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Mission Info:

This was it, this was what Ringo was prepping for with all of those lame D Rank missions.  Ringo smiled as he darted from rooftop to rooftop, the sun starting its descent behind him.  He was on his first C Rank mission and this one was definitely worth his mettle.  Some drunkard, named Zahn, with knowledge of Taijutsu was causing some ruckus and hurting innocent villagers in his drunken violence. Ringo's mission was to find Zahn, arrest him, and bring his drunken self to Atho's Keep.  He couldn't wait to pummel up a drunken man, the mission seemed to hit way too close to home for Ringo not to get excited about it.

He sped along the rooftops, conducting his search for the drunken idiot while swinging from building to building using his line launchers to pull him from one wall to the next.  Starting his search from the Sky Bar, Ringo had made a slow spiral outwards, looking for the man.  Zahn had obviously been doing some walking by the time Ringo could respond to his newest assignment.  It didn't take too long to find Zahn, however, as once Ringo got close enough to where Zahn was, his clan's cursed seal activated, causing a brilliantly bright, white light to take over his body.  The body changed in features and size, the shape becoming that of a woman's and the clothes seemed to react as well, turning white and changing along with the body.

Once the process finished, Rin stood on the rooftop and looked to the street below.  She managed to reach Zahn in time to see him pick up a chair, intending to throw it at an innocent stall vendor.  Rin sprung into action, shooting her right line launcher to pierce the chair.  The crunching sound of the line's grapple piercing the chair made Zahn hesitate for a moment.  That moment was long enough for Rin to pull back on the line and rip the chair out from Zahn's hand.  Releasing the chair from the line, Rin retracted it and jumped down from above, landing a well placed kick on Zahn.  The man fell away from the blow, slowly getting back to his feet while the stall vendor made a run for it.

"Alright Zahn, make my night," Rin said, standing before the large man.  Zahn was wearing a traditional white and brown Kimono, but what really set him apart was a great burn mark that started at his neck and ended at his right collar bone. 'That's Zahn alright,' Rin noted, 'the burn mark proves its him.'  Zahn had steadied himself now, and looking at the kid that had kicked him down, he started to laugh.  "What, ya think ya can take on the great Zahn?!" he roared laughing.  "I could crush you in one blow!"

"Well, then," Rin said, flicking her hair out of her eyes. "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, old man!"  Zahn was a big guy, and the mission note had said he had strength equivalent of a C rank Taijutsu shinobi.  She would have to be careful with this one and make sure not to get hit as they both would be fighting on equal strength.  Dodging a drunkard shouldn't be too hard, but Rin wanted to keep her guard up.  She'd seen a path of destruction when she was hunting Zahn's trail earlier.  She quickly got set, poised to dodge or fight if necessary.  "I'm gonna take you down Zahn, and then you're ass is going to jail."

Mission WC: 606/1000

Last edited by Ringo on Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:02 pm; edited 2 times in total



That had gotten Zahn's attention, making him furious with Rin.  He gave a loud roar that echoed through the streets.  "You little bitch!  I'll show you who's the old man!!" he yelled loudly, charging at Rin in a dead sprint, but she was ready, and jumped to the side, performing Water Release: Water Trumpet.  Zahn sprinted by in his rage while water formed in Rin's mouth, raising her right hand in to her mouth as she fired it at Zahn.  The water shot out like a jet, making a quick blast at Zahn. The water moving rapidly within its chakra-controlled speed disoriented Zahn and made him stumble.  He clutched at his side where the jet had hit him, feeling the small pain from the jutsu.  He'd suffer some minor bruises from that, which was nothing compared to what Rin wanted to do to him.

A crooked smile formed on Rin's face as Zahn turned around, the man's face getting scrunched in an ugly twist as he glared at her.  He picked up a nearby stand and chucked it at Rin.  Watching the man chuck a stand at him so fast almost caught her off guard, but she just barely dodged it, jumping left of the stand's trajectory.  Rin found herself in the direct path of Zahn, as the brute made another charge at her again.  She reacted instinctively, extending her right arm out to the side and fired off the line launcher.  The line pierced the front wall off shop and she retracted the line while the grapple stuck to the wall, pulling herself to the right at the speed of the line launcher.  Then, while still being pulled to the right, Rin shot her left line launcher at a shop on the other side of the street.  Deactivating the right line launcher, she began to pull herself back at Zahn.  His straightforward charge hadn't changed course, slowed down, nor stopped in the few seconds that Rin had performed her tricky maneuver.  Speeding back at him, Rin was now going to crash in time to hit Zahn from the side.  Focusing raiton chakra to her hands, Rin performed Kaminarite and struck Zahn squarely in the jaw with her free right hand.

The punch slashed against the brute's face, and left a small cut on his right cheek.  Added by the speed of the line launcher, Rin's punch throttled Zahn, swinging his body around as the rest of her body collided with his, knocking him to the ground.  Rin leaped into a jumping kick that slammed into Zahn with all of her weight.  Zahn fell to the ground, gasping for breath.  Her kick wasn't a direct hit, because he changed directions a bit when she had hit him with Kaminarite, but her speed in combination with the extra boost from the line launcher was still enough to throw Zahn to the ground and lose his breath.  "Thanks so much, old man" she roared laughing.  "You certainly made my night!"  Zahn struggled to sit up, still gasping for air but Rin didn't let him get a chance to compose himself as she stopped him with Temporary Paralysis Technique.  Rin then stepped over to a small wagon that was near the vendor's stall and wheeled Zahn's paralyzed body back to Atho's Keep.  She whistled happily through the night as she hauled the drunken buffoon off.  This was by far her favorite mission yet.

Post WC: 587
Mission WC: 606+587=1193/1000 COMPLETE

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