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Neci has been showing himself around the village again by himself, his brother was busy today and he wasnt the one to be caught doing nothing, so he was hanging out by the forest, right on the edge, walking around. The trees still made him stare in awe, the large wood plants made him wary, it was as if the village was being crushing by them, the Wind country was mostly open area, plains and desert dunes, he almost missed them though he was unable to go back to the village due to him still needing and kind of wanting to talk to the Hokage who was still away at the war site, the damned Seven Bells was still going on and he wasnt really caught up on it, so he knew not how much longer it would be, though he loved his brother the leaf village wasnt really a good place for him, the weather was much softer and colder then the arid home he was used to; even if the uchihas were from this village in the beginning.

A cool breeze blew at that moment and the wind was in his hair making him shiver, cold wind was one thing that he was not getting used to any time soon, he jumped up into a tree and looked around, and all he saw was grass and trees, it was awkward, though he knew the reason he was out, he was hoping to find someone while out here meandering, maybe someone would want to fight him and even talk while fighting, that would make this day so awesome, he hadnt fought since he had got here and attacked that beggar that tried to steal from him...maybe just maybe they would fix his boredom...another damn cold breeze blew threw.



Lytening was a bit bothered by the missions he had done recently. At this time, he was in his home pondering about his future. "What kind of future do i have, if i'm 23 yrs. old and still a gennin?" he asked himself rhetorically. To make it worse, he kept on going through his memories of the recent missions he had done: capturing a Gorilla "preposterous," he whispered. Teaching a bunch of bratty kids how to beat each other up, "annoying," he groaned. And just then he remembered about that talk he had with himself while he was searching for the Gorilla.

"I'm gonna go out and work on a jutsu by myself," he jolted. "I won't keep waiting around for Father to call me up."

Radiating with encouragement and dedication, Lytening rushed to put on his shoes. "I'll go to the forest this time," he said while trying on his shoes. "There are plenty of trees there to practice my Taijutsu." After tying his shoes, he tossed on a white shirt, to compliment his grey shorts and black shoes, and proceeded to step out of his house.

There was a cool breeze blowing outside. Lytening's hair couldn't help itself dance as the breeze motivated it. "Perfect," he agreed. He jumped onto the rooftop of his home, where he could get a broader view of the village. Lytening wasn't interested on what was going on in the village though, he stared out further to the forest, and tried to find a place where he could do his training. Suddenly, he thought, he saw something move. When this thought crossed his mind, Lytening forgot about his first intentions and now became curious to verify what he saw.

"It looked like a person," he said. "I wonder who it might be."

He leaped off from the roof and began making his way towards the site where he noticed the strange movement. Lytening didn't dare walk on the streets of town. This was one of those days where he didn't want to socialize with anyone....except that person that he think he saw, mainly just to see what would ensue from their encounter: a conversation, an argument, an intruder...a friendly fight...

Lytening was close to the location now, and he could see that what he saw was an actual person. He didn't recognize him though, and this made him kind of cautious. The person though, was just chilling on top of a tree, so Lytening reasoned the possibility that he was a threat was very low, atleast to the point that he wasn't a criminal. "Who is this guy?" he thought.

Curiously, Lytening now had approached the tree where this guy was sitting, and with a friendly voice he called out, "Hi."


Last edited by Lytening on Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total



As it seemed to mroe then not, his wish had come true, in the form of a blonde that was exciting. He jumped up out of his sitting spot and greeted the man who came to him and simply said high, Neci looked sharp in his red vest, with the black with red stripes shirt underneath, he also was sporting black and red pants, that matched well with his blood red eyes with the white pupils, he looked quite odd, he also wore his red handband around his neck as to not mess his hair up, this visitor was a much better looking in terms of normal and he had no idea who he was, since Neci want even from this village that made a good bit of sense.

Why hello there, Neci, what is your name friend, and prey what is it you are doing in the middle of the woods eh? hmm hunting? training? he said at the pretty normal looking fellow, he looked at him and giggled, waiting for an answer, he was in a fine mood today indeed...



Lytening was a bit surprised by the reaction of the fellow. He didn't expect him to actually come down from the tree to greet him. However, that wasn't the only thing that surprised him. This guy was TALL! And he was covered in red. Lytening immediately nicknamed him "Big Red".

Another thing Lytening noticed, were his eyes. Seeing those odd eyes of his made Lytening feel a bit friendly towards him. He felt, that perhaps they can both relate about how different life is when one has "special" eyes. Lytening heard Big Red speak as Lytening was taking notice of Big Red's appearance.

"Why hello there, Neci, what is your name friend, and prey what is it you are doing in the middle of the woods eh? hmm hunting? training?" said Big Red.

Lytening became a bit confused, but tried not to show it on his face. In his mind he wondered, "Neci? And did he say I was 'prey'?" He decided to ignore those little details, and focused on what he actually understood. In addition, when the foe mentioned "training" it reminded Lytening of what he intended to do today.

"My name is Lytening," he replied. "What's yours? And yeah, I was coming out here to train, but i caught sight of you and I became curious. Not to be rude, but you didn't seem familiar." As the words finished coming out of lips, Lytening smiled.


Last edited by Lytening on Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total



He had told him his name and he had just asked him it, what was with this village, Umm...Neci is my name, i was greeting you, and no im not from here, im from Sunagakure, though i have family here, hey if you need a training partner im here and open, ive been pretty bored lately He Hoped the Lyts Fighting was better then his apparent lack for brains, though he did find that this village was much differant and maybe they just had differant types of Norms, this village...

He looked at him again, seeing the blonde hair and the white eyes, that meant something to Neci, he knew who owned those eyes, they were the Kekkai genkai of the Hyuga clan of the leaf..the Byakugan the all seeing eye of Konoha, he wondered how good it would fair against his Sharingan, this was going to be something Special, it was a Battle of the Dojutsus, the Sharingan and the Byagukan...he laughed to himself just at the thought, he had never fought someone with a Kekkai Genkai before, most of his training partners were of normal birth, though all of this only applied if he agreed to train with him of course...



"Oh," Lytening said, when the guy confirmed that "Neci" was his name. "This guy is kinda odd." Lytening thought.

"You know, I was actually hoping to get some training done today. I didn't expect to do it with someone else though. But I like that you look strong. I'm only a Gennin, but fighting stronger people will help me become stronger, faster!" Lytening was very excited by Neci's proposal for a fight. Truly, he was feeling a bit unsure about this guy's skills. This was an opportunity for him to become stronger though, so he fought to overcome those feelings of uneasyness and said, "just no kicking on the nuts!"

"Look there is a spot, over there that looks big enough to for us to train in," he said, pointing at an open space about 15 meters to west of him. "Come on!"

Lytening then rushed to the spot. Meanwhile he wondered what kind of fighting style Neci would use. "Hopefully, I can learn how to approach an opponent whom i don't know from this." When he reached the spot where he would take his stand, he began to turn around to face Neci, hoping Neci had followed behind.




WC 691
WC450- Perception- E-0 -> E-3
Wc45- Endurance- E-0-E-1

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