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1Buryoku Empty Buryoku Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:06 am



Symbol: Buryoku Z

Clan: Buryoku

Kekkei Genkai: Buryoku

Elements: Any Elements

Specialization: Bukijutsu

Location: Scattered

Clan History:

The Beginning of the End

Long before the appearance of the Sage of Six paths, there were endless wars everywhere between mankind. Peace was never found anywhere, and the only way of survival is to fight. Clans and different factions fought against each other, and no fixed boundaries could be made. During all these chaos, there were a handful of people out there, who longed for peace. These people were the Buryoku. They were born in an era of war, and the sought for peace. These people banded together and disappeared for a while, only to return more powerful. These band of people called themselves the Buryoku. Unlike the Samurai, who fought for honor, the Buryoku fought for peace. Their quote was, "Violence to end violence."

They then started conquering the tribes, and peace felt as if it was at hand. As they conquered and conquered, they soon reached their final destination, the land that belongs to Kaguya Otsutsuki. Before they fought the kingdom, they requested Kaguya's dad, the King, for their surrender. The King, driven with pride and greed, declined and instead, declared war. Poor innocent Kaguya, who was oblivious of her father's choice, consumed the forbidden fruit from the Shinju(which eventually led to the birth of the Sage of Six Path) and decimated the Buryoku army. Though peace was gained through the hands of Kaguya and the Sage of Six Path, the Buryoku clan knew that peace through that method was a grave mistake. The power of chakra was a gateway to more violence, and they weren't wrong.

The first signs of chaos

Sure enough, Hagoromo, aka Sage of Six Path, triggered more trouble. The Shinju, who was enraged Hagoromo stole his power, took the form of the Ten-tails and rampaged through the land. The Buryoku, took matters into their hands, and halted the advance of the beast for 10 days, before Hagoromo arrived. After the beast was defeated and sealed, Hagoromo thanked the chief of the Buryoku, Hiromasa Buryoku. Hagoromo knew that Hiromasa had sacrificed a lot for the greater good, so he gave Hiromasa a gift, the gift that all Buryoku clan members now have, their KKG. Hiromasa, who accepted this gift, warned Hagoromo of the dangers that would appear because of his new found powers. Hagoromo, however, had another idea. He said he would travel around the world to spread his powers to everyone, so that they could defend themselves if there were dangers. Hiromasa respected Hagoromo's decision and bid him farewell, as he disappeared together with his clan members, allowing the Buryoku clan to be forgotten....for now.

As they disappeared, they continued training and sharpening their new found skills. They lived and dwelled in the shadows, only appearing when they were needed, or when peace is threaten. They had helped among the shadows during the Great shinobi wars, much to the ignorance of the world. However, now they have emerged from the shadow, to dwell among others, as they felt a huge and darker presence that threatens peace more than ever.

Kekkei Genkai Description: This clan is more of a samurai clan than a shinobi clan. Members of this clan have an amazing increase in their physical abilities and in the art of Kenjutsu due to intense training since a young age. That means their Kenjutsu skills,speed, and strength are 2 rank above the average person.

Members of this clan has a regenerating passive. (Listed in the jutsu)

Members of this clan starts with a free A rank sword that is able to talk with the user, like a partner. This sword, can see and think rationally, which acts as a guardian and partner to the clan member. This sword can be upgraded. The sword can either speak outloud like a human, or it could speak into the user's mind if it's within a 10 meter radius. If this weapon is destroyed, it is possible to transfer the weapon's soul to another weapon. That will take 1,000 words, in another topic, to re-summon the spirit, and infuse it into the weapon.

Members of this clan gets a chakra discount when casting Kenjutsu skills depending on their rank :
Genin-Kenjutsu skills are 10 percent cheaper
Chuunin-Kenjutsu skills are 15
Spec.Jounin-Kenjutsu skills are 20 percent cheaper
Jounin-Kenjutsu skills are 25 percent cheaper
Sannin and Kage-Kenjutsu skills are 40 percent cheaper.

Drawbacks: Members of this clan may never learn genjutsu, fuuinjutsu, puppetry and medical ninjutsu due to them never focusing any time on it.

As for ninjutsu, Ninjutsu techniques that are not casted on one's self are prohibited. For example, a Fire ball isn't casted on one's self, therefore it isn't allowed. Another example. Lightning Shield is casted on one's self. That jutsu is allowed. Since member's of this clan are not accustomed to ninjutsu, Ninjutsu techniques requires double the wordcount needed, and 50 percent more ryo to buy.

Since they usually


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Samurai's Spirit
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Supplementary
Element: /
Range: One's Self
Specialty: Passive
Duration: /
Cooldown: /
Description: When damaged, the samurai can regenerate their scars with their samurai spirit, a spirit that has been passed down since samurai were first born. This is the ability to go on fighting no matter how injured you are, for the honor of your clan.
Genin - Heals small minor scars and cuts every 5 post.
Chuunin - Regenerate small cuts, and burns every 5 turns.
Spec. Jounin-Heals deep cuts and burns every 5 turn
Jounin-Heals deep cuts, burns, and stops bleeding of serious wounds every 5 turn.
S rank-Heals deep cuts, burns, fractures and stop bleeding of serious wounds every 3 turn.

Name: Jutsu Nullification
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Element: /
Range: Length of Weapon
Specialty: Bukijutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 3 post
Description: This skill allows the clan member to nullify a range projectile jutsu, such as fireballs, etc. By striking the center core of the jutsu with incredible speed and precision, the user is able to severe the ties that holds the jutsu together, which will result with the jutsu just dissipating. The rank needed to cast this jutsu is of equal rank with the jutsu.

Name: Sidespin
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: E
Type: Supplementary
Element: /
Range: Self
Specialty: /
Duration: /
Cooldown: 5
Description: Similar to Kawarimi Technique, this move is used to dodge an attack. Instead of stepping aside or stepping back to dodge an attack, the user spins to the other side, to either completely dodge, or to minimize the damage caused. How it works : For example, if someone heads towards you and stabs you, stepping to the side or back won't get you out if he caught you off guard. However, if you spin towards the left, or right, you could allow the dodging chance to be higher, and if the attack is too fast, you will minimize the attack. Plus, after dodging, you're able to quickly attack, giving you an attack of opportunity.

2Buryoku Empty Re: Buryoku Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:59 am


Another clan, the Hinode, has passive regeneration as an ability. Therefore, this clan may not have it.

I would prefer that you gave solid amounts (multiples of 5) of chakra deduction for Buki casting cost rather than percentages (it gets messy).

You are not getting an A-rank sword from the get-go. C is more reasonable. In addition, items cannot be sentient.

You will need more drawbacks if you want even a free C-rank sword and a reduction on jutsu costs. Not being able to use those specializations doesn't mean much because this clan probably isn't meant to be used with them anyhow. However, the increased costs on Nin are nice.

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