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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Special Rules Please Read!!:

Battle in the Water Dome
The Water Dome (Risu&Chisaki vs Ren/Private) Elemento_Agua_Gran_Explosi%C3%B3n_de_Agua_Colisi%C3%B3n_de_Olas

Boy meets letter
A small letter blew off the dressing table and landed on the face of the boy, whose wide open mouth just breathed in with a yawn as the paper covered his mouth. Suffocating the boy woke up as he stumbled around falling off the bed with his two blankets in an awkward position upside down and sadly, one of his swords fell down too just landing next to his head. He was lucky and it was also a skill, if the sword did go for him he would have moved, probably is what he thought as the second sword fell and hit into his hand leaving a small one inch stab wound that hurt as he held his hand. He looked at his poor sword Tsubakiri who had not been used in a long time, especially due to it being his first and most fragile of swords. He was crying a bit, but he just took a small bandage he got from mommy and wrapped it around his hand to cover the wound which had very little blood coming from it. Meanwhile the letter was there on his head somewhat sticking to his hair as he took it to open up as he began reading it. The letter was a bit long as he sighed preparing to read.

'We heard that you were in Konoha and decided to invite you to come help and promote our park, you may not have heard of us, but right now Takigakure is celebrating and would like you to entertain us with a top class fight against shinobi of a different nature. We chose you to promote water as well as to show off the swords we heard made you an exceptional swordsman. We are not asking much but it would be much appreciated if you would allow us the opportunity to witness something spectacular, but at the same time try to not be too brutal we have kids that will be watching the fight as well, please arrive at the venue where we will discuss further details for you.'

Getting ready to go
He tossed the letter aside and figured he might as well go since he did see a small picture of waterfalls at the bottom of the letter. He stretched a bit as the blanket fell off as he stood up in his pure white underwear. He stared suspiciously at the female underwear he got from Risu's place. He was not sure whether she was joking about him becoming a girl or not as he just thought about it for a moment before putting on his usual black shorts. He decided to take his cloak and a back pack with as he dug around to find it, he then stabbed each sword into the top of the bag followed by a few of his other items. He thought that was all he needed but he went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth carefully, washed his face then realised he skipped his bath as he began to sigh. He had just gotten dressed and now he had to start over again, he stubbornly got undressed tossing all his clothing on the floor and began to take a nice shower. He looked at the running water as it hit his face gently as he held his hair in his hand. He wondered if his mom would be there and if she would watch his battle. He finally noticed the shower water began to get colder as he stepped out and began drying with the towel before putting on a clean pair of underwear and a tracksuit. He did not like tracksuits but he was in a hurry since it was getting late, he grabbed his bag and then ran out half way to the door before running back. He forgot his cloak and picked it back up then he ran off with all his gear towards the location.

He met with the guide who was some strange butler in a moustache

The Butler:

The man told him to follow and he did, they were walking at first and then they began to jog, he then was about to ask why they not taking transport and the man began running as he ran with the man. The man then began to talk a lot
"Now, Master Yuzu, when you get there we will be entering the Raging Waterfalls, it is a grand entertainment area which is far larger than you could imagine, however we wish the exhibition to be watchable from every angle so we created an arena for you to be dualing in. It might seem strange but you are required to fight in swim wear to promote the watery nature of the park itself, the location we chose has a small lake and a lot of surrounding trees. When we get there i will explain the rules and the set up for this battle. If all things go well we will have many tournaments or battles like this. However enough chit chat now let me tell you about the time i ..."

After roughly an hour of non-stop talking and the boy half asleep running and keeping up with the man they got to Takigakure.

Enter the Dome

When they got there he was in awe as an excited kid he wanted to check out everything but the butler guide grabbed his collar. "I am sorry, but you should come this way you are here to fight not sight see." The little boy pouted as he wanted to see the village properly, however he gave in since he knew he was here to show off and promote this place so he figured he would be able to catch up on things later. After being taken passed some really cool water rides as he nearly felt like crying they finally got to some secluded area and a changing room. The man pointed to the changing room and gave him a note and told him to read it and sign the papers.

He went into the changing room and chose the coolest swimsuit he could find. He then began to read the agreement.

'I, Yuzu Ren, do not hold Takigakure responsible for any pain,loss or injury incurred while inside the water dome. I will not press any charges and ...'
He began to just read a whole bunch of details and he just signed it and handed it to the man then asked him where they would fight and he was taken through a forest like area as he noticed a large dome of water. The Dome had a fifty meter radius in all directions as the man began to explain.

"Please procede to the pool in the center and say a few words to the people outside, remember follow these lines and everything will be okay." as the man gave the thumbs up he went through the forest realising the battle area was not that big, but he did want to show off his new swim suit so he thought it would not hurt. He was given a small mike that could only be picked up by outside signals, it was meant to not interfere with the battle while letting the people hear whatever they say.

When he got to the pool he said his line as he had to keep himself from blushing.
"Lets all have fun in the sun" as he struck a pose holding his hair and sadly blushing very slightly as some girls went wild, the men were upset, or at least the men with girlfriends were upset. Would his opponents be able to pull the same attention and who was he going to face anyways as the dome would begin to seal. The dome had several reasons it was set up.

The Water Dome (Risu&Chisaki vs Ren/Private) RRtcsFj

The dome prevented people from leaving the battle area once the battle was started, it also kept innocent bystanders from walking in. The water was being held up by various S-Rank seals that were being kept in check by sealing specialists who made sure to rotate chakra so that the dome would stay up and running. It was only a matter of time before his opponents would arrive to face the little demon of the mist.

Words = 1375



The second day of her holiday was starting now. Sighing, Chisaki woke up to the same weather as yesterday. The sun was streaming brightly through the windows as she sat up quietly in bed. Besides her, Sou was sleeping peacefully, looking exhausted from the day before and all his duties. Chisaki liked it when he was sleeping. All the worries that he carried seem to vanish if only for a while. Continuing to watch him, Chisaki admired the man that was lay besides her. He had slept shirtless the night before, so when she pulled the covers off herself it had exposed his back muscles. His hair was messy from sleep as well, the white hair she loved about him. With gentle hands, Chisaki traced the muscles on his back for a while, feeling out each scar and tight and refined muscle on his body. This was a body trained, and she loved every inch of it. Quietly as she could, Chisaki slipped out from the quilt and quietly moved across the floor. Picking up Sou's shirt from the floor, she quietly slid it over her flesh before gently heading out of the room. Back inside the living area, she sighed somewhat as a gentle smile spread across her face. On the coffee table, Tomomi was reading a scroll while holding some tea in his free talon. It was a strange sight, as the owl sat there in a pair of half-moon spectacles that oddly enough he needed to read, Chisaki thought it was more of a fashion statement in all honesty. He twisted his head around to quietly bid her good morning, before he went back to his scroll. However, before he did he spoke in a quiet tone as not too wake Sou "Mistress, a letter arrived for you this morning with the official village seal." On that note, he motioned with one of his wings over at the kitchen counter. Murmuring a thank you, Chisaki walked over to the counter with her bare feet. Carefully, she opened the letter and pulled out its contents. Reading the letter, a small sigh escaped her lips. It would appear as though the Chuunin Exams wouldn't provide enough entertainment for the people of the village. Chisaki had been asked to fight someone, alongside another mystery person. Sighing, Chisaki placed the letter down and hugged herself. This wasn't how she intended to spend one her vacation days... Sighing again, deeply, she shuffled over to the bedroom. Quietly, she began to pick out a simple white dress that was slashed with red. The entire thing was somewhat translucent, but that was intended. Reaching over to one of the drawers, Chisaki pulled out another bikini and sighed inwardly for the third time. Pulling out a pair of sandals, she headed out of the room again. Shuffling just as quietly, she entered the bathroom. Turning on the shower, Chisaki bathed herself, fixing her hair in a simply ponytail on top of her head while bathing in scents of lilac. Turning off the shower, Chisaki faced the mirror. Sighing, she dried herself off and put on the bikini. Over the top, she put on the silk top before sliding on the sandals that came up the base of her heels. Honestly, the rules about swimsuits was a strange one but she never passed off a chance to look good. Exiting the bathroom, Chisaki looked over at Tomomi and spoke "Will you tell Sou?..." The owl absent-mindedly nodded. Grateful, Chisaki tossed him some nuts from the side which he caught perfectly. Pushing open the door, Chisaki exited the room and began to leave her fancy hotel behind her for the battlefield.

Weaving her way through the town, she sighed somewhat as she headed in the general direction of the water dome that had been described in the letter. She knew where she was going, thanks to the crowd moving in the general direction she was. A lot of mumbling followed her as she walked, but she ignored them, they weren't her issue, her issue was a direct summon from a village while she was on a vacation. Arriving at the edge of the dome, she looked upwards and sighed. No where near tall enough for her to truly shine, something she would take care off. Chisaki noted the two men who were stood just a ways off on some sort of wooden tower, with several seal markings on the floor around them. Smiling with a gentle smile, she made note of their location before turning to a man rapidly approaching her. Sighing somewhat, for the eighth time today, she folded her arms and looked at the man as he spoke"Oh Lady Chisaki, you are here, this is good yess, please sign these letters and we can get you inside yess" With a look of mild irritance, Chisaki signed the waver, knowing its contents already from mere guessing before looking over at the men in the tower. They made a few hand signs, before a small hole in the dome opened to admit her entrance. Sighing, she entered the dome. Chisaki looked around. A few tress, yet mostly open ground. Hmm, this could prove interesting for her tendency to ruin nearby wildlife. Walking forwards, Chisaki saw her opponent, yet not her team mate. A young boy it seemed, with one of the seven legendary swords of the mist on his back. With a slight hmph, Chisaki stopped walking in front of him. Looking down at his small frame, she closed her eyes for a moment while placing a hand on her hip. After a brief moment of concentration, she sensed the nature chakra coming from him. A Sage, she wouldn't underestimate him. Chisaki, in a teasing manner to the men and women outside the dome, took off her shirt which then proceeded to melt into mere mist.

The Water Dome (Risu&Chisaki vs Ren/Private) COH1fUW

Chisaki sat down, both of her legs straight ahead in front of her while she propped herself up with her arms and her hands resting on the ground. She seemed to recall something about this boy, but only the fact he was a swordsman of the mist and he liked to call himself a demon. Snorting in derision at this, she looked up at him now due to the fact she was sat down "Hi there, I'm Chisaki Senju, one of your opponents I'm guessing, now we wait for the other one before kicking things off" Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back and waited.

Seismic Shifting Strike 1112/2000

Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:19 am; edited 2 times in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

While the sun started peeking from beyond the horizon, it's warm, bright rays started to creep through the thick blue, cotton curtains that were supposed to shield the interior of the massive hotel suite's bedroom from any outside light, falling upon an enormous kingsize bed. Upon that bed, a young woman was laying in an almost unbelievable awkward and completely unladylike manner: withe her arms spread out like wings, one leg hanging over the edge of the bed and the other reaching for the center of the bed.

Seemingly stuck in a rather pleasant dream, the sleeping girl started chuckling when a hissing sound came from her feet, where a large white snake started to slither upon her leg, continuing onwards until it coiled up onto her chest and abdomen, practically completely covering the young woman's torso, but thereby also forcing her dream to change due to the snake's outside interference with its huge weight resting upon her.

Groaning and moaning, Risu's arms moved to the snake and tried to push it away, but Uraeus, the big white snake in question, did not move a single inch, which prompted the young Orochi Lady to wake up witha fumign expression on her face, scolding the snake for interrupting her sleep so brutally with his obese weight, which in turn prompted the snake to shift it's mass a bit so it would squeeze the air out of her lungs for just an instant.

"Uraeus, you fiend," Risu coughed loudly, with the snake shifting its weight again, so she could take some lungs full of air. "Why do you wake me like this, just when I was having such a good dream about Kyo…why are you looking at me like that?"

Uraeus' head hung straight in front of hers, his eyes locked into hers, while a chuckle left his rugged, scaled maw: "Your sleeping face looks like that of a pig with an apple stuffed in its mo…umff."

As a pillow was quickly grabbed and thrown at the snake's face, it retreated from Risu's torso onto the bed, coiling up again before laughing viciously. He had his reasons to wake her so early, but he was devious enough to find a selfservingly amusing way to do the waking, true to his nature as the arrogant and vicious white snake from the ryuji cave.

"Allright, allright. I'll tell you why I'm here," The snake hissed with his usual deep and calm masculin voice. "A few minutes ago some guy from the hotel brought your breakfast and…eh, a letter so it seems and since I cant open it without ripping it apart, I thought it might be just the thing for you to do. So come on get up, get washed and dressed and get that letter out of that damned envelope so I can see what it's all about."

Getting out of bed as requested, Risu made her way to the bathroom of her suite, glad that it had such a large comfortable bath to use, but since Uraeus had peaked her interest when talking about that letter, she didn't take long to get cleaned and covered her naked body with a long white satin bathrobe, wrapping her still-wet hair in a large white towel.

"So, they really did bring a letter," Risu sighed, while taking a sip from the cup of coffee which was brought along the assortiment of bread, cheese and several kinds of meat and salads."I guess you dont alway lie, do you Uraeus?"

The snake, knowing she was taunting him, simply slithered onto one of the chairs, which creaked under the pressure of the snake's grip and weight, lifting its head a bit, so he could read the letter as well when Risu opened the envelope and unfolded the piece of paper inside, which he recognized at first glance to be marked with Takigakure's watermark.

It seemed that the young woman was asked to partake in an exhibitional fight which would pit two konoha-nin against a young jounin from Kirigakure, which in itself just made Risu remember the cute kid that had stayed at her place for a short time. She wondered how he was doing and if he was maybe in takigakure as well, if so, she'd so try and dress him up again.

Finding the invitation quite interesting, the young woman quickly dried her hair, keeping it untied, while continuing to read the letter, yet all her movements stopped when she saw the bottom 'P.s.' mark on the piece of paper, stating the exhibitional bout was to be held in swimsuits. That made her wonder if she'd feel pleasant with other people looking at her exposed body other than Kyohei, but since it was a fight and not many free, non-lifethreatening occasions to test her skills came so cassually around the corener, she decided to accept, even with that strange rule, but she wouldn't go there in swimming gear alone, she'd have her ANBU armor and mask, especially the mask to cover her identity, which would allow her not to feel so emberassed with people looking at her.

A short while later, she ran through the crowds with her armor on, spats covering her bottom half and  the mask hanging at the side of the armor, which was zipped open to her waist, just to reveal that she was indeed wearing a bikini. Arriving at the place, she was quickly approached by a slender man dressed in rather formal attire, handing out a paper to her, just as she was about to put on her mask. "Milady…Milady, are you possibly miss Orochi Risu, if so, could you sign this paper please?"

The paper seemed to entail a contract and the rules concerning the exhibition match, not really surprising, but to go so far as to make people sign contracts, it all seemed a bit over the top, but as she signed the paper, her eyes finally went towards the place where the fight would be held, surprising her so much she wondered how she could've missed that dome in the first place. One thing she knew, if her opponent would be using those fly techniques Chisaki-nee used, she'd get them down by plucking their wings.

When entering the dome, she pulled the mask over her face and removed the spats, as she noticed that the other konoha-nin was in fact the famous female senju herself, which made Risu feel even more displaced. However the greater surprise was the cute blonde kid with a sword on its back in front of her, how much luck or bad luck could she have to meet yuzu in such a way.

"Chisa-nee," Risu greated with her mask on, though not modifying her voice, so the Senju would clearly know it was her, even if that should've been quite obvious thanks to the pale white skin and the gray wikini with magatama markings, whih were after all the usual markings for an Orochi, not to mention the fact she had the konoha ANBU tattoo on her shoulder. "…Who knew our opponent would be Yuzu, never thought the cute kid could be this strong of a shinobi. I really thought he was a genin or so."

1235 (1)

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He was waiting getting a bit impatient he decided to toss his backpack behind one of the trees near the side of the lake so long as he began to splash around a bit. His sword was not that heavy but it was really long as the water he stood in made it easier to stand up as he noticed that it seemed like someone was entering far in the distance. The person was unclear as a few trees were in the way, making it not so easy to see until she finally reached into the opening with the lake as she noticed him looking at her looking at him. She seemed to have noticed him a lot, but he looked down as he realised she was probably looking at his sword.

The lady was really beautiful and reminded him of his mother with her maturity and te slight 'hmph' grunt she gave reminded him of his mother when she would put down poor Sano. She stood still after that grunt and she began to look down his frame more as he blushed, he was not even done looking at her either as he peeked up to her. She seemed to close her eyes as if she was now in some kind of deep meditation as she seemed to be trying to figure something out, or maybe she was napping it was hard to tell right now since the official start for the fight had not yet begun.

Then she did something unexpected as she began to take off her shirt in such a way that all the men in the crowd and who were spectating screamed, "Roooaaawwwrrr!!!!" as the men were going crazy, some of them being kicked out while others tried hiding it while blushing with a grin. Some young men got beaten up by their girlfriends while some woman were busy asking their husbands why they did not give them those reactions as well. Her pose was rather mature as he just began to sink down in the water a bit before rising back up again as the water was colder than he thought. He was going to complain about the water being nearly as cold as the water in Kiri since he just got used to the warmer waters of Konoha recently.

He then heard a snort as he looked to the girl as it did not seem so lady like of her as she was looking up to him. She then greeted him saying that her name was Chisaki and that she was from the Senju clan. She then closed her eyes and seemed to be uninterested since the fight was not started yet as he softly spoke loud enough for her to hear, but soft enough for it to make him seem shy which he actually was right now.
"I am Yuzu, let us try to have fun", as he sighed and then yawned since seeing her eyes closed was making him sleepy. He looked at her a bit and thought that she was rather beautiful though, even though he did feel she seemed a bit full of herself as he looked around wondering why the last opponent is so late.

After a while of who knows how long, whether it was a few seconds, maybe a minute or even an hour they all felt like an eternity to the young Yuzu as he began to draw circles in the water with his finger as some girls in the stands went 'aw his so cute' at the display. Then a masked girl entered the dome removing her spats as she seemed a bit uncomfortable around them. The masked girl seemed to be looking towards him for a while as he blushed realising that maybe this girl liked him. He remembered there was this ANBU girl following him around back in the village and during his missions in Konoha, he wondered if it was her not knowing the truth. He heard the woman say Chisa-nee with a voice that sounded very much like someone else he knew. He began to think for a bit and thought it must be the ANBU girl not quite catching on that the voice belonged to one of his best friends Risu. Things did not go too well the last time him and Risu met as he had to run away without even saying goodbye as he started thinking of her. "Risu-ne" as he whispered softly without noticing before closing his mouth with his hand.

"Sorry, was thinking of something, my name is Yuzu and i will be fighting both of you" He gave a slight bow to the beautiful lady Chisaki and then bowed to the other girl in the Mask. "Sorry for not paying attention" as he did not listen when the girl revealed that she in fact knew Yuzu and called him cute either. If he had paid better attention he would have noticed and it seems the mask just creeped spectators out as the girl got no reaction other than a few people shouting that she must get off the stage and stop ruining the show. However most of them paid for the event and could not really leave unless they wanted to lose their money.


The boy now reached for and grabbed the sword on his back as his eyes turned somewhat cold. "Prepare yourselves" as he began to just flex his chakra for a bit as he was preparing to begin the fight, however he was told you are suppose to let ladies go first so he waited patiently for their response.

Words = 1375 + 1261 = 2636
Chakra = 340/340



Chisaki continued to sit in the water, as it gently lapped up against her body. Keeping her head held skyward, Chisaki didn't bother to move much as she patiently waited for her comrade to arrive. As she sat that, she didn't bother to move all that much other than to just shift her weight every now and again to prevent her muscles from seizing up. The arena was mostly quiet, other than the few screams that could be heard from the onlookers. Chisaki paid them no attention, having resolved to end this fight as quickly as she could. The sun was being refracted due to the sheer amount of water that was above them, causing an effect similar to that when one was underwater. Strange patterns of sunlight danced across the ground, and subsequently Chisaki's skin as well. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity Chisaki heard footsteps behind her. Tilting her head back, Chiskai opened her eyes. After a few moments to adjust, Chisaki noted the pale complexion and familiar ANBU mask. Smiling too herself, she tilted her head upwards again so she was in the same position she had been previously. Chisaki smiled up at her friend, before speaking, not bothering to oen her eyes causing the same relaxed expression to maintain itself "Risu-chan" was all that Chisaki said in a way of greeting. Knowing who her comrade was brought a small smile to the shinobi's face, she'd rather face this kid with Risu by her side than most others, except perhaps Sou of course. Smiling again, she spoke showing off her perfectly white uniform teeth "I wouldn't underestimate him, he's a Sage with a sizeable chakra pool, plus they don't give away those blades to anyone" It was true, only seven blades and only seven powerful swordsman, though Chisaki knew that some of those positions had been left relatively empty.

As a booming voice filled the dome, Chisaki sighed in an irritated way at it. Chisaki had no taste for public displays of power, or competitions like this unless there was a reason, like the exams. Not standing, even after the voice finished speaking, Chisaki opened her eyes to look the child up and down. Chisaki noticed the dark expression the ten year old tried to use but it was honestly such a strange sight to see such a youthful face with that expression. "Hmm... Prepare ourselves? Prepare yourself, I'm going to show you what a real demon can do" it was time. Chisaki hadn't been sat idly on the ground for no apparent reason, it was logical and a methodical way to find every single root under the ground right now. Smiling somewhat, she opened her eyes. "Wood Release: Underground Roots" Under the ground, the earth seemed too physically squirm beneath her hands as nature morphed and bent into the shape she saw fit. Over by the tower, thick roots sprang out of the ground and coiled themselves like vipers around the tower the sealers were on. Tightening their grip, the tower was snapped in half, along with the concentration of the sealers. In a huge explosion of water, the dome of water collapsed, showering the three shinobi with tiny droplets of water.Not wasting any time and still sat down, her hands firmly placed on the ground, and in the same tone as earlier Chisaki spoke "Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars" The ground physically shuddered this time, with considerably more force than it had earlier. Beneath Risu and Chisaki, a gigantic rock pillar erupted from the earth, sending them both high into the air. In a ring around the arena seven other pillars sprang up with a similar motion. Chisaki stood up then, releasing her control over the trees in the nearby area. As she stood up, the first tremors came from the pillars, and everything inside the circle was flattened. The trees were upturned, the ground cracked causing devastating damage. Chisaki then clasped her hands in front of her, briefly turning to Risu "Don't freak out, if Rippa could handle it you can" With that, Chisaki released the Demon Factor from where it was locked up in her heart. A crack like a whip sounded through the area, as Chisaki's eyes turned completely yellow. The markings on her face came first, before the entire transformation happened. Her hair grew longer, and was freed from any previous restrictions as from the roots it turned purple. Her previous swimsuit melted away to admit the jet black clothing of the jutsu. The wings came next, as Chisaki completed the transformation. The She Devil had arrived. "Sorry Risu, I should have told you, now lets do this" As she finished speaking, the second tremor erupted from the pillars and raced towards Ren to do a second wave of equally powerful damage.



Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Well, she wasn't going to be working things slowly, this much Risu knew when looking at Chisaki seemingly sitting down in a relaxing manner, as if nothing bothered her, while at the same time Risu was taking a good look at the surroundings, which seemed to be composed out of nothing more than…well, water, some rocks and a few scarcely placed trees, not so much of a special place to be taking in account, except for maybe that dome and those two towers with people maintaining that dome. Looking at the peaceful smile on the Senju's face, the young Lamya already knew exactly what that woman was doing, there was no doubt about it. Given her tendency to fly upwards at the first point of battle, she would never let some dome restrict her movements and a few roots would always be enough for a wood-using Senju to work with. She didn't want to admit it, but Chisaki was actually quite scary when she was calm, in a way a bit like her uncle, with the same kind of obnoxious smile plastered on her face.

When the signal to start the fight had been given, Risu's attention quickly turned towards the towers, just to witness the effect of what the calm woman right beside her had been planning all along: taking down those towers, the people maintaining the dome and the dome itself all with them without mercy. Yep, she wasn't the kind of woman to bend to someone else's rules, that much was made very, very clear at that point.

She had not taken a single step, or Chisaki had already staged the next phase in her plan, bringing the two of them upwards with one of those massive pillars, completely changing the playing field from start already and Risu knew exactly what would follow straight after that, the tremors down below which could alter the entire place into a wasteland after an earthquake. In a way, despite now knowing that the little kid below was a jounin and a sage at that, she still had a bit of pity for him, since he had probably not expected this to happen at the very beginning, yep, Chisaki was frightening after all.

"Don't freak out, if Rippa could handle it you can"

Turning her head towards Chisaki when she was spoken to, Risu's eyes became extremely large in amazement, even making her take off the mask by sliding it atop of her head to see what was about to happen and before she knew it, the beautiful woman named Senju Chisaki had been replaced by some kind of unnamed entity with horns and wings and eyes bright yellow, with her chakra now having a dark, sensational tint to it.

"That…is new," Risu staggered slightly, giving a rather eerie grin, after which her tongue licked her own lips before placing the mask back in front of her face. Her eyes dulled and the voice coming out of the mask was altered to the one she used on her missions, a cold, ruthless voice, which lacked all kind of emotion. "I reckon with this all in place, you want me to sit back and relax, enjoying the show?"

Just as she said that, Lamya took three kunai, sat down on the pillar and planted the kunai in the ground next to her. For now, she would see what Chisaki had in mind, plus she wanted to see what that kid would do, in fact she really hoped he'd figure something out, after all, she didn't want to be the one doing nothing at this point, but there really wasn't any option for her to take any action.

"That kid never told me he was a Kiri-nin," The ANBU operative said calmly, taking one of the kunai, placing her finger through the ring and starting to swirl it twice before she gripped the hilt tightly. "For that…I'm going to shred him to pieces."

677/1912 (1)

jutsu/chakra unused as of yet

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

She seemed really cold and confident as she told him she would show him a real demon, while not exactly what she said the meaning was still the same. She was challenging him while the ANBU girl seemed to not be interested in doing anything for now. Something then happened as there was a noise heard that sounded like a tower collapsing as the entire water dome seemed to shatter. The droplets of water raining down on them as he thought it was beautiful making it more like something an Angel would do than what a Demon would do. He was not sure what she did, but it was clear she did not like the dome of water and wanted them to have a large abundance of water to play with.

She was smiling as if this was all just a game to her, he kept his cold expression as he began to form some quick handseals just incase he had to reply to whatever she planned to do next. She had her hands firmly placed on the ground still as he noticed the ground begin to shudder as he heard her say earth release as he was finally ready to use his jutsu, now knowing what to use. The ground began to rise up beneath her and the ANBU girl. This gigantic rock pillar was annoying but it was something he could handle as they seemed to be elevating themselves high in the air. He completed his hand seals long ago as there was lightning charged in his body preparing to be released, he whispered "Raiton Ryu Misairu". Beneath Risu and Chisaki, a gigantic rock pillar erupted from the earth, sending them both high into the air. As she stood there was a massive tremor with all that was happening he released lightning chakra in the shape of a violent dragon as the earth and lightning would clash violently.  As the lightning dragon continued its path a second tremor struck it as well as the lightning seemed to be breaking the earth canceling out the shockwaves that were heading towards him. If it was not for the earthly destruction and displacement of the trees he would have never picked up on the attack, she probably had a better chance if she had used the jutsu from a closer range. Adding to this the movement of the water from the lake the jutsu she chose was probably in order for her to gain higher ground, he was not sure how they would handle it but once the lightning dragon finished clashing with the ground cancelling the force of the tremors as the ground stopped shaking altogether. The pillar seemed to remain their as an example of the after effects of the jutsu as it was now time for him to make his first attack.

He then grabbed hold of his blade once again as he made a dash towards the pillar as he took his stance in order to get in front of the pillar as he performed a double slash making a slight wedge in the pillar, how they would deal with him then would be up to them as he caused the pillar to begin falling towards the lake where their destination would be as the pillar falls like a tree that has been chopped down. The outcome was simple they would crash into the water and then he would have his way with them. He felt the ANBU girl  might pose a greater threat as he was now focused on taking her out as they would meet up soon if she did not defend herself from the force of crashing into the lake, or unless she could fly or manouvre out of the situation in some other way shape or form. How would the two girls deal with his attack without their pillar of support, and were they prepared for the watery destruction that would await them as the drops of water along with the lake were increasing its area as the water was nearly beneath them as well. Things would not go according to plan but he timed it as perfectly as he could, he would not hold back and he took her challenge seriously. He began thinking of many things in his mind as he took note of what he learnt so far.

The girl who called herself a demon, the medical shinobi Senju Chisaki had the ability to use Doton jutsu that at the very least must have been A-Rank to have matched up to his lightning dragon missile jutsu. He felt they could probably deal with a single slash from his sword, but he wanted to part the debree as well as attack them at the same time so he would use his blades true ability next. The cleave of his blade Masamune was not something to be laughed at as a single strike could probably do some serious damage to her armor, if not it could atleast remove a limb or two. He was not going to hold back after seeing the display she made in destroying the dome from the get go. He was more worried about the ANBU girl since she not only had not shown any of her techniques yet, her voice earlier on sounded familiar but he could not tell what they were discussing when they were on top of the pillar. He knew he would be forced to use it, the one jutsu he had hoped to save for later might have to be pulled out right now as he set his first plan in motion. Right now he was going to show people why he was hailed as a prodigy, he finally had a chance to go all out, it did not matter that they were girls, or that they were beautiful. All that mattered right now was winning and showing that Kirigakure is the strongest village in the world.

He thought to himself with a sense of pride that built up inside him now that he was being serious, 'do not treat me like a child'. As he held his blade firmly looking above to see if they made an escape from the falling pillar or whether they would plummit and be taken care of by the waters of the lake

Words = 2636 + 1057 = 3693
Chakra = 320/340

Jutsu Used:



As Chisaki stood there, she watched the battlefield with a feeling of contempt within her. She had folded her arms, and was watching the Raiton technique of the young child stop the first and second tremors. Impressive work, but it still wouldn't be enough. Chisaki proceeded to unfold her arm, stretching out her arm so it was above the air still. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a dome of water encompass the spectators, good, now she could truly go all out. The third and final tremor was the most powerful of all, and it shook everything in a couple of miles, yet its most direct effects were felt here on the battle field. Fissures opened in the earth, and boulders were sent flying, and the jolting would be enough to cause some serious damage. The only place that the damage wasn't felt was on top of the pillar. Sighing somewhat, Chisaki felt the pillar began to topple. With a similar look to earlier, Chisaki spread her wings. The extra flesh and bone spread, casting a shadow over the battlefield due to the sun being behind her. With ease, Chisaki scooped up Risu and quickly soared over to the pillar besides them. Not landing, Chisaki merely placed Risu down, not bothering to turn to her the demon spoke "Be ready, after this next series of attacks you're up" Chisaki flew rapidly forward, until she was in the direct centre of the seven pillars that remained. Outstretching both her arms, the demons eyes glinted and flashed brightly yellow for a split second. After that, the huge amount of water on the ground from the sphere and the natural water began to surge up. The land inside the pillars was drained of all water, as a gigantic circle of water encompassed the area. Something akin to a typhoon had appeared on the battlefield. Chisaki had specifically caused the pillars to appear in a larger radius than this jutsu. Smiling somewhat, her teeth arranged into fangs, Chisaki screamed "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu!!" The sheer force of the water could be felt from even high above the battlefield. The water raced forwards at break neck speed, tearing up the ground beyond what it had already been through. As all the water converged on the centre of the battlefield, where the competitors had sworn to stay, Chisaki smiled as she raised her hands again. In a near instant, the water from the atmosphere and any residual water from the first attack formed yet again to create an equally powerful typhoon. Once more, Chisaki screamed out at the top of her lungs, the demons voice shattering through the roar of the typhoon. "Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu, for the second time!!" With a flash from her eyes, the water raced forwards, tearing up the already hollowed out earth again, producing a similar effect to the first one with equally powerful damage.

Not faltering in her attack pattern, Chisaki raised her arms again and pointed them towards the ground, her wings beating down like a war drum. Water from the atmosphere condensed again for the third time in the battle, there'd be barely any water left considering she'd used most of it in her attacks. Besides her, the water twisted and convulsed until the dragon was besides her once more "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu" The water dragon bullet let out a howl like no other as it sat there above the battle field with the demon astride it. Chisaki pointed down, to the location Ren was most likely in as the dragon bullet raced down to pursue and destroy her target. Chisaki sighed, a lot of her chakra spent. Speeding back towards the pillar Risu was on, she landed with a small thunk noise. Sitting down, she folded her wings until they seemed to be no more than a pattern on her back "You're up..." Sitting down, Chisaki closed her eyes. Noticeably, all the natural chakra in the air seemed to converse onto her position. Not speaking, not uttering a word, the demon began to replenish her chakra reserves as the White Snake joined the battle at last. However, Chisaki could easily move from her position if she needed too. The battle was on for real now. On the battle field, if the dragon bullet had not been destroyed it would be slamming its way into Ren, attacking him to keep him distracted for long enough while Risu prepared any of the jutsu or weapons she wished to use. When they had first met, Chisaki had noted how different their attack patterns were. Risu was capable of doing more precision strikes and more close up attacks, whereas Chisaki fought from a distance to cause massive damage in an area to her opponents. Together, their attack pattern and tactics were flawless, and it made them a fairly unstoppable pair it would seem. Chisaki sighed as she rested, she had used a good portion of her chakra just now and needed to rest, which was why she had tagged in Risu for her attack.



Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:22 am; edited 2 times in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Just as she had been witnessing Yuzu's lightning charged dragon disperse the first of Chisaki's dangerous pillar technique, the young woman gave a sly smile hidden behind her ANBU mask, pleased in a way with the fact that the kid had somehow managed to defy the now in demonlike form Senju's massive attacks. He seemed to be slightly more capable than either of them had thought, not even starting to talk about his speed or his amazing reflexes to the entire assault made by Chisaki. However, Risu also knew that the kid had not a single clue about Chisaki's delayed-trigger jutsus essentially all the more dangerous in combat.

When it was obvious Yuzu had cut the pillar and made it unstable, Risu grabbed the three kunai and wanted to rope-skip to one of the other pillars, but without any warning, she got lifted from her feet and was brought to another pillar by Chisaki, who used her increased powers of the demon form to be able to transport her teammember safely to the other side, before starting her usual bombardment of techniques again, this time using both the Baikafuku no jutsu and the suiryudan no jutsu, some of her more typical jutsu, but impressive to look at nonetheless.

"A demon form, the pillars and now those jutsu," Risu laughed coldly, looking and watching upon the carnage her partner's jutsu wrought upon the land, only lucky that the men from the destroyed towers had decided to use their techniques to create a waterdome around the guests and supporters. "I wont be able to topple that, but I'll give it a go, since you asked for a switch."

Placing herself at the edge of the pillar they were standing on, the young Orochi woman looked down, pointing at Yuzu, after which she crossed her throat with her thumb in a sign that this time, she would be the one facing the young kiri-nin. In an instant, she started running down the pillar's jagged edges, holding the three kunai in her left hand

She knew Yuzu's displayed speed was higher than hers and his reflexes as shown during his quick reactions to Chisaki's jutsu, were admirable to say the least, but Risu also knew that there was more to a battle than the actual individual's skills or techniques. There was also tactics and with Chisaki's earlier full offense barrage, there was almost no doubt that the young shinobi was feeling two things, a degree of exhaustion and the feeling of being cornered despite being the higher ranked shinobi.

"Let's see what this kid's made of," The ANBU operative laughed, throwing the three Kunai she had in her hand towards Yuzu during her dash towards him, making them act as a decent distraction for what was coming up next. In a few instants, she had made a series of hand seals, with water envelopping her hands, closing in the distance to about twenty meters away from the young Jounin ranked ninja. "Catch this: Water realease-Water slash domination!!"

Like a furious hellcat, Risu started swiping with her hands through the air, sending a barrage of insanely sharp and quite big projectiles towards Yuzu, totalling at eight, all of them more than a meter wide, slicing through the air like razorblades and flying into the blonde kid's direction.

However, she was not done yet, as she continued running behind her jutsu's flying, sickle formed projectiles untill she had reached the ten meter distance mark, stopping instantly, while forming another, quite similar set of hand seals, this time swiping the air slightly slower, but with an almost equal result, as not eight, but now twelve smaller, sickle formed projectiles joined the larger eight projectiles, making a wall of sharp projectiles being launched towards the Kiri-nin, showing the more intricate style of Lamya, who did not let a single move go to waste.

At that range of ten meter's distance, Risu simply grabbed her Kirinketsu scalpel from out of her armor and awaited yuzu's next move, already on guard for the worst.

wc: 696/2608 (2)


Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The boy looked on as he began to perform his jutsu gathering water beneath his feat as he focused his chakra to his feet to cling to the water as he used the water dragon jutsu to get off the ground which was obviously her target as he escaped the final tremor as he aimed for an unused pillar. He noticed how Chisaki was carrying the ANBU girl, he thought he was looking at a bird, focusing his eyes again he thought he might be looking at an Angel, but once his eyes focused he saw a demon, unlike anything he had seen before. He had heard of demon's in stories and had even been called a demon, but this woman was really a demon. She must have been really blinded by some form of rage as he recognised the preparation for the jutsu after she placed the ANBU girl down on the pillar next to the one he was reaching for. She then blasted the battlefield with a massive vortex of water and chakra that caused so much destruction as he was glad he managed to reach the pillar in time his water dragon not able to move much further than this as it began to rotate around him. He just barely reached the pillar in time landing on the edge carefully, however in her seeming joy or madness she actually used the jutsu a second time as the ground was actually shaking from the brute force as the whole crowd was silent, not even able to keep up with the madness of this battle as one guy said, "How can two girls and some little kid be this powerful, damn i feel weak".

As the boy was about to take a nice deep breathe she seemed to have some beast like instincts as she then used the water dragon blast jutsu as well as he had not time to think of anything else, he sent his water dragon as the two dragon's roared before clashing as the boy just barely held on to the pillar with his supernatural walking practice as the water splashed like madness as the waves carried over to the sides splashing as he then covered his eyes with his arm as the water splashed on him. He looked to the other pillar as he noticed her land their, he was not going to allow them to play their game with him much longer, it seemed like they were actually trying to kill him as he moved his shoulder slightly as he was sweating somewhat. Then the ANBU girl made her move as he realised he needed to make sure they do not team up against him or this fight would get really difficult really fast.
He noticed as the ANBU girl placed herself at the edge of the pillar and looked down towards him his pillar having sunken slightly as she crossed her throat as if to signal that she will be the one to defeat him. She began running down the pillar as he jumped back to hide the next technique which would obviously be seen by Chisaki but it did not matter if she saw it or not, she looked like she was tired and needed to rest. He was not that kind though. A seal appeared on his chest as he began to release a strange water liquid from there as it took shape and now appeared with his appearance. He took a deep breathe as he wiped off his sweat and then nearly looked like he was enjoying himself as he spoke to himself. The other Yuzu nodded as they prepared for the fight, he ran down the pillar with his sword in hand ready to clash with the ANBU girl while the other Yuzu took some thing out of the shorts which appeared to be kunai as he tossed them across to the other pillar aimed straight for Chisaki’s head. He then jumped towards that pillar in order to deal with the seemingly flightless bird or more like the sleeping Demon.
As they charged towards each other then when they were heading towards eachother she began to throw three kunai from her hand and as they flew straight towards him he knocked them to the side with a slash from his sword which actually broke the kunai. They were expendable though so most likely she was just throwing them as a distraction.  
She made a few hand seals as water enveloped her hands, as they ran towards each other now close to twenty meters she crazily tossed the water like slashes towards him in a barrage, as he dashed to the side in a circular fashion at close to twenty two meters per second just missing the blades as they ended up around just under ten meters away from him as she seemed to not be done yet as he looked towards the girl in the mask as he glimpsed her eyes for a moment before noticing she had prepared another jutsu. He had dodged what looked like eight deadly sickles only to have her preparing another set of them in larger numbers as she tossed them towards him as he had to continue running as he completed his run now on the other side of her as she had her weapon taken out as if welcoming a fight with weapons . He got lucky had the large number of sickles she shot afterwards been the same size as the previous ones he might have taken quite a wound in that situation. He then spoke to her after holding out his sword before releasing a wave like slash towards her getting in a bit of small talk as they were ten meters apart the large five meter wide slash headed towards her at thirty five meters per second. “You have beautiful eyes”.
Meanwhile during that clash the other Yuzu was still heading towards the pillar about to land, if she had managed to avoid the kunai she would be met with a large smoke bomb which happened to be flying through the air shortly after the kunai, how she responded to that would be the deciding factor in how things go from here. This fight was now completely different as we had a Yuzu facing Chisaki on the pillar and another Yuzu facing Risu on the destroyed battlefield beneath them. The Yuzu that headed towards Chisaki just sighed as he said to her in a cocky tone, “It takes a demon to slay a demon”. The deciding factor would be if she allowed him to land while the seal on his chest faded so it could no longer be seen. He was looking forward to finishing things with the demon lady before getting down to taking care of the ANBU girl who seemed to still be hiding something. The clash at the bottom seemed rather intense but the question would be how excited Chisaki would be as he refused to let the Demon rest. He knew deep down if she was anything like him, he could not afford to give her a chance to rest especially since she used one of his usual tactics to start the battle. Were they kindred spirits or were they merely a boy and a girl fighting to see who was the strongest.
Words = 3693 + 1231 = 4924 - 24 too many words = 4900 (4 EP)
Chakra = 170/340
Clone = 95/100

Training Senjutsu C to B = 4406(Other thread) + 2594 = 7000/7000
Training Words left = 2306

Weapon technique cleave used
When this ability is used a white silhoette distortion is seen where the cleave occurs.
This cleave has the same damage as the weapon itself interacting as an S-Rank basic attack
Range when making a slashing attack will reach 20m at 35 meters per second at a width of 5m. Range when making a stabbing attack will reach 20m at 35 meters per second at a width of 1m. 5 chakra is paid per usage.
Jutsu Used:



Chisaki remained sat on the top of the pillar for a while longer. Carefully, she was meditating a continuous, small stream of nature chakra into her body in order to replenish her bodies own chakra. While she still had exactly half of her chakra reserves left, she thought it was best to perhaps fill up her own pools while she had the chance. While Chisaki had not managed to completely perfect her skill and control of nature chakra, she was proficient with managing and controlling nature chakra. All medical shinobi had to have a very fine control of their chakra, so naturally Chisaki was excellent at controlling the flow of her chakra to the point where she was not at risk from undergoing any sort of transformation as a side effect to the nature chakra. However, Chisaki heard something that made her stop her meditation. A rough sphere of smoke had appeared, she had heard the sound of the smoke bomb and could smell the smoke. Opening her eyes, she moved her body into a crouching position, her hands resting in mid-air, poised for imminent movement. Out of the smoke, kunai flew towards her. Seemingly a natural reaction, Chisaki's wings spread and enveloped her face, causing the two kunai to slash at her, but not harm her. Chisaki grunted somewhat at the fresh blood that now flowed down her wings. The kunai clattered to the ground, a dull metallic sound accompanying the their movement. Then, a small voice spoke out of the smoke that had been creating. Chisaki's ears heard the voice, and a small smile spread across her face. "None can slay she who commands all demons" Then, out the mist Ren appeared. Mid-air, without anything to push off. Chisaki grinned as he closed the space, her tail snapping from side to side in an excited manner. The gap continued to close, until he was in range. Then, without a single hand sign, Chisaki raised her palm rapidly. Out of her palm, a sprig launched itself towards Ren. The space between them was too close, he was relying on his blades too much to attack and was not ready for this. As he flew forward, without a surface to push off, the sprig flew towards him. Chisaki didn't waste a single second, as the first sprig presumably slid into the boy's stomach, Chisaki flicked her wrist, causing two more sprigs to erupt quietly and quickly from her palms. The distance continued to close, the boy having no surface to dodge from. He had doomed himself. Now in reach, Chisaki thrust the two sprigs in to the boys thighs. Then, releasing them, she instantly formed two more, slamming them towards his shoulders. She then shoved off the floor, spreading her wings. Flying above him, to some pain, Chisaki raised her palm, water coalescing between them. Closing her fist, she smiled "Water Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death" Closing her fist, the needles flew. At this range, and with him so close, all one thousand needles converged on his single location, each flying forward with the intent to pierce the boys flesh even further. His arrogance would cost him dearly. Flicking her wrist again, two more sprigs appeared. Chisaki dove downwards, snapping her wings shut. Landing on him, she would drive both of the sprigs towards his shoulder blades, effectively nullifying his arms. Using him as a launch pad, Chisaki rose up once more into the air, snapping her wings open. The sprigs had both pinned him to the ground, and injured him. This had become to easy. Pointing her hand skyward, Chisaki's eyes flashed yellow. Within the boy, each one of the Sprigs rapidly expanded, causing more wood to snap free from him and grow instantly, dealing further injury to him.  

Her wings beat slowly, causing some mild pain. Chisaki pushed through the slashes pain however, the adrenaline taking over. Making a small tutting noise at Ren, who would most likely be pinned to the ground, his insides thoroughly carved up due to her jutsu. Chisaki made not a sound, as she looked at the boys body. His first mistake had been announcing his presence, his second mistake had been when he launched himself towards her. He had doomed himself, without a surface to press off of he couldn't employ his incredible speed, and at a short distance like that it had given her the chance to impale him. However, Chisaki had burned through a lot of chakra and she was injured. That had most likely been her final attack, as there had been no way for him to dodge and she was not in a state right now to fend off more attacks. Hopefully, his crumpled form on the floor would be enough to end this battle once and for all. The She Devil's eyes blazed in the same fashion before, not a trace of pity to be found within those flames as she watched her prey struggle, pinned to the ground by her sprigs and impaled with the needles she had conjured up. She was interested to see whether or not he would surrender to her now, or would she be forced to try and end him. Sighing to herself, tired from battle she waited.



Last edited by Chisaki on Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:23 am; edited 2 times in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Seeing the kid dodge her enormous amount of water skashes with such little effort brought out the worst in the ANBU operative known as Lamya. As the blonde kid seemed to use a clone jutsu to take on Chisaki as well, the young Orochi lady seemed to snap, as her entire body started to tremble, her slender, athletic body seemingly straining very hard, as the visible muscles in her arms and legs tensed, her hands clenching into fists, while her chakra surged to its outmost limits, a purple glow surrounding the woman who had now lost practically all ability to reason.

"How…How dare you mock me, you little brat!?! The voice booming through the mask was no longer her own, but more similar to the voice she heard every day, the voice that could silence even the kages of the shinobi world: her uncle's. "You…insolent little brat, do you really think such amateurish tactics would work on me?"

Slamming her hands together, Lamya quickly formed a huge wall of densed mud in front of her to break off the cleaving slash of chakra send at her, while she herself ran aside to get around the wall, pushing her body to its limits by using the highest speed she could muster. Luckily, the clone was not even so far off, with a distance less than ten meters, She created a set of hand signs, unleashing one of her favorite and yet least used jutsu; the Hardening mudsnake jutsu, which appeared in the form of two massive snakes sprouting out of the ground underneath the clone instantly coiling around him and hardening to thick concrete with the aim to trap and immobilize the clone completely.

"I dont think you've ever heard of Medical ninjutsu being deadly, but since you're a clone, death is not much of a problem here, now is it?" The young woman laughed, while grabbing both her Kirinketsu and a normal scalpel from two pockets on her armor, with her hands quickly envelloped by what looked like purple colored chakra forming itself into two razorsharp blades along the scalpels. "Normally this jutsu wouldn't leave a cut, but in my family, it is used alongside actual scalpels in combat, resulting in what is probably the cleanest death ever to be given to any warrior, a death without blood."

She jumped towards the clone, aiming to slash from both sides across the 'fake' boy's throat with the normal and the Kirinketsu scalpel. If this were the real Yuzu, she would not have resorted to such deadly jutsu and would've rather used the scalpels to sever the tendons on his arms, which could be healed afterwards, but this clone was an insult to her, simply because it seemed as if her didn't even see her as a proper opponent.

476/3054 (3)



Last edited by Lamya on Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

She did not seem to be in any hurry to avoid him as the smoke had clearly made things different, he took some time before reaching the smoke to infuse his chakra towards his clone who had his hands full with the mysterious Lamya. It seems he must have hit her since he heard a grunt as he now had her current location as being stationary. Then in order to throw off his opponent he spoke to give her his general location as he then produced some basic clones ahead of himself just in case something went wrong, he heard her announce a reply that no one can slay her since she commands all demons. The moment he heard her speaking he felt threatened by her words and drew forth Tsubakiri using the generic sealing technique, as he used the weight of the blade and swung lifting himself upwards so that he was no longer in line with any of his clones. The first clone to pop out of the smoke got pierced for an untimely demise as he then appeared from the top of the smoke flying through the air as he watched the sprig which was clearly another plant like technique, he had been learning a bit of this clan but it was now clear that the Senju clan did not just use wood, they used trees in general as was clear from the sprig. .She also seemed over zealous not even hesitating to split out two branches to pierce towards where the clones legs were, the puff of smoke after the death of the clone probably gave away his plans.

All this madness he realised this woman was not like what he had heard previously, he heard that she might be a nice lady who ran the main Konoha hospital, but right now he was fighting against a mad woman who looks more like she would kill everyone inside the hospital just to heal them up again for her amusement. He began to feel that Risu must be really tough to be able to deal with this everyday as he landed she had already left the pillar flying into the air as he looked up, the other four useless clones just standing around as they yawned, their presence easily noticable since the real one had the sword, and ofcourse basic academy clones can not really use anything other than to be decoys. He found it somewhat disturbing as she seemed like a vulture circling her prey, her wings were beautiful but she seemed to be in some pain when he first sort her launch herself into the air, was she hurt badly or was she tired, did this jutsu of hers have some major drawback or was she just trying to get him to drop his guard down. He then looked around himself as he was surrounded by what roughly looked like one thousand needles, his only option for avoiding this would be to jump through the only opening at the top, but considering he can not really dodge in mid air again anytime soon he took a deep breath as that second of thought passed him by.
He watched as she closed her fist and that was when the water needles seemed to all be heading towards him, as this looked like the end a large amount of steam shot forth in every direction as it was unclear what had happened, as the steam began to clear you could see a barrier of lightning as he stood there with a cold look on his face as his hair stood up slightly from the static charge built up from it as he stood there and then before he could speak to tell her to stop, she had dove down with two more sprigs aimed towards his shoulders as he began to think to himself as he remembered something from long ago.


"Do i have to kill it?", as the woman looked coldly to her student and replied. "Ren, if you show mercy for this man eater, how will you ever call yourself a shinobi. This bear has killed hundreds of our people and it is consumed by a rage which happened from people eating her children. You must finish it off, and ofcourse if the bear kills you then we will just replace you with the next student. This is not a child's game, this is the bloody mist and there is no room to allow any other beasts other than us to roam free. Now go!!!"
As the bear recovered after having rammed into the tree and hurt its head, the bear dashed with great speed as the boy just barely dodged, his shirt being torn to shreds in that single strike, just before he could fight back the bear already prepared the next strike, he managed to replace himself with the log he used earlier only for the log to explode from the brute force of the bear as he panted heavily, he then watched as the bear noticed a rabbit and then grabbed it in its jaws and tore it to shreds and devoured it whole. This made him finally realise that when facing a beast, you must yourself become a beast. He stopped showing his fatigue and the only emotion he showed was a cold anger as he glared at the beast tossing several kunai at the bear who knocked the kunai back as he picked up a sharp thick shard of the log that was destroyed earlier and then held it to his side like a sword.

"This is not a hunt", as the bear growled some blood from its shoulder, as one of the kunai managed to graze it.

"This is not a mission", as the bear began to pick up speed charging for him like a monster
"This is ...", as the bear leaped at him he dashed towards it inorder to avoid its two bear paws which were just barely passed as part of his shoulder was grazed as he thrust the piece of wood into the chest of the beast. The beast wailed as the woman who had instructed him was in shock as the boy finished his sentence, "this is the bloody mist", tired out from the fight the bear fell on top of him. The instructor was impressed as she petted the bear while he was no longer conscious. "I will need to replace you with a stronger bear, but this kid surprised me, he was kind too if you just did nothing he would have let you get away, his not cut out to be a shinobi but his talent is far too great for us to let him go".

The sprigs had been broken apart as the mad woman was heading towards him like a demonic beast with blood thirst oozing from her. "Raiton Jibashi", as lightning would strike directly at her, from this close there was no more room for dodging or avoiding the attack not to mention the fact that the area itself still had drops of water here and there as her movements would have a weight added to them as he would thrust his blade into her gut at a depth of one inch and would then twist the blade to increase the pain. He then followed up with a cold expression on his face as he was now prepared to unveil his strongest jutsu, he gave her a reply, "This is your last chance", as his chakra was flowing wildly, it was clear he was going to bring this fight to an end if she still intended to fight as she would be paralyzed with his blade in her gut most likely. How would she deal with the true power of the Little Demon of the Bloody Mist. He chose a technique that also disrupts her technique so regardless she was now grounded with his blade in her unless she had a way to get passed all this.

The woman behind the mask seemed to not be doing much even though he was still not certain how she would fight. She seemed to be trembling with not even a second having passed yet. They say that strong fighters have the ability to react in mere fractions of a second, as she shouted that he was a brat and that he was in fact mocking her. Amateur tactics from an insolent brat was really insulting as he watched her stop his slash with a large dense mud wall which basically meant he should have sent the real one this side, he had nothing to fight against that giant wall of mud which must have been Doton, he also saw this as a chance while her vision was blocked as he spat out some water before dashing to hide behind some of the debree and rubble caused by the number of destructive jutsu used earlier on the landscape. As the new clone stood there waiting for her, she came out from the side of the mud wall as she seemed to be up to something as the clone just looked at her very observantly. Closing in on her intended target as she began to create a few hand signs before releasing a jutsu the boy had not seen before, as the boy looked around him either side he was surrounded by two earth snakes as he was interrupted during his attempt to cast a jutsu, trapped up to his neck in a concrete like earth as he glared at her.

As her target was captured she began to mention how it did not matter since he was nothing but a clone and that medical jutsu could also be used to kill and not just heal.   As she dashed forth for the kill, as she passed by the hiding clone he slashed at her following up with a dash in the same direction as her so that she could not avoid him, he was locked onto her and would not miss the close range strike, whether she had a skill to fight from this position or if she even knew he was behind her was unclear. He would slash low to top so that there would be no ducking or diving. He would not give her anytime to form anymore of those pesky handseals while the other clone just watched. She had a choice, fight back against the real clone which may sound strange but was currently the situation she was in. Also his timing was made even better by the fact that the clone had actually timed a blink when she dashed towards him to give him the chance to react, this was not the strongest or even the most original of tactics but it was simple. When out of view set a trap, when your enemy strikes you strike back hard, or strike against their back hard.

Words = 4900 + 1829 = 6729 (6 EP)
Training Words = 2306 + 1829 = 4135
Chakra = 105/340
Mist Clone Chakra = 70/100
Water Clone Chakra = 10/10

Jutsu Used:

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

read it and saying this…F it, I'm out

(exit thread)



I'm done, that's it.

[Chisaki = Out]

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

It was unclear what had happened for things to end like this, but it seems that there was nothing that could be said or done now that it was over. The news of this would soon spread as it became clear that Konoha was no longer the great powerhouse it had once been, with the boy standing alone without equal on that day in the water park. The girls each fought bravely or in a sense like a bunch of crazy girls with insane levels of chakra. The shattering of the water dome by the roots of the Demon of Konoha, to the continuous failed attempts by the ANBU girl who did not seem to say a word to him. She let her jutsu do the talking but it was clear she was not quite on his level yet, if she had been stronger then maybe she would have stood a chance. Meanwhile the great Chisaki who managed to not only cause an earthquake but also managed to help towards destroying the battle field repeatedly without holding back for anything. She was like a crazed winged Demon who just unleashed all she had to offer with little to know actual thoughts of a tactic, this may have been a result of the form she had taken. The ANBU girl seemed to be holding back, either that or her mind was not quite there, or perhaps her heart was not in it. As the crowd could not say anything for this display as some people had their minds wiped of certain details but it was clear.

Yuzu Ren was one of Konoha's greatest allies and the last student of Uzumaki Mitsuhide, having trained in the art of fuuinjutsu which he had been keeping as a secret from the rest of his clan which had forbidden him from learning it. This was all due to the fear of what would happen if he not only learnt the truth, but discovered the true power of the Yuzu clan. As he stood there many thoughts rushed to his head as he was walking away from the battle field having won this fight, but not without suffering as he left the arena dashing into the forest till he found a cave where he quickly dashed inside. He then coughed up blood as he wiped his mouth carefully and had a glare on his face as he thought back to how much hatred they showed as he remembered the days when people hated him.

Memory Sequence

A small boy looked towards the others as he wanted to play, but they all looked away from him, ignoring that he was even there to the point that they just walked passed him without even noticing. He then stopped one of them by blocking their path as he looked at them with a stubborn look on his face as the one guy told them to head on as he sighed. "Hey kid, not everyone here likes the idea of a show off or a monster wanting to play with us. You are not some kid you just a little demon who should get lost and eat some rabbits or something you ..." As a woman grabbed his shoulder and guided him away before he could speak to the boy who did not understand it as he went home to his grandmother.

The boy was filled with mixed emotions of sadness and anger as he was not only rejected by everyone he hoped to have as friends, but he was also left behind by everyone to be all alone. He did not know what she would say, but he needed her to say something to help him find his way as he got to her and spoke.

"Why do they not like me? What did i ever do to them?" as he looked up into his grandmother's eyes as she replied. "My child, you are special in a way that they could never be, you have something about you that none of them can see. Even if you became a real monster one day, i will always love you".
He looked down as he whispered, "I just want to play, like all the other kids." as his grandmother hugged him close to her, "You can never be like them, but one day you will find someone who will make you feel so normal it hurts". As he looked up to his grandmother with tears in his eyes, "Can a demon really be normal?", as she smiled to her only grand child.

Memory Sequence End

He had forgotten what she said that day, but he thought back to the fight and something struck him, his mind wanted to deny it, his heart could not accept it. There was something about that ANBU girl that bothered him a lot, he could not figure it out and he wondered if Chisaki was also okay since he wanted to fight her again some day. He also finally gained something from that fight that will never be forgotten.

Total Words = 6729 + 839 = 7568
Training Words Left = 4135 + 839 = 4974
Training A-Rank Jutsu Hijutsu no Ichi : Kiri Otoshi = 2000/2000
Training Strength B2 to B3 = 900/900
Training Strength B3 to A = 1000/1000
Training Reaction B3 to A = 1000/1000
Total Training = 4900

Thread Closed

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