from the classroom so that they could return home. Some of them wanted to continue practicing, but Nousagi wouldn’t allow it. They’d hurt themselves if they continued and he wasn’t going to be the one to allow it. What they did outside of school was their business. Nousagi had pressed them hard, and they in turn had pressed themselves harder, eager to be able to do the new and exciting ability of walking on walls and water. Nousagi had given them a high standard of how to be a shinobi and that was something that he felt at least slightly accomplished for.

Once the last student had left he eyed the classroom with an almost sad smile. Maybe he would teach more when he got the chance to. It was something that he enjoyed. Perhaps when he was older he would officially become a teacher at the academy. He would have to see though. The future, particularly his, was always changing. But, there definitely was an elegance in teaching the young and inexperienced that he found himself fond of, oddly. He glanced out the window and to the lake before moving out the door and leaving it behind. Perhaps he’d check up on the class he’d had the pleasure to teach in the future. They’d given him a fond memory. But for now, it was time to go home and spend time with Rini, their rabbits, and their brat twin brother’s along with their mother and father, so he ventured towards their home.

Training: Raiton C-> B 2230/2000 [ complete ]

Jutsu used:

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