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1Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Empty Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:36 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

E - Ranked:
Transformation Jutsu E:
Doppelganger E:
Substitution E:
Kai E:
Supernatural D:
Generic Sealing E:
Item Reinforcing E:
Control E:
D - Ranked:
Body Flicker D:
Fire Style Misty Flame Dance (D):
Perspective D:
Lighter D:
Ignition D:

C - Ranked:
Fire Release:
Chaos (C):

B - Ranked:
Fire Style:
Fire Style:

Last edited by Nick Saturn on Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:37 am; edited 1 time in total

2Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:50 pm



All Library jutsu are fine for now, just be sure to update them when their respective libraries are updated.

Perspective is fine.

Lighter - Limit the burns to first degree, no further.

Ignition is fine for now; it will be dealt with in a clan update, if necessary.

Chaos - Put in that C-Rank or higher pain from will break the opponent out of the Genjutsu.

Bump when you've made the edits.

3Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:37 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Lighter; The damage is limited to a first degree burn. (It does more pain then damage)
Chaos; When his opponent receives or self-inflicts damage that exceeds the damage of a c ranked jutsu the genjutsu is cancelled.

Done, bump!

4Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Empty Re: Nick, Saturn [Jutsu List Update] Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:08 pm



Your jutsu list update is approved.

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