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1To Truly See(Private/Byakugan Training) Empty To Truly See(Private/Byakugan Training) Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:18 pm



Kidzukai was furiously laying punches on the battered sack training dummy before him. He was in the Hyuga clans private training ground, smashing dummy after dummy, with nobody else around. He felt secure here. He could vent his frustrations and train up his abilities here. He was on dummy number 4, and it was about to bite the dust as well. 

"How could he just be so blinded, I was konly sick to my stomach because it was such a surprise!" 

He slammed his fist into the dummies face and the board with which it was fastened snapped. A new one was put up by a worker within seconds. He began pounding away yet again. His frustrations with this situation were more than what most would thing because Kidzukai was always a saint. He was always good, and kind, and nice to all. He wasn't truly prejudice at all. The fundamental attribution error was the most basic way to explain the situation. Kid new that this was when someone blamed a persons own character instead of blaming the scenario that person was placed in. Kid decided at this moment suddenly that he was going to learn to use Juken tonight so that he could properly fight a a Hyuga should be capable. 

He had a worker come in with fully padded equipment to act as a dummy for this sort of exercise. Then he activated his Byakugan. What was strange in this was that he couldn't quite see the points in the chakra. He could hit the person in front of him with the proper hand techniques, but he could not confer Juken yet because he wasn't accurately hitting those points. It was nigh impossible to have the effect work unless he hit an actual point. Otherwise he was simply tapping/poking people.

After hitting all across the mans padding Kid would occasionally get the man to wince in pain. He would describe a burning pain upon impact of the poke. But this only happened because of the excessive amount of poking and random lucky hits of the Tenketsu. Not effective for combat until he could actually hit a point by seeing it first. After burning the mans chest area multiple times with his undeveloped and broken Juken, Kid gave him the week off from his job out of kindness. He would be payed for his pain, he would have a payed week of vacation.

"T...thank you sir!" The man said, with tears in his eyes. "I will be able to spend time with my wife and newborn!"

Kidzukai smiled brightly and said "No sir, thank you for helping me train. You enjoy your time off!" 

Kid knew he would need to explain to his parents why this had happened, but he knew they wouldn't disapprove, the training grounds were basically only used by the main branch anyway. 

Kid sat down on a bench and began searching his own body for Tenketsu. He payed little to know attention to his surroundings and searched wildly for any sort of points in his body.  


Jutsu Used:

Chakra Used:

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

Training.. after all these years of being a soldier, training never ceased to be the same damned thing. He wasn't an archer, he couldn't just train in firing his bow and hitting a target. He wasn't a swordsman, he couldn't practice in fencing. He was a trickster, a brawler and a genius, someone who would always be forced to have the good ideas and to always be the one to have to use them. It was a blessing as well as a curse, to be able to see other people around you as they truly were, but then you gained the knowledge of human nature. Human nature was not something that could be fought against. it was something that was present in every living human being, and would remain that way until time itself ended. Humans were sick, despicable monsters that walked the earth, only considering themselves and not considering the planet. Ukiyo, for all her faults, was right about that. However, what she was wrong about was that humans were beautiful because of that fact.

That was their nature, and yet so many of them denied it. They rebuked what their species tried to make them out to be, they protected trees, they saved animals from hunting, they made themselves vegetarian so they wouldn't have to hurt another living being. Humanity was born with a stigmata, and though many of them didn't care and continued to live their life with said stigmate, some refused it, and moved to get themselves pure and holy once again. He didn't believe in any sort of afterlife, but if he did... that would be the proof of it, that people were actually able to be good simply because they wanted to be. Many of those people didn't ask for rewards, didn't do it because they were expecting something in return, they did it because they were the kind of person that wanted to do it. They did good because it felt good to do good, and that was all that mattered to them. Something that other people clearly weren't.

Sitting high in the tree, Oshi munched down on the golden red apple that was in his mouth. Since the meeting earlier his buzz had died, and now it was replaced by this feeling of unease. No, it wasn't born of regret, nor of his own victory over his students, but it was born over the simple fact that something was wrong about that Kidzukai brat. He was so polite, brining rich wine and trying his hardest to come off as polite and conscientious, and then he threw up everywhere at the mere sight of two guys cuddling. He claimed that he wasn't homophobic, and normally Oshi would have been inclined to believe him, but throwing up at the sight of two guys cuddling? It wasn't even porn, it was something that most family members did with one another. He wondered how this boy's home life would have been, and so he wanted to be able to make a home visit. The first part of his home visit, however, was seeing him in his home environment. Of course, that had allowed him to see... that.

The boy had been punching the ever-loving crap out of that trainee guy dressed in padded equipment. He had to assume that this man was a member of the Hyuuga's serving staff. He had his own men like that, though he would never even dream of treating them so shamefully. When he needed to practice his new techniques or increase his genjutsu, he would go out and track someone down who was a threat to the village, and use it on them. Whether they were a serious threat like a terrorist or a missing-nin, or whether they were a nuisance, like that construction yard worker who had set dogs on union workers striking for higher pay, they tended to get what was coming to them. But, this? He didn't like it one little bit, but he wasn't going to complain about it. They had enough personal problems as it was, with their conflicting natures. It seemed like that was the duty of the lord of the Uchiha, bring conflict between the major families. So now he just sat there in the tree, wondering what his next line of action would be.

That question wasn't just what he should do as a team leader, it was what he should do as a member of the Uchiha clan. He was now their lord, thrust into leadership by Naota's abandonment of the village to live a life as a travelling sage. If it wasn't for his service as a sannin before everything went to crap, he would have expected Naota's leaving of Konoha to have marked him as a missing nin. Now, it just marked him as someone who wanted to see the world properly. But, the point was, he was not one of those heirs who had been prepared for leadership all their lives. History was rife full of people who had become bad leaders because they had never expected to be leaders at all, and he really didn't want to turn into one of them. He had done everything possible for his direct family, but they had all failed; They had died, and they had left him alone as an orphan with cousins being his closest relations. Now that he was put in charge of their survival as a clan, would he make a similar mistake again, would he somehow fail again and lose everyone that he cared for? He didn't want to go down in history as just another failure, he thought bitterly as he took a crisp bite of his apple.

But, good intentions aside, what could he actually do? He was a soldier, not a ruler. He was the one everyone expected to be out there on the front lines, the one that the kages tended to throw at problems to make them go away. He was their first line of defence if something was fucked up, but those skills didn't translate to being a good leader. He was wise, rational, and was able to come up with things on the fly, but since he had only ever really worked alone, that was not as important as it might have otherwise been. Everything he thought about made him feel more and more frustrated, like he was just psyching himself up to fail. He was a member of the Uchiha clan, he was the survivor of an entire dead family; He was a survivor. Over the last year, he had been stabbed through the heart, hit with explosives, had both his ankles broken, been artificially aged a full year by medical ninjutsu, been trapped in genjutsu and traps and things that would have killed a lesser man, yet he came out from it without a scratch. He was a survivor, and what did a survivor do best? A survivor did whatever he had to do.

It was at this very moment that he noticed who he was sitting above. The boy hadn't been sitting there long, definitely not long enough to have noticed him, yet he got the feeling that he was highly self-absorbed in something. From the spots he was poking, Oshi had to guess that he was looking for his own Tenketsu. So, the boy hadn't even developed his own byakugan properly yet? That seemed inherently bad for someone of that age and of that level. that being said, he was 18 before his first level of Sharingan activated, so they were both late bloomers. He hadn't had such a sheltered childhood, he was a branch family member until the main family leader ran off and he was given priority of leadership as the next highest ranking member of the clan. He'd always been at home, making sure they were safe, whilst this guy was most likely always out training. The difference between them was staggering from two clans that were allegedly so similar in heritage.

Finally deciding to make a move, he dropped down a branch, moving to the level just above Kid's head, before swinging down. His legs still holding onto the branch and supporting him, he hung there upside down, looking at Kid for a few seconds, his coat only staying up because he was sitting on it. Then, yanking something out of his coat pocket, he threw it up into the air... and landed down with a thunk upon Kid's head.
"Care for an apple, Zuka?" he asked, before pulling his own out and taking a rather large bite of it. It was a strange sight for his teacher to just pop out of thin air like this, and especially giving him food in such a weird way, it wouldn't be unbelievable for the boy to be completely freaked out by this entire set of events. Of course, with their last meeting, it wouldn't be out of place for him to be hostile either.

taijutsu (S->SS): 1502/4500



Kidzukai stared in earnest, raising a hand, then lowering it. Tilting his head to one side of his body to look lower, down toward his leg. He couldn't see much of anything. He kept staring in stoic determination. There was no way he could next meet Oshiki Sensei without being stronger than ever. He needed to show this man that he was capable and he needed to be strong enough to back his words with action the next time they would dispute. 

Kidzukai visualized the books he had read, which had specific illustrations of where Tenketsu aught to be. He strained his eyes on a particular spot upon his leg. One which a poin very well should have been. He saw nothing. He then, without wincing or making a move, strained and pushed with his willpower upon his eyes. An unnoticeable amount of blood came from his mouth in the response of biting his own tongue. His eyes were thudding from strain as well. 

As he was about to quit, a Tenketsu lot up for only a second on his leg. He began to reach for it when in all of his concentration he lost it when an apple bonked him on the head, coming straight from his inverted sensei who was hanging from the tree. Upon the impact of the apple, the Hyuga bit down on his tongue and damn near severed it. His blood boiled over and yet he did not scream nor shout. He didn't even show a bit of anger. He grabbed the apple in mid air as it bounced off of his head and sat down silently. He had never been one to dwell on things past. Never one to feel sorry for himself over anything that had ever happened, but behind all of his cheer, he knew he had guilt build high. 

He began to think as he sat on the bench, blood trickling from his mouth, of his grandfather whom he had spent the last 3 years caring for. The man was his role model. His greatest ally in this world, and was too old to get on with himself. Kidzukai should have been able to be an asset to the leaf by his 18th birthday. Jounin or higher. But here he was a genin still at 17, unable to use the Byakugan properly. Not only had he failed to keep his role model alive, he had failed to be as great as he had once been. 

By this point Oshiki Sensei would have noticed the bleeding mouth and the light film of tears that had no correspondence to the injury. Kid looked him directly in his eyes and asked

"I should be capable of more than this.

Then he took a shuddering breath and began looking for his Tenketsu again. He looked hard toward the last spot he had been able to see it. As he imagined his grandfathers eyes upon his leg, he could see a Tenketsu reveal itself. The image faded away and he focused on it. And them, as if to push it into permanent existence, he applied a burst of chakra to it with his fingers. When he did, a sharp burning pain sailed through his body and he spat up the blood from his mouth onto the floor, and looked up toward Oshiki with a bright, accomplished grin.

Chakra Used:

WC: 1074/3000

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

It seemed that gravity had not spontaneously taken a leave of absence; The apple came down on the boy's head, just like he had expected it to. It was just a playful bit of revenge that would hopefully get the boy riled up to have a bit of a spar, he wanted to be able to force this boy to move to the next level... but instead he heard a rather sickening sound. It wasn't the kind of sound that bones made when they crunched, but having seen people commit suicide enough times, he had learned what the sound of someone biting their own tongue sounded like. It was disgusting, he wasn't even usually the kind of person who would get freaked out by this kind of thing but.. well, inadvertently or not, he had just caused that. It was not something he really wanted to focus his attentions on, it was something that made him feel embarrassed as a teacher, but it was true. His mistake in this case had just caused his student to suffer through pain, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, that was just the case and that was how it had to be. He was going to have to make that up to him in the long run, but for now, he was just going to have to shrug it off like it didn't matter at all. The boy was in pain, but if he was unable to take this level of pain, then he should pack his bags and head back to the Hyuuga compound to never come back out again.

Then, the boy said something that he hadn't expected. The boy seemed legitimately upset and was talking about how "he should be capable of more than this". He assumed the boy was talking about his byakugan, rather than his position as a genin still despite his age, and that was when he noticed something rather disconcerting about the boy that he had never really had the opportunity to notice before in the light. That was water welling up in his eyes, and though he wasn't sure about whether it was to do with his injury that was now causing him to bleed from the mouth or if it was to do with the fact that he felt bad about what he was unable to do, he was sure it was the latter simply because of the close proximity to when he had started crying and when he had started feeling insignificant about what he was able to do. The boy was feeling insignificant.. he wondered if he should mention about his own personal life again, he had mentioned some of it beforehand but that had been a vague overview. He was one of the very few people who had managed to turn twenty without being promoted from geninship, he was what most people would call "a dropout". Yet, here he was, at the height of his power and with an entire clan united at his back.

"Oh stop crying you wuss," the first words that came out of Oshi's mouth might have seemed rather offensive, and there was certainly a hard tone to them, but it was not because he disliked the man or because he had some archaic belief that men should not be allowed to cry. it was because this boy was making a mountain out of a molehill, and the sooner that he saw that the sooner he would be able to go lighter on himself.

"How powerful do you think I am, Zukai? How strong do you think I am? Compared to the average villager, I am a hero, someone who will always have the "skills to pay the bills" as some of you kids go out of your way to say in your silly little attempts to look cool. Yet, do you know where I was at your age? At your age, I was still a genin, without a developed sharigan, and with very little to my name.  In fact, when I was your age, I didn't even want to be a ninja. Do you know what I wanted to be?" he asked, although from the way that he had said the words, it was clear that this was a rhetorical question, part of one of his many rants. It wasn't a  mean spirited rant, after calling him a wuss his first words had softened into something much kinder, something more fitting a guardian or a child.

"What I really wanted to be was a housewife... well, a house-husband I guess you'd call it, since I'm a guy and all. I didn't want it because I was some sort of pathetic pacifist, or because I was the type that disliked confrontation, but because I was the oldest male in my clan branch. My mother had lost her husband, my brother had lost his father, and my sister laid buried under the cold hard ground. Yet,all I wanted to do was to be able to make the lives of those I cared about a little bit brighter by my presence in them. I didn't want to go out and do missions because I had them to look after at home, and every time that I went out on a mission, I could see the looks in their eyes. That sad and frightened look that made me realize that they weren't sure if I would ever come back to them, or if I'd end up like my sister. It took me until I was 21 to become a proper ninja once again, and then I became a jounin over the course of three years of pure practise and training, because I'm what people tend to call a prodigy. Some of the village elders think that if I hadn't "wasted" my youth as a simple domestic worker, I'd have become one of the most powerful people in the history of the village, maybe on par with Itachi or one of the forefathers of our village." He said, before realizing just how close this came to boasting.

"What I guess I'm trying to say here is that everyone has their own rate of development, and it might not be because you're a slow learner or because you have no talent, it might simply be because there is something else holding you down from being the person that you could be. But, let me make this very clear, I can see the person that's within you as clear as day." With that, he reached down and poked Kid's chest, aiming for between the solar plexus in some sort of cliche way of pointing out that, yes, it was indeed the boy sitting in front of him that he was talking about, rather than some distant person who was just coincidentally called "You".

That was something that Oshi had developed over his years as someone who looked after other people, this strange ability to want to care about each and every person in the village, and since he was no longer drunk he was no longer able to suppress that natural paternal instinct to be able to make sure that everyone is okay and happy, and to make sure that they were all going to be okay. He put his feeling about hurting Kid aside for the moment, it was what a soldier had to do, but the fact that it had happened at all still made him feel slightly ashamed, like a father who had accidentally hit his child. It was the kind of guilt that someone tried to repress or else they were going to have to get overly emotional about it. He was always more of the repressing camp, causing him to show what little reaction he did have through actions, rather than simple words. If he had been the words type of person, he'd have probably never have come this far.

"You, like every other ninja in the village, completed your ninja training through the academy, that's not negotiable for a second. But that's the academy, they teach the same level of crap to every tom, dick and harry out there. It's what you can do on your own or under the tutelage of someone who can actually do what you need them to do that matters. Someone who will actually manage to be there as your master. But, the problem is, for something like that you have to be able to trust the person that you're working with. So, what I guess you have to ask yourself right now is this; Do you trust me?" With that, he pulled his coat's sleeve up slightly and ran it across Kid's lip before he could speak, wiping off the blood that was slowly beginning to trickle down the side of his mouth. It might have been breaching his personal space, but it was also showing that he wasn't about to kill him as some people had feared when they had first met him.

Taijutsu (S->SS): 3008/4500



Kidzukai smiled a bloody grin at his Sensei after listening to him speak for moment after moment. He had called Kidzukai a wuss, but for some reason that didn't hurt the boy. Didn't upset him. It was more a caring gesture that he said that. Something to make Kid perk up quick. Oshiki told him that some people are late learners, and that there is no shame in it. 

Kidzukai felt a finger upon his chest as Oshiki explained that he knew who Kid was. And in some exemplary way Kidzukai felt like Oshiki might have been starting straight into his soul through a telescope. 

Kid looked upwards at the man in response to his question of how strong he felt Oshiki was. 

"Sensei, you're far stronger than me...but when we spar...I will land a hit on one of those...Tenketsu..."

Kidzukai stumbled over those words because as he looked at Oshiki he could see the mans Tenketsu bright like a Christmas tree. Finally, the Tenketsu were revealed.

He looked with a devious smile toward Oshi. It was a look that would describe months of hard training. A look that would show to Oshiki that this boy, Kidzukai, would one day attain a high level of quality as a shinobi. A level of unrivaled skill in combat. This look was one of someone who shared a ninja way with the famous, late Naruto Uzumaki. 

"Sensei, we should spar until I'm able to shut down 3 of your Tenketsu. We both know I cannot beat you in a spar. But 3 Tenketsu isn't that much to ask. It's a challenge worth attempting!"

Kidzukai looked down toward his legs and began to make a plan for this spar. He wouldn't be considered successful until he simply touched 3 Tenketsu. He was going to have to use deception tactics. He walked backwards a few feet and waited for Oshi to follow suit. This would be the first of many tough training's that would likely leave him bruised and battered.

He picked up the apple that lay on the ground from the earlier offer made by his Sensei. He picked it up and bit into it despite his bleeding tongue. And took in its flavor as he contemplated this all. The wind blew against him gently, and he looked quite royal in the light. 

He stood prepared for training.



Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

"Sensei, you're far stronger than me...but when we spar...I will land a hit on one of those...Tenketsu..." So, the first thing that the kid said after everything that Oshi had just said was that he wanted to fight again? Well, some people just didn't have any common decency, some people were all about the fight, he thought with a wicked grin. The boy had seemed like he had some good tactical ideas back in the squad meeting, it shouldn't be a surprise that he was looking for some new way to practice his skills. If he was a little more trained, he might even be an interesting person to duel, but instead he was going to have to hold back once again.

He honestly wondered when the next time he'd be able to duel someone who posed a threat to him would be. The closest thing that had even come close to posing a threat recently was that weird Genin Reag, and that was only because he'd got a single wound on him. It wasn't even a severe wound, and he hadn't been fighting at his A-game at the time, so it shouldn't be unexpected that he would be able to be jumped by someone like that. Besides, invisibility was always a bitch to deal with, that was why he had designed his own techniques around the concept. They made difficult fights go his way when the shit hit the fan.

Though, that being said, the kid was talking about how he wanted to deal with his master's tenketsu. First of all, that was a very overambitious attempt, there was no way that he would let this kid get anywhere close to landing a strike on him, that wasn't the way that he worked. He might hold back against the kid, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try to avoid as many attacks as possible. They might be below his level, but attacks that landed still hurt, powerful or not. Even D-ranks could hurt if they were landing in the right place. What holding back meant to him was that he wouldn't use his own strongest techniques. It was what he needed to do, or else he would actually kill the kid. It wasn't unheard of for teachers to kill their pupils, but it wasn't something that he ever wanted to do. That was just the person he was, he found his students like his sons or his younger brothers, and thus killing them would be like killing a family member, something he could only bring himself to do if it was someone like Hao. Kid was nowhere near that level yet, and hopefully never would be.

"Don't get ahead of yourself kid. Try landing even a single hit on me first, then we'll see how confident you act. As I recall, I ripped you to pieces in our little spar earlier. Don't get cocky on me." He said, his voice clearly light even when he was telling someone the difference between them. It wasn't something nice to talk about, but it was something that he had noticed. When the kid had gotten so upset about being considered homophobic, he had seemed so self-important and, unfortunately, a little bit bratty. It was understandable, the Hyuga clan seemed to spoil their heirs, something that they tended to do because they were so full of themselves, but as long as he was the boy's master, he wouldn't allow the kid to be spoiled. That was not how it worked, he had loved and cared after his brother and sister, but he had never spoiled them. It would have made surviving without a real bread-earner all the more difficult.

"Sensei, we should spar until I'm able to shut down 3 of your Tenketsu. We both know I cannot beat you in a spar. But 3 Tenketsu isn't that much to ask. It's a challenge worth attempting!" Despite what he had said, it seemed like the kid was still determined to fight him. Well, it wasn't like he was going to refuse a challenge, especially when it was from someone like Kid. He was pretty sure that it was his job to spar the kid whenever he asked for it assuming that he didn't have anything more pressing to do. Without a family to clean and cook after, without a lover, and with nothing very much going on but his clan related duties, he had nothing that he really had to hurry back for. Mitsu hadn't given him a job yet, so he was actually completely free right now. That meant, whilst the boy wouldn't like it, that he was going to be able to fight him properly.

"Well, if you're so determined, it would be hard for me to refuse you. You'd likely hit me in the back if I just walked away, so I'll give you what you want." Yet again, his tone was jokey, but there was a steely look in his eyes like he wouldn't doubt it. The Hyuga weren't known for their honor, they were warriors through and through, just like the Uchiha. Dropping from the tree, his body moving forwards as he rotated in thin air, finally coming back to stand at his full height in front of the boy. Not pointing out just how horribly unhygienic the boy putting the apple that had been on the floor was, especially with an open wound that the bacteria would float to like moths to a flame, he instead got into a combat position, trying to come up with a tactic that would work in this scenario.

Thankfully, he was far above the boy's own skill level, so no matter what went on, it was very unlikely that the boy would pose even a minor threat to him. Since they were training, it was even less likely that he would be able to cause any major problems, since he would be focusing on that Close quarters combat style, the gentle palm or whatever it's called. When someone went on and forced themselves to use a single tactic, they would always inevitably be putting themselves at risk when it comes to a battle, since they would have little room for being able to ad-lib when the shit hit the fan.

It was even more of a pressing issue when it came to someone who knew exactly what technique they were trying to use, since they could then plot against their styles of attack. If someone was going to use a taijutsu attack, hit them with a genjutsu or a ninjutsu so that you can stay out of their range. If someone's going to hit you with a ninjutsu, try and use a speed boosting technique and get out of dodge as fast as physically possible. If someone was going to use a genjutsu attack against you, prey you could realize what's real and what's imaginary, and if you can... then just kai. If not, then may god help your soul.

The problem about the boy's vision was that he was able to see through a certain level of genjutsu without any problems whatsoever. That meant he was going to be difficult to fight with tricks and illusions. Now, he didn't just have illusion based genjutsu, in fact most of his techniques were either too high ranked to be seen through by the boy's clearly underdeveloped Byakugan, or knowing what was going on wouldn't give any favors.

A lot of his techniques involved the victim being made so they were unable to move even if they knew they were in a genjutsu, unlike some his techniques didn't just disappear when someone worked out they were inside one. Yet, most of his techniques that he was left with were at such a high rank the boy would have no way of fighting against them, which meant that he would make the match no fun for either of them. The only lesson that could be learned from a scenario would be that you don't fuck with an Uchiha.

So, with all these thoughts running through his head, he realized that he was going to have to go into actual taijutsu techniques. Or, maybe he would go in for some ninjutsu. In fact, considering that the boy had never seen him use a ninjutsu technique before now, he decided to make it clear that he was still an unknown. So, that was why the fight began with him forming his hands together into a handsign, specifically the tiger. The kid's byakugan would show his throat rapidly filling up with fire chakra as he prepared to unleash a very clan specific technique. It stayed that way for a moment, before he simply opened his mouth as if he was spitting out gum, before a giant ball of fire shot out of his mouth, roaring forwards and proving that genjutsu and taijutsu weren't his only strengths.

Special Information:



Oshiki Sensei seemed rather unexcited to engage in any sort of physical sparring with Kidzukai. This was more than likely due to having to hold back to avoid actually killing Kid. The responses he gave to Kids requests were pretty basic. He was doubting Kids ability tremendously and even referencing back when he had previously wiped Kid and Soron out very easily. 

Kidzukai kept his mouth shut from this point on. He was concentrating very heavily on anything that may happen when combat between the two actually took off. His Sensei wasn't far from him. Maybe 5-6 steps away in fact. Things that Sensei might think to be basic, non-lethal attacks might seriously hurt Kidzukai. He had to be prepared. One fact that Kidzukai had picked up in his studies was that Uchiha were accustomed to the use of Fire Style. He was highly expectant of such a technique to occur. Then again. Oshiki was extremely good at taijutsu. One punch would kill Kidzukai with no effort. 

He watched the chakra in Oshiki's body. The points and such.  It seemed that as he was finished talking and thinking, he readied his hands into a shape adherent with a ninjutsu. Through his throat rose fire chakra. Kidzukai didn't wait even a moment. Before that fire Chakra could even reach the tonsils Kidzukai used his own technique to increase his speed by 50% and rushed Oshiki. Dodging at this range with wind ninjutsu wasn't an option. So Kid did his first instinct and plotted to slam his finger tips into the Tenketsu on Oshiki's neck, causing hopefully enough pain to interrupt or disturb the fireballs formation. If this failed, Kidzukai was now standing in a position slightly to the left of Oshiki, meaning he wasn't in the line of fire that the jutsu was originally intended to follow. It was likely that Kid would be countered by Oshiki, so in preparation after striking toward the Tenketsu, his other hand would be preprepared with his Wind Force ninjutsu, allowing him to blow back Oshiki with very strong force, since in order to block the Tenketsu hit Oshiki would likely block rather than dodge. Kidzukai knew how much chakra he was expending, but he wasn't shaken. It was needed. This amount of chakra wouldn't even cross his mind in the future. As a stronger shinobi.

No matter what happened from this point forth, the next thing Kidzukai would do toward Oshiki was grin. Whether it be pain or pleasure. A large smirk would be endowed into his face when he next looked toward Oshiki. Which would be after the resolution of the situation.

"I'm still nowhere near where I need to be training wise apparently. That is clear to me. But I have to say being able to see Tenketsu is going to be nothing but a useful tool."

Kidzukai reminisced upon his grandfathers training agains his father. The two clashing, seeming to ever so lightly, silently tap each other in a fierce game of dodging blows and returning poked. It looked almost childish until one or the other would begin bleeding from the mouth. Though not actually fatally injured, that always did disturb Kid. His grandfather, even in his oldest age was still able to defeat his father 9/10. It was insane, really. This was why Kid idolized his grandpa over his dad. His dad hadn't practiced as much or had as much experience as Kid's grandfather. 

Jutsu Used:

Chakra Used:

2063/3000:Byakugan Training

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

Now, there lay the other problem. When it came to techniques, this guy was able to see chakra forming up in the person's body, just like he was. If he activated Sharingan, they would both have the same advantage and their playing field would be equal again. Or, well, not equal, more like Kid would have lost his one hope to having any chance in this fight. That was the exact reason why he wasn't going to activate his eyes, he knew for a fact that if he did this there would be no point in this fight. He was going to win anyway, going that far out of his way just to win at some training against a genin was utterly fruitless. Furthermore, his eyes had a huge cost on his body, that was the main reason why he didn't use them very much any more. He used them when they came to emergencies or needing to use genjutsu against a large amount of people, but outside of that? He kept them close.

Plus, if what Mitsuhide had said about the cycle of hate was true, he had to reject them. He had to continue on his path, the one true path that any ninja who wanted to change the future had to walk. He was on the path of sadness, and he wouldn't drag anyone else onto it with him. He had loved his family and lost them, he had loved Mitsuo and then he had gone and gotten himself killed. Now he had Kidzukai, Soron, and Reag. They were his students, they were the ones that he was made to look after, and they were the ones that he would turn into the pinnacles of power and respectability that they all wanted to be.

It was that very reason that he wasn't going to go too hard on Kid during this fight, he didn't want to break his spirit too early on. If he was able to get so upset about being called a homophobe, he couldn't imagine how bad he would become if he was wiped out so easily. Reag had the spirit of a soldier, even if Oshi didn't want him to have it, and so he was able to take a defeat like that on the nose and he was able to overcome it without losing any pride in himself. This boy, however...  he and Reag were nothing alike, not even in personality or reason why they wanted power. Kid wanted... he didn't know what, power? Dignity? Whilst Reag wanted his own clan, he wanted people to stop looking at him like he was some street urchin. It was what made Oshi gravitate to his case rather than Kid's.

However, as he spat out the fireball, Kid moved, and moved quickly. Honestly, if Oshi had been a genin, then that attempt might have seriously worked on him, there was a level of strength behind it that he couldn't help but respect. Still, even with this higher speed and reaction time, Oshi was better than him. The moment he threw his hand out, Oshi leaped backwards, landing on one foot. Swiping his other foot forwards as he moved into another combat position, his mind weighed up what he was going to do next. This battle was still incredibly in his favor, but it seemed like the boy had some techniques that he'd not quite figured for. Fortunately, even with his techniques the difference between their levels was so big that you could drive a platoon of horses through it side by side and you'd still not fill the gap.

"That was a nice little try there, kiddo. I thought you'd have avoided bringing out your best techniques so early, but if you're this eager.." he said, his smile turning wicked and vindictive as he used a technique that he hadn't used in a while. "I'm going to have to meet you with that level of enthusiasm. Don't worry, I'm not going to use one of my killing techniques against you, you're my student and I want you to survive until you're old enough to become the hero you so clearly want to be. But... that doesn't mean you're going to be able to get off easily."

There was something behind the voice that seemed a little cruel, perhaps it was the type of techniques that he'd been using corrupting his brain. He was a soldier to the heart, and someone had once said that when a soldier had seen enough bloodshed they became desensitized to it. Well, this wasn't quite desensitization. The last person that he had used it on was Ukiyo back in the deep forest, and she had been trapped inside it for a little while until that strange semi-conscious state had come over her. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that the boy didn't have that style of power. Even if he found out that he was going into a genjutsu, then he'd have to waste his kai. He knew that a boy like this couldn't kai very often, and he had many attacks that worked off of things like this.


"So, I'm going to remind you just how human you are. I'm going to make sure that you stop thinking you're a tree or a bush or whatever the fuck you think you are, because I'll tell you something. Those people who live in the village? They have something you don't. they have compassion. If you can ever look at a race and be glad that some of it died without it personally serving you then you're not a nature lover. You're an arrogant bitch who needs to be re-educated." as a flower grew on her, he took his own little agenda and... smiled at her, his eyes almost sparkling as he looked at her. And that wasn't a metaphor, as he actually cast a genjutsu on her. Inside her mind right now, unless something had gone wrong, she would be feeling an uncontrollable urge to piss, or actually pissing if she was that unfortunate, and she'd be shivering like she was ill. Because, the fact was, she was ill. It was the only natural poison that he knew of, and it had no symptoms that she would be able to understand, but he would probably refer to it as "Chakra sickness" It would get even more entertaining in a moment or two, the poor bitch. If she hadn't been so offensive, he might have actually felt sorry for what she was about to go through.

As the last thoughts trickled through her mind, Ukiyo planned to reach out her hand and take the young man by the throat. You will see what it is like. You have merely witnessed death. I will bring you within an inch of it and then you will know the suffering you cause every single day. As she began lifting her arm, Ukiyo suddenly felt an intense pressure on her bladder. Cold sweat formed beneath her bangs, and a shiver crawled up her spine. The hell? Where did this come from? Why am I- An intense pain ached in her stomach, and she bent over, grasping it. Her throat was dry to the point where it burned to breath, and Ukiyo's movements became extraordinarily sluggish. Did he poison me somehow? This feels completely unnatural from a second ago


His hands moved into a series of hand signs, making it seem like he had come up with a new ninjutsu technique rather than the genjutsu that this actually was. Because of the speed of his hand movements, the boy wouldn't be able to follow them, even with his higher reaction speed now. This was the gift of being a high trained ninja, this was his mark of the jounin, the proof that he was what people believed him to be.

"Living Chakra Style; Body Degradation!" He said, before casting his genjutsu. The fact of the matter was, genjutsu used elemental neutral chakra most of the time, and since the boy could detect the chakra type that he was using right now, it would have been dangerously stupid to claim that it was from some element. Now, it would seem like he had breathed something in. Therefore, even if he saw a strange build up of chakra in his body, he might take it as a granted since he'd just breathed something in. Finally, he cast his genjutsu, matching eye to eye with the boy and giving the signal.

All at once, the boy, if this was successful, would suddenly need the bathroom and a cold sweat would come over his face. Now, all he had to wait for was the cold sweat itself for him to see what had truly gone on in the boy's mind.. of course, he could always activate sharingan, he thought, but chastised himself of the thought as quickly as it had come. It would just cause him to burn through his chakra like he was throwing it on the fire. Not yet.

Special Information:



Kidzukai missed his attempted hit, the speed of his Sensei was greater, as Kid has predicted. Kids eyes were starting to hurt a little from the strain. He was using a new technique, a new way of seeing, and he might not have been quite ready for it at this point.  He rubbed them then resumed his combat stance. Oshiki stood before him. He commended the effort Kidzukai had put into the attempt at landing a hit. Kidzukai was proud of this, as it seemed he had used a bomb-worth of chakra and had wasted his suprise ninjutsu tech.

"Damn...he's got me now." Thought Kid. "I must now brace for the worst. Should I allow him a chance to even move at me? Should I go full assault? I'm already on a losing hill, if I can just keep pressure on him, it seems he desperately wants to deny me the ability to hit him at all."

Kidzukai spoke aloud "Thank you for the commendation Sensei, but this IS far from over." Kid spoke with a certain haughty determination he ha never before displayed. A new sense of possibility washed over him and he saw a chance to change opinion of him for the better. He began a dead sprint toward Oshiki. In the first few meters of his run, Oshiki began weaving signals, Kidzukai took his eyes to Oshiki's hands, then, in fear he ducked low and used his wind style technique to boost the speed of his slide on the ground, and reduce the friction between the earth and his body, allowing his slide to achieve a constant, slightly faster than his running level of speed.  Kid aimed hits toward Tenketsu on Oshiki's legs as he slid under, and immediately jumped up after attempting his hits, to avoid being down on the ground when Oshiki responded. His brow was sweating. He had a flash back in the moment as he slid along beneath Oshiki's feet. 

He sat beside his mother and father at the dinner table. He was calm and relaxed, preparing to enter being a ninja for the very first time. He was full of pride and excitement.

"Son, we both know you will one day grow up to become a great shinobi. We just want you to know that this world is a dangerous place, and you will have to work for it. The way that this reality is coincides with death. They are hand in hand. They operate together. I want you to always remember that a persons disposition, whether it be good or evil, doesn't effect the quality of their advice. A quote I have always heeded was said by the infamous Madara Uchiha. 

"Where there is light, there must also be shadows. When the concept of winners exists, so must the concept of losers. Selfish attempts at peace cause war, and hatred is born to protect love."

No. Madara Uchiha wasn't a bad man in his words. Only in his actions. In his own way Madara was a good man. But not when Kidzukai looked at him. No. The way Kidzukai looked at Madara was as a criminal. Scum. But surely somewhere in the world saw him as having some good ideals. 

Before he knew it Kidzukai found himself gliding across the ground on his knees again, outside of his flashback. It was a dangerous situation, and he was vulnerable on the ground so he jumped to his feet.

Wind Release: Stream:

Chakra Used:


*OOC * If you would like to finish what you need to finish in your next post and end thread, you have permission to do so. If you choose this just end the thread and I will finish my 500 words training with Keigo.

10To Truly See(Private/Byakugan Training) Empty Re: To Truly See(Private/Byakugan Training) Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:00 am



*Ending Thread due to a need to progress, I cannot continue waiting to get this Byakugan. Thank you for your help so far.*

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