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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The sky was gray, it was surely about to rain very soon. A chilly wind blew through Konoha no Sato's cemetery, making some leaves that had not yet been decayed swirl up, dancing in the wind like a school of fish in the waves of the sea's water. A beautiful display of a rather moderate winter.

It was there, in front of the monument made for those who had died for the sake of the village, a youn girl, dressed in a beige half-length kimono with fishnet nylon undergarments was silently burning some incense to honor those fallen heroes of the village, both the nameless and the legendary ones, yet in her case, she mainly mourned for the mother and father she had hardly known.

This young, still blossoming woman, was not just anyone, but the current head of the Ouroboros clan, or at least, she would be when she would turn eighteen, which was in about two years time.

Her name was Orochi Risu, daughter of Orochi Asa and Yasani Kota, noble representative of the Ouroboros clan, Lady of the Orochi family. However, for her, all those titles and honorifics were meaningless. She had proven this, by living on her own, away from her clan, having decided that she could only be the head of the clan if she was recognised by the village iltself.

But there, at that monument, those thoughts of the future were overwhelmed by feelings for the past, long coveted and treasured memories of a life she would never have again; that of a happy young girl with a loving mother and a gullible father.

"Why mother, why father?" Risu whispered softly, the sound of her voice filled with the pain and sorrow that came with the loneliness of a loveless life. A few tears rolling down her immaculate white cheeks."Why did you have to accept that mission?"

She remembered that moment, that unbelievably painful moment in her life, where all the happiness, all the ignorance of youth and all the bliss of family had been roughly torn away from her existence.

When she had turned nine years old, she had already managed to graduate from the Academy and as she was walking home with a few of her friends, all of a sudden two ANBU members appeared and asked her if she was Orochi Risu, daughter of the late head of the Ouroboros clan.

Though she remembered that she did not understood it back then, now she fully well knew that they had already given a quiet hint to the sad news they had been ordered to bring to her; the untimely death of her parents, who had been slain on a mission of great importance.

The young woman wiped away her tears and turned around, walking away from the monument, contemplating what she wanted to become, what her goals were and more important, what she wanted for her clan.

Her head tilted slightly upwards, her snakelike eyes locking upon the immense rockformation upon which each and every Hokage had their face etched for all eternity, her slender, white left arm stretched out, her hand grasping in the air, as if she wanted to grab a hold to the face of the current Hokage.

"One day, The Genin said with a surprisingly steady and calm voice. "One day I'll be the Hokage, one day I'll end all the pain and suffering of my, of the entire village. When I'm Hokage, all of those tears I've shed in my life will have had a meaning.

Last edited by Orochi Risu on Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha, Susumu
"In order to create a new world, the old world must first be destroyed."

An individual, that was rather unknown throughout the streets of Konohagakure, arrived from the distance in an odd looking cloak with a pendant hanging around his neck, shaped like a star. His expression was like normal for him; when looking into his eyes, you see nothing. Just the eternal depth of darkness, almost feeling as if you'd sink into them if not careful. The rest of his facial expression was pretty much the same, but the eyes were the things standing out most. The footsteps were getting louder and louder, walking towards the direction of the one and only person in this area at the moment. It was a girl, sitting in front of a grave, muttering something. What she was muttering was unknown to Susumu, nor should he really care about that girl's emotional problems, but he figured that he should take anything to his advantage, for it may seem useful in the future. Once arrived right behind the girl, he just stood there, not saying a single word. His cloak just went with the flow of the wind that passed through the environment occassionally. Around them were multiple black ravens, observing the place as if it was their sanctuary.

Now that he was behind her, he figured out a little bit why she was sitting her. Something happened in her past, possibly to relatives. This is what he got from reading the stone tablet on their graves. He didn’t know the origin nor the name of the girl in front of him, but he shouldn’t have to question his own observation abilities. Still not saying a word, he just patiently listened to what the girl was speaking of. After the last sentence was spoken, Susumu got a sinister smile upon his lips; different from the expression he was carrying with him before. This sinister smile usually meant that he had something in mind that he couldn’t shake off. No matter what. Assuming the girl hadn’t noticed his presence yet, he spoke without warning her beforehand about his arrival. “Do you want your goals to be fulfilled?” He merely began the conversation with that standard question. Given what she muttered before, the obvious answer would be ‘yes’. That’s when, hopefully, the girl would already be in his grasp for further manipulation. He didn’t say a single word afterwards. The sinister smile jsut remained on his lips and didn’t seem to vanish any time soon. His eyes seemed more alive than before, as well, but merely because of the excitement of controlling another human being. Or at least, attempting to.

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

As was to be expected from someone who had thought herself to be alone for the entire time she had been at the cemetery, The young lady of the Ouroboros clan gave a high pitched yelp while she jumped back in a swift and fluid motion, already having her hands in position to create the necessary seals.

However, as she noticed the young man who had made her act in such an indescrete and completely unladylike manner, Risu quickly managed to regain her composure, softly brushing aside a few loosened strands of her ravenblack hair behind her ears, granting the young Uchiha a sight he might not have seen that much before, as with her hair aside, he could see the pale white face, with the yellow green snake-eyes and the thin layer of purple mascara granting this young woman a rather extravagant appearance despite her sober clothing at the time.

", yes?!?" Risu's tone of voice made it rather hard to discern if she had just answered the Young man's question or rather asked a question herself, this due to the fact that she was still quite confused as to why she did not notice him standing behind her and why someone would even talk to her in the first place."If you were posing that question to me, the answer would be, stranger-san."

With her hands lowered to her sides, her face slightly brighter than a moment earlier, Risu started observing the young man, realizing that he wasn't even looking as bad as his smooth and way to slick voice would've made her think.

Actually, truth be told, the young man's voice made her think about snakes, cold and slick, which by chance was her favorit animal and the symbol of her own Ouroboros clan.

"Ofcourse I would want my goals to be fullfilled, but I also know that it's all going to take an incredibly long time and a lot of hard work, before I'd even be close to achieving that which I desire."

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha, Susumu
"In order to create a new world, the old world must first be destroyed."

   Susumu was kind of surprised at the reaction that the girl had towards his sudden arrival, but then again, there are the type of people that easily get spooked because of the surroundings. Especially on a cemetery. He immediately realized that this girl was different than most individuals. The skin and eyes in particular. The girl seemed a little bit caught off guard due to the sudden reactions. After that, however, she picked herself together to respond properly. Upon that reply, Susumu scanned the area, looking from left to right. As far as he could see, into the horizon, there was no one here but the two of them. The sinister smile was still upon his lips and his eyes narrowed, stretching out his arms beside him with open hands. “There’s no one here but us, right?” He mentioned. He couldn’t have been talking to anyone else right now.

He stopped talking for a moment, allowing the girl to keep her calm and not overreact once again. Susumu didn’t make any sudden movements, either, to put her at ease if it would help any. It wasn’t wrong of her to suspect Susumu of anything, but that’s the thing that he wants to prevent. The girl explained to him the difficulty of the path she wanted to cross. Susumu lowered his arms next to his sides. “Your problem is that you want to fulfill your goals. Instead, you have to know you’ll fulfill your goals. There are very few people in this world that can give another what they desire. You probably think you have to achieve everything on your own, but you don’t. I’m offering you this chance.” He paused for a moment, letting each and every word sink into her brain, before continuing and getting to the catch. “I can give which you desire most, but there’s a catch to this. In return for your success, you’ll pledge complete loyalty to only me. This is a long term contract, that will end until your death.. Or mine. You could see it as… A contract with a demon.” He wasn’t deceiving the girl, he just wanted to make things clear for her before proceeding on this matter. He ceased his talking and just patiently waited for her reponse. His deep blue eyes stared into her snake-like eyes.

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Something about the young man was strange, his eyes or rather the look inside them, which attracted, yet also scared Risu a lot. This wasn't an ordinary person, but someone with a goal, that much she could understand, but deep down inside she was both curious and affraid of ever finding out what this young man desired and dreamt of.

"Yes, we're alone," The Ourobos lady gave a swift, yet calm reply to Susumu's question. She did not really think it through as to why the young man was so set on being alone, but perhaps that demeanor did in a way answer the many questions which rose inside Risu's mind, while she almost drowned in the cold exterior of the young man's eyes.

She listened carefully to his words, repeating each and every syllable that was spoken within her mind, as if she was trying to process everything, trying to see if his words had a hidden meaning, but at the same time, her eyes slightly widened, showing the thin purple veins at the sides of the irises. This was a surprising offer indeed, but the cost seemed extremely high as well, because loyalty from her basically meant she had to devote herself completely to his own suspicious and secret desires, which could've been anything.

While she tried to contemplate the words, the offer which she was given, a soft, yet cold breeze of air broke the silence, the wind sliding through and picking up her long hair, ruffling it like the clothes she was wearing until it suddenly stopped, the rainclouds dissapated and the soothing light of the sun appeared.

"What do you aim for, what is your goal?" the kunoichi asked quite seriously, obviously she was going to base her own answer on that which she would be given by the mysterious figure, who in effect had still not introduced himself, though she herself hardly even thought about introducing herself either...typical issues with trust.

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu


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