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1Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 12:03 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Half a year ago...

"You know what this place needs? Ribs. I want to eat ribs and watch jiggly tits move, how much can a guy ask for eh?"

Nick said obnoxiously as he was enjoying the view. He was sitting in the VIP area which he reserved for himself and two other people. Nick at the time was extremely rich, his money originated from his adventures in the world that were presumed empty. But it had treasures. Nick took them and sold them for a nice buck. Treasure after treasure, Nick was swimming money. He could wipe his butt with the beard of a philosopher which he would bribe to get the beard from.

Life as it was right now was pretty nice. Nick was leaning back against a chair. The club was nice, it wasn't very crowded. Nick put a dollar into the pantie of a stripper who proceeded to give him a lapdance. Nick smirked like a hormonal teenager and then put another hundred in her pantie and slapped her ass, indicating her to take a hike.

Current Word Post (this post included): 181
Unused: 181

2Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 12:22 am



Gin lit up a cigarette in one of the rooms in the back. Finally, a place where she could cool down and relax her way. Best of all, the money pouring in from the people that came both for the drinks and for the strippers was hers. This had likely been the best idea she had ever had. She was dressed in a particularly revealing outfit that day, with a top that seemed more like a complicated bra made out of white leather and a matching set of micro shorts. Above them was a nearly transparent white shawl, tied around her waist mostly for effect. On her face was a mask resembling a blue butterfly, while the notorious tattoo of the Kuroka Clan on her back had been expertly hidden. She was sure that between that and the dim lighting, her identity was kept perfectly hidden.

She exited the room and entered the club itself, swaying her hips to the beat of the music as she walked through the throngs of bodies that crowded the dance floor and headed towards the bar. The bartender instantly recognized her as the owner and gave her the usual - a bottle of vodka along with a shotglass on a silver tray. She headed towards the VIP section after that, towards the booth that she mostly always occupied. Of course, she looked like a waitress, with the way she was dressed and what she was carrying. She saw one of the strippers leave one of the tables with a large bill tucked away in her undergarments. Gin smirked and looked at the man who she had just left. Might as well walk by and play meet and greet with some of the guests that spent the most, no?

Gin set the tray down on his table and smiled at him. She wouldn't introduce herself, not yet at least. "Hey," she greeted with a sultry voice and a sly smile.

3Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 12:51 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Half a year ago...

"Senõrita. I would run my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear you fart through a walkie talkie."

Nick said to a girl in the strip club who looked particularly attractive. He said it with an enormous grin. He was leaning back and taking a large chug of his champagne. What a time to be alive. Nick put the bottle down on the table. The VIP area was a nice place to be in. He wondered who the owner of this club was.

"Well. Are you waiting on me to start dancing? Because that'll be an unexpected change in course, kkeekekeke."

The young-adult male said with a slight French accent, an accent that he had developed over the years. It was unintentional but it still was there. He noticed her vodka, he suddenly got in the mood for some vodka.

Current Word Post (this post included): 331
Unused: 331

4Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 12:59 am



Dameon stood there on the second floor of the club looking out the glass from his office. He was less interested in the entertainment part of the club but had an office none the less since he was there to keep an eye on Gin and her business. The village wanted someone from the village to keep an eye of the business and make sure everything was running smoothly because its new owner was not from Kiri. It was because of this and telling the administrators of economic growth and housing that Gin was suitable to own property. Something he was now regretting but the benefit was that he received a quarter of the profits from the business but was also required to be there at least five hours a day which meant he now never had time to go home with being the ANBU Captain as well. At this point he had pretty much completely given up the idea of having a normal sleep schedule. Other than keeping an eye on Gin his purpose at the club was to help maintain order and assist Gin in the hiring process of new staff whether they were dancers, bouncers, bartenders, or any of the numerous cleaning staff.

He rested his head against the glass window contemplating smashing his head against it till he woke up from this nightmare he had put himself into. The club itself hadn’t even been open that long and he was already growing tired of it. Though while he was there he almost never left his office and instead focused on the money coming into and out of the business because nobody else seemed to want to keep track of it. It was because of this that a large pile of cash sat on his desk sorted and ready to be put into a bank of some kind. While other people held money and entertainment in high regards to their personal happiness, Dameon did not and instead saw everything a just another burden. As he pelled his forehead off the glass he wiped it with his sleeve and flopped back down into his chair and kicked his feet up on top of the desk and took out a kunai.

“How did I get myself into this,” he spoke to himself with regret as he tossed the kunai into the air making sure it didn’t hit the ceiling but as it fell back toward him he would catch it with his fingers and throw it back. It was a simple way to pass the time in his boredom.

5Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 1:07 am



Did she just...? Was that...? Well, judging by the look on the man's face, yes, yes it was. Alrighty then.

Gin just smiled and leaned over him, letting a low chuckle out. She was almost straddling him now, one leg in between his legs and the other half leaning on the velvet couch. She pressed one hand on his chest and leaned in to whisper in his ear. And then her knee pressed down painfully on his balls. "Say something like that again and you'll be leaving this place with a few bits and pieces missing, if you know what I mean," she whispered huskily in his ear.

She then got off of him with a laugh and took a seat next to hem. She crossed her legs and sat back, pouring herself a shot of vodka while she was at it. Would she explain why a woman that looked like both a stripper and a waitress just blatantly shot him down? Nope. She would just down the entire contents of the shot glass in one go. She had left Dameon - her reluctant business partner - to mind the boring tidbits of paperwork and other administrative affairs for the night. She could afford to have fun.

6Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 1:07 am

Miu Mai

Miu Mai

Miu was rather desperate now a days, she was still rather young but she need money in some manner or another. She knew her time here in Kiri wouldn’t be short lasting and money was the best way to keep yourself alive. I know this wasn’t exactly the type of work you were looking for but no one else wanted to deal with someone as young as me and this is my last hope. Now I just need to find one of the owners of the bar if it has multiple. Walking in form off the streets.

Miu looked about the club trying not to be flustered from what all she would have to do for working in such an establishment. ”Beasts home any day, least now I will get paid for being roughed up unless they offer good security to their employees.” She wouldn’t expect it but a girl could dream after everything she had gone through. Only thing that could have been worse is if they didn’t have any of the lights on in this place. Dressed in the same worn and ragged clothes she would continue pass various of the other girls and guys who were working there. She noticed one woman with some cash peeking out of her top. From the looks of it they were tipped well.

Right future employer. Must find them and convince them to higher me no matter what I can’t lose this opportunity. No matter how lousy it could be.
Walking through the club she began to triangulate which locations the stripper could have walked from there were a few but one was a VIP area which had a woman walking into more clothed than the rest deducing it could be expected she was the owner. She couldn’t make out many details beside the hair and fact she was wearing clothes. Miu would begin to walk over to the area and question, ”Excuse me, do either of you know where I could sign up for a job?”

7Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 1:12 am



The sounds of panting and heavy musk could be heard in the VIP section of the strip club as the war hero of the mist was with the company of a dancer that really wanted to give a special sort of dance. She was wearing a mask of a lion on her face, before she discarded it. She went by the name of Hare, when she introduced herself. The drink and the dance was free. One thing led to another and soon she had pulled down her g string and was straddling his bare lower skin to the beat of the music. The  very, very low cut skirt she was wearing before the dance was thrown on the floor near the 2 bottles of crown. From the way she was moaning, she was vocalizing her moans of pleasure in a way the resonanted with the base of the music. The way she moved her hips to it drew him more and more into her. Finally he moaned loudly himself as he finished. Sanosuke was panting as his shirt was abandoned and was next to him on the booth he was in; right next to the blunt that was put out. This club that he was invited to by one of the kunoichi he slept with the other night was quite the club indeed, he wondered whom owned this club because the dancers were amazing.

That being said, Sanosuke put back on his shirt and chuckled as he was getting himself all cleaned up. Hare walked over to him after getting a tissue to clean herself up, and kissed him gently on the lips while positioning herself back on his lap for another lapdance. "You already thanked me for saving you during the war, what's this for?" Sanosuke chuckled as he kissed her back during the dance. The women giggled as she got more into it.

"It's not my fault that you're too irresistab-" she started to say before the voice of someone very familiar was heard near him. She sat up bolt right and cursed before slipping back on her skirt and darting out. "Shit my boss is around. She'll kill me." Just like that she took off like a bullet leaving Sanosuke confused. Who could her boss be that would scare a dancer that much. Peeking out of the VIP room he was in to see  whom it could've been Sanosuke saw someone that even made Sanosuke curse. The boss that Hare was desperately trying to avoid, sine the stripper was trying so very hard to maneuver through the crowd of people without going unnoticed by her boss as she was talking to some guy, was the last person Sanosuke wanted to see.

"Damn it Gin..." Sanosuke pouted as he realized that Gin was here and the boss of this club. Perfect. Wonder how pissed she'll be when she finds out that he fucked one of her dancers.

Last edited by Sanosuke on Wed May 07, 2014 2:18 am; edited 1 time in total

8Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 1:18 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Half a year ago...

Nick sat up a little straight as the lady got closer to him. She seemed to be somewhat intimidating. He felt her knee near his family jewels and was a little confused, it felt like she was trying to hurt him. Was she kinky? He let out a loud sensible chuckle with her words. She seemed very feisty. Nick enjoyed the company of feisty people. He brought his hand to the back of his head and stroked his hair.

"I'm fine darling. Could you lend me a smoke? You see, I smoke for religious reasons. Every smoke I take brings me 5 minutes closer to god. "

Nick said, it felt slightly uncomfortable with her knee pushing against his family jewels. Life threatening, if you will. Not his life, but the life of his potential children. His head tilted towards another girl who walked up to the two.

"I'll make it rain money if you bend over and show me your money-maker. "

Nick abruptly said, grabbing a stack of ten-thousand ryo from his breast pocket. It seemed all nice in a clip. He grinned, wondering how naive the girl was.

Current Word Post (this post included): 528
Unused: 528

9Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 1:47 am



Dameon sighed as he sat there tossing his kunai up and down when something caught his attention on the security monitors. He lowered his feet and double checked the cameras making sure he wasn’t mistaken. He simply shook his head and looked away as he stood up and walked away from his desk and headed to the door of his office. He still hated the job but he could at least make the day a little more interesting by raining on his sensei’s parade seemed like a good way to at least solve his boredom for a little while. As he walked down the stairs he spotted Gin and looked in the opposite direction to see the dancer running out of the room still putting her clothes. On he gave a sort of evil grin at Sanosuke as he leaned down to speak into Gin’s ears.

“Sanosuke is sleeping with the dancers. Just so you know,” he said passively and looking in the direction of the room where Sano was hiding with the door cracked open. It was then that he had overheard someone looking for employment. Suspecting that Gin was about to become very busy he waked up to the young lady.

“I can help you out with that. My name is Dameon if you would follow me I can get you an interview right away if you have the time,” he said to Miu.

10Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 2:11 am



A squeaky voice drew the former Kazekage's attention, making her turn around to examine where it had come from. Well how wonderful! They got a newcomer in at the table - a young girl with silver hair not unlike her own, though Gin's cascaded over her shoulders and down her back whereas the girl kept it short. Gin clapped her hands together excitedly, setting the shot glass down on the table for the moment. She would pick it back up and refill its contents later, there was no doubt about that. She eyed the girl carefully for a moment. Not a bad figure at all. What's more, she was asking for a job. Well, they were understaffed in what she referred to as the lolicon section of the strippers, so why the hell not? She jut needed to ask a few questions first. But of course, the guy next to her had something to say before she could pipe in.

Gin shook her head, letting out a chuckle. "A job, huh? You came to the right place. How old are you? You got any experience? Any other jobs? Do you suffer from stage fright? How flexible are you? Graceful?" She bombarded the girl with questions, leaving her room to answer in between each one. And then Dameon came into the booth, his face stoic and almost even annoyed. "God fucking dammit, if he gets one of the girls pregnant I am going to sue his ass for everything it's worth, keep the child and make him pay child support to both me and the mother," She let out. Now her expression matched that of Dameon. "Also, no need to take the girl, might as well interview her here. And take a seat, do some shots - you look like hell." All the while, Gin kept an eye open, trying to see if she spotted Sanosuke in the crowd. And then it dawned on her.

"Hey Dameon, you have the security footage of Sanosuke getting busy with the girl, right? How much do you think his sex take would sell for?"

11Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 2:23 am

Miu Mai

Miu Mai

As she walked in on the two she greeted with the opening she really ought to have expect from being in a strip club. The only thing that surprised her was the matter of money which he was also addressing toward her. With her eye patch on it made it hard for her to concentrate exactly on the ryo amount that was on the stacks. All I have to do is turn around and bend over for him to throw ryo at me? This can’t be real who would just throw money away like this. She hesitated for a second looking at the woman in the booth with him. ”You will give me that ryo if I bend over and shake my butt in front you?”

Suddenly she saw a taller man walk up from behind her and mentioned that if she was looking for a job it might be best to follow him. ”What type of questions are gonna be in this interview?” She questioned hoping she wasn’t going to lose the opportunity to make all that money on the strange money in the VIP seating section. She had almost turned around to leave when the woman began firing off questions left and right.

Oh dear umm remember these questions quickly.
She almost missed the first two but luckily. ”I am 14. I haven’t ever done anything but some petty jobs on the streets. I can deal perfectly fine when put in front of a crowd and I am probably flexible enough to make most of the men here drool from the sight. I am not a klutz so I guess I am reasonably graceful.” She said mentally checking off each of them to make sure she didn’t leave one off. ”So I guess this is the interview?”

12Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 3:30 pm



Clenching his teeth, Sanosuke made eye contact with Dameon as he gleefully whispered in Gin's ear that made her turn into the direction of where he was staying. If it wasn't for quick reflexes, Sanosuke would have definitely been sited by the furious woman. He wanted to scream and punch a whole in the wall, but that would just give Gin more incentive to break into the room and beat Sanosuke into a bloody pulp. That didn't stop Sanosuke from swearing like sailor as he tried to calm himself down from having yet another outburst. To think that Dameon was working at the club as security was unreal. The glint of the camera that had a pretty good view of the action that occured shined in his eyes as he rolled them frustrated at his own carelessness. Even if they have the tape of him sleeping with the dancer, the amount of smoke in the room was stupid enough for him to mask his face well making the footage hard to interpret. Sanosuke was in the clear, meaning that he can simply deny that he was in the footage should it be brought up by supreriors or anyone else. But for now Sanosuke had to find a way to get out of the VIP room without being seen.

Of course Gin would be watching that door like a hawk, just waiting for Sanosuke to pop out of the room. Sanosuke thought of an idea. Making a hand seal, Sanosuke transformed into one of the dancers that he had seen prior to meeting Hare. He hated transforming into women, but it was either his dignity or his balls that he would be losing. Besides, all he would have to do is sneak into the crowd and transform back once he was sure that Dameon and Gin couldn't see him anymore. Going forth with his plans, Sanosuke attempted to weave through the crowd in the same manner that Hare did when she realized Gin was nearby. When he was far enough, Sanosuke transformed back into his normal transformation and soon took a look around the club to see whom else was there at the club while making sure that Gin wouldn't be able to see him in the crowd.

13Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 6:28 pm

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Half a year ago...

"Yupzies. It's about five-thousand. Enough for rent for a year depending on your housing."

Nick wasn't that attracted to under-aged girls. But it was elevating seeing someone desperate, or as Nick would say naive.

"Actually, I'll pa--."

Nick got cut off by the lady who just brushed his family jewels with her knee. He didn't really want to cut her off as well as he treasured his potential children. He chuckled as she mentioned that men would drool at her sight. He liked confidence. Nick crossed his legs and ordered a large bottle of Vodka. Some Vodka ought to clear his mind. More people joined the VIP room which made him slightly agitated. Considering that it was a VIP room, a room which should be held private. He didn't mind people entering, but the number of people was starting to get to his head.

He began to hum and held a slight lyric under his breath.

"Mmm. Mmmm. Snoop Doggie doggg. It's the Dee Rrr Eee. Mmmm."

Current Word Post (this post included): 707
Unused: 707

14Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 7:49 pm



Dameon watched the younger short girl answer all of Gin's questions. They were genuine and as he looked her up and down himself he realized something even more important. It was apparent she had grown up on the streets of Kiri similar to how he had. It was the way she walked and talked and the way she was also looking and observing everything. It was distinctive to him but nobody else had probably caught on to it considering nobody else had gone through what he had in this particular city. He stepped in closer to her within arm’s reach after she had finished answering the question. His mind elsewhere knowing that they had more cameras in the club than necessary. He assumed Sano would try to avoid Gin but with the number of cameras they had everywhere it would be impossible for him to escape by practical means.

“Gin I am going to take her upstairs and interview her away from the guests. Keep drinking and tend to the company. Oh and I honestly think Sano’s ‘tape’ wouldn’t be worth more than pocket change. If you could come with me miss were going to continue the actual interview upstairs,” he stated as he smiled and extended his hand slightly toward the stairs in the corner.

“Lead the way. It just up the stairs to the right and the third door on the right,” he said with a warm smile as he waited for her to take the lead. He hoped Gin would understand or give him a little leeway after all he usually never took this must interest in a potential employee. The reason why didn’t have much to do with the club either if anything it was because he could tell in some way that they were the same.

15Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 10:14 pm



Gin placed her feet on the table, showcasing her ridiculously high heels that matched the color of the mask she wore on her face. She listened to the answers to each question and nodded thoughtfully - r at least she pretended to. Her mind was focused on cornering Sanosuke and the possible profits that came out of selling the potentially future Raikage's sex tape to the masses. "Keep the tape anyways. And edit anything out that might make it seem like Sanosuke isn't himself. Keep the stripper hidden in the smoke, though. Unless she wants to get a reality TV show. Go ask her. We could use the free publicity, even if we sell the tape for cheap," She instructed as she motioned for him and Miu to get onto their own business.

Judging by how Dameon was insisting to get her alone in private, her thoughts jumped to the obvious conclusion that he wanted to bone the girl. Well, he rarely let loose, so more power to him. From the corner of her eye, Gin spotted a stripper walking passed the area. Unbeknownst to her, it was Sanosuke himself who had transformed. Before he could sneak away and transform back into himself, Gin motioned to get the transformed Sano's attention. Now, Gin's perceptive skills - buzzed as she might have been - were not to be trifled with. Gin's call to the stripper was more than obvious and it was loud enough to get her attention, seeing as she was walking right in front of the former Kazekage. If Sanosuke decided to ignore her, Gin would put two and two together and assume it was him. "Hey! You! Fook Mi! Me and my new friend here need entertainment!" She said. Now, any self respecting stripper would follow the owner's orders without question. The way this was about to play out would be entertaining to say the least.

16Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Wed May 07, 2014 10:38 pm

Miu Mai

Miu Mai


The one who was behind her was quite a bit taller than herself making her feel a bit intimidated but none the less she kept her resolution of getting a job strong. You need some source of income, I won’t continue living off scraps for the rest of my life, how else could I ever hope to get some respect around her to eventually being a future ninja prodigy. She wasn’t nearly trained enough but she knew with the right instructors and the proper discipline that she could be a force worth reckoning with. Her skills thus far though were next to nill. She had a mediocre understanding in the traits that governed her few water ninjutsu techniques she was reading about and trained physically to keep herself well in shape.

They were talking about some tape which she only could imagine was from the security feeds which watched every square foot of the establishment. She knew this meant that her own privacy was going to be ruined but desperate times called for desperate situations and if she had to give lap dances and strip down she would be more than willing to oblige the heavy hitters. ”Of course.” lifting herself up from the chair she was almost prepared to be interrogated by the strange woman she stood back up and slight curtsy as to not disrespect the only possible employers she could find work from. Following his hand she noticed the stair reasonably hidden and cut off from the dance floors, she only could imagine that was where the business side of the strip club took place. Her hands reached up to grab the hood slightly raising it up but not over her head. Merely clinging to something for comfort as she would silently walk up the stairs toward this room where her interview was going to take place.

“I don’t mean to be anxious but I really need this job,”
she stated a bit worried that the interview might go south to the point she wanted to explain how desperate she really was. ”I will work for any amount of ryo and do whatever jobs the other strippers don’t want to do. I just can’t go back to living on the streets.” Looking about slightly as he would probably still be coming up the stairs as she made her plead. She looked to the ground a bit ashamed she didn’t just go through with the interview. She thought of adding to the scene but she was already stretching it a bit and tears weren't really her style of coercing people.

17Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Thu May 08, 2014 5:45 pm



"Hey! You! Fook Mi! Me and my new friend here need entertainment!"

When Sanosuke heard that, his heart sunk. Gin was looking directly at him as he said it too. She must be regarding the henge he just made to the dancer he saw. This was bad. Gin already suspected that Sanosuke had transformed into the dancer. So this was bad. Either give her and that guy at the bar with her a dance or come clean. One involves pain, the other involves dirt that the wench Gin will hang over his head until the day he dies. This was a tough call indeed. If Sanosuke wanted to be Raikage one day, it'd be pretty annoying if he had to punch someone lights out each time they brought up the time where their Lord Raikage had transformed into a stripper and was forced to service two people. That's not something he would want Gin to have on him.

Looking at Gin, Sanosuke smirked and disengaged the henge jutsu he was under so that he would transform back into regular old Sanosuke Flynt. When he did so, Sanosuke sent Gin a dirty grin followed by a middle finger before walking over to the table where Gin was and taking the drink out of her hand. He quickly downed it before she could say anything. "Called me you old hag?" Sanosuke smirked as nodded to the guy she was with. "Gotta say, I'm surprised someone like you can even move her hips without them breaking." Sanosuke already knew he was going to get hit, so he might as well go out with a bang.

18Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Fri May 09, 2014 12:29 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn


Nick got slightly annoyed by the fact that one of the 'new' strippers ignored his request to shake her ass in front of Nick. Oh-well, there were strippers with bigger booty's who'd dance for less. This thought made Nick smile a little. That he was in such place. He laughed his ass off as he heard the name of one stripper. Fook Mi. He had met other people whose name was Uera Beetch. There even was a guy named Ima Dick. But this one really takes the cake. Nick was surprised to see the stripper genderbent into a male. He hadn't seen anything like it before. He took a shot off his vodka. It had been a while since a stripper was at his lap and Nick was becoming slightly more inpatient.

He began to hum and held a slight lyric under his breath.

"Hostess-chann, can you call a stripper by my side? Also, do you have uh.. hehe"

He brought his ear closer to her head, smiling all the while as he parted his lips near the ear of the lady sitting on the same bench Nick was sitting. The one with high heels.


Current Word Post (this post included): 912
edit: C2>C3 700(perception)
Unused: 912

Last edited by Nick Saturn on Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

19Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Empty Re: Hazy Memories. [Flashback][/Open] Fri May 09, 2014 12:34 am



Dameon nodded and followed her up the stairs and into his office. He closed the door and locked it so nobody would disturb them while he interviewed her. He was curious more about her and why he couldn’t help but feel like they had an identical upbringing. He sat down in the chair behind his desk which was piled a good three feet high with a hundred ryo bills. He sat down relaxing and overall not having that great of a day.

“Trust me, I understand. Probably more than most. I was living on the streets here in kiri for half my life and before that I was living in the wilderness. It is how I got these scars on my chest,” he said pointing to his bare chest. As per usual with his attire he wore a brown jacket and no shirt underneath so his bare chest was clearly visible to everyone. To go along with his attire was his black belts, brown pants and a black pair of boots.

“Please have a seat I just want to talk for now. So I think I understand your situation pretty well, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself first. My name is Dameon I am a co-owner here at the club. When I am not here I am the ANBU Captain for the village and a Seven Swordsman,” he said gesturing to her with his hand that it was now her time to talk.

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