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1Mission: So you wanna learn Kung-fu huh? Empty Mission: So you wanna learn Kung-fu huh? Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:10 pm




The Hyuuga compound: Kizai's house...

The day had turned bright with the sign of the rising sun. Earlier that morning Kizai had actually been awoken by a messenger delivering the day's task from the department of clan affair's. Today Kizai was actually going to be on call for honor bidding! That was to say he was going to have to go to the academy as a surrogate teacher, and both demonstrate proper beginner taijutsu technique to the young ling's, as well as show face of the clan's exceptional skill in such areas of combat.

"Right...sending me to be a walking advertisement...this is a new low for the clan man...dammit!" Kizai said at the front door to his parent's homestead. It was a larger apartment within the compound meant for building families instead of singal ambituants. Because Kizai did in fact still live with his parent's. He shut the door waving the messenger off who seemed irritated Kizai didn't let his clans men into the home upon protocol of respect. But he didn't care...nope, Kizai was not into the whole kiss my ass gig for the clan's main branch director's.

He went to get ready for the day, opting to go dawn his actual shinobi apparel for the day. Getting ready for the day meant tossing on his true shinobi gear: A white long seleved v neck shirt, with black loose fit skinny jean's that led to black ninja boot's. His headband was tied onto his forehead in black sash as he pulled his bang's out over it's front. His contacts went in smoothly and he was off, heading out the home before the rest of the waking dead that was his family had time to bugger him about his buisness.

That is, only his mother and father where sleeping. His brother and elder sister where very much awake and getting ready for their own day's bidding. In fact Kizai was just on his way out the door when his brother Honda chimed after him...

Hyuuga Honda: Kizai's brother wrote:"And what trouble will you be running into today young brother?"

Kizai set a hand on the door while his forehead slowly sunk forehead and planted on it's wooden surface; a sigh escaping his mouth. "Don't you two ever sleep in...I'm goin to the academy to teach some shit..." Kizai said under his breath, knowing his witty sister had some acidic remark coming.

Hyuuga, Misato: Kizai's older sister wrote:"*PFFFFT* They sent you to go train kid's at the academy? The younger generations?! Wow, you better not fuck it up...the clan ain't gunna like knowing YOU of YOUR generation screwed up the even younger generation, HAHA!"

Kizai let the remark sink in spitefully and then whirled around, opening the door sharply before shouting, " Screw you! I'm not just some fuck up like you guy's think!" Kizai would leave them with no room for rebuttal, as his older sibling's just laughed off to themselves while he exited the building and sped off to his duty.

The academy...

The morning was still fresh and Kizai stormed his way up the step's to the academy remembering his time here. Man it smelt like younger day's as a little twerp! A few juvenile delinquents where idling around the front of the building eating candy and looking tough for nothing with their punkish ninja clothes on. Kizai eye'd three kid's who seemed to be trying to stare him down all tough and as he approached the door, Kizai would whirl on one of them with a fist cocked back, making the three of them flinch.

"Yeah...heh, yeah...remember that..."

Kizai would say before opening the door. He sped down the hall, passing senior chuunin staff, and a few other idling kid's, making his way past a few familiar Hyuuga form the clan who he waved at and gave a "heads up" to. There where also a few teacher's Kizai tried to weave past, but more then a few noticed him and gave disgruntled looks, recalling the days of Kizai the tiny terror was back in the building.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:"Oh hey there! There you are mister Kizai of the Hyuuga! Your running a bit late...but the kid's are in the yard out back waiting for their demonstration on Taijutsu..."

Kizai whirled in step as a chuunin he used to recall was his own Taijutsu teacher back in the day came up in a rush. "Oh hey them lined up already eh?" Kizai said, following in step with Sogen to the back yard for outdoor routine. Sogen nodded with a smirk, and replied...

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:"Yeah...I figured that you just might actually be sent in for the job ya know...I here the Hyuuga have been trying to put you into the work lately...heh, still running aorund causing messes yeah?"

Kizai smirked and shoved his hand's in his pocket's as they both bounded out into the backyard full of lush tree's, and dirt patched ground with grass in a maze of treaden spots. "Yeah...I have been cuttin the crap lately know...trying to step into my own...I kinda got a few thing's to prove now er something I dunno how you'd put it...but...I'm gunna be and see, one day..." Kizai said, turning inward with his thoughts as he spoke the words.

Sogen saw this and pat Kizai on the back then began to call in the class who was running around as if they forgot to stay where they where supposed to be.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! We got a special guest here today...this is a former student of mine who was fortunate to make it into genin-hood...that's right he is above you all in rank round the town, and as such he is a role model for you all to learn from; starting with today he will demonstrate some basics of the taijutsu that we teach you all...this will let you all see a bit of what you should become by the time the exams come around okay? Without further a-do, pay attention to his form, and grace...I'll be calling the four stances I've set you all to learn at home out and he's gunna hit them perfectly...okay, ready Kizai!"

Kizai remembered this part of the class. IT was the basics of natural combat; four stance: Iron fist, Shadow foot, whirlwind grace, and the turtles shell. Each of the stance had a general option to maximize offensive punches, kicks, and a evasive stance for maneuvering in prolonged exchanges, as well as a defensive extreme to guard against an enemies absolute offense. "Ready..." Kizai said shaking his feet a bit and setting them slightly apart. HE saw the eye's of many little runt's staring with eager anticipation. It sorta...made Kizai feel cool in a way. To be watched for his skill...but these day's his training left him without the relative amour of what he used to think and feel for these stances. They where basic and nothing close to Jyuuken training in his opinion.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:"Ok! Iron fist!"

Kizai set his face stern suddenly. He lifted his right foot and stomped it forth, hunkering into a slight squat as he brought his rear arm tucked at his side, clenching the fist and keeping it flexed tight; the other hand was held forth at full extension with the palm open and upturned. He eye'd the kid's and exuded the aura of power and an impending attack. It was always best to adopt the attitude of the stance you where intending.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:"GOOD! See how fierce he look's...notice the squat legs ready to charge power into a punch from the tucked hand, or to give a ready start to any dashing advance of an opponent...the half pivot ensures you are able to watch your sides as well as the front...this stance is a dominant option to prepare a full assault...however, it focuses on upper body preparation...the leg's are not set for kicks in this stance...Now! Shadow foot!"

Kizai stood upright touching his heels together while his body spun in a tight turn for a moment. As he came around he rested on his right foot stiffly, while sliding the tip of his left foot around to cut a line in the dirt before him. his hand's where held down, and in loose fist, as if the arm's where more for balancing his strange legged stance. Kizai softened his eye's now and looked at the ground before him instead of into the faces of the crowding kids.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:"YEs, Yes! This is shadow foot! The deceptive and meak nature of his upper facial and body appearance is to lure enemies towards him, since his leg's are set for majoral offense...the arm's are to balance him and the illusion of the downward glance is to also denote a deceptive snare...While posting all balance to one foot, his dominant leg, he can balance himself to swing his other leg around in a free range of motion 360 degree's! meaning any who come within range of the line he drew are within range of a powerful and acute kick...Now! Whirlwind grace!

Kizai was quick to activate his body this time. With a swinging of his arms in a flourish of circles he dropped low and swept a foot out to cause dust to rise form the floor.As he finished spinning around, he stayed in a low crouch arm's extended to the sides, yet slightly bent and loosely held as if trying to guess which way to dash off. One foot was extended slightly and poised on the tip of the toe, while the other was directly under him and fully flexed as if it where ready to spring him away.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:" here's a nice stance for evasive maneuver when one must be prepared to jump out of danger's way or fast approaching offense...The low profile makes a low center of gravity and the flexed leg's like the shadow foot means his leg's are balanced and ready to act...the arm's however are held out to the sides and loose to better augment rolling, and cartwheel maneuvers if needed...Now! the last one: Turtles shell!

Kizai rose up slowly bringing his arms together slowly and then set his feet apart and squat low, crossing his arms in front of his face which he ducked and hunkered behind them.

Akidono, Sogen:Kizai's academy taijutsu instructor wrote:Pretty much...absolute defense...when all else fails you hide yer head, and cover yer vitals and endure what you must! Okay...that's it then! Kizai you are free to go for today and turn this in...however I'll need you to come back tomorrow as I'll need to have a subject whom my students can test what we will be practicing today!"

Kizai stood straight and shoved his hand's into his pocket's. The task for today was easy enough, and it somehow seemed he had gained him self a job for the meanwhile around the village outside of his ninja career. Oh how opportunities turned up at the most random times. However...

"Heh, I guess I'll head back home then and work on my own training...make sure the kid's are ready; I'll be taxing them tomorrow!" He said while turning to exit the building with the mission slip his mentor gave him for departure...


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