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26One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:08 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

After a few long minutes, Risu's cries ended and she got silent. Releasing herself from Sayomi's embrace, she staggered a few steps back, obviously back to her usual, closed self. For a moment, the young girl observed the place, noticing the Hoshigaki shinobi laying unconscious on the ground, with his head against a dent in the wall, while the rest of the corridor was littered with bodies, blood and the pungent smell of roasted flesh.

Almost hurling, Risu tried to get some support, as she leaned against the wall. Though she wasn't entirely sure what had happened, nor any recollection beyond the point of her dodging that blade and that paper bomb, she simply grabbed her waterflask and a antiseptic tissue from her pouch, trying to clean the dirt and blood from her face.

"I'm...sorry for my actions," The Orochi Lady muttered softly, looking up at Sayomi, slightly embarassed for how she treated the Uchiha woman. "It's wrong of me to accuse you of anything, certainly when I'm the one getting tricked by an amateur paperbomb, leaving you to do all the work.

For a moment she looked around, noticing the two ravaged bodies of some men at the other end of the corridor, where she thought herself to have crashed after triggering that trap.

"I wonder why you didn't burn those two like your did the rest," A soft smile came on to her face, while she took another antiseptic pad and gently rubbed Sayomi's cheek with it. "You've got a slight cut, nothing much. You must've been bussy with those two and that kiri shinobi when I was out cold. I truly am ashamed that I have made you done all the work. You go home and rest, I'll ask my uncle to do the paperwork and deliver you your reward, it.s the least I could do to make amends for this mess.

Throwing away the antiseptic pad, Risu turned around, trying to walk towards the staircase at the back, while avoiding to look at the bodies of those men scattered around the place. That Uchiha woman really did some work, this place was a real battlefield.


Last edited by Orochi Risu on Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

27One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:49 pm



“Hm, I suppose I just like to change things up every now and then,” Sayomi replied nonchalantly to Risu’s inquiry as to why there were two uncharred bodies. Sayomi tossed around the idea of telling her what she had done, considering that she seemed to have no recollection of what happened after she regained consciousness until now. Ultimately however, she decided to cover it up. There was no reason to bring it up for now. What was more important was finishing the mission and getting out of this place before anything else went awry. It was strange to see Risu behave so tamely now, smiling gently and cleaning the blood off of Sayomi’s face, after having seen her snap just moments before.

“I’ll be doing no such thing,” Sayomi announced, walking past Risu as she made her way to the staircase as well, “I have no home and I don’t rest. I don’t know your uncle, but he has no involvement in this mission. There’s nothing for you to be ashamed of. Things like this are an occupational hazard of being a shinobi. If anyone should be leaving it is you. Go back to the village and get yourself checked out, the hit you took from the paper bomb was pretty nasty. We wouldn’t want you to break a nail or something, eh hime-chan?”

Sayomi would throw Risu another taunting smile, reminiscent of how she appeared earlier. How different Risu looked now, calm and with a gentle smile on her face. Just how many faces did this girl have? And which one was the real one? Sayomi pondered these thoughts as she scrolled through her memories of the day, analyzing all of Risu’s actions up to that point. “What an interesting girl,” Sayomi thought to herself, waiting for Risu to follow her down the staircase, “This one might be worth keeping an eye on.” Still, they would need to make their way down and make sure the entirety of this underground construct was clear of outsiders before they could return to the village and count the mission as a success. There likely wasn’t much left to do with all of the bodies she had left sprawled out on the previous floor, but orders were orders.



28One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:11 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"Well...Change is good, I suppose." Risu muttered after Sayomi gave an explanation for the two non-charred bodies. A weird feeling crept up the young girl's spine though, was it the intonation in the Uchiha woman's voice or something else? She did not know and without any further comment on it, Risu simply ignored that feeling, listening to Sayomi's reasonings, her reply to what Risu had proposed earlier regarding their mission.

What she said, somehow seemed to hit the Orochi girl harder than she had expected. Saying that she had no home nor need any rest was giving Risu the feeling as if the Uchiha shinobi was practically a lonesome stray in a village of clans. Risu felt quite sorry for the woman, as if she was alone in a village filled with her peers, a sad thought to be living by.

"Few things. If you don't have a home, you'll allwals be welcome to stay at the Ouroboros Compound and as for the involvement of my uncle, he may not act like it, but he is in fact more involved than you think, as he is part of Konoha's Advisory Council after all," The snake girl almost said that with a smile, as if she was falling back into her usual act, though she did mean her offer of giving Sayomi a place to stay, it would make it possible for herself to stay at the Orochi residence as well rather than living alone at the village's center. "As for my injuries...they're just minor stuff, I think it was just a bad landing after all and I'll probably have a headache for a few days, but that.s all.

The mission was not done yet, but Risu had a feeling that the worst had passed and checking the few remaining floors wouldn't be that big of an issue. So with a grin on her face, the young chuunin simply dashed towards the other side of the corridor, finding that the door at that side wasn't locked and lead to another staircase.

"Ok than, A quick check and we're out of here," She laughed rather dry, wanting to quickly finish up this job and get some rest, preferably at her parental home rather than at her simple, small appartment.

1500/1500 mission complete
4000/4000 Med nin A->S
1511/1300 reverse chakra pulse trained

29One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: One way trip (B-Rank, Risu, Private) Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:01 am



Sayomi simply shook her head and looked on with a solemn expression as she listened to Risu’s words. “Thank you, but no thank you, hime-chan,” Sayomi would say referring to Risu’s offer, “I’m not the kind of person that takes accepting favors from others lightly. The last thing I need is someone telling me that I owe them for putting a roof over my head. So I appreciate the offer, but don’t bother trying to worry about me. You’ll be better off forgetting I exist after this mission is completed. I can take care of myself, I always have.”

The duo would traverse down the now abandoned stairwells of the compound, searching for any signs of further intrusions or anything else of interest. Sayomi was careful to take the lead, treading cautiously, expecting more traps like the paper bomb that caught Risu out earlier to still be around and live. The exploration of the rest of the compound would take just under an hour, their pace slowed by the constant need to be vigilant for potential threats, but they would make it through unhindered the rest of the way. In an office on the second lowest floor they would stumble upon files that appeared to be left over from when the facility was in use.

The documents contained information regarding the prisoners kept in the facility. No wonder why the Kage’s office was so set on ensuring that this breach was taken care of. Still, there were too many documents for Sayomi and Risu to carry back on their own, so the only course of action they had was to head back to the village and inform the office to send a group to recover the documents. It would be a relatively simple task now that the intruders had been dispatched.

After exiting the compound Sayomi would turn to Risu, place a hand on her head, and rustle her hair a bit while speaking, “Well, I’m heading that way anyway so I’ll take care of the cleanup crew. Try not to step on anymore paper bombs, hime-chan. You wouldn't want to get any more cuts on that pretty face of yours.” Then without another word, sayomi would disappear into a puff of smoke, having used her Body Flicker technique to get a head start going back to the village.


Mission Complete, Thread Closed~

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