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1Quietly plotting (Open/No-kill/Training) Empty Quietly plotting (Open/No-kill/Training) Mon May 05, 2014 5:36 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

"Which dress do you think looks prettier dear?", were the words of a young woman while she was looking at dresses with her husband. They seemed like a nice couple, well at least from as far as Zetsume could tell. He was sitting on a nearby bench with his dog Repede sitting next to him. They had both took a small jog today and were taking a moment to catch their breath. Normally people would come up to him to talk about his ninja adventures, but this time no one did. Not that Zetsume was complaining, but a little social interactions never killed anyone. Then a small child came running up who managed to escape the grasp of his mother's eyes who was not even paying attention to him because she was to busy trying to figure out which hand soap to buy. He was no older than ten, but he seemed to have a brave heart. The child was short and a little fat, with a bowl hair cut. He looked a little silly but Zetsume would never tell him that.

"You are a ninja right, sir"

"Yea I am little man, why do you ask?", Zetsume replied to the wide eyed kid.

"Mommy says that the ninja here are slacking while other lost their will to care for the village. She thinks that the ninja are not capable of protecting us and that we should move. Is this true?"

"It is not young one. Even if I am the last ninja here, I swear on my life that I shall protect your family until the very end. Now run on back to her and study hard. We could use a brave ninja like yourself."

The child squealed and ran back to his mother with a wide smile on his face. It was the kind of smile that looked like, ha i knew you were wrong. She only ignored the child as he was rambling off to her. Zetsume decided it was time to leave before he got into to much trouble for speaking to much. Would be a first for him though.

Zetsume picked up his bow and quiver from the ground and placed it firmly onto his back.

"Time to go Repede, we have training to commence.", he said while patting the dog on the head who just licked his hand as a reply. A small part of Zetsume wished that the dog could use human words and not just understand it. It would make his life a little more entertaining. Well at least until he saw a pretty girl, lord only knows what the dog would say.

Maybe it is better if he did not speak at all actually, he thought with a smirk on his face. The two of them left to go to a training ground that was just a little bit outside of the village. The walk was not terribly long, and it was a nice day to do it. Zetsume was glad he got up early to do this because now it was already noon before he got there.

It was a barren field with a few logs that were standing up with large Xs on them. Some people came here to blow off steam from their hectic lives, while others would come here for a slight romantic scene. Zetsume however would use this spot to train his Puppetry. He wanted to get better at manipulation of things through chakra strings. Zetsume placed his gear on the ground and then used chakra strings to try and pick them up. He managed to get the quiver up, but it just poured out all of the arrows onto the floor which consisted of twenty iron tipped arrows and twenty rubber tipped. People could question why he had rubber tipped arrows, well at least until they were hit with them .It was about the equivalent of being punched, without having to get close. He had used it on missions before when he needed to capture someone without mortally wounding them. Getting up, Zetsume put the arrows back into the quiver and sat back down to try once more.

Training Puppetry C-B:



it was a beautiful day for.. well pretty much anything you want to do. Keakio had decided that she was going to do some training on this day and so she packed up her gear in her room into a small backpack and head out the door to her small apartment and headed down the stairs. she though about running be decided against it for it was such a nice day that she though that she better enjoy it. as Keakio got down the stairs she watched a man talking to a small child, the kid then ran over to his mother quite happy and then they walked off. Kaekio decided she was going to follow the man and find out what he was up to. She turned a corner and hid in an alley and watched him pick up his bow and arrow and start walking. Kaekio jumped up on top of the roofs of the house and followed the man until he was out of the village then she jumped out and cautiously stalked him all the way to the training ground, then she walked around the training ground to the opposite end and crept to one of the training logs and infused her chakra with it so she could use substitution later if she needed it. Then she headed back around to the other end and entered the way he had. she was going to make it seem as if she hadn't followed him. "oh hi!" she said to him acting as if she didn't expect him to be here. then she noticed the chakra string attached to his gear and figured he must be training for something. "its a wonderful day for training isn't it?" she asked as she pulled out a kunai knife. she had to train her reaction time just a bit more to get it to where she wanted it to be. She threw the Kunai up into the air as she had done the night before and closed her eyes. counting to nine she opened her eyes and attempted to catch the Kunai. missing it by a few millimeters she picked it up to try again, but first she got a better idea. "Hey, would you mind helping me train a little bit... i could really use the practice." she said as she threw it up into the air and closed her eyes, then counted out loud but still quiet "One... Two... Three.. Four... Five... Six" She heard the Kunai coming down now "Seven... Eight... Nine!" She said the last number with a shout and opened her eyes and caught the Kunai just below her chest and then grinned and jumped a little with excitement.

Word count: 456
Reaction time word count: 456

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Repede was the first to notice that they were not alone. Zetsume did not realize until a feminine voice disrupted his concentration as he dropped the quiver onto the ground. Turning his head to the side to see who the stranger was. The first thing he noted about her was her deep blue eyes, they almost seemed to absorb attention. After he noticed that he noticed a weapon in her hand. She only threw it into the air and caught it, but for her to come up to him with a weapon draw without introducing. Thankfully they were within Kumogakure territory and almost everyone around is from the village. Zetsume could not help but to wonder that if other ninjas from other villages act the same, would he react as calmly as he would with one of his fellow ninja, or would he become threatened at attack on site. The moment Zetsume got up from sitting, it was the same time that his dog Repede did. Smiling at the girl as a sign of friendliness, he proceeded to speak.

"I must say that it is a fine day today, I have rather been enjoying myself. Well until someone interrupted, without introducing themselves. Do not get me wrong, it does not bother me that much. I just thought that people were slightly friendlier within my village. My names Zetsume Zix, would you care to give me yours?"

He held out his hand to greet hopefully what would be a new friend. Repede however was carefully watching her, ready to strike until his master had confirmed that she was not going to try and surprise attack him. Zetsume however was not worried, from the looks of it she must have gotten out of the Ninja Academy recently. She had guts though, and that was admirable in his mind.




Keakio Noticed the caution readiness that both of them showed at first, then jsut the dog. Kaekio became embarrassed instantly, she should have known better than to walk up to people armed without even introducing herself. She bowed her head in shame "Oh my god im so sorry, i can be abit of a ditz sometimes" she said as she lifted her head back up and took Zetsume's hand. "my name is ryuzoji Keakio, im a genin of the cloud" she moved her hair so he could see her headband, then she put her Kunai back into her pouch and smiled back at Zetsume trying to defuse some of the tension that was there now. god how could she have been so stupid as to walk up to someone weapon in hand. she was probably going to beat herself up for this for the rest of forever. she figured she had better get out of there hair and let them continue there training, but she she should explain herself. "Im really really sorry for interrupting your training and for coming up to you with a weapon, like you probably though i was going to murder you or something, im so very very sorry, ill leave you alone now" Kaekio said bowing then she walked to the other side of the training grounds then she grabbed her leg weighs  and strapped them onto her legs and started running around the training dummys so she could train her speed, but lap after lap after lap, she kept glancing over at Zetsume wishing that they could be friends until after her 23rd lap she decided to run over to him "Hey so you never answered my question about training" she said as she jogged in place so she could keep up her training in case he said no.

Word count:306
Speed training:306

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Ryuzoji Keakio, Zetsume thought while examining the genin. It seemed that she did not mean to seem hostile, which was a good sign. Zetsume did not want to have to strike her down, though after she explained herself she just began to run in circles. This slightly confused him, it almost seemed as if she was embarrassed for what she had done and just wanted to wait some time before talking to him again. Zetsume just simply sat there and watched her run in the circles, he stopped his training to view what she was up to. Somehow he was intrigued by her, compelled to watch. It could be the fact that she so boldly walked up to him, and now she was acting like she should be ashamed of it. After she made a good amount of laps, she walked back over to him, which he presented her words with a warm smile. Since so much time had passed, his dog Repede was even smiling at her.

"I would be more than happy to train with you. You have something that many ninja in this village have lost, which is guts. I can admire that about you. Do you have a specific thing you would like to train on, or would you rather just have a little bit of a spar?"

Zetsume hoped she had a training that she wished to do rather than a spar. Mostly because he watched her do her runs, she was fast but not faster than him. If they were to spar, he would have to hold back a lot of his power to make sure he did not hurt her. Last thing he would have wanted would be to hurt his new found friend.




Kaekio was intrigued by the idea of sparring with someone of a higher rank then her mainly because she wanted to prove how bad ass she could be. but then there was also the idea of training and she did need some training as well. she shook her head unsure of what to do. she thought for a minute really hard about what she wanted to do, then she came a conclusion. she was going to spar with him, but only on a few terms and conditions, mainly ones that would make her seem much more bad ass then she actually was. "we can spar if your okay with it, but only on a few conditions. first both you and i have to be blind by some way or another. Second your dog can not interfere in the fight, and lastly you have to give your all, no holding back. mainly because i need combat experience and i haven't gotten any. i will allow passes on the third rule as long as i can still get some experience in battling with other ninjas" she said grinning, this was going to be a lot of fun for her, and besides he wasn't going to kill her, well at least she hopped not. he just might after she approached with a weapon as she did earlier. god she was stupid for doing that. well at least he didn't know that she had followed him here, he might be much more angry at her for that then for him approaching him with a weapon drawn. Seeing as how a fight was about to begin he drew her sword out and gave it a few swings at the air before letting her arm rest at her side, so the tip of the blade touched the ground. she was ready for this and she was going to show a ninja of higher rank than her how awesome she could be.

Word count: 326

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume took a long drawn out pause to evaluate her proposal. It seems that she wanted him to give it her all, but could he really accomplish that? He knew he could not use his real attacks, as they would cause to much wide scale damage. Even though she wanted to spar without him holding back, he knew that that would never happen. Zetsume nodded in approval before moving his headband over his eyes and readied himself.

"Repede, just stand back and watch the show. It seems that she wishes to spar with me, and i would like to indulge in her wishes. Now ready yourself Kaekio."

Zetsume jumped back ten meters from where he was standing, drawing a rubber tipped arrow from his quiver and giving it a quick shot into her direction.

I will have to use these types of arrows against her. If I were to use my KKG, I do not think I could purposely miss vital organs while being blindfolded., he thought as he shot out the arrow into her direction. From the distance he was going to have to listen closely to his surroundings. It also did not help that most of his Genjutsus were visual, almost seemed like she knew and used this to help even out the odds. Either way it was going to prove to be a joyous spar, for he could have another friend by the end of it.




Kaekio watched as the man stood up and put his headband around his eyes the held his bow out in his hand... Damn it how could she be so stupid as to make these rules, ugh she should really think before doing these kinds of things, seeing as how none of hi arrows were lighting style she couldn't sense any of them, not a single one. Kaekio honored her agreement however and put her headband around her eyes as well. not it was strictly her kekai genkai that she had to rely on.. well maybe her hearing but that wasn't much help. she held her sword up vertical and then place her other palm on the side of it taking up a defensive stance and switched her Kekai Genkai to combat distince, now she could see his movements. she "watched" as the man unquivered something and then shot it her direction, fuck and now it began. she could hear the arrow comming her direction and  sense he had shot it at her all she had to to was dodge assuming it was a single shot. simple, she moved about 2 meters to the left of the arrow but kept in range of her Kekai Genkai, then she ran towards the man, fully aware of him being able to hear her, then she made  some hand signs, not an easy thing to do with a sword in your hands and then released her misty flamae dance gas in the direction of her target, making field of gas 10 meters in front of her and stopped so she wouldn't be caught in the gas, then lifted up her hands and did the lighting sparkler justu igniting the flammable gas on fire causing an instant explosion in front of kaekio then she darted to the right using as much speed as she could muster knowing her last attack probably gave her away, then she watched the man, well his chakra anyways, to see what is next move would be. To be quite honest, kaekio was scared of this battle going on, she knew full well this man was of a much higher rank than her and could probably kill her instantly and so she had to stay on her guard at all times, no mistakes no mess ups. This battle was for real and to kaekio it meant life or death. Now of course none of this showed on the outside, but on the inside she was quivering with fear.

Word count: 420

Justu used:

Chakra 125/150

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

As expected his arrow missed without ever getting really that close to her, or at least from what he could hear. After the arrow was shot the girl ran towards him, she was moving quick but he was quicker. His goal was to keep his distance and bide his time out. During her time of running towards him he used it to keep moving back at a faster rate. He was worried of her and what she could possibly do. It was not a fear of what she could do to him, but what he could do to her. Though his true fear was when he could smell an obnoxious odor coming from her direction. Without hesitating Zetsume jumped back even farther, making the distance from the two even greater at a twenty meter distance. In the next moment, he could feel heat originating from the direction he jumped back. It seemed that the genin tried to get him in a fire attack, though she did not account the fact that he was already ten meters away when she began running and he was not going to sit still while she just simply ran at him. Thankfully he was able to keep his distance and was able to avoid the attack somewhat effortlessly. She would have been better off unseeing the distance gap before using it, though from what he could tell it could have trapped her as well.

"I must say if you were faster and/or closer before using that jutsu, I would have been in a world of hurt. Though you acted hastily with the expectation of to much while underestimating me. If you keep burning chakra like this, the battle will not continue much longer."

Repede was just watching afar without a care towards the battle. Without any immediate danger, the dog would just bask in the sunlight and enjoy the gentle breeze. He was always like that though, carefree until the time he was needed came. Then the dog would become someone not to be trifled with.

After noticing how offensive she went, Zetsume would have to do the same. Grabbing two rubber tipped arrows from his quiver he shot them both in rapid successions. He began to gather chakra for Raiya (Thunder Arrows) after shooting the shots. His goal was to gather this chakra now, then when he could he was going to use his KKG to allow him two shots. After gaining enough chakra to shoot them, he was aiming for her legs/arms. Nothing vital, but enough to make her remember him, and hopefully she would remember the power of the Kyodara. It was a long lost noble clan of Kumogakure that has pretty much died off since his immediate family was killed. Though maybe he should have told her his clan, it would have given her a slight advantage than what she knew of him now. Since he gave up his Kyodara name, not many people even knew which clan he was from, and he liked it that way.


Chakra 275/300:



His electricity disappeared... DAMNIT now she would have a really tough time trying to figure out where in the bloody hell he was... Kaekio felt scared she felt terrified that someone of his caliber was opposing her  and she didn't have her visual sight to see him at all, he could be doing anything right now and Kaekio had no clue as to what he was going to do... right now he had full control over the situation and the thought of that terrified Kaekio. it made her panic, she needed to be in range of him. just then swooshing sounds to the right of her then she relized the things would have hit her had she  stayed where she did when she used the lightning sparkler, and the only reason she didn't get hit by those two things was that she moved in the explosion. Kaekio sprang into action running full speed towards the direction the two objects came from and once she saw the man in her view again she was able to see the massive build up of raiton chakra.... damn how was she going to escape this? she dashed forward as he charged his arrows and then she jumped into the air as high as she could go knowing there would be no way to tell she jumped or if he did know then there would be no way to tell which way she jumped or how high, and so she jumped in the air to the left and not dashing straight because he could easily assume that direction. then she grabbed a kunai out of her pocket and threw it at the man's neck hopping it would hit him in the soft spot and hit his artery. knowing this man was of much higher skill than her she had to be fully prepared to kill him with any chance she got or she would never ever leave a mark on his body. once she landed on the ground still in a ten meter range of the man that is when she jumped once more knowing her moves where harder to track in the air and this time she jumped straight for him and landed right in front of him while she swung her blade going for a shot on his right shoulder, with her blue arching a cool blue color and little miniature lightning arching a crossed the blade and if the blade was close enough if would arch to his shoulder as well not doing any damage just purely a cosmetic effect.  

In the mean time she watched as his dog lay there basking in the sun, and enjoying every minute of it, not even really concerning himself with the battle or much less watching it, he was just enjoying himself. Kaekio figured he would be aggitated or angry at kaekio for fighting with his master and that the only reason he didn't tear her apart was because his master said not to, well to her it seemed like the other way around, it seemed as if Zetsume needed to ask his dog to join in or he would just be really relaxed about the situation.

Now Back to the battle, Kaekio needed to asses his abilites before she made any further advancement towards him, he seemed to be a defensive and range type shinobi he also seemed capable of wielding raiton style justu so she needed to be extra careful around him because raiton messes with her Kekai Genkai abilities, damn... this opponent wasn't going to be an easy one for her to beat, but she had to do it. well at least he had a big handicap.

word count: 620
Chakra is 115 because i maintained blue blade and combat range on current perception.

Last edited by Kaekio on Mon May 19, 2014 1:17 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed a fail post)

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume's rubber tipped arrows missed their mark from the thud noises he heard on the ground. Him being visually blind was going to be a rather big problem. He was basically useless with most of his genjutsus, though he still had one he could cast without the use of his eyes. It also did not help that he asked his dog to sit this one out, as he could have guided him to the respected spots that she was currently at.

I could blanket the field with so many arrows that this genin would have no possible way of avoiding. Though the problem would be that I do not want to kill her. My choices are limited to this training, I will have to deal with this soon.

He thought, though his train of thought was quickly disbanded as he could hear rustling of metal, which was followed by something flying through the air above him. Not thinking of what it could be, he jumped back as the Kunai hit the ground with a large thud. In a few moments later it seemed that Kaekio had touched ground just ten meters away, though before he could shoot, the genin jumped again. This time however it was directly towards him in which she landed just a few feet from him. Zetsume had remembered that she wielded a blade when they first met. He could not allow her to close the distance and get a free strike in. He would have to keep her away from him, luckily for him though he was faster and slightly more keen sense than her. The moment she hit the ground before him Zetsume just jumped further back though not even far, only a couple of meters. The moment he jumped back he retaliated by shooting his Raiya shot. The traveling distance between the two was small, the arrow also traveled incredibly fast. He knew that if the arrow landed in the directed spot which was her right shoulder, then the battle would be over quickly. Though he felt as though the genin still had a few tricks up her sleeve. He noticed that earlier she had been aiming for vital organs. Could it be that she was attempting to kill him? Zetsume was a little worried about how drastic this training could turn out. Unable to predict whether she was trying to kill him or not. Either was his arrow left his bow, traveling quickly towards her right shoulder in an attempt to end this conflict quickly. At the same time of shooting Raiya, he also began to cast his Silence jutsu. With a whistle it had been activated, surely she would hear the howl. Though she would only think that Repede was after her. Even if the mutt was just basking in the sun without a care in the world.

Chakra 255/300:



Kaekio's swing had missed as the other shinobi jumped backwards. Kaekio could see the build up of raiton chakra as she had jumped in the air, when she was flying towards him, but now it was a little to late to dodge his attack. the arrow hit her directly in her shoulder. she winced in pain now holding her shoulder as her sensory ability went dark. Darkness and pain was all she was able to feel now. Then she began to hear a dog barking. Kaekio figured it was his dog howling in victory for his master, but she couldn't know for sure... it could have been anything, she was blind now. "okay that's it i give, you win" she said out loud feeling the scrambling feeling inside of her as her raiton chakra faded out of her blade because she could no longer control it. Kaekio pulled the arrow out of her and took off her headband. then as she was about to tighten it around her head, she felt her control over her body begin to fade aswell. was it the raiton scrambling inside of her? she couldn't be sure, but now she was completely unable to do anything, as she fell forward and landed face first. at least she could see with her eyes now, not like it did her any good, she was staring at the ground unable to move any muscle in her entire body. What was she thinking going up against a Shinobi of this caliber? there was no way she could have won. she laid there with her head in the dirt, trying to think of something to do as boredom easily set in, with being paralysis an all.


Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume's arrow had made it's mark upon the genin Kaekio's shoulder. As her body soon hit the ground with a large thud, she claimed the battle was over. Zetsume stood there with a slight feeling of guilt. He knew he should have held back more when he fought her, but she egged him on to go full strength. How could he insult her by not even trying? Though now she was hurt and on the ground while his silence jutsu was about to kick in. Zetsume had expected a longer fight, but if he truly wanted one he would have not used such a powerful jutsu on a genin. Strapping his bow on his back, he walked over towards the genin and released his jutsu before she would have noticed she was under the influence. While taking his blindfold off and kneeling down towards the genin to sit near her. He then turned toward Repede to address him.

"Her wounds are not that sever. If you could find the closest medical ninja and bring them here, it would be much appreciated."

The dog let out a happy bark to let Zetsume know that he acknowledged his request. If he was less of a man or maybe just one from another village he would have killed her without thinking twice about it. Luckily for her, he loved all of his fellow Kumogakure shinobi. He then smiled towards her and spoke in a friendly tone.

"I must say that you are one brave shinobi, but that is not enough in this world. You must become stronger before you can attempt to take on larger fish. I knew better than to use such a powerful jutsu, but I did not want to hold back and insult you."

Zetsume paused as he picked up a bottle of water and offered it to her. Soon his paralysis would be done with and she could move. Surely she was thirsty, as was he. Zetsume took a big swallow from another bottle and proceeded to speak again.

"I enjoyed this little spar we had though Kaekio. I am sorry that I have hurt you, it was not my intentions to do that. Though it is the only way I know how to fight. With powerful jutsus that all could kill an opponent. In this world that is the only truth, power. It can change the world for the better or worse depending on how it is used. As for myself, I only wish to become stronger to protect people like you. People from my village. Once again I am sorry to have hurt you Kaekio, the doctor should be here soon."

Zetsume sat there and spoke with Kaekio to keep her company. It was a lot better this way than him getting the doctor while Repede kept her company. The dog couldn't communicate back, so this seemed a bit more logical.




blindness, darkness. these were the two things kaekio felt as she laid there on the ground without her ability to sense. soon she heard Zetsume talk to his dog to go find athe nearest doctor... she felt fine, she didn't feel much pain, her only problem was that he was now raitonless for a little while. then she heard his dog run off quickly as she slowly approached her "I must say that you are one brave shinobi, but that is not enough in this world. You must become stronger before you can attempt to take on larger fish. I knew better than to use such a powerful jutsu, but I did not want to hold back and insult you." kaekio knew she was weak and that's why she had partaking in this spar, so she could become a better ninja, she just needed to get better, she had to! she wanted to be able to protect her village and become a strong ninja one day. she didn't except to become Raikage, but she still wanted to be a powerful ninja that everyone looked up to. "no, no your fine, i wanted you to go hard on me." she said to him slowly being able to move again, but not by much. she could only move her lips as of now and that wasn't much help. she was still blind from her current perception and all raiton justu as well, but this didn't matter to her because the battle was over and she felt safe with zetsume around and so all she did was smile and she slowly gained her abilities to move. then a bottle was set next to her as zetsume talked again. "I enjoyed this little spar we had though Kaekio. I am sorry that I have hurt you, it was not my intentions to do that. Though it is the only way I know how to fight. With powerful jutsus that all could kill an opponent. In this world that is the only truth, power. It can change the world for the better or worse depending on how it is used. As for myself, I only wish to become stronger to protect people like you. People from my village. Once again I am sorry to have hurt you Kaekio, the doctor should be here soon." and there we went again apologizing for hurting kaekio... but at least he had enjoyed the spar. that much kaekio could be happy with. "look you don't have to be sorry," Kaekio said trying to convince him that she wasn't hurt that bad "im not even hurt that bad, it just i cant use Raiton for a little bit, but other than that im fine." she said hoping that that would make him feel bad about striking her with his own arrow. Kaekio slowly pushed herself up with her arms and sat down on the ground now looking up at zetsume, not quite sure of what to do next. so she picked up her headband and tightened it around her forehead underneath her hair than then just continued to stare at him.

wc: 528

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume did seem to over apologize for hurting Kaekio, but how could he not feel bad. her shoulder was bleeding and he knew if she did not seek some form of treatment then it could get infected. Sitting there he could not help but to think, "What kind of ninja am I? I should not have tried to end it so soon. Did she even become stronger? Or was I just boasting my power.". It was at this moment that he looked up to see Kaekio staring at him. He knew he would have to break the awkward silence, so he simply smiled and spoke.

"I will remember you Ryuzoji Kaekio. Truth be told, I do not talk to many people. So this was a nice change from the constant missions I have been doing. You can act tough, but either way I am pretty sure that wound could use a little treatment. If you would like, I can take you on missions so you can get some field experience."

He did not know how she would respond to his question. So he sat there with a small smile on his face. Zetsume could tell that she had a lot of pride, which made him feel good about the people within his village. Kumogakure has become silent in these times and it is a nice time to show the world what they were made of. For Zetsume this was a great idea as both could become stronger through every experience.

He knew it would not be long until Repede and a doctor came back. So he just sat there with that smile, waiting for her reply to his request while waiting on them.




Kaekio winced a little in pain as her shoulder began to bleed.  NO she couldn't let herself show pain... she was a shinobi and as such she was supposed to experience no emotions. she managed to cover up the pain she felt almost instantly, and unless a trained eye had been studying her face at the time, then no one would notice it. Kaekio felt her muscle control comming back to her now, and in no time it would be at full strength. Kaekio listened silently as the man before her talked. "I will remember you Ryuzoji Kaekio. Truth be told, I do not talk to many people. So this was a nice change from the constant missions I have been doing. You can act tough, but either way I am pretty sure that wound could use a little treatment. If you would like, I can take you on missions so you can get some field experience." Kaekio, might enjoy a mission with him at some point, but honestly it might have to wait a little bit until her wound healed. although she could act tough truth be told, her wound did need some treatment, and she hoped that Repede would return soon, but she wouldn't complain, hell she wouldn't give any hint, other than the one she had already given, to her experiencing pain. "yeah sure, a mission sometime would be amazing, and my wound feels fine, barely even noticeable." she was pretty sure this guy was more worried about her wound than anything else, at the moment and so she desperately needed to change the subject, its just she couldn't figure out what to change it to and so she sat there in awkward silence.


Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume smiled as Kaekio agreed towards them going on missions. Usually he was alone because he did not trust himself to be able to keep his fellow shinobi alive. Though now that he was a jounin with black raiton training, he felt much more confident in his abilities. In order to pass some more time, Zetsume stood up and proceeded to speak.

"Want to see something pretty cool?"

Zetsume used his Chakra Bow technique, though he fused it with his Black Raiton. In his left hand a black raiton bow was before them. Zetsume gave a small smirk before dispelling it. He was not proficient enough yet to be able to use black raiton arrows. Though surely enough he would be able to do it, but as of right now he was to weak.

"I just learned how to us it, though soon enough I will become good at it. All I need is some more training so I can..."

It was at this moment that his mind trailed off. He was going to say "So I can protect our village", but as he was saying that the thought of his citizens, friends, and innocent people were being killed. Not just in his village but in all villages. One day he hopes that he can become strong enough to end all war, though that is just a silly dream. As a shinobi of Kumogakure, it was his duty to protect and maintain the well-being of his village. If he wanted to end all war, then maybe he would have to become strong enough to convince people to stay away. As he would never go out of his way to kill people unless they threatened his village. All he could think about were the people within his village dying as he was training. Is it all worth it? he thought. He soon realized he was standing there in silence and smiled. Luckily Repede and the doctor showed up.


(OOC: Sorry for the late reply)



The day was a regular day, kazuki was at a diner near the entrance of the village, titled "Heaven in a Bowl" and he was there doing what else? eating ramen. his favorite food in the entire world was ramen, and now that he was a ninja he could actually afford to go out to eat some tasty ramen, seeing as how the instant ramen in his house wasn't the best quality. However this meal didn't get to last as long as Kazuki would have hoped for. a dog soon came running into the shop, and barked and then made some whimpering noises relatively loud, so that everyone in the restaurant could hear it. Kazuki was no dog expert or anything but he could tell something was wrong. seeing as how dogs are loyal to there master, if something were to happen then this dog would be looking for help, and it seemed like an intelligent enough dog to know how to get peoples attention. the dog barked once more and then as it was turning around to run out the door, Kazuki stood up and ran over to it. he left his bowl behind him thinking he may be able to come back to it soon "Is something wrong?" he asked the dog as he reached it and then got on his knees to be on it's level. the dog licked his hand as if in response and Kazuki took it as such. "Well take me there... i can help" he said, he had been trained in medical ninjustu for this exact reason. he wanted to help people. the dog barked and then turned around and then bolt out the door. Kazuki stood up and ran after it.

The two of them reached the thunder grounds not long afterwards, and that is when Kazuki finally got to see what had happened. a girl with blue hair and a blue outfit, had been pierced in the shoulder by what looked like an arrow. he then noticed the man standing a crossed from her, whom she was talking to, had a bow on his back. he ran over to her immediately taking action "Hi! im am here to help." he said to the general public as he reached her. "can i get you to sit down please. it would make is much easier to address your wounds.". as she sat down he would then use his basic recovery method to begin treating her wound the best he could. luckily the wound had only gone 3 inches deep and even though it would take some time he should be able to heal it all the way. he hovered his hands over the wounds and a turquoise colored chakra would appear around his hand and cover the wound on the girls shoulder. as his chakra gently began to replenish the missing tissue in her should her glanced back at the man standing there. "haha, Spar match gone wrong?" he said as he cocked his head slightly to the side and his eyes closed automatically, as a smile came acrossed his face. he truly enjoyed helping people, and her wounds weren't serious enough that he didn't need to be absolutely serious. however he had begun to send some chakra into the air and causing the dirt around them to be slowly shifted into some sand, because in a place with other shinobi you couldn't be to careful, and best of all the ground looked perfectly normal as he did this and would look normal until disturbed. near the point of almost all of her wound being healed up the ground 5 meters in every direction had been converted to sand for Kazuki to use.

641 word count
641/1500 fuuton training.
95/130 chakra
used, basic healing technique(c-ranked), sand erosion(C-ranked) and Sand control (only costs 5 chakra) all in justu list



Kaekio watched in amazement as Zetsume manifested a black bow out of his chakra... and it seemed to be? no. it couldn't be? could it? the bow seemed to be black raiton. Kaekio was stunned. she had never heard of such a thing, but here i was before her, and obviously it just wasn't his chakra because the arrow that had struck her had been blue, and this raiton... it felt different. she could sense it's power and strength and it felt, strange. "That awesome!" she declared loudly, ignoring the pain in her right shoulder. "You should teach me that sometime" she giggled, as suddenly the pain in her shoulder intensified, but luckily the medical ninja returned at that point. "Hi! im am here to help." "great then get you ass over here" she thought to herself as she grabbed her shoulder in uncontrollable pain. she could no longer grin an bare it. "can i get you to sit down please. it would make is much easier to address your wounds." fine with her. Kaekio sat down almost instantly. as the medic rushed to her arm and began healing it, she looked over at Zetsume with a smile on her face. she didn't want him to feel bad for hurting her in the way that he had. The pain in her arm numbed almost instantly as his chakra surrounded her arm. it felt godly, like nothing she ever felt before, and it was instant relief from her wound. she simply closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation knowing it wouldn't last much longer, ignoring everything else.

WC: 271
2746 unused words.
-1175 for  d -> D-3 Perception~
-1175 for D -> D-3 Strength~
176 + 396 = 572/500 Demonic Blue Flames~
72/1175 D -> D-3 Endurance

Last edited by Kaekio on Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:40 am; edited 3 times in total

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume watched as Repede and a medical ninja came back. He felt a slight sigh of relief as he came.   Though he was unsure if it was because he could stop her pain, or that he would not have to be alone anymore to try and think of something to talk about.  Never in his life has he been good at talking to people, especially if they were a female. The genin spoke only a bit before getting to work, that was a good sign. He could tell that one day he would be a fine shinobi. Slowly but surely he watched as the pain melted away from Kaekio, which meant that him being there was not needed anymore. Had he known how the day turned out he might have stayed home. It was sort of a burden to hurt someone in his village though he tried his best to hide it. Also he stopped mentioning it when Kaekio seemed upset that he was upset about it. It showed promise of strength and pride which are things he had not seen in awhile. He was so used to killing people who had neither of those things. Watching as their small world came tumbling down with a simple shot of his arrow. How many people has he killed now? To many for his books. Zetsume just wished that the world could be peaceful though that was just an illusion that he conjured up in his head. Nothing more and nothing less. People will always fight for idiotic reasons. Zetsume fought for one reason and one alone. To protect his village and those he promised to keep safe. This was a promise and he was not the type to break those. He knew deep down he could not save everyone in his village, but he would be damned if he did not try his best.

Zetsume whistled for Repede to come to his side before he turned to the two to speak with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for showing up to tend to her wounds. I did not think Repede would have ever came back for a moment there."

Repede nipped at his hand as if he was saying Get off my back. Zetsume smiled and patted him before going back to speaking.

Anyways, I am sorry but I must depart. I have things I must take care of. If you should need help send for me and I will come as soon as I can. Till then, farewell my fellow Kumogakure ninjas."

With that he turned and walked away. He felt bad for not staying to hear the genin's name that came to his aid. Though it mattered not. He got the training he needed, even if it was someone lower rank than him. It was not pride that was in him, he could never take pride in that. Yet rather a warm feeling of knowing there were dedicated ninjas out there just as he was. Zetsume smiled as he walked home with Repede at his side hoping that he would get a chance to meet the two genin again. Though he was unsure if that would really even happen.


Training Puppetry C>B DONE!:



Kazuki watched as the man walked away and relaxed a little bit and stopped making sand around him, if the man was gone he wouldn't need his sand for defense, and she didn't seem like of a threat, this girl before him actually seemed to be enjoying his treat just a little bit... he finished up treating it and looked at it with a slight frown... "well it looks liker there is gonna be a scar there now... and sadly i can't heal that... but hey at least you all healed up now." he said standing up and then turned around... his task was complete, and now he could go back to his ramen..

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