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"Hello there Tsuneo, nice to see you back in the game, war is game after all, am I correct?" The commander would pause for a moment "There has been a strong attack on one of our branches in the southeastern area, and while they successful deflected the enemies, they lost a huge amount of supplies and weapons, of course we have already sent out the supplies cargo, but the weapons cargo is still here, why? because there's no one of skill to guard them, these weapons can strengthen the enemy and you, yourself know the consequences of losing a branch, having said so, I suppose you now know your mission and where you're headed, no?" he would pause for another moment and continue with few words this time, his words were a reply to Tsuneo's nod "very well then go ahead."

Tsuneo would leave the tent and head to the location of the cargo, as he took his steps towards the men beside it, and as he was infront of them he spoke to them informing them about his mission, and how he was the one whose supposedly helping them deliver the weapons, and he informed of what will his position be by saying "I'll be the one escorting the cargo alongside you to safety" He also informed them about himself, and asked them a couple of questions, he discussed the plans they had on mind, and after a couple of minutes they seemed to have created their ultimate plan. Tsuneo informed the person he cares about the most before leaving and left for his mission. Who was it, the chef, a kind old lady, that prepares all of Tsuneo's favorites.

The men drove the cargo and Tsuneo merely lied on top of it gazing at the sky, he however, was not the type to ignore his surrounding, every twitch the cargo made was felt by him, Tsuneo, although gazing at the sky, he kept his surrounding in check, and his battle plans were as ready as ever, everything was going fine  so far, but the still had some distance, The young  shinobi couldn't help but worry, it was far to peaceful  for a cargo full of weapons to pass by the area without getting into trouble, He would hide his existence with the transformation technique, and  looked carefully around, the trees, bushes, and river they would pass, yes they are moving but....

And it hit him when he looked at the ground".....tch..." he let out a small disturbed sound, he was trapped ina genjutsu, tsuneo smacked his palms as he yelled "Kai!!" He would then look around to find the cargo stopped and the men driving it surrounded by five of seven bells's army. Tsuneo wasted no moment as he ran towards each one of them with a shadow windmill of lightning in his palm, he would slit each one of their throats and cut them all over, leaving them to die, he would rush back to the cargo with the three men that are with him, and continue their journey, Tsuneo had slipped into his battle stance in order to easily attack any enemy that might appear.

Tsuneo still continued their trip, and on their way they've met and helped many people, some were lost, they would take them and have them come along in the weapons cargo, Tsuneo was strict in his orders to help the people lying around in need of help, they even stopped a couple of times for scouting looking for people and for materials that the other branch could use as something useful, Tsuneo was not the type to joke in such missions, the war was almost over, and he would do his best to make sure, the casualties number at minimum. He also stopped to provide some food for the people with him, he sat and spoke with them, and was affected by some of them , they had hope and such ideals, it was amazing.

after a couple of hours the cargo stopped, for some unknown error, and as they went to look for materials to fix the cargo, the cargo was stolen, it was night and tsuneo was out to get water for some of the children with them, but once he was back, it had already disappeared, the men with him were in shock, they were crying their eyes out, Tsuneo couldn't let this mission fail, and fail the hopes of people, tsuneo went out and scouted the area, he would look everywhere but what truly led him to its place, was the trails left by its wheels.

Tsuneo took off in the direction he saw in the trails, hoping all is well, and that they haven't gotten too far from here, he would prepare his raging chakra because apparently, some scum appear like they're going to die, Tsuneo was furious when it came to these scum bags, Tsuneo was led into an area surrounded by mountains and there he found ten scumbags surrounding him, they would yell saying "Well hello there Izuna, it's really nice to meet you, ya know big boss was notified about youu and he doesn't like you very much...hehe, we're here to take you down, and have you rest in hell" Hilarious. Simply hilarious, Tsuneo couldn't help but laugh manically at their stupidity, these weak imbeciles, these bugs....these TRASH.

 Tsuneo's chakra started burning inside, his blood started boiling, he would destroy these scumbags, rest in hell, apparently they know nothing, he thought to himself. Hell? he's a shinobi that emerged from hell, he himself knows true hell, he knows death, he experienced it, he knows its pleasures, and its pains, he knows anger, rage, and hatred at its finest. Tsuneo took a deep breath as he look at the man with eyes that lusted for blood as he spoke:

"I may appear like a hero, perhaps you might call me a saint, or even an angel, but no you're wrong, I am the devil~I rose from hell, the flames of hell no longer bother me, they merely tickle, however you my friend are dead for sure, mhm, I've killed many more that you'll ever will, I wiped out troops, and ten stupid punks is all I get, that bells guy is stupid after all isn't he, let me tell you a fact that will occur here, you will all die" he spoke as he grinned with confidence flashing his fangs, he would then continue saying "Hell?what do you know about it you lowlife, life is a smaller version of hell, punks like you are just the lololol fuck da poice nuke-nin that care about nothing but fun, you're just an over-sized child that's yet to grow, and sadly for you....a fool and his head...are easily parted."

As he finished his words, he would start building up his chakra, and luckily for him the pussies around him were as angry as they can be, but no. This is barely an anger that's worth calling rage. Rage at its finest is a different thing, Tsuneo would make sure to show them, rage at its finest, thread, by thread.




He took off from his location heading to one of the criminals as he engaged him in hand to hand combat but not for long, tsuneo didn't know taijutsu, nor was he interested in it, but he might need it,anyway, that was not the main topic, Tsuneo sweep the guy off his feet and  ripped his eyes out aggressively, paining him and blinding him, he was then attacked by a man holding a wooden sword, tsuneo reacted to him as fast as he could, turning to him, kicking him in the stomach and gauging his eyes out as well, a way to punish them without killing them, although he originally intended to kill them, he thought, why not show them a small version of hell, after all they will no longer see, at least for a while.

The third

The third one ran towards tsuneo aiming to attack with a fireball, Tsuneo would suck it in and throw it back towards him dealing him third degree burns, the fried shinobi, lied down on the ground in pain, Tsuneo was still showing no mercy even though he kept them alive but honestly, did he seriously plan on keeping them alive that was a mystery, Tsuneo was attacked by the fourth one who sadly thought he could kill tsuneo but no can do, sadly for him Tsuneo was far too powerful for ones of their level, they were just some punks who can cast a couple of jutsus no more no less, they are mere weaklings, cockroaches that deserve nothing but getting squashed like the bugs they are, these mere scumbags tarnish the peace of this world, which happens to be the young uzumaki's new goal, they would surely regret existing after this encounter with tsuneo. The fourth one was perhaps stupid? He attack using four swords, holding them in a strange pose with balance, Tsuneo enjoyed seeing dance his way to him him but he was merely dancing, random slashes, no style, no power, and no will, or a strong urge to kill,he failed the test, and thus deserves death, Tsuneo stole one of his swords as he implanted it in his heart, ending the pitiful existence of this pitiful creature, that deserved nothing of the joys that life had to offer, and did tsuneo regret killing him, that would be a no, six of the punks remained as he planned and he was really excited for what's about to happen next, it was time to kill dem bitches for Tsuneo, the blood lusting devil.

Six remained, and they were enraged, it appears they now know the meaning of hatred....well at least a little, Tsuneo mocked them by saying:
"Blah....Blah....Blah, and you were going to send me to hell? pathetic, four of you had no chance what so ever, what about the rest of you shitheads, I look forward to slaying you punks, let the blood rain" and with that, the six criminals that  remained jumped at Tsuneo and as they were mid-air, barely a meter far away from tsuneo, they all froze...chakra chains, he paralyzed them, and had them fall on the ground to their knees, incapable of  any movement, Tsuneo grinned as he looked at them struggling but nopie dopie, Tsuneo would let out a small laugh as he said "Lock. Stock. Barrel." they indeed fell for it, while they were tied tsuneo went to the cargo with the unconscious people in it and walked to what seemed like a gate, where he came from. in his hand he had a trigger remote, it seemed their plan was to bomb the are on tsuneo, but tsuneo had already picked that up, which is why he stole it from their leader, he who attacked first, the biggest idiot, it was so hilarious tsuneo might puke. Tsuneo would get fifteen meters far fro them before pushing the button  and running as fast as he can from the area letting his chains disappear leaving his enemies victims to their plans.

After hours

He returned to the place where the cargo drivers awaited him, and were all so happy by getting the cargo back, and not a moment was wasted, they rushed towards the branch and took off from their location, Tsuneo comforted the people and left for his post again, he continued keeping an eye out for any dangerous elements, Tsuneo was a caring person for those in need of help, and a cruel demon to scum that tarnish the world's peace. Soon after minutes and hours and a day and a a half, they reached the post and delivered the weapons, the people however, remained with them, tsuneo was personally taking  them to safety to the city itself.

After a while Tsuneo returned to the branch he works in to report to his boss, and so he reported, the commander rewarded tsuneo with ryo, a smile, and praise, Tsuneo couldn't ask for more, He would go for his meal and return to his bed after enjoying a meal with his friends, He smiled as he slept drifting into the world of dreams, he no longer sees nightmares, perhaps he would help people some more, but what he really looked forward to was punishing that man seven bells, or in other words Gan ning the bastard.


"I wonder what waits for me, I must avoid contact with Konoha shinobi, from now on I live alone, I fight alone, and I destroy alone, I must assisst Kirigakure It should earn me a couple o' more pennies, I need money If I am to survive, survival of the fittest, I guess that means me" he said with a smirk on his face, he was thrilled by the thought of fighting against powerful foes, he always loved fighting and beating others at everything they do "time to spread despair" he spoke as he thought of seven bells.


"That was when I first came in to kirigakure, oh how I've changed since the beginning of this war....."

Another mission he completed, he's been awarded many medals, but they were nothing of what he truly seeks, what he truly seeks, is the survival of kirigakure, and the friends he made while here, he shall end this war, and be what it may, Tsuneo will never give up, until this war is over, and gan ning's head is burned, Tsuneo once again,, he stabs him once again, trampling his plans, and stops in his way, Tsuneo was surely one of the few people whom have been a great obstacle in his way, but soon this obstacle will kill gan ning the bastard.

He spoke to the figure of darkness that lies in his dreams saying "I am no longer the weakling you once protected, thank you, but I've defeated fate, I don't really know what to say beside, thank you, you've protected me this far, now let me protect others, and although am strong, I'll still need you.....sooo please never leave me alone, you're the one whom am sure will never betray me.." it smiled.....for the first time, it smiled and leaned in to hug him, his darkness, embraced him, and with love. That was their final conflict, a conflict of love, they no longer hated each other, tsuneo understood his darkness and so did his darkness, The war tsuneo had been fighting for all of his life inside, was finally over. What might await the boy of the uzumaki, how much will he need to kill, and how  much will he need to save, questions remained, and answers were no where to be found.

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