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1Fujita Clan  Empty Fujita Clan Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:16 am

Netsu Kenshin

Netsu Kenshin

Symbol: Fujita Clan  Symbol_clan_suterany_by_souleevee99-d3ejw4m

Clan: Fujita

Kekkei Genkai: None

Elements: None

Specialization: Genjutsu

Location: Kirigakure

Clan History:
Not everyone born into a village has what it takes to be a ninja. There was once such a person who craved with all their heart and soul to be one but their body was just too weak to cut it. So they sought out another path of story telling and performance. It was there they realized the power in story telling and that with the right phrasing and tone they could pull listeners into their stories and for a time could keep them locked within the tale. Realizing the power in this the ninja focused on mastering this trick creating a form of genjutsu focused entirely upon targeting the victims sense of hearing and pulling their mind into whatever story they are telling. With the power mastered the clan leader resumed studies a ninja and with this power was able to not only succeed but to form a clan who pass down the secret methods of their story telling.  

Description: The techniques of the clan is a focus upon Genjutsu that is triggered by hearing certain phrases by the caster. These triggers take the form of "Let me tell you the story of (The story they are using)" and anyone hearing the caster saying the words are drawn into the storytellers illusion. However the caster's role is not over even after they catch a target. The caster must maintain the story, they do not have to speak aloud anymore but they're mouths keep moving though no words are coming out.

Drawbacks: Members of the clan share the weaknesses of their founder and are physically frail compared to other ninja. Giving them a -1 in Taijutsu offense/defense.

Members of the clan are taught only to speak when using their techniques, they are all considered mute. (They only speak in private with clan members)
Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

2Fujita Clan  Empty Re: Fujita Clan Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:36 pm



Interesting idea. But what separates this from ordinary genjutsu? From what I can gather, it sounds like they focus on *Story Based* Genjutsu - or rather illusions that entraps them into a story or sorts. Expand on the KG more.

3Fujita Clan  Empty Re: Fujita Clan Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:29 pm

Netsu Kenshin

Netsu Kenshin

actually I made a rookie mistake and I dont need to make my own clan, so this can be voided or deleted or whatever

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