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Arufa looked down at the paper he received from the mission board as he walked. Apparently the administration needed new up-to-date maps of and around Konoha. He stops and looks around at his surroundings.

    It is cold and rainy today. There are puddles of water everywhere as far as the eye can see, and it does not appear that it will stop raining any time soon. It was not raining too hard, just hard enough to be annoying. He flips the hood up on his cloak, and continues walking.

    His wood sandals collide with the ground, seemingly louder with each step he takes.

'Clak... clak... clak... clak...'

He takes a deep breath.

'I wish I could get a mission that wasn't completely boring...' he thought, looking into his reflection in a puddle. "Well, time to get to work." he says to no one in particular.

He pulls out a pencil and a few sheets of paper that were given to him for the mission. 'Well, I am currently located at the South gate, so that means...' his pencil elegantly flied across the page as he began drawing the map that administration needed so much.

By the time he was finished he only had a fraction of the map completed. That fraction was about half of Konoha, as well.

Arufa put the pencil and paper in his pocket and did a ram handsign, and leaves bustled around him before he disappeared, indicating he used a shunshin.

He appeared in another bustle of wind and leaves, only this time in the Northern portion of Konoha, on top of the Hokage building. He began the same process as before, looking around and writing down where things were located. Before long, he had an entire map of Konoha in it's entirety.

'Too bad a map of Konoha isn't what it asked for.' he thought glumly, 'I need to also map the land surrounding Konoha.'

Arufa once again used a shunshin, and reached just outside of the west wall. He walked through the forest with a bored expression on his face. He got so bored, in fact, that he drew a self portrait on the back of the map as he walked.

He eventually came upon a waterfall about a mile away from Konoha's walls. Arufa once again takes out the map, marking it's location.

As he makes another circle around the general area, he finally writes everything that is worthwhile on the West side.

Another shunshin is used to get to the East gate. He repeats the process of walking around in random directions looking for landmarks of importance, and he finally comes upon a giant rock. This rock had many carvings on it, telling stories. Arufa assumed this was just something some ninja made, telling the stories of their 'greatness', wrote it down on the map, and continued walking.

"Well, that's everything for the East side. Let's check out South."

With another shunshin to the South gate, he walks out into the forest once more. The raining has ceased, and after hours of mapping, the water is starting to dry up. It is still slightly windy outside, and Arufa's hair is softly moving in the wind. He maps the roads he has come across, as well as any landmarks (As usual).

Arufa groans. "Whyyy does this have to be sooooo booorrring?" he pouted. He looks down at the map. "At least I am almost done," he said, with a grin that could cure cancer, "I will be done in no time!"

An hour goes by. Then two hours. Time seems to go by even slower than it did before, but he finally finished the mission.

With a fifth shunshin of the day, he appears at the administration office with a crumpled up paper in his fist and a pencil in the other. He throws said objects at the clerk and walks away, finally happy he can go home.


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