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26Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} - Page 2 Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:10 pm



Kei scoffed at his answer. "Trying to go after immortality is like trying to put the moon in your pocket," Said the girl. She shook her head lightly. "As much as you try, you'll never get there."She paused briefly and shrugged. "At least not on your own," She added. Such a dream was unrealistic, though interesting. Otto didn't really seem like the type that would go after a fairytale, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe the boy had deluded himself into thinking that he could really become immortal, if there even was such a thing. "I suppose you could always live on in people's memories, but that's about it," She mused, pursing her lips together as if in thought. The, the pink haired girl heard Otto speak again. "Close your eyes, huh?" She said, repeating his last phrase. "What do you see right now when you close yours?" She asked, mostly out of curiosity.

27Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} - Page 2 Empty Re: Fateful Meeting{Otto & Kei} Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:49 pm



Otto laughed loudly and reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of the moon. Then with a half smile he said, "The moon is to big to put in ones pocket... the thought sounds nice at first glance, but if one truly thinks about it they will realize that it is nothing more than an attractive idea. " He puts the picture in his pocket. "Immortality is the same thing at first glance it sound great yet unattainable the truth is that it is neither, I'm certain that if one looked they could find the mixture for fake immortality. Immortality is for cowards who fear death, and for the cursed who wish for death. I wish for true immortality the immortality that the kages have achieved. The kages are beyond reproach they had flaws some were even evil but each and every one fought for the village in their own way. Thus they are remembered forever not as people with flaws but as ideas a truly unattainable goal. This is my dream to be that goal I dream of true immortality."
"I see what I always see," he says extremely vaguely. He looks at her with a smile, "unfortunately this meeting has to end, and as much as I enjoy exchanging ideas I do have other people to meet until we meet again." they had given away enough information for today.
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