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1The Kubomi Clan - Hollow [WIP] Empty The Kubomi Clan - Hollow [WIP] Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:38 pm


Symbol: The Kubomi Clan - Hollow [WIP] (Put your clan symbol here. Small images only

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Clan: Kubomi - Hollow

Kekkei Genkai: Ōjogan - Hollow's Eye/Fear Release/Amalgamation Syndrome

Elements: Fear Release [S-Rank], another element [C-Rank], another element [C-Rank]

Specialization: Bukijutsu [Kenjutsu] (Primary), Ninjutsu (Secondary), Kugutsu (Tertiary), Medical Ninjutsu (Quaternary)

Location: Scattered

Clan History: (What is your clan's history?)

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Ōjogan - Hollow's Eye
The Hollow's Eye is the most disturbing of all Dojutsu and also one that is capable of projecting energies beyond your wildest mind, while providing enhanced sight. As far as the eye can see, even the sun's glare is as clear as what you see on a High Definition television screen, you can see nearly ten percent farther away than the average human can. The ability to see Chakra and what is in one's soul are gifted to you, and through colors and texture-like appearances you can see someone's general moral alignment as well as what emotion they are currently going through, you can also see in multiple spectrums of light such as infrared, ultra violet, magnetic vision and X-Ray vision. In addition to this, you can build a mental database of all Kekkei Genkai and techniques that you encounter in a normally unused portion of your brain, meaning that, while you don't copy them, each time you encounter them more information about them will be stored and you will gain the ability to lower training costs in techniques by 10% while you gain a + 1 in physical combat against all opponents with a Kekkei Genkai you have encountered at least two times.
Fear Release
Through their eyes, they can focus corporeal fear that makes use of gravity and kinetic-energy based forces to crush, implode and explode those caught within Jutsu utilizing Fear Release. The fear gives a chilling feeling when it touches you, like steel that was left in the deep freeze inside a pale of liquid nitrogen, it is so cold that it feels like it is burning, but it doesn't freeze. It is heavy, like you are wading through the same steel but it is in liquid form and it is pushing against you with the pressure of the deepest reaches of the sea.
Amalgamation Syndrome
Ojogan users are part of a brand new species of humanity aptly named inhumanity for their particularly monstrous capabilities, truly they are one of the more disturbing clans. They possess the need to absorb every part of another being's body, whether they be animal or human, and they can also use this ability on their puppets to achieve the same results but they would simply be placing animal or human body parts on their puppets and not creating an actual Human Puppet. Ojogan users absorb the skin tissue, hair, nails, organs[heart, lungs, eyes, kidneys, et cetera], limbs, even fingers and practically everything else to keep themselves alive. If they don't, they die within seventy two hours. Unfortunately, this means they can't use Medical Ninjutsu to heal themselves and instead use it to keep alive and cause harm.

Drawbacks: Can't take another Specialization or element, though they CAN train them. Can't deactivate Dojutsu, so it takes a permanent chunk out of Chakra and lowers Ninjutsu power by -1 at below S-Rank and by -2 at S-Rank. Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu and Kugutsu are C-Rank. They will die within seventy two hours at if they don't absorb organs, so they have to absorb them in a thread every so often, BUT if you are being held the time lowers to 48 hours and you can't make a thread, during the IC time you are held, to absorb an NPC until you are no longer being held. They are unable to use Medical Ninjutsu for healing themselves or allies and instead are limited to using it for either offensive use or keeping themselves alive due to Amalgamation Syndrome, or both. Medical ninjutsu is lowered by -2 at all ranks.

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

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