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1Days Of The Wilderness [Training] Empty Days Of The Wilderness [Training] Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:39 pm



"I mean there has to be a place for that, right?" Aethir continued to ramble on as he was absentmindedly walking. Finally, he stopped, clapping his hands once with a smile. "No," he shook his head as he said this, "There's always a place to get some activity. Even if it's" It finally occurred to the boy that he wasn't in a place that he found familiar. "Oh boy..." he sighed, taking note of the large trees around him. "Konoha, oh Konoha, how your trees are..." Finally, the boy noticed a body of water nearby. A river was running before him, which made him somewhat happy to know! "Alright... I think I may have gotten an idea for some physical exercise..." the boy smiled while crossing his arms. 'But what should I do first...?' he sighed, thinking of what to focus on first.

Day 1: Taijutsu (B -> A):

Aethir gasped as he felt himself hit the ground, noticing he was lying in a tree, breathing heavily. "Huh...?" He turned, noticing sleeping monkeys in the tree near and around him. "Huh...Hmm..." Aethir sighed, lying on something warm. He looked up to see a large sleeping gorilla behind him. "U-Um..." He blinked, trying to move, but noticed the gorilla was...hugging him. 'Oh boy...' he sighed, feeling incredibly uncomfortable in the position he was in. Nonetheless, he closed his eyes to get some more rest...At least he tried to...

Day 2: Raiton(B -> A):

Aethir awoke with a smile, stretching as he saw the large gorilla he was sleeping on staring back at him. "O-Oh boy. Um...S-Sorry!" he smiled as the gorilla slammed his back against the tree, sleeping once again. "Huh...Hmm..." Aethir yawned as he sat up and leaped down to the ground, preparing for another attempt to leave this cursed Konoha forest. As he began to leave the gorilla nest, Aethir turned, hearing a light pair of footsteps, a small ape carrying even more grapes then before offering them before running away. "Thanks! Take care!!" He smiled, waving to the ape before continuing through the forest.

Day 3: Jutsu Training:

Aethir continued to run down the river, shifting his chakra as he did. He didn't notice, but his ability to stay afloat on top of the river surface had gotten better since the past three days! As he continued running, he noticed Konoha on the horizon! "There it is!!" he gasped happily, running even faster towards the village, "THERE IT IS-" ...The boy was cut off as he suddenly fell through the water's surface, getting too excited to maintain the proper chakra in his feet... Nonetheless, Aethir's brown haired head could be seen floating and swimming over towards the village, the boy finally finding his way back to civilization.
{Training Results}
Total Word Count: 8798
[Taijutsu B -> A] 3000/3000
[Raiton B -> A] 3000/3000
[Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave] 1000/1000
[Water Release: Gunshot] 1000/1000

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