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1Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Til death do us part [private/Odd] Tue May 13, 2014 7:46 pm



[content removed]

Last edited by Soron on Fri May 16, 2014 12:12 am; edited 2 times in total

2Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Tue May 13, 2014 8:04 pm



Rolling to intervene.

3Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Tue May 13, 2014 8:04 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Noriko' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Thread Intervention' :
Til death do us part [private/Odd] Succes10

4Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Tue May 13, 2014 9:01 pm



The lavendrette paced her way through this place that most would consider ghastly... But she found it quite comforting.

She sat inside a mausoleum that she knew, by all means, was deserted of any living being. An underground chamber that was devoid of any moving bodies, aside from her own. Even despite was a place she enjoyed being. Yes, Noriko loved the dead. They were of the kind that weren't plagued by strife. And this was among one of her favorite places to be in the Land of Fire; a place where no one made loud noises, where everything was peaceful....where the spirits could rest. A wonderful little nook in the whole of creation. It was a wonder that nobody wanted to die.

As she contemplated this, Noriko sat, curled up in the very darkest and most secluded passage of this mausoleum; everyone above completely oblivious to the mere thought that someone might have taken up residence in the house of the dead. But she was one to be prepared; she had already been ambushed once before when she was simply minding herself. That waterfall cavern....was supposed to belong to none but her. So, she began building herself a small place in which no one could enter. It would be hers, and hers alone.

Having activated her Spirit Intuition from the beginning, as she liked to, she noted there was no living person inside the mausoleum, whatsoever. She had communed with the dead for far too long to not know who was who. All of their hitodama were familiar, their colors were those which she knew. So, she began setting up her small nook of seclusion. As quickly as she could, she set up eight of her Barrier Tags---which she always kept on-hand---in a very small cubical formation, with herself inside it. Each tag was placed on the seam where the walls met the ceiling and floor, with a minimal space, about 10ft in all dimensions, for her to reside in; all the better for putting it up quickly, though.
It took nothing at all to make these small seals, a simple touch was all it needed...but it was done; now all was left to do was make the hand seals to finish the jutsu. Noriko simply sat, eyes closed, meditating. Yes, that was how she wanted it. No one would disturb her this time. Still, she kept her spiritual eye open, and still she was not being intruded upon, no one was remotely near her; just one boy, so far, above ground. With her last Ram hand seal, her oasis was complete. She had to focus....yes, on the very concept she was trying to wrap her head around. Chakra.


Items Used:

Last edited by Noriko on Sun May 18, 2014 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed the WC spoiler.)

5Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Thu May 15, 2014 10:00 am


Til death do us part [private/Odd] Fr3f5IV

Beneath the cover of dark clouds, amidst the company of the silent dead, Odd felt quite comfortable. Deep within him some impure urge bubbled and boiled, threatening to overcome him with its seething malice. The ever-present lust for blood gnawed at him from inside, and it took nothing short of every ounce of the genin's willpower to quell his own murderous appetite. Alas, no force can be restrained forever, and on this dismal afternoon Odd would allow his demons to take the reigns. Under the guise of some guardian of goodness, Odd would, once again, commit the most heinous of human deeds: he would take a life for a false purpose, the true purpose being to take a life.

Pale eyes darting about, Odd visually dissected his surroundings, his keen and shifty gaze careful not to overlook even the tiniest of details. Though the wispy gray bodies above smothered the sun, engulfing the mother star in a swell of oppressive grey, traces of the orb's nurturing light managed to break through and provide for sufficient sight. Clad wholly in black, with skin but a shade or so more colored than that of paper, the strange man greatly resembled a specter; he was reminiscent of the sort of ghastly figure about whom parents told their children nightmarish tales.    The spooky observer's spindly limbs and blank visage served to reinforce his phantom-like qualities. Beneath a swath of black-leaved trees, Odd was barely perceivable by vision, and seemed to blend into the shadows cast by the full trees. In addition, Odd positioned himself behind a thick tree trunk, only peeking out from the side a bit to observe the area before him. Odd, a master in stealth, had set himself up so that the vast majority of onlookers had no chance of catching a glimpse of him.

Further establishing the grim scene, the area which Odd peered upon was adorned with stone markers of where the dead lay buried; the festering corpses lay forgotten but for these last crumbling remnants of their physical presences on earth. Many have said that a man's body is but the shell of his true being, and but half of his existence. Whatever these folks have claimed to lie within this shell, a soul or a spirit of some sort, Odd's subterranean brethren among whom he now lurked had certainly been stripped of these ethereal portions of their beings. And, regardless of what realm these spirits may have shuffled off to, the mortal coils which they had shuffled off - the part with which those who knew these people in life would have identified - now rotted and decayed as mere food for vermin and maggots beneath the cold, hard earth.  

It was sad, really, how these bodies which had defined the dormant dead in life, and which had been the vehicle of all of their accomplishments and experiences now sat to decay in some dark and forgotten place. The dead could do no harm, and thus, in Odd's eyes, should not incur any harm themselves. To dishonor the dead was a solemn sin indeed, and those who committed this atrocious act embodied the inverted ideal of impurity which Odd swore to smite. In essence, Odd knew, he was just as, if not more tainted than those he claimed to strike down for purity's sake, but his murderous tendencies needed an outlet, some sort of reason to justify why they should be allowed to be fulfilled in the slaughter of others. Unfortunately for those doomed to encounter Odd on this day, Odd's craving of bloodshed had gone unfulfilled for a number of weeks, and even the slightest little reason was sufficient enough to push Odd to murder.

Continuing in his surveying of the area from his imperceptible location, Odd finally found what he was looking for; finally, a victim and a reason to kill said victim presented themselves. There Odd stood, lamenting the dead and the cruelty of the cycle of life and death, while on the graveyard, but seven meters before him and two meters to the left, an impudent fool dishonored the entirety of the sacred mystery. While Odd possessed no empathy, especially not for those absent a pulse, his mind and illogical process of logical reasoning still required some sort of moral threshold to justify murder; mainly, smiting others for impurity was his favorite reason. The other genin sat upon the tombstone of some anonymous skeleton, which, Odd assumed, many with an actual concept of immorality would deem immoral. Placing one's ass atop the headstone of an individual who has passed on to another life certainly seemed to defile the dead person, which in turn seemed to warrant some action on Odd's part.

Finally given a reason to kill, Odd released all of the bloodlust and tension that had been so long pent up within him, and he flew into a cold, calculated, and murderous frenzy. Odd was always careful about the exact manner in which he executed his murders, and planned each and every aspect with the utmost care, as to ensure his prey could not escape, and that his attack would, indeed, be successful. Silently, still beneath the cover if the trees, Odd gently, yet swiftly moved his hands into the seal of the tiger. Now, clearly it had rained sometime earlier in the wee, or even sometime the previous night, for large puddles lay scattered about the area. In the center of a puddle merely two feet to the left of Odd, the water began to stretch upward, rising a bit before splitting and forming itself into two defined shapes, each of which took on the exact likeness of Odd. This all happened silently, the process yielding not even the slightest sound, though Odd's victim was a good seven point three or so meters away from him directly, and seeing that his senses were well below that of the average human's, he wouldn't hear anything from this distance anyways.

From the pouch on his left hip, Odd distributed all of his ninja tools among his two clones, giving all of his shuriken to one, and his kunai to the other. Odd silently pivoted so that he was facing his victim, and seeing that the grass beneath his feet did not rise past his toes, was green and most, and not a single pebble, leaf, pinecone, or any object sat atop it, no movements on this grass would yield any sound whatsoever. As Odd lifted both of his arms and three chains shot out from each one, his clone simultaneously formed two hand seals, all of this corresponding to the time at which the boy on the grave began to say something to himself. As the chains had abridged half the distance between Odd and his target, thick, sticky water shot out of the clone with the shuriken's mouth, traveling at roughly the same speed as the chains. The chains reached their target, and aimed to constrict him in the following manner: three chains traveled around the headstone to bind the boy's legs tightly to it - from his ankles to his knees, both binding them together, and to the headstone so that he could not move them at all - and while they did this, three more chains aimed to wrap themselves around the one called Soron's arms and torso, thus binding his arms to his side from his shoulders to his wrists should they accomplish their purpose; should this occur, Soron would be prohibited entirely from using hand seals. If Soron was bound so, he could not move his legs at all, not could he move his arms, and thus he would not be able to move at all, or react to anything else.
The viscous, clear fluid splashed upon the ground at the time when the chains made their attempt to bind Soron. The suiton jutsu hit the ground directly behind the headstone,  quickly splashing and expanding for five meters all around Soron. In this way, the water formed a circular pool with Soron in the center-point and a radius of five meters. The water does this at the precise moment that the chains should make contact with Soron's body, not leaving a fraction of  no second for him to react to anything. Assuming Soron to be rendered immobile by these maneuvers, though he could still somehow find a way to avoid them, the clone with the kunai proceeded to mould chakra to his feet, allowing him to walk atop he starch syrup trap unhindered. Kunai in his right hand, he sprinted as soon as the previous two attacks hit, running in front of the tombstone, and thus in front of the probably bound Soron. Of course, while running, he was sure not to step on anything that might obstruct his path. Once in front of Soron, the clone proceeded to stab each of his eyes out with the kunai with the highest speed at which he could do so. As Soron should be defenseless and immobile, it's not like he could do anything to attempt to stop the clone. Should his eyes be stabbed out, the clone would proceed to stab the center of his windpipe, at his Adam's apple, and then cut as deep as he could with the kunai across the boy's jugular. Doing so would cause the kid to bleed out, and begin to suffocate, but Odd wanted it all over with even faster. Thus, the clone would then methodically thrust his kunai into each eye destroyed eye over and over until each would be a mess of bloody jelly, and the clone would continue to stab into the sockets, deeper and deeper each time, as they would be empty holes, until he could reach the boy's brain and stab that. Finally, he would simply stab the sides and center of the boy's neck over and over and over again until it was riddled with a mess of gory stab wounds. He would do this all very quickly, in a sort of murderous rage, and the series of stabs would still be brief, regardless of the numerous thrusts.

If Soron had managed to escape at any time, the kunai wielding clone formed a single hand seal, proceeding to expel a thick effluvium of mist from his mouth, which expanded to engulf the area in a sightless void, so that Soron could not navigate at all. Prior to this, the other clone tossed three shuriken with the highest velocity he could manage at the next human being to enter his field of vision that was not either Odd or one of his manifestations, or bound by the original Odd's chakra chains. The shuriken were placed to hit the windpipe and jugular region of their target, and all were aimed at the neck; due to Odd's ace eye, he could probably manage this, and wherever his target was, the shuriken were aimed at this place.

The mausoleum under which some person sat, unbeknownst to Odd, was three meters to his left and four meters in front of him - the front door to the structure, that is. Thus, should anyone enter or exit the building, they would become immediately known to the three clones. Odd longed to simply fulfill his bloody desires, and sought the release he gained from his vicious murders. The attack occurred so suddenly, silently, and unexpectedly, and contained so many components that it was essentially impossible to dodge. Of course, the kid had already placed himself at a disadvantage by sitting down, for one, and by not paying attention to his surroundings at all. Due to Odd's cruel and exacting nature, it was pretty much guaranteed that he would be successful in killing the disrespectful rookie. He always made sure to take every single precaution possible and account for any slight thing that might go wrong. Even if the kid were to somehow get out of the first string of attacks, it was even more unlikely that he might dodge the second string. Of course, all of this can be summed up in one simple word: rekt.


6Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Thu May 15, 2014 8:03 pm



[content removed]

Last edited by Soron on Fri May 16, 2014 12:13 am; edited 3 times in total

7Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Thu May 15, 2014 8:10 pm


[OOC: I am requesting that this thread be put on pause whilst I PM staff to call my hits. Thank you.]

8Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Thu May 15, 2014 9:50 pm



[content removed]

Last edited by Soron on Fri May 16, 2014 12:13 am; edited 2 times in total

9Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Thu May 15, 2014 10:01 pm


[OOC: just edited major content of your post. I PM'ed two admin stating all of the problems in your post, and why my hit should be called because of it. I included quotes from your original post in that PM. I added you as a recipient to that private message as a matter of courtesy, and you literally just edited all of the things I pointed out as problems in my PM. Thus, I believe, according to site rules, your post is void and my attacks all hit, leaving you dead. You are no longer a part of this topic.

It is now Noriko's turn to post. If you would like, you can contest this, then I can just get Star and Tame to testify to the original PM I sent them, and read your post. Or we could get the owners involved and they could deal with your deliberate cheating with harsher consequences. Thank you.]

10Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Thu May 15, 2014 10:34 pm



[ooc: I have discontinued my involvement within this topic due to the incredible amount of controversy and problems it has been causing. I hope to keep myself out of future debates my first removing myself from the situation in total. I believe this to be a legitimate reason for leaving. I would hope the staff would agree due to the amazing amount of head aches this has most likely caused them as well which i will apologize in advanced for my involvement.]

11Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Fri May 16, 2014 11:21 am


[No. You cannot simply void your presence entirely, and you are the one that started the topic. You broke the rules, you know you did, and now you're trying to loophole out so that you don't die. That's not how it works. Your reply to my attack is simply voided, and you are therefore dead. We can get an admin to confirm this if you so please.]

12Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Fri May 16, 2014 3:42 pm



[ooc: I would very much appreciate it if you left me alone and let me go about my own business. I do not mind what you do with your character(s) but allow me to do as i please with mine. I will continue with my own business and i wish not to associate with you further]

13Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Sun May 18, 2014 11:51 am


[Lolno. You broke the rules, and you can't void your own presence in a topic. I'm still waiting for a staff ruling, but in the meantime I'm going under the assumption that I killed your character, as you broke the rules by editing out your own posts, thus my hit would connect, seeing that you don't have the authority to void a topic, and you no longer have any replies to my attack. Thanks.]

14Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Sun May 18, 2014 3:33 pm



[As i said i no longer will associate with you and i will continue about my own business in other threads where my time is better spent thank you]

15Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Sun May 18, 2014 4:52 pm



[OOC: Soron, you are not allowed to void a topic all by yourself; that's only possible when all parties agree on it. Because you did it without permission, only all of your posts are voided, and I believe a topic retcon is in order.]

Last edited by Noriko on Sun May 17, 2015 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

16Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Sun May 18, 2014 5:20 pm



[Ooc: i have appealed to other mods that this topic be closed and all further discussing of it, i currently await a reply]

17Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Sun May 18, 2014 5:21 pm



[Ooc: until then i will go about my business as if this whole thing never happened, what you do shall be up to you]

18Til death do us part [private/Odd] Empty Re: Til death do us part [private/Odd] Sun May 18, 2014 7:55 pm


[I'm going to go ahead and call my hits, then, which I believe renders Soron dead. I guess that means it's your post, Noriko. Thank you.]

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