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1Mission 3 for Yuriko.  Empty Mission 3 for Yuriko. Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:21 pm



Yuriko was make some progress on her money situation she had just finished her second mission where she had to watch a hyperactive and cute girl until her parents work out some problem unknown to Yuriko. Yuriko sigh a bit, she was still waiting on to see if her mission was deem a success or an failure, Yuriko hope that it was successful she need the money badly, how can she be a swordswoman without even owning a single blade to her name, Yuri sighed and face palm herself as she mentally told herself to step her game up. She was probably the weakest ninja in her entire village at the moment, besides doing some missions she haven't even start to train and that was a bad, she couldn't get lost in the herd.

Yuriko put her thoughts to the side as she read her mission scroll, it was her third mission and it the timing couldn't be more perfect, Her job was to clean the sword of a self proclaimed swords mans. Yuriko, being a budding swordswoman herself had been selected for the job because of love for swords and she couldn't stand the thought of sword being in bad shape if she could help it. Yes, Yuriko was going to put all her effort and energy into this mission. Maybe she would get a free weapon out of it or get to met some cute female weapon users? It was highly unlikely but a poor and slightly perverted genin can dream right? With another sigh Yuriko start to walk to the location of her mission. It took her around several minutes to reach the location.

When Yuriko reached her destination, an old man greeted her and introduced himself as the best known, the most skillful swordsman around. He seemed everything, but not shy, really he wasn't shy. Yuriko didn‘t even have the chane to introduce herself as he was going on and on about him being a badass swordsman and participating in epic battles and wooing all the women. Yuriko would constant nod her head, agreeing with everything he said. This guy sure like to talk like, Yuriko quietly mumbled to herself. Yuriko didn't‘t see the point in his incredible lengthy introduction  anyways, but maybe she would ask the guy on tips about picking up women.

After an unknown amount of time, Yuriko look at her wrist watch and silently thank the gods from above when the guy stop talking and led her inside his home and show Yuriko the blade she was suppose to clean. She then reached for the sword, unsheathed it, gasped and drop onto her knees as she began to cry for the sword.. Yuriko felt her anger rise but she manage to control. The blade’s condition was truly pathetic. The blade was rusting, dull as doorknob and covered with numerous  cracks along the blade. It would be a miracle if this blade could be used again. Yuriko glared at the owner of the blade, with a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Letting out a puff of breath, in both frustration and pity for the abused weapon, Yuriko set to work, sitting cross-legged on the floor as she proceeded to clean, repair, and sharpen the sword. It was a delicate business, as she couldn’t move on to the sharpening state until she was completely convinced that the blade was repaired to the point where it wouldn’t simply disintegrate upon contact with the rough sharpening tool. But after hours of sweat and tears, Yuriko was able to run her fingers along the flat edges of the blade without so much as a single blemish, and so she set to work on the finer edges of the blade with took her another hour. With her mission done, she put the blade back and storm out of the house to report her mission success.

Word Count: 660

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