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1Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:39 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Increased Patrols B-Rank Mission:

As the young boy opened his eyes to get up he sighed as they were forcing him to work all hours of the day, taking away his morning nap and replacing it with a mission to patrol the rolling hills. He was beginning to wonder what the shinobi in Konoha were actually doing that they always needed others to cover patrols on behalf of the people who should be patroling on their behalf. It was confusing and he decided to stop thinking about it as he got dressed to go out. He began walking and then yawned slightly as he knew this mission was really beneath him, but missions are missions and money is money. He began walking along the road as he did not even begin to realise how perfect he was for bait. A small lonely boy with some valuable looking swords being casually carried on his back. If only they knew the truth as the group of men slowly began to surround the little boy so they could rob him mercilessly.

Words = 174/1500

2Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:33 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The men were gathering along the sides of the roads hiding as they were then wondering about something that was suspicious. The bandits were watching them when the one spoke up then said. "Hey, those are no ordinary swords this kid could be a shinobi", the female bandit then spoke through her mask, "Or he could be a delivery boy or even a girl you guys need to stop being so scared. This is not one of those Uchiha brats or something so it should be safe". The third guy with a deep voice then said, "You two keep tailing this kid we will head back to the camp to call the leader, do not reveal yourselves until we get back". The two nodded meanwhile..

The young boy kept walking casually when the woman drew her bow slowly keeping it ready as they slowly followed from a distance. The boy sighed as he could not hear them but he felt something in the air, it was too quiet as just relaxed. There was no one here who was going to hurt him, there was no one here that could hurt him, all there was, was a mission that would lead to another massacre.

The guy was worried and told her they should maybe consider passing on this chance, while the woman shaked her head and in that moment that they let their guard down the boy was gone. The guy was shaking with fear as he then knew that they were found out when he looked down he had stepped on a small dry leaf. As they felt the end was near they turned to find a blade held at both their necks.

"Where are the rest of you?" as they stood there the woman kept silent as he then looked down. She took that as an opening as she leapt back and drew the string of her bow back while the guy decided to flee at that very moment. They were the only two who knew how strong this kid actually was, or at least they understood that he was too fast for them to handle. The woman had her arrow raised to shoot directly at the kid who just side stepped her shot as it hit the ground. He slashed her arm off as she screamed in pain. The guy never looked back as the kid dashed in to cut the guy off. The guy then held up his arms in surrender then said. "I will show you where they are just let me live, i do not really work with them anyways" as the cowardly bandit dropped his club. He felt at least if they got to the camp they could ambush this demon child.

Meanwhile the woman was struggling to keep her blood in so she decided to block off her blood flow by tying a piece of her clothing around it tightly with her other arm. Their brute strength helped with this then she ran ahead for she knew the camp was not far, she had to warn them and burn the wound closed by the fire before the kid got there. Fortunately the kid was walking with the guy ahead of his blade to the man's back.

At the camp the leader then got up from his throne like chair then spoke to the group that was there. "We can not escape, he is the same kid that killed my brother in a patrol. Those twin blades are powerful and there is no way we can stop him with a mere trap. We will be using more then just our strength on this demon, we will slay him with every weapon we have now make preparations those two fools might already be dead. We will not fall dead before some demon spawn!!"

Words = 174 + 657 = 831/1500

3Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:57 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The woman finally got to her camp as she was half dead the leader looked at her then laughed. That was when she realised she was a liability and liabilities get taken care of as he smashed her chest in with his war hammer. "Enough now complete the preparations it is time to send this demon back to hell!"

A minute or two had passed when the man entered his camp with the boy hidden behind him. The boys vision was obstructed slightly as he heard an arrow fly he leapt back as an arrow went right through the man's chest as the man realised he was used as bait. The boy looked around him wondering why they loved attacking small boys in groups, was that something these bandits liked doing he thought to himself. As the arrows were sent flying towards him he noticed how deep they pierced through the man and realised deflecting them normally would be stupid. He dashed around running so the arrows could not hit him. The one guy popped up from underground at close range with a club in hand. He thought that was a bit stupid as he just raised his blade to cut the man's hand off disarming him. As the man screamed he was hit out the way with a massive hammer as the big giant of a man who was really tall tried to smash the small boy. The trap was simple use the liabilities as decoys and just throw everything they have at the small shinobi. As the warhammer was being swung towards the boy he simply jumped back then used a technique that was far too powerful for this place. As they did not even notice it as the large sea of water was there they could not shoot him as their arrows were destroyed by the force of water. The man was stunned by the force of the wave hitting him in the face while others had themselves sucked in to the waves which flailed and bashed some of them around in the water. Controlling the water skillfully as he decided that he would take no prisoners and will just kill these brutes off.

Words = 831 + 369 = 1200/1500
Chakra = 315/340

Suiton Suishoha A-Rank

4Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Yuzu Patrol (B-Rank Mission/Private) Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:45 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

As the waves crashed against the bandits as they screamed in pain with most of them unable to move while the stubborn leader raised his war hammer in the air and shouted. "You shall die!!!!!!!!" as the young boy just placed his palm along the water while still bashing the waves against them he followed up with Raiton Jibashi as lightning travelled through the raging waters as the burns from the lightning and the intensive shock left them all defenceless or just more defenceless than before while their leader could no longer move a muscle at all his body taking severe damage before the boy then looked on wondering why he even took his swords along to begin with. He had the poor defenceless leader before him as his group had all but been washed away and electrocuted barely clinging to life.

He stabbed his sword straight through the bandits chest as he then looked down and said. "I will cut you down no matter how many of you there are" as he said that he proceded to pick off the remaining bandits one by one stabbing them and killing them. He was a bit bored and decided to clean up a bit as the water was still there, he dragged each body piling them up all together as he started roasting some of the chicken these men had freshly taken out. They were probably planning to eat after killing him, but instead it was him eating and them being killed. He placed an explosive tag on their pile of bodies before returning to grab a cup of water they left behind. He spat it out then tossed it towards their bodies as the tag exploded the liquid caught on fire as they burnt like a giant flame with parts of their dismembered bodies flying all over the place. This was a really messy job, but he was being paid to kill not clean so he did not care about it in the slightest. He watched his fireworks as he relaxed on the bandit's throne chair. He raised his sword in the air as he then stood on the seated portion of the throne chair and shouted."I am the Bandit King!!" which he felt was fun and he was in a playful mood before he noticed a cough as he looked behind him. It was the Konoha messenger who had been sent to watch that he completed the mission as he then stared at him. "Why you following me, you know i can handle a bunch of weak bandits. Tell them to send me the toughest mission they got i am getting bored here"

Words = 1200 + 455 = 1655/1500

B-Rank Raiton Jibashi

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