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1Manji Clan Empty Manji Clan Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:20 pm



Symbol: Manji Clan IMG_0992

Clan: Manji

Kekkei Genkai: Seigi No Seigi No Hi[Righteous Fires Of Justice]

Elements: Katon[Must be primary]

Specialization: Bukijutsu[Kenjutsu or Swordsmanship.Must be primary], Taijutsu, Ninjutsu[Tai and Nin can either be Second or Third]

Location: Scattered(Forests Of Konoha)

Clan History: The Manji Clan are a clan of Robin-Hood-esque ninja.They do good throughout all the lands,stealing from the rich and greedy and giving to the poor.They have been around since the creation of the Five Villages,originating from early Konoha and having ties with the Hokage(s).Though,this does not mean they can leave their hideout and pledge their alligence to another village.Their main clan hideout is located deep in the Konoha forest,which is essentially a very small village.Never the less,the Manji are skilled warriors who bring about the better good and stop evil in all of its forms.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Manji,training their bodies from young ages,have much greater capabilites than the average shinobi.They are able to start out with three specs,those being Bukijutsu,Taijutsu,and Ninjutsu.Bukijutsu must be Kenjutsu or Swordsmanship and must be primary spec.The player can decided which of the other two(Ninjutsu and Taijutsu) will be their second and third spec.Also,due to being so proficent in Swordsmanship,members are able to start out with being able to use swords of +1 their rank(genin can use B-Rank swords).Their Primary spec begins at C-Rank and their other two begin at D-Rank,while the third spec can only reach up to B-rank.

Drawbacks: Due to focusing on the fields of Bukijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu, clan members are incapable of learning Genjutsu and get +1 damage from Genjutsu attacks. Also, due to their belief in justice, they view Puppetry as manipulating others against their will. Thus,cannot take Kugustsu as a fourth spec. They also must take Hesitant(Element), due to the strong tradition of using Katon in their clan.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Last edited by Zaiaku Jiendo on Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:36 pm; edited 5 times in total

2Manji Clan Empty Re: Manji Clan Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:21 pm



Chakra is a character I'm going to make after this clan is approved.

3Manji Clan Empty Re: Manji Clan Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:40 pm



Why aren't you responding to the pm I sent. And cool clan but I don't think they have enough drawbacks. But you can wait to see what someone official says

4Manji Clan Empty Re: Manji Clan Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:35 pm



analogOlympiad wrote:Why aren't you responding to the pm I sent. And cool clan but I don't think they have enough drawbacks. But you can wait to see what someone official says

The Ninja Scroll section is for member applications and staff with proper clearance to review said applications, not for members to voice opinions on others' work and talk about personal matters. In the future, please refrain from posting on apps that do not belong to you.

5Manji Clan Empty Re: Manji Clan Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:56 pm



The Manji,training their bodies from young ages,have much greater capabilities than the average shinobi. They are able to start out with three specs,those being Bukijutsu,Taijutsu,and Ninjutsu. Bukijutsu must be Kenjutsu or Swordsmanship and must be primary spec. The player can decided which of the other two(Ninjutsu and Taijutsu) will be their second and third spec. Also,due to being so proficient in Swordsmanship,members are able to start out with being able to use swords of +1 their rank(genin can use B-Rank swords) and are able to get a Free B-Rank Sword of their design. They must state this a clan spec and put a link to the clan in the weapon description. All their Primary spec begins at C-Rank and their other two begin at D-Rank,while the third spec can only reach up to B-rank.

Yeah, I'm saying no to the Free B-rank sword. You already gaining the ability to wield swords +1 rank of the user along with the ability to start with three specs.

The bold statement is two drawbacks; the primary spec starting at C – rank & the other two starting at D – rank; the third spec only being able to reach B – rank and thus should be placed in the drawback section.

Just making sure. They can gain their 4th spec at Jounin, like now right?

Righteous Fires of Justice: Note that this isn't really a specialized clan jutsu, as many users may already have similar techniques. The range of this technique is stated to be a 30 m distance with a 10 meter arc. Explain how the 50 meter comes in, or remove it entirely, allowing the slash to simply take form as a 10 meter arc and dissipate after the duration of the post. For damages, separate them into their own section (in the form of a list, with the lowest rank first) to make it clearer. The A rank tier's cauterizing capabilities need to be specified - how deep can the wounds be cauterized?

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