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1Dog walking [D rank mission] Empty Dog walking [D rank mission] Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:55 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu


Another day meant another mission to accomplish, this was the most important thing for Risu to know, as the young kunoichi was well aware that with her stubborness to cling to the fact that she wanted to live alone for at least two years, she needed money to pay the rent for the two room apartment she had in the large Shinobi Estates building near the hokage building.

After having eaten her breakfast: grilled fish with boiled rice and two eggrolls, the young woman left her appartment and made sure she'd be among the first to get a mission at the mission board.

Upon arriving there, she noticed that there werent many of the Inuzuka around, in fact she could not see any of them, which given the fact that they were always the first to get their missions was strange, yet she remembered that she did hear the day before about the clan having been asked for some scouting around the village, which explained a lot.

After hearing what her mission was, she could not be more elated, after all, Risu was fond of the Inuzuka clan, her homeroom teacher at the academy was a member of the clan and she loved him like an older brother, even now going to him for frequent advice on her jutsu.

Upon arriving at the main house of the Inuzuka clan, Risu was greated by a boy a few years younger than her, but carrying the same rank of Genin like her, who had been tasked with the responsibility over the clan's extensive amount of dogs. His name was Kota and at first sight, he looked like a happy go lucky kind of guy, not always the type that appealed to Risu, but a lot better than cheapskate Kitaro.

"Hiya there," the boy laughed, while already holding a puppy in his hand and being surrounded by a lot of dogs when coming out to the center square of the main building. "I reckon you're aware on your reasons to be here?"

Risu could only nod, showing her surprise when she noticed how many dogs they had to be walking with.

"Don't mind master Kota, miss," An older, large example of the dogs said, while also coming out of the house. "He is young, but capable enough. Now, shall we have a walk with my brethren and me, the youngsters feel a need of letting off some steam and feel the fresh air of the forest."

When all preperations were made, Risu and Kota left to the rolling hills to have their walk with the dogs, which was quite fun. The youngest dogs ran around playing catch with each other, while the oldest dogs seemed to have an animated conversation with Kota, quite an easy task, if you did not count for the fact that every five minutes they had to count the dogs, looking for those rugrats which had managed to escape from the watchful eyes of the guides to go and stir some trouble with other people.

"Are you Orochi-Sama from the Ouroboros clan?" One of the older dogs, a grey furred and scarred wolfhound asked Risu on a polite manner. My old master, Inuzuka Taromaru knew your parents very well."

It surprised the young kunoichi to hear a dog talk about her parents, but somehow she remembered the dog, as she also remembered the older Inuzuka man who used to come by the Orochi residence in the East district of the village very often.

"Wasn't he my mother's sensei?" Risu asked, remembering just enough to continue the conversation with the aged, yet formidabky sized dog.

"Indeed he was, we had so much fun," the dog sighed, reminiscing the old times, after which he nudged at Risu's hand and gave a lick, showing his deep sympathies in his own way,nafter which Risu returned the favor by petting him, scratching him behind his ears and giving him a hug.

The walk had gone on without extreme incidents, except for three of the youngsters having found a rabbit and bringing it along with them. After they reached the main house of the Inuzuka clan again, Kota laughed and thanked Risu for her help, asking her to come by any time if she wanted to play a bit with the dogs, which she gladly accepted, asking the boy to give greetings to Inuzuka Naota, her old sensei from the academy.


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