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Mission Info:

I got one last nap in before awaking to the soft chirping of birds outside my hotel room. The walls were so thin but this was all I could afford after being kicked out of my apartment. I got up and decided it was best to take on another mission. After meeting with the administration building I was assigned to helping a man perform maintenance on his home.

It was mid-day, and I was ready to go on another mission. This one was for an old man who wanted to renovate his home but had grown too old to do it himself. I felt for the guy and accepted the mission promptly. Upon arrival, the old man mistook me for a robber and threw a rock at my head. I dodged the blow a little too ungracefully than I'd care to admit, but managed not to fall to the ground while doing so. Rather than cussing the man out like I wanted to, I instead politely explained to the man who I was, and he understood. He immediately expounded on the specific renovations he was planning to make on this small home of his.

"I want to change the carpet and fix the roof before painting it with a new coat of paint for the outer walls of the house."

I looked at him, unblinking. "Is that it?"

"That's it."

I smiled my usual smile and assured the old man that I'd get to it immediately, starting with the roof.

I climbed up onto the roof, which wasn't very hard because of how small the house was, and at the first step I took I could feel that the roof seemed stable enough. Taking one more step to get a better look at the whole roof and my foot broke through the shingles, my leg getting caught in the roofing. I was stuck, though I squirmed a little and after a few shakes had managed to get my leg out. While I checked for bruises I heard the old man yelling, "You broke my roof, you little bitch!"

I didn't pay the old man much attention and instead tried to figure out how to fix this. Hopping back down and heading to the entrance, I asked for extra shingles but the man didn't have any of, instead providing me with a few pieces metal that looked like shingles. So I climbed back onto the roof with the metal pieces and screwed them into the ceiling of the house, then layered it with glue, insulation, and metal again before finally putting on the new shingles.

Now that the hole was fixed, I climbed to the highest point of the roof and found the original problem--more holes in the roof. I patched these up like the last and came down asking for the paint. The old man gave me a soft blue color, grunting that I was taking too long. The man was old and needed help, but his attitude was grinding on my nerves. Shaking off the grumbles from the old man, I spread the paint across the surface of the building, stripe after stripe.

My arm grew tired so I switched and switched back as I rested each arm while painting. Eventually, when I had half of the house done, I took a break and leaned against the unpainted segment, looking up at the sky. The clouds had moved out for just a moment, creating a pocket of sunshine. It gave me the thought that even through this old man's grumblings were bitter, I would still be doing something nice for him.

I picked the brush back up with newfound motivation and finished up the job. When I went in to tell the old man that I was done and leaving, the old man told me that I wasn't finished. I looked at the man, dumbfounded, and realized that there was still the carpet to work on. So I grabbed a corner of it and pulled hard using my katana to eventually rip the carpet from it's foundations. The old man helped move a table and then I took the new carpet that the old geezer had handed to me and put the corners in, keeping them adhered to the solid ground. Within an hour and a half, I had the new carpet, all nice and clean, installed even better than the last had been.

I once again returned to the old man one last time and told him of my done deed. The old man pushed the table back into place, and shook my hand. "Thanks, girlie. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, sir, I'm happy to do it." I kept the mocking tone to myself, still frustrated with the old man's attitude to me. And with that, I was off. Another job complete and more money for me to save up for a better place than the cheap hotel I was walking back to.


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