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1Mastering the porcupine Jutsu -Tamasazuki Empty Mastering the porcupine Jutsu -Tamasazuki Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:32 am



Tamasazuki woke up very early in the morning he noticed it was bright outside he got up from his bed, and began walking over to his window that was quite large. He was wearing nothing, but a pair of shorts, and his sandals. He walked over to his refrigerator, and pulled out a sandwich of his choice, and his choice was a ham sandwich, with tomatoes, and bacon. He ate in peace he put on some barbeque once he realize it was quite dry. The he began to analyze the village, and see the sun was just creeping over the horizon. He decided a few days back that he would learn a new jutsu upon this day. He was ready, and he felt determined to succeed. He grabbed a sandwich, and a few other things in his house including the scrolls of notes he had taken for this jutsu. He began to shove all this stuff in a sac, and put on his sandals, and his clothes. He sat there, and looked at a picture of his father, and decided he would go down the the cemetery on this day. He opened the door, and exit his room. He walked very casually through the village, with the wind blowing on his face, and the smell of the leaf. He felt relaxed, and laid back. he greeted some shopkeepers that had woken up early, even though there were no buyers around. He began to get out of the suburban area, and more into the forest. He went over to wear his father was buried. He stood there, and read the grave over, and over again. This made him emotional as a tear ran down his face, and he thought that he must learn this jutsu today, and become the strongest shinobi. He waved to his fathers grave like it was him, and went on his way; to were usually goes to chill, and learn techniques, and such. He sat down, and reviewed the notes he had taken, and then he thought of how much chakra, and how he would do this, and how it all would work in conjunction to each other. He had messed with some numbers, until it seemed right. He decided he might start while the day is young. He started, by focusing large amount of chakra into one area, and then he slammed the seal to the floor. When this happened there was a small flash of smoke than a porcupine appeared, and shot out 7 small needles from its mouth in a random radius. He continued to try, and try again he put his body to the test, Truly trying to master this technique after doing it again, and again for three days. He finally was able to consistently summon a decent sized porcupine to shoot one inch needles that had lighting trails behind them, and there were ten needles. He continued to perfect this jutsu, and began to do more research into porcupines. The night he had perfected the jutsu, and realize how it worked. He stood up, and gather his things. He walked over through the jungle to the street. Where he followed the trail all the way back to his favorite delly. He looked at all the sandwiches they had, and decided to treat himself to the most expensive one it costed him two of his coupons. He walked around for a while that night looking in the libraries, and he checked out a few books on porcupines these creature seemed to fascinate Tamazuki he liked how there quills worked. How they only attacked when being attacked. They were high defensive with a jacket of quills to protect them. Tamasazuki after leaving the village continued over into the higher up rank clan member in his village. He talked more about the history of their clan, and what had value, and what did not. He realized the strengths, and the flaws in the villages. He learned the ins, and outs of the village from growing up, and analyzing the village very closely. He slowly began to also fall short of money his fathers earning were becoming slim. His mother had been having some issues as well taking all jobs she could. He became frustrated, and began every night throwing kunai at longs as hard as he could trying to release all that pain without anyone knowing. For know one knew he was in great pain mentally, but who was there to know no one really spent time to learn about his thought, and opinions. He began to train to his max learning to be the strongest.


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