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Gin shifted in her sleep, wrapping the sheets around herself. Somehow they hadn't been covering her before. She wondered how that had happened. Maybe she had moved too much in her sleep? And what was it with this raging headache? She was thirsty as hell too. That could only mean that she had gone a little too hard the night before. Speaking of which, what had happened? She vaguely remembered setting a building on fire... and then running from the cops.... well, not actually running, they went straight for the black guy and completely ignored Gin. Wait! The black guy... Sanosuke! Right! She went drinking with him and his wasp pet - Navi! that was the name! - the night before. And then they left the bar for one reason or another and then chaos ensued... Gin remembered some sort of intervention by Ayakashi - was that why she felt mildly bruised? - and then...

Everything was fuzzy, to say the least. Gin stretched her mechanical arm across the bed. Wait, why was she in a proper bed in the first place? Gin was sleeping either in the woods or breaking into old and empty houses each night. Hotels were risky on lots of levels and Gin was usually very paranoid. When she finally extended her arm, she found something odd in her way. Gin turned around at that moment. And Sano was there, lying beside her, half-naked and possibly completely naked. Gin looked at herself, seeing that the entirety of her body was au naturale. Yeah, that meant that Sanosuke was definitely naked as well. Gin held back a scream. There she was, not a bandage covering her features, her automail arm clearly revealed as an unnatural part of her anatomy, her pale silver-blonde hair hanging over her back and covering the large birthmark that identified her clearly as a member of the Kuroka Clan. It was strange to have her face uncovered by the bandages that she usually wore.

The former Kazekage poked Sano with her metal arm - incredibly cold to the touch, she would guess. She did this several times, trying to gauge a reaction from the man. Should he not wake up at that, Gin would pull the sheets off of him. And if he remained asleep even after that, she would resort to dumping a glassful of water over his head. Regardless of last night's... events, training was training. They needed to keep in line with Gin's recently invented and improvised schedule. Of course, standing in front of the bed now, Gin had neglected to put her clothes back on. She had always been very comfortable in her own skin, despite the many scars, transplants and missing limb. Her clothes had always been quite revealing and she had sparred naked or in her underwear in the middle of Sunagakure no Sato before, for one reason or another. This wouldn't bother her.

[WC: 488]

Last edited by Gin on Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



What happened the other night was a bit of a blur. That's just what happened whenever Sanosuke and Gin ever got together. Oh yeah that was right. They met up at the bar and then things got a bit crazy. From what he tried piecing together with the fragmented information about the incident in his mind, Sanosuke remembered that he did meet his old friend at the bar. From there they went out and scored some drugs from a drug dealer at the amazing price of no costs at all; being a well known shinobi did have their perks for getting what you want. Besides charging 2 powerfully drunk shinobi about drug prices would seem to just be asking for trouble. After practically bullying the drug dealer into given them free drugs, it seemed as though the ANBU black ops shinobi police in a way saw their acts and tried their best to stop them. For some reason they were primarily focused on him. Why? The kumogakure jounin didn't know, but if he had to guess it might have been because of his skin. If, while in his drunk stupor, didn't beat down the ANBU black ops for their racist paradigm of apprehension then Sanosuke would be shocked. But the fact that Sanosuke was alive was proof enough that he got away, most likely because he beat the ANBU agents pretty badly. To do so while drunk, must be quite the accomplishment in his record book. Yeah he was safe in a bed with a girl sleeping at his side, whom had quite an amazing ass and a familiar hair color of white blonde....and from what he felt as she turned was an automail arm.

Wait a second...automail? Sanosuke thought to himself as he figured out the identity of the woman that was in the bed with him naked as well. There was only one woman whom's ass was that nice and had a metal arm that would send shivers down his back just from the cold touch of it: Gin Kuroka.

When Sanosuke saw her get up from the cracks in his eyes, she must be as shocked as he was. When she tried poking him awake, Sanosuke batted the woman's hand away from him with a slap. The jounin slowly got himself up from the bed and let out a yawn as Sanosuke cracked his back from adjusting himself properly on the bed. After letting out his incredibly long yawn, that's when the events of last night hit him. His head was a bit swirling from all the substance they took in all at once. Meditating for a short bit, Sanosuke took in a small amount of senjutsu chakra from the environment to push it in his body and awaken himself so that he wouldn't be feeling the effects of the incoming hangover. The chakra would make him stronger and be able to shrug off the hangover with ease. Sanosuke usually never got hangovers, but when he does it's usually because he went drinking with Gin and it normally ends up with the both of them naked in the same bed together.

Looking back at Gin, Sanosuke scratched the back of his head and snickered. "It happened again didn't it?" Sanosuke asked rhetorically before looking around the room to see where they were exactly. From the looks of things, they weren't in Sanosuke's renovated apartment he got as a reward for seducing Mizuru by the Kirigakure alliance. It was more like a motel. Hopefully it wasn't paid for out of his pocket because this place looked stupidly expensive...
614--->Training WC



Great! Sanosuke woke up before she had to resort to the more evil methods of getting the same result. Well, maybe Gin was a little disappointed at the fact that she was missing out on his hilarious reaction to having water unsuspectingly thrown onto his head. Oh well. There would be other times. Wait, scratch that. The thought of this happening yet again made a horrible chill run down her spine. Then again, Gin had thought the same ever since the first time this happened a couple of years ago, and look at where she was now: once again standing naked at the foot of his bed.

The former Kazekage grumbled something unintelligible under her breath. "Well no shit, Sherlock. We're both naked, in a random hotel room way out of our price ranges, after a night of being drunk as hell and high on drugs. Putting two and two together ain't that hard," The words may have been harsh in nature, but Gin said them in between small bits of laughter. Besides, Sanosuke knew better than to take words like that to heart, or at least he should by now. Gin began to scavenge the floor for her scrolls and weapons, which in her humble opinion were several times more important than her clothes, despite the chill in the air coming from the open window.

The young woman shivered. She definitely wasn't made for the cold. She had spent most of her life in the desert for God's sake, the cold was still something odd and foreign to her. And Kirigakure with its rather wet climate was nowhere near the temperatures that she was used to back... For a moment she was going to call Suna her "home." She knew well enough that that was no longer the case for her. She had been forcefully removed from power and exiled, deemed a traitor and forced to take on a new identity for the sake of her children. A brief expression of sheer anger crossed her face before she could hide it with her usual witty smirk. This was no time to get sentimental about such crap. She had raised four damn fine kids who were as strong and talented as she had been at their age, if not more. Chie and Reiko could take care of themselves. Kiku and Shinji weren't too far behind.

That reminded her.... "If My superhumanly fertile ass ends up pregnant with your kid, you're keeping it, Sano-teme. Four miniatures copies of myself running around are more than enough. A fifth one would just bring down the fucking apocalypse."

Looking under the bed, she finally found what she was looking for. She hugged Soul Cutter to her chest and sighed in relief. She kissed its hilt and sank into a moment of pure bliss, giving the sword more attention than she had likely paid to her own mother while growing up. Then again, Hana was a class A bitch... Well, surely the older woman had good intentions deep deep down in that black hole that replaced her heart. In any case, taking one of the scrolls in her hand, Gin unsealed a pair of fresh underwear and proceeded to at least put those on for the meantime. She was in a good mood now.

The former Kazekage turned her attention back to Sanosuke and smiled mischievously. Anyone who knew Gin well enough knew that no good could come out of such a smile. "You know, I heard a rumor that you were one of the candidates for Raikage. So, want to guess what we're doing today, Sano-teme?"

[WC: 1114]



Gin's grumbling about how they got in this hotel in the first place was pretty funny though. True it won't be funny since Sanosuke could only assume that he paid out of pocket to go to this extremely fancy hotel for them to do things that made Sanosuke's skin crawl by just thinking about it; Gin probably was more inclined on wishing it never happened in the first place. It was just something that Sanosuke wished he could avoid, there was no significant recoil or long lasting awkwardness because they both slept with each other; both shinobi just thought that both of them having sex would be best to avoid. Of course Sanosuke didn't take what the former Kazekeage took seriously or close to heart because he knew that she was just going to shrug it off. It caused Sanosuke to chuckle as well as he finally got himself up from the bed to find himself completely naked. Sanosuke felt comfortable walking around without any clothing on him at all. After all Guru Pathik taught him that the chakra points that governed self image were chakra points 6, 212, 39, 18, and 55. In order to tackle the fear of embarassment, his teacher had the both of them walk around Suna completely naked and then go into the desert and meditate for 2 days straight. If he wasn't mistaken, that was when he bumped into Gin....completely naked.

So of course after that embarrassing moment, Sanosuke and Gin were probably pretty close to each other in just a short amount of time. Walking around completely in the nude with Gin, or for that matter anyone around, didn't phase him at all. Reaching down, Sanosuke got on his boxers and slipped them on before putting on his pants so that he was only shirtless in the expensive hotel. After hearing Gin's thought on if she might get pregnant because of what they did, Sanosuke had to think. He really wasn't a fan of pulling out, so it might be possible. Just the thought of being a father made a sweat drop from the back of his head. That would just be perfect! A crying baby cramping his style of being an aweinspiring shinobi of the village hidden in the clouds and a ruthless senjutsu master in battle. Sanosuke wanted kids but not now when he was in the middle of his shinobi career. For the love of based god he was only in his twenties. Shaking off that thought of him and Gin having a child together, Sanosuke decided that she must be thinking the same thing. Besides she was always pretty easy to read when you get the chance to look at her face.

Walking up to her as Gin's back was turned and slipping on underwear, Sanosuke moved swiftly and gave her ass a light slap with his right hand on her left cheek before backing away so that she wouldn't have the chance to hit back. The sound was pretty loud as his hand met with the tight ass of the former Kazekage's well trained and firm skin. Fantastic. "Come on, I think a little version of us running around would be just adorable. Who knows maybe she might be an automail cyborg just like you who turns into an emotional, clingy wuss when shit faced" Sanosuke chuckled as he went to find his shirt and wallet.  "To think that I would be able to once again sleep with the MILF of Suna once again. I should get a freaking medal, don't you think?" That last part was drowned in sarcasm as Sanosuke continued his search for his belongings. It didn't take him long, though he did have to move through the clothes that the two of them discarded when they had that fling. When he found his wallet, it was under Gin's black laced bra. He always knew she was a D Cup at the very least. Tossing back the bra at her, Sanosuke looked at his wallet and let out a weary sigh. He was completely tapped out because of the cost of the hotel. Damn it Kuroka... Sanosuke thought to himself.

Sanosuke didn't have to ask what Gin meant when she said that. There was talk that because of his actions he did in the Kirigakure Alliance against Seven Bells, that he might be well on his way of being Raikage. Sanosuke chuckled at that, well maybe if the opportunity arise then he would gladly take the title. But what Gin wanted was pretty strange indeed. "You think you can handle training me you hold hag? Besides you might be carrying special cargo in that big ass stomach of yours." Sanosuke smirked as he finally put on his shirt. Sanosuke knew full well what Gin was capable of and if training is what she was talking about, then having Gin's help would be amazing and tip the tides in his favor of winning the title. Sanosuke knew that very well and would accept her help when she explicitly asks for it. But until then, it was always fun to screw with her.
1487--->Training WC



Gin's immediate reaction to Sanosuke slapping her ass was to throw a backwards roundhouse kick aimed at the joint that connected his head to his spine - a blow that would have likely knocked him out. Fortunately he was out of the way at that point. "Careful with that or I might actually start thinking that you want to do this more often," Gin mused as she went back to gathering her clothes. As she suspected, they were dirty and smelled of beer and other random alcoholic beverages. Gin sighed in defeat. She opened another one of the scrolls that she had gathered. With a little puff of smoke, a long kimono appeared. It was a shade of blue that mimicked the color of the ocean itself, almost matching the color of the cerulean eye left in Gin's right socket. The sharingan in the other was fully revealed in its relatively unimpressive one tomoe glory, which made Gin wonder whether she should buy an upgrade from the black market or simply engineer herself a new eye like she had done for her arm. It was an interesting concept, but one left for another time, really. She had more pressing matters to attend to.

She slipped the kimono on, its pattern of white flowers trailing over the lower half of the garb. The sash that held it in place was tight enough to show off Gin's small waist and generally beautiful build. And of course, there was cleavage. She couldn't help it, it was in her nature. She tied her long hair into a messy bun, but left her face showing openly. She couldn't be bothered to tie the bandages around her features. Besides, she needed a chance to breathe in some fresh air for once. Gin tied the pouch that carried her scrolls to her left leg - revealed by the large slit on the dress - and strapped her swords to her side. She was planning on heading towards the door until she heard Sano speak again about a cyborg half black half asian offspring of the two of them. Gin held back a shudder. And then the comment about the type of drunk Gin was. She let out a laugh. "Aww, does little Sano miss the clingy version of me? How adorable, especially considering the fact that I distinctly remember you wetting your pants at some point last night. Admit it, you need me as a babysitter when you're drunk," Gin shot back. She once again unsealed something from her scroll - a golden medal that she kept for who knew what reason.

The former Kazekage tossed it at her friend. The medal had a sentence engraved on it - World's #1 Slut - along with a stripper dancing on a pole. "There's your prize, teme," she said. Why did she have that thing in the first place? She wondered whether or not she had stolen it from a strip club the night before. That certainly would explain the sudden appearance of the ANBU group and the subsequent cameo by Ayakashi herself. Maybe the memories would clear up as he day progressed. For the moment, the young woman would shrug it off. It was also odd that she remembered exactly where it was. Well, as long as Soul Cutter was with her, all else hardly mattered.

After all, that sword was Gin's promise of political asylum in Kirigakure no Sato, as long as Ayakashi was in power. It was a smart move of hers, to offer Gin Kiri as a resting place for whenever she needed to stop and breathe in exchange for a powerful shinobi to work hard to keep her in her place as the village's leader. Gin would have likely done that anyways, seeing as Ayakashi was a friend, but having a sort of guarantee was never too much to ask for. And of course, there was now the matter of Gin's question that Sanosuke so eloquently put. That was the answer that Gin expected, but not the correct one, technically. "Actually, I just wanted to go shopping for a house, but ok, training it is, then. And if I do have something in there and it dies, it was no child of mine. You know I fought that bitch Momo and almost got my ass killed while pregnant with Shinji and Kiku," Gin said. She opened the window of the hotel room and breathed in the fresh air for a moment. She sighed happily before leaping outside, headed towards the training grounds that were just in the outskirts of the village. No doubt Sanosuke would soon follow her.

[WC: 1857]



For a second Sanosuke had to wonder where Navi was off to. She was there with them when they had first started drinking. Even when drunk, Sanosuke wouldn't have let anything happen to his partner. They were that close to each other. Deep inside of him, Sanosuke knew that she was still somewhere in the hotel room probably sleeping to recover from the massive hangover she would have the very second her eyes made contact with natural sunlight. From throughout the night, the tiny wasp had about an equivalence of 2 shots of 100 proof vodka and a few sips of Everclear. To her size and body mass, that might as well been like chugging two kegs of beer with very little intermission between the two kegs. It really did redefine the term light weight. It was unfortunate that Navi wasn't big enough to actually be able to retain senjutsu chakra like he could. If she was big enough, then Sanosuke was sure that Navi would just take in the senjutsu chakra of the environment near them and just use it to make her stronger. This tactic was used as ways to make her body strong enough to shrug off the effects of a hangover. Sanosuke discovered this awesome and handy trait of senjutsu during his training and has come in handy every time he went out. Unfortunate for Navi she couldn't do the same thing and would have to live with the hang over and deal with it like any other person had to: with time.

While Sanosuke and Gin were talking, Sanosuke made sure to not make his voice be heard too loudly from the room in case Navi was sleeping. In case she was sleeping, waking her up would be the worst thing he could do to his partner. When Sanosuke made his comment about what Gin and his child would have looked like after their fling it was satisfying to see her body slightly shudder at the mental image. It made the sage chuckle at her trying to hold back screaming at Sanosuke for being such an idiot. "Hmmmmm having sex with a clingy woman who would willingly have sex with me without me having to put any effort into the action and deal with me pissing myself or a grumpy old hag who's just now going through menopause. Wow Gin that's such a hard choice for me to make." Sanosuke sarcastically pondered out loud for Gin to hear as he got on his shirt. Of course Sanosuke didn't think that Gin was that old from his comments, but he knew that she was self conscious about her age since she's only in her late 20's and already have children that are old enough to be genin. It was always just fun to pick fun at her insecurities like that because Sanosuke knew that the nearly silver haired woman would know that he was only messing with her. From what he was wearing it was something that looked different from his usual attire. It was in a scroll of his that held the clothing he would wear when training with the wasps in the art of senjutsu. He was wearing beige loose pants that would be optimum from moving quickly and for flexibility. It looked like the pants that Sanosuke normally wore but instead was white/beige instead of black. On top of that, Sanosuke wore a detailed green V-neck that were laced in wasp fibers of clothing that wasn't for combat but for just for relaxing. On the rim of the short sleeves were small details that looked like buddhist mandarin. Fixing his own hair so that it wasn't as tangled as it usually is when he wakes up, Sanosuke felt pretty ready for any training that Gin would throw his way. Putting his gauntlets right behind his back in case he needed to wear them for combat, Sanosuke put on his Kumo headband on his right bicep.

"You wanted me to help you look for a house in Kiri?" Sanosuke asked quizzically as he put his boots on. Once done, Sanosuke began following Gin as he they ran towards the outskirts of Kiri most likely towards the training grounds. That's when a mischievous thought came across his mind. Why should he stop making fun of Gin when it was just starting to get good? "Well Gin 'Shinobu' Kuroka, if I didn't know better I would've thought that you just asked me out on a date. No need to be afraid of asking me out directly Gin-chan I'm harmless. I don't bite...wait never mind I think the hickey on your neck says otherwise." Sanosuke sneered as he began to take the league in their running making sure that he was now leading her to the training fields while chuckling at his purely sarcastic comment. He was sure that would make her get flustered since she's almost as short tempered as him. But the fact that he was pregnant with Shinji and Kiku while fighting Momo caught him off guard. Give credit where credit was due, that was pretty damn impressive.
2361-->Training WC



Gin was a destabilizing element of sorts. She had a bit of a reputation in Kirigakure. She was one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and thus someone of importance and a mild amount of fame in the village. Finding a decent lease in a 5 or 6 bedroom house would be hell. She needed some semblance of stability, at least in front of the Realtor. That was where Sano came in. "If this is your idea of a date, then you have to have gone on the lamest outings ever," Gin said. They had now arrived at the clearing. It was nice day out, light from the sun reflecting from the leaves overhead. It was a rare type of weather in the Hidden Mist, which was usually humid and much too hot for Gin's tastes, despite the fact that she originally came from Suna. Then again, the heat in the Hidden Sand was dry. This part of the training grounds was hidden, enough so that Gin didn't have to worry about being spotted. It was one of the main reasons why she hadn't bothered covering her face for once. It was one of those rare moments when she decided to throw caution to the wind.

So Sanosuke wanted her to train him. All right. She would do that. "Hickey or no, you still couldn't do any damage worth shit if I were actually fighting without holding back," Gin stated. She liked taunting people, just to gauge their reactions. She cleared her throat and looked at him skeptically. She drew out one of the blades that hung at her waist - Sabaku no Bara. She didn't want to draw Soul Cutter out for this. It would be a little bit too much for this particular training session. Maybe for another occasion they would actually fight going all out. But in the meantime, she needed to get this brat into shape if he ever wanted to stand a chance at getting the position he wanted. "Honestly, I don't think the paperwork is worth being Raikage, but meh, it's your choice." Gin pondered for a moment. What would be the best way to start warming up?

Gin's stare turned stern. "Concentrate your chakra in a single point of your body and use it to block my basic strikes. You'll have to shift the point of concentration constantly. If you block using anything other than your pure chakra, I will pull out your nails one by one, ok?" She smirked and readied herself, going into a basic stance.

"Let's get down to business
To defeat the Bokuden.
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?

You're the saddest brat I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make Raikage
Out of you.

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within.
Once you find your center
You are sure to win.

You're a spineless, pale pathetic kid
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll make Raikage
Out of you.

You're never gonna catch your breath
Say goodbye to those who knew you
Boy, were you a fool in school for cutting gym
I have most guys scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now you surely wish you studied medic nin

You must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
Till the fight arrive.
Heed my every order
And you might survive.

You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make Raikage
Out of you?

We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strenght of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strenght of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon"

Yes, she randomly broke out into song. But there was no questioning it. Why? She had no idea. It was just one of those moments. It was almost as if it was a montage.

[WC: 2611]



"Well if you're not too sore from getting your ass handed, then I might be in the mood of taking you to an actual date." Sanosuke chuckled as he looked around to finally notice that they had reached the Kirigakure training grounds. From their normally heated and tense conversation, most of the younger shinobi and even the elder shinobi vacated the area to allow them to have enough space as possible. After all getting in the way of Kumogakure's Wasp Sage and an appointed Swordswomen of the Mist in a sparring contest would be the last mistake anyone would make. But they walked passed them and went to a hidden part of the training grounds that was completely vaccant. How Gin knew about this, he would have to ask her later. It was indeed a nice day outside from what the kumogakure jounin could tell. Even though Kiri is normally wrapped in a veil of mist, the sun was still patting it's way to the eyes and skin of those whom would come outside. It's funny how there was such nice weather during a time of war. And yet here he was just training and not at all enjoying the sun. The cost of remaining a strong shinobi was just a small price to pay to make sure that the peace and sanity of those whom he protects is secured. If only Gin was reminded of that, then maybe she would understand why he wanted to be the Raikage.

Sanosuke smirked at what Gin said and cracked his knuckles as he got himself ready. A simply chakra exercise? Little did Gin knew that he's been doing these exercises for years and in much harsher conditions than this. She'd better bring her a game with this sparring match or else. "Focusing chakra in one point? Oh wow Gin, much hard such difficulty. Very straineous" Sanosuke mocked as he did as he was told and covered himself in a small layer of chakra that covered chakra points 2-13, 6, 80-110. and 212. The basic chakra points needed to covere roughly the entire body. When he was ready, he got himself in a stance. Though Gin was a better hand to hand fighter than him, he'd bring be prepared for it. That's when Gin burst into song that left him confused and a sweat dropping behind his head in confusion. "Though I'm not in the mood to wait for you so..." Moving at speeds that would even rival Gin, he dashed at her and made the attempt to connect his cocked fist to Gin's jaw. He would catch her in surprise so that he could get the advantage. As Sanosuke sung he threw punch after punch at Gin to catch her off balance.

The gauntlets are off, so's the gloves
You didn't know I did that hag
You wouldn't know I'm that strong now?
For years I've trained in chakra
Why have you not opened more chakra gates?
Finally open up your gates

Opening it up for the first time
It'll be totally strange
But wow, you're so not ready for this change?

'Cause for the first time in forever
You'll underestimate me greatly
For the first time in forever
I'll have your jaw hanging opened

Don't know if you're elated or gassy
But you're definitely in that zone
'Cause for the first time in forever
You'll be completely embarrassed



He was fast, she'd give him that. But Gin was still faster than he was, not to mention that her reaction timing was impeccable. It didn't take much at all to sidestep and dodge the blow. She purposely made it so that the fist lightly brushed against the skin on the side of her forehead. Oddly enough, her hairdo was unshaken. She would let Sano zoom past her and would casually aim a kick to his lower back - nothing that would actually cause any injury besides moderate bruising. It wasn't intended to respond to his attempt at attacking her, but rather just to push him away.

She would make him eat his words soon enough. There was a brief pause in the singing before Gin would answer. Oddly enough, it sunded as if instruments were playing in the background, accompanying the tune of the song. Strange, but she wasn't about to question it. "It's a hundred years too soon for a half-assed punch like that to actually hit me, Sano-teme." She was facing away from the man and her eyes were closed.

The former Kazekage was purposefully doing that in order to taunt Sanosuke into attacking recklessly. Of course, all f her other senses were finely tuned to perceive his movements and reactions. At her rank, only a fool would rely purely on eye sight to fight. She had been in many circumstances before where she had been blinded, enough to know that she had to rely on her other senses in order to get anywhere. "Besides, this is a training exercise, dumb-dumb, not a spar - at least not yet. I told you to defend against my strikes. If understanding that sort of thing is beyond your intellectual capabilities, I'd be happy to hit you over the head enough times to rattle your brain into producing a couple of much needed brain cells." And that was her way of scolding the younger man.

The young woman would now turn towards him, assuming that he would now abide by her instructions. She would get in a basic stance, holding her blade with one hand. She looked nonchalant, determined to hold her aloof composure.

Taking advantage of the music that was already playing in the background, Gin would turn Sanosuke's song into a duet.

"I can't wait to see you try!
What if you actually.. fail?

Me pummeling your face against a wall
Throwing your carcass down a hall
The picture of sophisticated grace
Oooh! You suddenly you see me standing there
A beautiful woman, tall and fair
You suddenly feel like crapping your pants.

And then I break your fingers one by one
And pull out your nails too
It's nothing like the pain you've felt so far!

For the first time in forever
You'll be beaten, you'll be owned
For the first time in forever
You'll admit that I'm the best!"



The second Sanosuke's fist connected with Gin's face, though it was a simple punch to the brow that only brushed against it without much contact to it, Sanosuke smirked. To think that he would be able to land an untrained punch like that on the former Kazekage. It either meant two things; his training must really be taking off, or Gin's skills were diminishing. Both were unlikely; Sanosuke wouldn't have been able to land a simple punch like that on Gin in a thousand years, and there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that Gin's skills were diminishing. She planned this. And just like that, Sanosuke realized what she was trying to do. From his momentum, Gin let that punch brush against her so that she could land a strike from behind him without him even seeing it coming. Sanosuke rolled with the momentum so that he could dodge and at the same time get himself adjusted before throwing his punches once more at the woman. Even with his superb speed that rivaled Gin's, Sanosuke couldn't land a single punch on Gin. She was dodging faster than Sanosuke could even land a punch. It irked him as Gin was doing this effortlessly. There wasn't a single thing he could do at the moment to gain an advantage over Gin, it made Sanosuke curse under his breath as his song was drawing near.

Jumping back, Sanosuke broke out of his pointless jab frenzy with the dodging Gin so that he could have sometime to think. That's when he heard the strange music from somewhere in the training grounds. Looks like this secret training field that Gin was bragging about wasn't so secretive after all. "What's wrong you old hag? Afraid of facing me with some blade on blade?" Sanosuke sneered as he withdrew a kunai from his holster and held it in reverse grip. As Gin got out her own blade, Sanosuke got in a defensive stance and began to parry her strikes with his own masterful, chakra controlled blocks with his kunai and making quick counter strikes whenever he had the opening to do so. He did this while singing along with Gin mockingly:

"Don't you blink, don't you choke
Be the training dummy you always had to be
Just watch, remember too, you might learn something
Make one wrong move and I'll call you a failure

You're so gonna lose

It's an agony to wait

I'm going to rip you a new one!"



Dodging was easy, but then again, Gin would never have assumed that this was the best that Sanosuke could pull off. That knowledge wouldn't keep her from goading him, though. A simple way to do that was to put as little effort as possible into her movements. Her torso and head only moved slightly in order to dodge, only one or two centimeters at a time. She didn't even try to counter, holding her limply sword by her side. Her left eye - the implanted sharingan that she had gotten quite a while ago - remained closed. Even without it, her reaction timing was both exceptional and impeccable. And just like that, Sano stopped trying to land a direct punch. "Giving up so soon? I'm not even close to breaking a sweat," she said in a very nonchalant tone. She kept her one open eye on Sanosuke at all times, however, even though it hardly seemed like she was paying any attention to him. And of course, Sanosuke had his own line of taunting comments.

Gin scoffed, pointing her blade at Sanosuke. She held it in her right arm - the arm that was still human, for lack of a better word. It wasn't even the arm that she used when wielding a sword in a serious fight. "So you think you're on par with my swordsmanship, eh?" She asked, sounding quite amused. "Fine then, show me what you can do. No ninjutsu, no sage-mode crap, just pure and unadulterated Kenjutsu," she said. The former Kazekage would consider it an interesting match and finally take it seriously if Sanosuke forced her to use her Kekkei Genkai. But then again, just blade clashing against blade would be a nice change of pace.

It had been a while since the young woman had last sparred that way. She wondered if Sanosuke would make it worth her while. It had also been a long time since she had last seen him wield a sword with no complementing fighting styles or techniques to go with it. It begged the question as to whether he had improved or not. Of course, the music continued in the background. Its source? It could have been anything from people, to spirits, to birds.

"For the first time in forever
I'm gonna kick your teeth in
A chance to show you that you suck
A chance to beat your ass

You know it all ends in minutes
So it has to be right now
'Cause for the first time in forever
For the first time in forever
You'll get out of my way!"



Gin made her jest as she pointed her sword at Sanosuke as soon as the jounin threw out his own insult at the silver haired woman. It only led to Sanosuke sneering as he got himself ready. She had to know that he was holding back a significant amount of strength from this spar. For starters he wasn't even using his actual training sword that he used ever since he was a genin. No. Sanosuke was about to fight the ex Kazekage with nothing but a simple kunai knife that was reinforced with chakra to hold together against the multiple strikes that would come from the denser katana that were in the hands of Gin. Even though he was holding back, Sanosuke knew that Gin was holding back as well. She wasn't using her strong mechanic arm to swing her sword; she was using her human arm. It's not to say that her human arm is weaker, it just that she also was holding back. It was cute really. They both were holding back so that neither of them would inflict harm on the other. After all, even though they both put up a front that they could careless about the other in combat, both of them would hate to injure the other. Well that was what Sanosuke believed. Sanosuke prepared himself as Gin launched herself at Sanosuke.

This encounter was different than the time where Sanosuke engaged Gin in a match of fisticuffs. After all that was Gin's element, and thus she had the type advantage. Now this was a battle of blades. Sanosuke's territory. It's been a while since Sanosuke and Gin had fought each other using just swords. The last time they had sparred was 3 years ago while he was on his training expedition with Guru Pathik. That time she handed Sanosuke his ass on a platter and the worst part was she was barely trying. Now it was different. The time where Sanosuke couldn't see her movements were past. Sanosuke was simply able to follow her movements and dodge her. Most of the times, Sanosuke was weaving in out of Gin's swipes more than parying. There were times where Sanosuke would take occasional swipes at Gin's forearms when her guard was dropped. It was only a matter time before one of her swipes would strike true. Sanosuke would just be patient and move his kunai arm like a serpent. The kumogakure jounin would strike at Gin with expert strikes that were quick and meant to prohibit movement so that she could concede. These strikes would be in the form of an aggressive parry to catch Gin off guard.

Of course the entire time, the music would be going off so that led to Sanosuke singing once more as Gin and Sanosuke clashed with the blades. This time the music changed to a different melody where Sanosuke couldn't help but change the tempo of his strikes to patient and calculating rather than rash and impulsive. Sanosuke would wait and let Gin continue her pursuit at Sanosuke with her sword by continuing his system of attacking and parrying her strikes until she was close enough to him. Once that would happen, Sanosuke would very discretely that even Gin wouldn't notice and knock Gin off her balance. That's where Sanosuke would bash Gin in with an unexpected tackle to the ground to catch her completely off guard.

I know that your powers of kenjutsu
Are as wet as a whore's backside
But weak as you are, pay attention
My kunai are a matter of skill
It's clear from your vacant expressions
Proffeciency isn't your best suit
But we're talking kage and sennin
Even you can't be caught unawares
So prepare for a slash to the thigh
Be prepared to fall on your ass
A shining new era
Where you kneel in defeat!

And where do we you feature?




Sanosuke was fast, but Gin was by far physically stronger than he was - both in terms of the amount of damage that a single blow of hers could deal and the amount of injuries her body could sustain before they had any effect on her performance whatsoever. Not only that, but Gin was a Kuroka - she had practically been born with a blade in her hand. Her natural talent for the art of weapons was exceptional, even by the standards of her clan. Even though she had never received any formal training before the age of twelve, her instincts regarding swordplay were as sharp as that of an experienced shinobi. Well, there was a reason why in six short years she had quickly risen through the ranks and become the strongest shinobi in her entire village and arguably one of the strongest people in the world. And yet how the mighty fall - here she was, a vagrant with little to no money, taking whatever work came her way. She sighed, parrying one of Sanosuke's blows with one of her own. It was time she went full strength - that way, even if he blocked, there was a good chance that he would stagger back and leave an opening wide enough for her to deal the finishing blow.

The former Kazekage wold be relentless, dealing one blow after the other without giving the would be Raikage a change to recover. She had the strength and the stamina for it, after all. She might as well put her abilities to good use. The sudden change in pace made the music scratch and come to a hasty stop, giving way to a drastic change in the tune. Queue "All I do Is Win" by DJ Khaled.

"All I Do is win win win no matter what
got power on mind I can never get enough
and every time I step up in the training field
everybody hands go up
and they stay there
and they say yeah
and they stay there
Up down, up down
cause all I do is win win win
and if you goin’ in put your hands in the air..

Gin's goin' in on the verse
cause I never been defeated and I won’t stop now
keep your hands up put em in the sky for the homies that didn’t make it and the folks locked down
I never went no where
they saying Gin’s back
blame it on that conjure
the hood call it Ginayac
and I’m on this foolish track so I spit my foolish flows
my hands go up and down like strippers booty’s go
my verses still be serving, tight like my stripclub's
last time on a Sanosuke remix now I’m on the original version
ain't never count me out
y’all better count me in
got 20 swords n' shit, sword smiths count me in
make millions every year, Kiri's champion
cause all I do, all I, all I, all I
all I do is

All I Do is win win win no matter what
got power on mind I can never get enough
and every time I step up in the training field
everybody hands go up
and they stay there
and they say yeah
and they stay there
Up down, up down
cause all I do is win win win
and if you goin’ in put your hands in the air"

[Training Perception D-2 - B3 - 4119/5950]

Last edited by Gin on Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total



His plan went out the window as Sanosuke watched as Gin suddenly increased the power of her swing drastically when he went in for a counter attack, which was followed up with a parry and a strike of her own. Sanosuke had to guard by holding the kunai to his chest so that the sword wouldn't go clean through his shoulder. Gritting against the struggle of not being knocked on his ass by Gin's sword, Sanosuke pulsed a bit more chakra into his kunai as he felt it beginning to fall to pieces. Jumping backwards, Sanosuke wanted to gain some distance from Gin so that he can get some time to actually retireve a new kunai so he can apply chakra into it. He may have been able to use chakra before to make the kunai's properties more stronger, but that was only a temporary fix. The metallic, physical subtance of the knife would have soon gave out and thus the wasp sennin would have been left with absolutely nothing to defend himself. But it seems as though the silver haired witch had other plans on her mind as she began to charge at Sanosuke but this time with a rather strong offense, unlike before.  She swung with much more life as she began rapping along with the sudden fast pace change of music. Sanosuke could still weave through Gin's slashes without any difficulty, but it was just getting harder to get in because each time he would hope away she would close the distance once more.

Taking a different approach, Sanosuke approached Gin's attack but this time feint by spinning on his heel so that his back was directly at Gin's and leaped forward to gain this distance. As of now, he would be directly behind Gin a few meters away from that leap he made. When he was alone, Sanosuke grabbed this time two kunai from his weapon pouch and focused chakra. The music was going through him, resonating with his being. This time his body willed him to challenge each of Gin's strikes with his two chakra powered kunai while slashing at Gin just as savagely as she is. As of now, Sanosuke had been taking it easier on Gin by only using just kunai that had the chakra of an academy student being channeled into the blades. Gin’s skin was far too thick to even be remotely inflicted by the small baby cuts that he has been inflicted. The jounin was even slashing at all of her vitals areas with the knife and she was still coming to him like nothing had bothered her in the first place. If he was going to beat Gin, Sanosuke would have to take it to the next level. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he was focusing more and more chakra into the kunai knives. His arms were begging to feel heavy as he was holding onto the blades. Just blocking the Kuroka princess’ strikes were beginning to have a toll on his body. He had to give the woman some sort of concrete injury or else this training would be for nothing.

Sanosuke rarely dodged the slashes this time around, and instead only dodged when one of Gin's slashes would threaten to make too deep a cut that would stop the spar. His body would be riddled with cuts, but that just gave him so many openings with his kunai knives. Lyrics escaped from his lips before he could even have a say in the matter:

"Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings
But I'm only going to get this one chance
You're going down, I can feel it
Just a feeling I got, like something's about to happen but I don't know what
If that means what I think it means, you're in trouble, big trouble
And if you're is as bananas as I say, you better not take any chances

I'm beginnin' to feel like a Kage, Kage
All my people from Kaminari no Kuni love me, love me
Now who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box
They said I fight like a kage, so call me Raikage
But for me to fight like a kage must be in my genes
I got a senjutsu in my back pocket
My swords go off when I unsheathe it
Got a fat knot from that 7Bel Profit
Made a livin' and a killin' off it
Ever since Reika Misora was still in office
With Gin Kuroka feeling on my, nutsack
I'm a sage still as honest
But as rude and as indecent as all hell

Ninjutsu, chak-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)
This flippity dippity-sharpity kenjutsu
You don't really wanna get into a pissin' match with this slicy-dice
Packin' a mack in the back of the Ac
Stabbin, chink dink, slash clash, slip rip
And at the exact same time
I attempt these bukijutsu stunts while I'm practicing that
I'll still be able to break a motha-fuckin' table
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half
Only realized it was ironic
I was signed to Aftermath after the fact
How could I not blow?
All I do is drop Spirit bombs
Feel my wrath of attack
I see you're having a rough time period, here's a mystic palm
Now get back to the pole before i make the palm go wack
While I'm masterfully constructing this master piece"

Endurance Stats Training WC(A---->S Rank): 5002/5000

Last edited by Sanosuke on Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:59 am; edited 2 times in total



With every strike, Gin increased the output of strength that she put into her movements. She may have been slow compared to Sanosuke, but one misstep from his part would be enough for her to win the sparring match once she reached her full strength. Her stamina topped his by a landslide, so all she had to do was play her cards right and she would be able to land a hit or tire him out before she succumbed to any injuries. All she had to do was keep him running. So when the young man leaped around her and landed several feet behind her, she only saw it as him playing into her strategy. She spun on her heel to face him, practically following him in his movements. She saw his hands reach into his pockets - for more kunai, she assumed. He didn't know the art of sealing, so it was difficult to conceive it being anything other than kunai or shuriken or other small projectiles.

Gin didn't give him time before she closed the distance between them with only a few steps, sword in hand, aimed at his torso. His only chance was to dodge whatever slashes came his way, which required a great deal of movement, seeing as she wasn't giving him any time to breathe between strikes. She felt her blade almost brush against his skin several times. She was using all of her strength now. Her blade made contact with the ground as Sanosuke dodged it, leaving behind a small crater, perfectly round in shape.

However, that would hardly give him a second to breathe. She would continue with the same pattern - her energy seeming almost endless. Her strength widened the range of her attacks, much to her advantage. She wasn't even panting, despite herself. She could still keep talking - not to mention singing - as if she were standing perfectly still. The benefits of years and years of training her physical capabilities showed whenever she fought, no matter how much she held back. This was who she had become, who she had made herself grow into. And damn if she wasn't proud of it.

Then again, Gin Kuroka was a creature of pride. She was strong and hotheaded. She enjoyed what she did and she enjoyed the fact that she was good at it even more. There was nothing quite like the feeling of victory, or of adrenaline pumping through her veins or of her sword slicing through someone's skin. It was these small details that made Gin love fighting so damn much. Then again, it was in her blood. She was a Kuroka - part of a line of sword masters that thrived on the battlefield. This is what they were made for, what they were born to be.

"Look at y'all Sano... Sano
Look at y'all Sano... Sano

Look at y'all smokin' ass Sano
After every pull, Sano start chokin' ass Sano
Look at y'all bitch ass Sano
Stop lyin' on your dick ass Sano
Look at y'all lookin' ass Sano
Stop lookin' at my ass ass Sano
Look at y'all lyin' ass Sano
Talkin' 'bout "It's trained off" but it's half-assed, lyin' ass Sano
No skills, no jutsu  ass Sano
Frontin' like you got a plan, Sage Boy ass Sano
Sano, Sano, look at y'all
Can't land a hit so you plottin' how to run ass Sano
I ain't gotta check for y'all
But if I'ma check for y'all, I'ma need a check from y'all Sano
I 'on't want sex, give a fuck about Mizuru
I 'on't even want a text from y'all Sano
I'm beatin' you Sano
Look at this hit, look what the fuck I gave to you Sano
Ain't feelin' these Sano
Sano wants my time, call me Reika, I'm billin' this Sano

All I know is there should be no reason
All I know is there should be no reason
All I, all I know is there should be
All I know
All I, all I know is there should be no reason
All I know, you know it, and you know it
Look at what, reason

Look at y'all tryin' to
One kunai full of bub' ass Sano
Look at y'all not havin' game ass niggas
Y'all in Kumo share a chain ass Sano
Same sword in the hand ass Sano
In the fields with a crappy jutsu ass Sano
No dick in the pants ass Sano
I be damned if I lose to a non-man ass Sano
I will, I will, I will beat up a non-man ass Sano
I would never lie
Even if that Sano flew me and my bitches all the way out to Konoha
Pussy, you tried, pussy ass Sano you lie
Pussy ass Sano, you high
Bitch I'm me, hundred on the wrist, I ski
Statue at the plaza, Basqui, fuck who see
Look at you fake dope dealers
Know real Sano that be movin' weight in them villas
Talkin' 'bout ki's, say it's ki's in the van
But he really move grams and he split it with his mans"

[Training Perception D-2 - B3 - 5009/5950]

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