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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Few hours prior to present:

"Risu, damn it!!" An angry Orochi Enaka yelled at a young girl wearing the new purple jumpsuit and a silk white shirt she'd bought earlier that day at the market. In her opinion, it was worth spending the money, after all a girl had to look good in any situation and as she grew more selfconscious about her appearance, trying to focus on the good points of her lithe form, she tried to compliment her looks with a fitting attire to go with it. "What's this, two-thousand ryo for a jumpsuit and a shirt, for that kind of money, you could've had something useful, rather than useless clothes."

The young woman simply gave an absent smile, looking at the packing rainclouds outside and deciding that she'd go and change her clothes later on if it would rain, no need to ruin her new clothes already.

"Uncle, in stead of yapping on, could you just tell me why you decided to drag me hear at the hand of our houseguards?" Risu suddenly yelled back, snapping at his earlier tirade with a fit of her own. "If the complaints were all you had to say, I'm leaving."

Orochi Enaka, having calmed down, looked up from his desk again, sighed deeply and grabbed a small blue map, sliding it accros the desk towards the young Orochi lady.

"We've contacted some specialists outside Konoha," The older, yet ageless man started to explain, while still writing reports on other important stuff he had to take care of. " We're in the need of a few people to train two new divisions on request of the Elders of the Hebi family. It appears some of our guardmembers are interested in persuing a career as Fuuinjutsu and Seijutsu soecialists. Though I tried to argument neither of those fit our clan, it appears some of them, among which Hebi Naka, are firm in their opinion. What I want you to do is meet up with those two people we've contacted and see if they're any good."

Risu sighed when hearing her uncle's explanation, briefly looking over a few reports that were inside the map, as well as the profiles added to the information."In other words...I'm supposed to go and fight at least one of them to see their value?

Enaka, looked up for only an instant and nodded, agreeing with what she had proposed. "Well, I wouldn't mind getting some exercise."


Having decided not to go home first, Risu arrived at the designated place in her newly bought clothes, slightly affraid she'd be yelled at again if they would be torn or cut, but thinking about it, she simply shook her head a bit while looking around if she wasn't at the wrong place or something.

If her clothes would be ruined, she'd just buy others without Enaka knowing it, what doesn't know, doesn't hurt, Risu figured.

Since she had gotten a haircut earlier that week, she wasn't obliged to put clips in her hair, but just for this one time, she did put on her headband, rather than tying it around her left arm or use it like a necklace.

"I hope those so-called specialists arrive soon, I don't want to be drenched by the rain first...wouldn't look good," The young girl murmured while looking at the gray sky, checking if she had gotten her waterflask and her kunais with her...though yet again to her surprise, she had to discover that she had those two items, but had forgotten her medical kit. "Not really a big deal, I'm not good with that stuff anyway."





A sigh went through the air.

This was probably the place she loved the most in the Land of Fire. The place where she could gather all the rare herbs and such she needed, and a place to just clear one's mind. Yet here she was, doing nothing. Her job right now....was to wait. Wait for at least one member of the small ragtag group of Ronin she'd gathered thus far, and then one other...someone who was apparently going to fight the other member of her group. Funny how she didn't even have a name, a banner that they could walk under....Another sigh. It wasn't like she wanted to be their leader, or something. But she considered herself the foremost among them in terms of skill. Maybe she hadn't seen everything that the other members of her group could do....but from what she saw, she could at least say that she wasn't too worried about them betraying her.

But either way. Her job wasn't to fight. She didn't like to fight, at least not for keeps or for any grievous purpose. Here and there a spar for fun, or maybe some training....hell, maybe she should have taken on this challenge, this opportunity to test her mettle. But, she supposed, that would defeat the purpose of her presence in the first place. She was the officiant of this fight, and also the person in charge of making sure anyone who got hurt in the altercation was in stable condition. From what she knew, this was an arranged fight. The last thing that the Ronin wanted was to get tangled up with the likes of Konoha, particularly in their Bingo Book for assault.

The girl finally arrived, though she didn't seem to notice Noriko just sitting there. That was a knack of hers, it seemed; to not get noticed very easily. Then again, she was sitting in the shade of a rather short tree, so she wasn't too surprised.

Now that someone arrived, Noriko was rather keener about perceiving what was around her. She was under a tree on top of a rather plateau-like earth formation. The earth was flat, though there were a few random stalagmites here and there jutting up from the earth's surface, easily twice as tall as a human. Other than that, there was quite a bit of tree cover in this area, though the agreed meeting point was a clearing, about 15 meters in diameter, a sort of circle-oval in shape.....the border of which Noriko was teetering on by sitting under the tree. Though she couldn't see it, the Ronin could hear across the clearing, it could not be more than a few meters into the woods: the uncharacteristic rushing of a stream. The recent storms seemed to have created quite a bit of overflow, to the point where they might be considered rapids.

Noriko tapped her foot silently. Seeing as how....whoever was gonna show up, wasn't doing so yet, a sneaky antic crept into Noriko's mind. Well, admittedly, it was actually the conception of a vermin attached to her, which he transmitted via her clan's telepathy ability. She (nor her pet) wasn't intending on being malevolent, so hopefully this girl--who was quite pale, yet that gave a sort of ethereal glow to her---wouldn't take this the wrong way. Because that was the last thing she'd like to happen.

She shook her sleeve a little to get her pet, Enoka, to uncurl from around her arm. Tapping him lightly, she transferred some thoughts via a soul telepathy-type ability, afforded by her clan. With the same touch, she placed a seal on the slim stoat. To be precise, she put a double Transcription Seal on him, sealing part of her spirit in him to assist him. He put his two front paws together, and then....vanished.

Her devious mental concoction consisted of a seal she had used earlier, something harmless yet a bit startling even to her, the maker of the effect. 線香 (Senkō ~ Sparkler) was the name of the game. It was a simple seal that didn't even require any skill. A ninja with even Academy-level skill in Raiton could probably do this in some shape or form, so for Noriko it was child's play. Enoka just had to get near the girl, in her blind spot; then Noriko unleashed her spirit at her back, Transcribing the Senkō seal on her. If she wasn't too acute in her senses, she wouldn't be able to sense the stoat, even as he was right next to her, facilitating the transfer of the seal. Enoka scurried back to Noriko and hid up her sleeve, curling around her arm once again. Making a Half-Tiger hand kata, wherever the seal was Transcribed would eject a geyser of harmless sparks formed by the Lightning chakra nature.

Kind of hilarious, for a few seconds. After the geyser ended, the seal faded, and thus Noriko's chakra from the girl. After elapsing about ten seconds, Noriko dashed counterclockwise around Risu behind cover of foliage, and came out from a direction that was probably 90 degrees away, if her path of travel was an arc-like fashion. She was facing east when she was looking at the girl before, but as she approached she was now facing north.

"What was that noise? It sounded sort of like a hiss. Making shifty eyes around the area, she resumed her train of thought. "...Are there snakes around here!?"

Noriko 140/150:
Enoka 15/30:



Here he was again. The fire burned around him. He knew it wasn't real. First there was no heat. And second was because this wasn't the first time he had this dream. His black eyes looked up. Empty of emotion. Just as hopeless as ever. He knew where this dream was going. The world was burning and yet it smelled of old fires burnt out. Of smoke and death. A smell from his memory that would forever damage him. The crops danced a if in a musical while the fire eat at them. The buildings crumbled as their foundations burned. He took a step. Something wet underfoot... He looked down and found he had his foot in the center of the village square soaked in blood. Bodies in every direction. People he used to know slaughtered and torn apart. Some still burning. Some looked partially eaten. In truth it was obvious they never stood a chance. A whisper began to echo through the smoke around him. A hundred voice all with the same word whispered. "Why?" It echoed and echoed until he heard to distinct voices above the rest... The voices of his children echoed louder then all the rest. "WHT?" And with that he let his head fall back and howled away his agony.

It was then that he sat up quickly. The echo of his howl still there...His throat was sore. He must of been howling as he woke up...Or his mouth was just dry from dehydration. A flask of water was next to him in his crudely fashioned tent. It was just a tarp tied to some tree's and pinned down with some sharp rocks. He reached over and spun the cap before downing the water. Outside he could see the light of day. But thankfully for his hang over it wasn't too bright. Still it was bright enough for him to watch the shadow of his companion walking around the edge of the tent and sniffing. Ivanov was likely already awake before he heard the howl. But if anything the bear was used to it. Still he listened to the growl of disapproval before he heard Ivanov's deep voice through the tent.

"Get dressed you lump. We are late to meet up with Lady Noriko and our new employer." The accent of the frost country was thick even with the bear. Ignoring the fact that a bear was talking.

Boris could only grunt in response. Before tossing an empty flask at the shadow. Watching it bounce uselessly off the tent wall before he rose to his feet. Stretching his towering form. His dark pants still on. Idly he scratched at his thin beard. Before walking over and slipping into his socks and boots for some more comfort. Hiding his clawed toes. He heard Ivanov growl restlessly before he grabbed his fur shirt. The burnt bear fur seemed to be so painful to touch. But still he slipped into it so it covered most of his upper body except his arms and neck. Still they were going to possibly meet with an employer. So he grabbed his bone mask. Slipping it over his face to hide his bear like fangs. The white mask hiding all of his face besides his black eyes. And with that he stepped out of his tent and grabbed one of his beer bottles. Before stomping down the path. His bear grumbling but following all the same.

It wasn't long before Boris and Ivanov could be heard crashing along the path. Making no effort to conceal themselves. With a simple push Boris broke off a thick branch in his way before they entered the clearing. With the rocks and the stream it was certainly lively. Still with Noriko there talking to some chick he would just be nearby until he was needed. Though that stream reminded him he needed to pee. So he turned his back to the ladies and whipped out the small body part used for peeing and just let himself wizz on a bush. Ivanov snarled a little before speaking.

"You drunken fool...thats likely our employer!"

Boris just snarled back in response. Before his own thick accent came out as he spoke back.

"And Noriko is handling it. And one beer doesn't make me drunk..its you say...Hair of the dog..yes?" And with that he put away that...part and turned back to watch the meeting and lifted his mask just enough to drink some more beer. Standing just south of them both about 25 meters away.

Training taijutsu A-S:

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

In a rather sneaky way, Risu's eyes started to shift from left to right slowly, her slit pupils narrowing slightly, while the light of the sun shone straight upon her golden, snake-like eyes, making her white skin glisten ever so slightly. It was obvious that she was simply trying to see if those specialists she was supposed to meet, were even close to being 'just a tad late' rather than just not showing up. Tardiness...something she really hated when she herself was dragged out of her own daily chaos to be at the meetingpoint on time.

With only a few trees afar, the smell of damn water cringing up her nose, she knew it had to have been raining the night before, but which she obviously had not noticed given her knack to sleep through almost everything.

A long, rather loud sigh escaped from her thin lips, while she tried to think about how she even had to greet those employees in name of the Ouroboros Clan, which in effect made it a rather shamefull thought, that the next head of the clan could not even figure out what to say against those who could just as well be hired by herself, what a joke it was. Not that it mattered though, all things considered, Risu would still have to pass through at least two years time on her own, before she'd be accepted as head of the clan. In the meantime, she could leave everything to her uncle Enaka, while focusing on her own life and her own desires...usually, at least.

With her attention dwindling, her mind swayed by a dozen thoughts that lingered in her head, the young Chuunin wasn't nearly prepared to anything of the likes of that shower of sparkles that came, seemingly out of nowhere. She hadn't seen, nor heard anyone creaping up to her, so it lade it only more effective, because the wind had taken away her last active sense of sound.

"What the..." The young Orochi lady hissed, while jumping backwards, skidding away from where the shower of sparkles had completely surprised her, grabbing a kunai out of her little pouch with quite an impressive speed and holding it in front of her face, while she skid on her feet to gain a decent footing for herself, only to lower the kunai a bit, when she noticed a woman, probably older than herself near her earlier position, walking towards her with an air of nonchalance and a breathtakingly elegant appearance which only made Risu pale to her in comparison...litterally, another of those tiny blows to her already fragile appreciation to her own appearance. "Please don't tell me she's one of those specialists..."

Her hiss was soft and should not have carried far through the air, but still, Risu on the other hand could clearly hear what the woman said, mentioning the possibility of there being any snakes around. This simple, yet rather aggrevating thought, seemingly spoken out loud, made Risu look straight into Noriko's eyes, showing off her own, inhuman golden, snake-eyes. She didn't respond to the question, but the thought in her head was clearly to read in her eyes: "There's at least one snake."

However, the girl's provocation towards the weird stranger was abrubtly broken off, when the sound of snapping twigs and branches demanded the Chuunin's attention, forcing her to turn her head into the direction of the origins of the noise, showing her a massive looking, masked man with next to him a toweribg husk of muscles in the form of a bear, which implied that this had to be the other specialist and in that regard, Risu could only let out another, deeper sigh than before, as she was suddenly a witness to one of the most boorish and ignorant behaviors she had ever imagined to see in her entire life, as the big man, with a total lack of respect or tact, simply turned around, slightly lowered his pants and relieved himself.

"Why am I even here?" The young girl whispered softly, not really sure what to think of these two distinct and extrordinarily simple personalities. "Specialists...of what? The mentally 'dis' abled division?"





"I....I can't express how sorry I am that you had to see that....and that I had to as well...." The last part, of course, was put in under her breath, at the same if not a lower volume than the girl before her muttered.
The only thing that Noriko could do was put her face in one of her hands, embarrassed by the unceremonious but hardly graceful entrance of her comrade. It was....a disgrace, and no other words could describe what she thought of the act that could have possibly fired their little rag-tag group before they even were hired.

"If I could possibly override that, I would be glad to demonstrate what at least....I can offer you. If you are not swayed by the capabilities of my colleague, perhaps at least I can be of use. Let's see....I am a sensory-ninja. I'm able to sense up to quite a good distance away, and can track people to twice the normal should I mark them. Erm...I can serve as a support for any of my colleagues or anyone else you might hire, as I'm also a medic. Additionally I'm a Sealing specialist, so I can set traps if need be. Lastly....well, actually, it might be easier to show you this one.

As she said this last sentence, she raised her hands to make and hold the Ram hand seal. After a second or two of concentration, she closed her eyes and instantly made the Hare hand seal. A mental command: Reika no Jutsu! A visible aura of chakra surrounded the young kunoichi before it dissipated, and an ethereal but otherwise exact version of her rose from her body, which fell into a half-kneel as it became unconscious. Because of this jutsu, I am also very good at infiltration and spying. I can become a living spirit and get into places that no one else can. I can even cast most of my jutsu remotely. Doing a few flight loops around the area, she also dove under the ground and re-emerged, show-casing her intangibility. Returning to her body, she stood up and gave a closing statement: "Hopefully that at least removed some of your doubts. I, however, am not entirely learned in the realm of Boris's abilities. So you may want to ask him that face-to-face, or be the one to test him. Because, I admittedly am not a direct fighter. She courteously bowed to the young woman before her.

"My name is Noriko, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I apologize for any bad first impressions."




Still they talked. He wondered if perhaps he had arrived to early. After all if they had just begun to speak then perhaps he should have brought more beer. His black gaze watched them hidden behind his mask as he wondered idly what was going on. However as Boris was content with sitting around and doing nothing Ivanov was the opposite. He growled low and shoved his shoulder into Boris's back. Pushing him forward ever so slightly. Boris turned to look at the bear. His own growl returning as their eyes met. For a brief second it looked like it might actually escalate into an actual issue before Boris let out a grunt and turned walking the distance to the two girls were waiting. He wished he had some stronger whiskey. He felt their judgmental gazes on him. He could only remember what he was. A shameful vagrant. A failed father. His hand gripped the bottle tighter as if holding onto it like a lifeline. The dull barrier of alcohol the only thing that seemed to give him the willingness to stand. All the pain on the other side of that wall. He grit his teeth behind the mask and pressed on.

As Boris and Ivanov approached he caught the last of what Noriko was saying. How the woman would have to ascertain Boris's abilities for herself. And how Noriko was not a direct fighter. He would of guessed that just looking at the little girl. But then again he would of guessed that just looking at Risu as well. Probably some one who would try and fight at anything but hand to hand. He smirked a little behind his mask before lifting it with one hand just enough to finish off the bottle as he came to a stop a couple of meters away. From there it was clear he had some five o'clock shadow and his teeth...where like fangs...Like a bears fangs. Then he dropped the mask again and shoved the bottle into one of his pants pockets. Surprisingly not into littering out here in the middle of no where. He leaned back against one of the rock formations and tilted his head. From this close it was clear that he was massive. over seven feet tall of rippling muscles. His claw tipped fingers tapped idly on his arms as he crossed them and remained waiting for something. It was then that Ivanov approached.

Ivanov was a massive and yet not even half grown 600 pound kodiak bear. Brown fur rippling as he walked from the amount of power in his body. If Boris seemed big this bear looked like it could break a man in half easily. Still it passed Boris with a shake of its head and moved over to Risu before sitting down and lowering its head to eye level at a comfortable meter between them. Well comfortable if you weren't worried about being that close to one of the biggest breeds of bear alive. Still this close it appeared as if there was some wisdom in this bears eyes. And then it spoke, Its voice deep as would be expected from something so big with a northern frost country accent. (Almost russian.)

"Forgive my comrade. He likes to drown away his memories with..." He passed as Boris gave a dangerous warning growl." Well thats a private matter. He is Kuma Boris and I am his partner Ivanov. We are a cousin clan to the Inuzuka. Our specialties are team combat tactics. Might I ask what you intend to hire us for perhaps?"

1366/4000 taijutsu A-S

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The complete explanation as to who they were and as to what they were supposed to do for the Hebi branch family of the Ouroboros clan, was given to Risu by the weird woman, yet Risu only listened with half an ear, looking at the hulk of a man and his bear slowly coming closer from the corners of her eyes. She did notice that the talk suddenly turned to an apology for that particular man's earlier vulgar behavior, though yet again, Risu simply nodded in an automatic response, not really overjoyed with the fact that she was send to discern the value of these rather flamboyant individuals, it almost made her wonder if there weren't more like those two...or three out there.

When the strange woman mentioned testing the man's ability, while somehow excusing herself because of her own weakness in combat,  which slightly intrigued the young Orochi Lady, as somehow she had always heard her own uncle say that same sentence, which she found funny, since he was knowledgeable about a lot of jutsu anyway.

But, those suspicions had to be set aside, when she introduced herself, telling Risu her name, but The young girl only nodded, not willing to introduce herself twice and seeing it more than normal that she would wait for the man and his bear to join this get together.

Finally, the man had reached the two, raising his mask for only a moment, showing obvious ferral fangs while taking a gulp from the bottle he was holding, before putting the mask back into place. If he hoped for a scared on surprised reaction, he was certainly at the wrong address with Risu, who only gave him a look of total indifference with her own obviously inhuman, golden snake-like eyes, which should've explained to the man that she as well could've chosen to live behind a mask, but unlike him and despite the bullies in the academy, she never resorted to such, in her own opinion, cowardly meassures.

As much indifference as Risu had shown to the man, so much different was the look in her eyes when she looked at the bear coming closer to her, settling himself into an apparently quite colfortable seated position before suddenly uttering words with a low, heavily accented voice.

When the bear had introduced himself and his masked partner, Risu gave a quick glance at Noriko and gave a swift, fleeting smile.

"Nice to meet all three of you, my name is Orochi Risu and I will be acting as your envoy and examinator on behalf of my uncle Orochi Enaka, regent of the Ouroboros clan and our Hebi branch family which has requested the tutoring of a seijutsu and a fuuinjutsu specialist." The chuunin gave another smile, while taking two small purple envelopes from the pouch on her belt and handed one to Noriko and one to Boris, even though she first wanted to give it to the bear. "These envelopes have a missive for the both of you and also a written permission slip to roam within Konohagakure on orders of Lord Orochi Enaka. If possible, Miss Noriko, Mister Ivanov and Mister Boris, I deem it necessary to start with my examination on your skills. Do you agree?"

When the two ronin would open the envelope and the missive, they would have the answer to what they were up against and what was being expected of them:

Dear Mister Kuma Boris/Miss Noriko,

I al delighted you have received our message and have been willing to offer your expertise to the benefit of the Hebi Family, branch family of the Ouroboros clan. At the enclosed date and place, you will find the envoy of our clan in the form of my niece and future head of the Ouroboros clan, Orochi Risu.

She will have her orders to make sure you can find your way to and in Konoha and she will also arrange for your accomodations within the Ouroboros compound of the village.

She will also have received the order to test your abilities. Do not look at this as a doubt from our side, but simply as an affirmation on your part. She will have to face at least one of you in a duel, after which she can attest your individual skills. Do not fear for her wellbeing, as she is more than capable to hold her own as a Chuunin rank shinobi of Konoha.

With great honor and grattitude,

Orochi Enaka,
Member of the Hokage Advisory Council.

P.S. Enclosed in this envelope, there is also a permission to act freely within Konohagakure's borders.





Receiving the letter, Noriko deftly opened the folded piece of paper to retrieve yet another piece of paper, a note from the person who was their actual employer: a man who was the uncle of the girl standing before them, Orochi Risu. That was only from a quick scan, though. A full read-through was in order. Always read your documents....especially any hidden or fine print. And Noriko knew that best, as one who worked on paper often.

Dear Miss Noriko,

I al delighted you have received our message and have been willing to offer your expertise to the benefit of the Hebi Family, branch family of the Ouroboros clan. At the enclosed date and place, you will find the envoy of our clan in the form of my niece and future head of the Ouroboros clan, Orochi Risu.

She will have her orders to make sure you can find your way to and in Konoha and she will also arrange for your accomodations within the Ouroboros compound of the village.

She will also have received the order to test your abilities. Do not look at this as a doubt from our side, but simply as an affirmation on your part. She will have to face at least one of you in a duel, after which she can attest your individual skills. Do not fear for her wellbeing, as she is more than capable to hold her own as a Chuunin rank shinobi of Konoha.

With great honor and grattitude,

Orochi Enaka,
Member of the Hokage Advisory Council.

P.S. Enclosed in this envelope, there is also a permission to act freely within Konohagakure's borders.

Well, at least that was wonderful. They had gotten clearance throughout Konoha to, essentially, do as they needed. And no traps were sealed in hers, either. Thankfully.

"Nice to meet all three of you, my name is Orochi Risu and I will be acting as your envoy and examinator on behalf of my uncle Orochi Enaka, regent of the Ouroboros clan and our Hebi branch family which has requested the tutoring of a seijutsu and a fuuinjutsu specialist."

"Well, four, actually....Kuchiyose no Jutsu." Nicking her thumb, she placed it on the palm of the opposite hand activated the Raikou-Kenka seal on unseal nothing. She simply used it as a ruse to feign a Kuchiyose, which, for everyone here who was not a chakra-sensory-type, it would work without a hitch. The still-camouflaged stoat immediately released his jutsu as he made an entrance.. "This is Enoka, my animal companion. He can't talk, himself, but he gets his point across, I suppose." A small chuckle to herself at that. And at Risu's query about whether they were ready to begin their examination: "Yes, quite....I should like to get on with it. Somehow watching you two will seem like fun. I'll gladly demonstrate my own abilities, of course." Seishin Senbon! After a mental effort, Noriko put her hands together as if a hand sign; she then brought them apart to reveal a set of ten needle-shaped masses of dull-glowing energy. "No need for alarm, these are only so I can heal you if you're in a pinch. I can remotely transfer my healing jutsu through them, among others. And now, since Boris is not exactly a guerrilla fighter....Enoka, would you help me out?" After this disclaimer, she stuck one needle in each limb (each 3 inches above the knee or elbow), and one in each of their mid-backs (the point on the back directly opposite the top of the sternum). Using the seals on her palms once more, she summoned four Sealing Tags, and used her still-bleeding thumb to inscribe her next jutsu's formula on them. After that, she simply gave them to Enoka, and he scampered off to go distribute them in a square formation within the perimeter of which the stream and several of the rock formations fell, along with a small amount of trees and shrubbery on the side opposite that. "So....I'm going to put up a barrier. Both of you will be unable to leave its confines until I take it down. If necessary, I will intervene if I see the need, to prevent any major injuries to anyone. But, hopefully that won't be a problem, non?" She uttered the last part with a slightly effervescent smile, forming the Snake kata with her hands. She motioned for them to get into position, and when they did, she tightened her hand seal; her long-bodied, furry companion scampered to her side again, which only affirmed the fact that all the seals necessary were in place. She could only hope that the ensuing battle wasn't going to affect the surroundings so much as to make the barrier fall. Sealing Technique....Fujinheki no Jutsu! "Alright, everything is can start at your leisure." And now....all she had to do was watch, as her only job at the moment was to prevent or heal any harsh injury. Which, considering the skill level of each person involved, wouldn't prove difficult in the least, in Noriko's mind.


Last edited by Noriko on Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:31 am; edited 2 times in total



Boris quietly took the letter. With out so much as a grunt of acknowledgment to any of it. Noriko would tell him what to do. He was just here to get paid for something or another. Still Ivanov looked over his shoulder and let out a growl at Boris. The kind of which a parent uses to scold its cub. Still it had some sort of desired effect because the two locked eyes for a moment. Glowering back and forth before Boris let his black eyes break away to eye the snake girl. And then bow his head with out ever breaking eye contact. After all he was some what more beast then man but still if kept in check he could remain civil. Still he felt like he was just a weapon. But an effective one none the less. Still they were being hired on for a teaching role? His dark eyes filled with doubt and darted to Noriko. After all the last group of genin that he had trained tried to engage him with weapons and ate dirt as he smashed through them. Still Noriko was doing that talking thing again. If she didn't express any concerns then she likely had a plan. Hopefully that plan didn't involve him quitting the sauce.

Still the needles made his brow raise. So with those Senbon in him Noriko could channel jutsu directly to him. He wondered just how permanent these needles were. After all the overly clever girl spoke nothing of it ever fading. It made him slightly hesitant. Still he stepped forward and allowed the needles to be placed in himself and then his bear to show the snake girl it was a wise move. At least for now. He didn't exactly trust the jutsu himself. If perhaps those needles were permanent he might be nothing more then a slave to a new master. He growled low as he eyed Noriko preforming this. Before finally it was done. Crossing his arms he waited for what was likely to be an interesting way to break through his hang over. Still the idea of a barrier made him smirk. Would this girl really allow herself to be locked into a cage with him? If so he wouldn't hold back. Such an act of confidence deserved his full respect and power. Still he had to wonder what made his opponent so confident? He observed her small frame and how light she looked. Frail even. Likely she was going to use some level of speed to her advantage.

Ivanov was also eyeing the girl. But once Boris let out a growl the Bear tensed up. He could feel Boris's tension. Ivanov turned his head before nodding and moved five meters to the west of his position. Both of them shifted into a sort of stance. Slowly slipping down to all fours. Muscles rippled as they snarled low. Almost feral in nature. Boris's boots dug into the dirt ever so slightly. His claws leaving indents as his body bristled with anticipation. Normally all fours would seem like the slower option but something about how these two were position spoke of utilizing their bodies power in sudden and quick movements. The barrier was up and as soon as the barrier was complete they moved.

A sudden burst of speed left a cloud of dust behind each of them. Faster then one would expect from either of them at their sizes. However something in this spoke of tactics. Ivanov was moving around to the left while Boris was moving straight in. Claws stretched out. What was intimidating about both of them wasn't just their strength. But the reach of their limbs. On all fours the limbs appear to be a little shorter. But as he brought his right arm up with a rising strike with his claws he waited until the last moment to stretch his body and his arm out to the full length. While this left him stretched out to the point that it threw away defense the pure sudden change in range would be hard to keep track of. After all going from a short stance to a long stance was a commonly used attack with spears. And now his body mimicked that technique.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Did that bear just snarl at the man? Was it the bear who was in charge in that duo or was Risu simply seeing things? Not that she cared, though initially she did have the thought that of the two, Ivanov seemed the one with the highest intelligence and more sociable manners of the two...which given the fact he was an actual bear...was a funny thing to notice.

The woman named Noriko seemed to understand the letter that was handed out to them and seemingly started to make the preperations necessary for a simple test of skills, as she eyed little stoat with her snakelike eyes, her pupils narrowing slightly Noriko started to put needles in Boris' and Ivanov's body, though Risu declined the offer of having such needles stuck in her body. After all, there was one rule to this game, no kills. If Boris or his bear, would by any chance wound her beyond repair or kill her, she knew well enough that they would not simply be denied entrance to Konoha, but they would be hunted down for the very remainder of their lives, though Risu did hope that the two muscular beings were aware of the meaning of this bout.

"Pretty nice barrier, though a bit small," The young Orochi Lady chuckled a bit, not intending to criticise Noriko though, simply making a statement in regard to the face that it would make it almost impossible to utilize her full speed-potential in this way, obviously giving the brute and his bear a slight advantage over the frail girl. "Oh...they already started."

Compared to her own actual topspeed, the speed at which the two masses of muscle stormed towards Risu was at best comparable to the average genin and academy graduate, not really that big of a deal, though she did understand that the fact there were two of them made a good compensation for their lack of speed.

Giving a soft smile, Risu removed the cap of her waterflask and started forming a few handseals, ending in a pose known to all who had once seen that technique, with one arm stretched upward, while her other hand was held vertically in front of her face,  with the index and middlefinger beneath her lower lip. Out of the waterflask, a vapor started to encompass her until, a thick mist of ten meter in radius had been formed, which would act in two ways: distract and disconnect.

The hidden mist would remove the girl from their view, without view their initial advance would most likely no longer have as much advantage as before, since an invisible target is more dangerous than a visible one.

With the mist in place, Risu swiftly grabbed two kunais from her pouch and threw them straight ahead through the mist, before dashing to her right, aiming to get to the edge of the mist just so she could wait there to prepare for a battle plan of her own.





[OOC: Yeaaaah, skip me. Can't do much with that mist in the way. xD sorry for the wait on this v.v]



Boris watched as the girl prepared hand seals before he could reach her. She was fast but that also had something to do with the distance between them. Still as the mist came up he followed through. Only to come up with nothing but air. Well that was frustrating. He rose up as he looked around. He could barely see his own form in this thick mist. An interesting jutsu. So far as he could tell it was meant to blind him. So the girl thought she would have the advantage in a blind battle. But how long could she keep it up? Could she sense him some how in all of this? He contemplated this as suddenly two Kunai came through the mist and slammed against his thick skin. But they stopped as if hitting something that the slightly sharpened points couldn't pierce. Still as the Kunai fell he casually reached out and caught both. He could hear hurried foot steps moving. Away from him it seemed. He grunted at that and stepped to the right. His hand finding one of the huge rocks jutting out. It was best if he took cover for now. Slowly he edged his way around it until he was sure he was on the opposite side of it as the last he had heard of the retreating foot steps. He knew Ivanov was out there too. Still he needed to prepare something.

Whipping both Kunai so he was holding them with the blades facing down he crouched down and began to dig out the dirt caked to a rather large rock. Using the Kunai to pry it from its position. The thin scrapping noises gradually attracted the attention of Ivanov. He heard the bear move as claws scraped across some rocks nearby. So Ivanov had taken cover behind the rocks as well. Good. This girl was likely going to try something clever. It was best for them if they prepared. With a heave he pulled the a rock easily the size of the girls torso from the ground and held onto it as he sat there crouched. Tucking the kunai into his pockets for the time being. The moment she lifted that mist he would be ready. Still it was highly unsettling. Both him an Ivanov made as little noise as possible. Just listened for any hint of her moving. Wondering what her goal was with this mist. Had she thought them beasts that would charge blindly?

Ivanov was also behind one of the large rocks. He had taken cover as well. He could smell Boris from where he was and so far he didn't smell any blood. Still the soft scraping and then a sudden grinding noise let him know that Boris was doing some odd thing or another. Still it bothered Ivanov. The two of them couldn't be more then ten meters apart and yet he couldn't even make out the shadow of the man. Likely the goal was to buy time he figured. But how long would the girl try and work with the mist up? Did she have some ability that made their cover useless? Snakes were dangerous in how silent they could be. Still Boris was strong. Even if she did land a hit of some sort either of them could likely take it and keep going...At least he hoped so. Her next move would likely answer his thoughts.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

It seemed that the bear and the man as strong as a boar were stopped in their tracks, at least, Risu thought they were, while she was contemplating the next step of her strategy carefully. These two were obviously strong, there was no question about that, yet the young girl still had a few things to think about. She was fairly certain her kunais had to hit solething, but there was no sound, so she had either missed, or one of them had managed to grab them or something, the fact that her kunais might be useless did not come to mind, though given her opponents' size and bulk that was actually still a possibility.

Withe the mist giving her a good cover, the young girl thought that using a tactical set up was better than blindly throwing rocks or charging into her opponent.

The sound of something being pulled out of the soil caught her attention, though not able to pinpoint the exact location of the sound, she had a slight idea of where at least one of the two would be hiding. With a smile on her face, the Orochi lady made another set of handseals, with her cheeks puffing up when she had formed the final seal, after which she spouted out a wave of thick, gooey liquid, which rolled over the ground to encompass an area of at least ten meters far and wide in front of her and into the thick mist.

"Well, it's not as big as that bloodversion I had to deal with, but the effect's the sale I guess," The chuunin thought to herself, remembering the bloody stream that scared her like hell a few months earlier."Let's see those guys handle that for a change."

With a quick dash, the young girl moved to the outer edge of the mist, carefully avoiding stepping into her own jutsu's aftermath, since she wasn't planning on 'sticking' around and there were alot more things she had to do if she was going to force these two into submission.

At the furthest point she could get, without leaving the mist or getting caught in her own starch syrup field, Risu sat down, placing her hands against eachother softly, after which her eyes suddenly dulled, with her golden eyes turning gray and her eyewhite becoming dark purple.

She had closed off her eyesight to enhance her other senses, knowing very well that in this mist relying on her eyes wasn't smart, not to mention her opponent wasn't a hyuuga, so she figured it would only be at her advantage to prepare carefully and keep one step ahead of the man and his beast.

With her sight gone, she was now able to hear him breath, even envision the way his massive chest heaved with every ounce of air that would fill his lungs. Their smell was also detectable, with the highest concentration at two spots of at least two meter radius each. Not a pinpoint accuracy, but a lot better than having nothing to work with.





Boris remained where he was holding the rock. He had no way of knowing when the girl would attack or how. Just that she would do so somehow. Already his head hurt and he felt a little dizzy. Drinking the night before just made fighting so nauseating. For all his strength he had little ability to deal with the hang over. His stomach seemed to swim back and forth but still he had an objective. He clung to the rock all the closer. Perhaps it was to distract himself or maybe it was to hold onto his depth perception.

Still once the sound of a liquid rushing around him hit he felt a sticky substance touch him. His hand becoming enveloped in it. The feel of a syrup like mystery liquid hitting his skin while he was already feeling ill from his hang over quickly proved to be to much. Rising up to his feet he felt his stomach lurch and felt the spit building in his mouth. The kind of increase in saliva one gets just before they know they have no chance of stopping themselves from vomiting. His massive form stumbled to the edge of the arena and then he lifted his mask. His mouth opened wide and projectile vomit splashed against the barrier. Wave after wave. Finally he waved his hand as he stepped out of the Mist. Letting Noriko know he couldn't do it. Once the barrier was dropped him and a very let down Ivanov would stumble off into the woods. Where he became nothing more then the sound of dry heaving. His note left crumpled in a bush.

Exit thread.

E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo.

E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.

74 word remaining

Last edited by Boris on Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total



Noriko sighed as Boris began to heave. He couldn't even keep it in at a time like this.... It was no matter, anyhow. The fight was over, he wasn't going to try and combat Risu any more. Kneeling down, Noriko put her hands together into the Bird kata. Closing her eyes, she retracted her it did so, one could almost feel the stifling air the barrier had made lift. The only other thing that would tip someone off to this, would be that the mist that Risu had created now flowed freely, as opposed to being contained somewhat in the box that was Noriko's Sealing Tag Barrier. Getting to her feet, she walked over to Risu, note in hand.

"I'm terribly sorry about that. Seems I won't be needing this, eh. Since he usually tells me at least, where he's going...I don't think I'm going to see him anytime soon. Soooo....I don't think I'm of much use to you alone. Here is your uncle's note; I don't want to cause a stir by keeping it. I wish you well." With a genuine smile, she said the last bit and made her way into the woods, in the opposite direction of Boris. That is, in the direction of Konoha.

~Noriko and Enoka left the topic~

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

#thread closed#

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