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1Okami Clan (WIP) Empty Okami Clan (WIP) Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:53 am

Yoru Uchiha

Okami Clan (WIP) VjaKwT2
Okami Clan (大神一族)

Kekkei Genkai
Light Release


Ninjutsu, Senjutsu


Clan History

Okami Clan (WIP) YJKdsgS
Byakomi Okami in his Sage Mode and the white wolf
The Okami clan was once a powerful and famed clan in the village which fell into destruction a long time ago, Uzushiogakure. The ancestor of the clan was actually an Uzumaki member who was considered special from other members of the respected Uzumaki clan. Byakomi Uzumaki, the ancestor of the Okami clan, she inherited a rare bloodline that accepted a whole new power after bitten by a white wolf, which resulted in her becoming a shinobi with her Sage Mode possessed the characteristics of a white wolf. The white wolf was a special existence because it did something that did not make sense, which it could utilize chakra and jutsu, as an animal.

The white wolf is believed to be immortal, and possessed an advanced nature type, Light Release, and therefore Byakomi acquired the nature type right after bitten by the wolf, and inherited to her descendants.

In fact, she could just stay in the Uzumaki clan, and did not need to have her last name changed, but after she found herself acquired a whole new lineage, the new nature type, the symbol which was taken from Byakomi's appearance of her makeup when she was in her Sage Mode then could be seen in Uzushiogakure, a new clan born along with her marriage.

After she had gave birth to her three children and the destruction of the village, she went missing and her body had never be found again. Her children then became the ones who led the clan together until now, even though the village was destroyed due to some purposes. Some descendants of the clan believed that Byakomi had been brought to the secret place where was home for wolves and Wolf Sages after her disappearance.

Before the clan's settlement in Konohagakure, the people had a hard time to survive in this chaos world, some of them decided not to follow their successor anymore, and settled in different places, and the ones who were willing to face the difficulties together, were welcomed to the Land of Fire. Recently, most of the members settled themselves in Konohagakure.

- The Okami members can have their word count for learning and training Ninjutsu and Senjutsu decreased by 15% due to their extensive knowledge in the art of these specializations.
- The Sage Animal and the species for the Summoning Jutsu must be wolves. For the Okami clan, wolves are considered as sacred beasts.
- The Light nature, used by the Okami clan, is possibly created by simultaneously combining the Fire nature and another unspecified natures.

The Eyes of Okami

Okami Clan (WIP) HA7Fi8L

Light Release

Okami Clan (WIP) J4ZQTaE
- Although the Okami is specialized in Senjutsu and the lower word count, the members are required to be Jonin to learn and master Senjutsu instead of Special Jonin. Sage Mode can only be mastered on A rank.
- The Okami members must start with Fire nature either it is the main or secondary nature type. Other than that, the members who do not make Katon as their main nature cannot master the advanced nature type, Light nature.
- All of the Okami members are unable to master genjutsu and they never have the talent to learn it, even though their dojutsu can see through genjutsu.

( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)


Notable Members

Okami Clan (WIP) Qz4wvY2
Byakomi Okami (白狐美 大神) - Ancestor (Deceased)

Okami Clan (WIP) 2uLU5be
Seiryu Okami (青龍 大神) - Byakomi's Eldest Child (Deceased)

Okami Clan (WIP) Qd5T0Cd
Byakko Okami (白虎 大神) - Byakomi's Second Child (Deceased)

Okami Clan (WIP) USFHWZD
Suzaku Okami (朱雀 大神) - Byakomi's Youngest Child (Deceased)

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