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1Starving [Open, No Kill] Empty Starving [Open, No Kill] Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:00 pm



Arufa stands up from the park bench he previously sat at. He looks up to see the sun perfectly placed in the middle of the sky, and not a cloud in sight, unfortunately for the Naras.

He looks over to the direction in which he is poised to go, nudged by his stomache. 'Is going there really a good idea? Ramen served in places like that can't be very healthy...'

He tried to resist but found that he no longer had control of his body, something that definitely couldn't be healthy. The clacking of his wooden sandals can be heard from a block away, slowly bringing him closer to the stand known to give people heart attacks.

'Clack... Clack... Clack... Clack... Clack... Clack...'

Eventually the suspense became too much as he went into a full-blown sprint toward the small restaurant. He ran through groups of people, knocked over small children and baby carriages, and more for...


Perfect logic. As Arufa always says, 'The only thing that requires logic are logic puzzles.'

He continues running, and finally reaches the small shop. He raises the small curtains and walks into the tiny restaurant. It appeared empty. No matter.

He sat on a stool as fast as his body could take him, and rang the bell approximately 32 times.

"One second please," a young, vibrant, female voice called out.

32 more times.


One last ring was heard.

A girl, about 15 years old, with long brown hair walked in. She looked slightly annoyed. "What do you need?" she said, slightly cooling off.

"Can I have 3 bowls of Miso ramen please?" As Arufa said this, his stomache growled, which brought upon a sweatdrop from the girl.

"Um... coming right up..."

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